Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 94 - Kingdom Takeover

Chapter 94 - Kingdom Takeover

[Day 67]

Before going towards the surface, I made sure to save all the riches contained in the Castle underground. All of these valuable items will help my Kingdom grow even stronger.

It seems that I spent the entire night battling the Old Ancestor because when I finally got to the surface, it was a clear day.

As I looked over the devastated Castle, I found some corpses of various maids and butlers, which I swiftly saved on my Item Box for later consumption.

I encountered with Wagyu, Kekensha, and Yurei not long after reaching the surface, they were very worried about me and began to lick me with their sticky tongues, Yurei included.

I resumed what happened and the three were in awe as they almost couldn"t believe that the Old Ancestor of legends was actually still alive right before their noses and that I just battled it and ate it some hours ago.

Sadly, the meat was just too good so I didn"t save any leftovers.

Most of the guards also died on the earthquakes, so I saved all of their corpses inside of my Item Box. After several hours of looking around, we found the unconscious Caspian who was being protected by the dead body of two guards.

I grabbed the old man and quickly healed him; I want to ask him some questions.

"Hmm? W-Where am I? Ah! K-Kireina!"

"h.e.l.lo there"

"Kireina, a-are you okay? Do you know what happened? Such a tremendous earthquake! W-Wait… could it be the… The Old…"

"Hm? The Old Ancestor you mean?"

"Geeh! H-How did you know?!"

I looked at Caspian with my most beautiful and honest smile.

"Hm! Because I just ate him, he was very delicious!"

"Wha!? Aaah! L-Lies! I can"t be! The Old Ancestor… H-He can"t be dead! B-But then… The earthquakes… It would make sense… N-No… D-Demon! Monster! How could you do such a thing?! Don"t you have any morals?! He was the Old Ancestor! First, you brainwash my family, and then you devour my ancestor!"

"Funny how you talk about morals after you offered your sister to the Old Ancestor, so he could recover his youth. I a.s.sume that Bell is dead, right?"

Caspian began to scratch his head while looking at the floor.

"I-I… I had no option! T-The Old Ancestor needed her! I… I… It was for the greater good, with the Old Ancestor recovered, he could protect us! From outsiders like you!"

"Oh? It doesn"t seem like it worked as you two imagined… Sigh… It"s certainly a pity for Bell, she was a radiant and sincere woman, what a waste. Haha, you really don"t have any remorse?"

The old man couldn"t contain his anger and sadness as he began to tremble on the ground while crying.

"I-I do! Of course, I do! She was my sister… Ooh! W-What have I done? Her dead was for nothing, the Old Ancestor was not able to stop you! Everything we did, everything I sacrificed, was for nothing! Oooh…"

I patted the old man shoulder as I calmed him down.

"Don"t worry! I will make sure to make you reencounter with your lovely sister!"

"Eh?! W-What do you mean?"

"At first, I thought about using you to take care of the Kingdom when I absorb it, but there are more qualified people than you. Now, you"re more valuable as food than as an ally"

Caspian opened his old and tired eyes with fear, as he began to drag his body across the floor, trying to run away.

"N-No! I don"t want to die… I don"t… P-Please, Kireina"


In less than a second, I appeared before Caspian.

"Well, to be honest, I"m holding some grudges over what you did towards the sweet Belle, I wanted her as my wife. I suppose I"m pretty biased"

"A-Ah?! B-But! I can find you some women that are even more beautiful than my sister! Yes! T-There is no need to-"

While Caspian tried to convince me to leave him alive, I slowly dragged my finger towards his abdomen, stabbing his belly with my long and purple colored nail, which was secreting a strong paralyzing poison.


"Gh?! Gaah! W-Wai… Wa… Waa… Gh! Aaah! Gaaah!"

I began to detach Caspian limbs and to cut his meat while he was alive and paralyzed, I was really angry over what happened to Belle. I guess I went a bit overboard.

After Wagyu and Kekensha pet.i.tion, I ended up taking Caspian out of his misery earlier than I wanted, with a strong kick on its head, which blasted it like a watermelon.


[You gained 470000 EXP]

[LEVEL 64/70 EXP 0615237/1120000]

[You obtained a new t.i.tle]

[United Kingdom of Aquaria King]

Aah, such a beautiful blood flower. I suppose my Vampire side is kicking in, because each day, I find blood more beautiful and fascinating.

I shared Caspian with my servants and we had a small feast, I also took some Beer and pickled vegetables that went quite nicely with the old man meat. Although he was quite old, his meat was surprisingly tender and flavorful, with a very strong taste. Perhaps he"s like wine, getting more delicious as he got older.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Merchant Arts: Price Down]

[Merchant Arts: Price Up]

[Merchant Arts: Gold Rain]

[Merchant Arts: Gold Dig]

[Merchant Arts: Masterful Seller]

[Merchant Arts: Masterful Connection Maker]

Hmm, I"ve been craving for these skills for very long, and they"re finally mine. Aah, it feels quite good.

I left some of Caspian meat for Mady, as she could use these skills quite better than Wagyu Kekensha or Yurei.

Without wasting much time, I ordered Mady to call on all the royals as I made them grieve over Caspian and Belle, announcing their death to the rest of the Aquarian Kingdom.

The cause of death? They just said that both of them died on the earthquake.

It seems that it worked, as the Aquarian folk is quite stupid and believe anything their royal family says. Afterward, they announced the King or Queen, which because of the sudden death of both Belle and Caspian, will go to the next closest bloodline familiar.

Interestingly enough, it was a young mermaid woman named Adelle, of course, I also brainwashed her beforehand. The girl was very beautiful and fitted the position of Princess quite well, however, she was forced to become a Queen.

Adelle had a pet.i.te body with small shoulders and a flat chest, her skin was pale white with a pink l.u.s.ter. She had two pigtails on her blonde hair and two beautiful blue eyes. Her fish half was pink colored and resembled a Koi fish.

Afterward, they announced the "Kingdom Union". This is what surprised the merfolk the most.

It was the first time that something like this happened and most people were quite worried.

They announced the "Kingdom Union" which would pretty much combine both my Kingdom (Dark Moon Kingdom), which most people already knew about and their Aquaria Kingdom.

This union will be sealed with the marriage of a both crowned Queen and Empress of each Kingdom, which implicated that I was going to marry Adelle.

Most people found weird the idea of a same-s.e.x royal marriage, as it would ultimately produce no children to succeed the throne. But in the end, they could only complain and nothing more.

I was quite fine with Adelle, as she was one of the most beautiful mermaids on the entire Royal Family. Ultimately, I will produce a child with her in the future, so the merfolk can stop complaining.

The reason why I did all this formal stuff is that its quite impossible to brainwash the entire Aquaria Kingdom population, they"re more than ten thousand people and it will take around half a year to brainwash each one. I lack any type of "ma.s.s brainwas.h.i.+ng" skill, so this formal stuff had to be done.

The wedding will be done in three days from now, so I will use this time to reconstruct the destroyed castle and some of the streets, alongside relaxing and maybe dating Adelle. I will also use my new power as a Queen on this place and give Mady a Royalty t.i.tle.

I also have some plans on moving the entire Kingdom to the surface of the lake and put it closer to mine, but I still don"t even know how to do that. I will need to investigate the ancient books of the Old Ancestor to find some insights. Sadly, eating him didn"t give me his knowledge.

I spent the second half of the day helping the merfolk reconstruct the Castle using my [Geokinesis] to easily mold the rocks and facilize the overall work.

Afterward, I had a small date with Adelle, I only brainwashed her enough for her to be loyal to me, but the rest of her personality remained the same, without anything changed. I didn"t even make her love me instantly, so I can have fun building a relations.h.i.+p.

She is a rather calm girl that doesn"t like to show many emotions. However, because she was so cute, I ended up teasing her quite a lot, which made her fl.u.s.tered several times, showing more of her emotions and slowly opening her heart to me.

Asking things like living together for the rest of our lives or having s.e.x every night made her quite embarra.s.sed. It was very adorable.

Of course, because she is a conceited royal, she has almost no strength at all, so I will begin to train her from now on, starting tomorrow in the morning. Well, she will be a nice replacement for Belle, I suppose. I will have to make a new ring, what a pain.

Before going to spend the rest of the night with Mady, I told my people back on my Kingdom about my feats and that I already got the entire Aquaria Kingdom on the palm of my hands.

Although most of my wives didn"t like the idea of a new wife in Adelle and found it quite rushed. Well, it really was, but it was the only possible way to easily take over everything.

Before having another lovely night with Mady, I gave her the meat of Caspian, which she happily ate with a malicious smile. The new merchant skills will be very useful for someone like Mady, who is constantly doing transactions.




[Day 68]

Today I woke up quite refreshed, before going back to the castle, I took a bath with Mady. Because it was very early in the morning, I had to wake her up. She had a cute sleepy face.

I gave her a pa.s.sionate kiss while grabbing her b.u.t.t before leaving her manor, Mady really like these kinds of things and doesn"t feel embarra.s.sed or fl.u.s.tered like my other wives. She also grabbed my b.u.t.t in return.

When I returned to the castle, I had breakfast with my servants, some new maids, and Adelle. Today I also met her parents, who were named Bered and Narissa. Because I brainwashed them days ago, they naturally liked me and supported the marriage a lot. I think this is the first time that I"m able to meet the parents of one of my (future) wives.

Well, Redgaria could be considered the father of Zehe… Or Herbell? I can"t believe it, I just realized that Zehe has two dads.

Spent the first half of the day helping the reconstruction of the castle, some areas were already well reconstructed so we were staying in those for now. Wagyu, Kekensha, and Yurei also helped with the work.

After having a delicious royal lunch with Adelle once again, I began her training.

I told her about this yesterday, and she was rather positive about the idea. Since long ago that she has been wanting to get stronger, and always wondered if the System was more than just a decoration.

Well, she quickly found out it wasn"t. I first wanted her to train her physical state with some quick workouts that could fit her small body. I was going easy on her because she is going to be my wife.

After four hours of workouts, I let her rest while I gave her some snacks and a delicious vitamin-filled fruit juice. I noticed that although she was very tired, she was having fun.

Afterward, it came basic training to build up some levels, I asked her about her weapon of choice, offering her a sword, an axe, a lance, and a mace. There was also the possibility of bows and daggers, but I considered the first four options better for beginners.

Just as I thought, she was a sword type of girl. Adelle choose a longsword. It seems that she was trained in some basic fencing, so she was already familiar with swords.

Then, I summoned a very weak variant of Undead Skeleton Soldiers, who only had the [Warrior] cla.s.s. I made them go half-serious, being aggressive and trying to attack her, but without seriously hurting her.

Surprisingly, she was rather talented and disposed of the ten Undead Soldiers I summoned in less than half an hour. I let her rest for some time and then continued with the training, this time going with twenty Undead Soldiers.

The training continued until night, she ended up beating more than sixty Undead Soldiers, which gave her around 15 levels.

Before this, she was still level one, so for the first time, she was able to feel the power that leveling up grants. Adelle felt her entire body becoming stronger while reinforcing her muscles and making her lighter.

"It"s a very weird feeling… Like tickles all over my body…"

"You will soon get used to it and will end up enjoying it, alright, let"s call it a day. Let"s go have some dinner, shall we?"

Adelle nodded without saying anything, as she usually does.

After marrying me, she will most likely inherit a part of my blessing, which will make her able to absorb the skills of the things she eats, but for now, I want to create a good foundation on her physical strength.

Anyways, the meal was delicious as ever and I had a nice night with Mady.

While I rested on Mady"s chest, I began to thought about what to do when I marry Adelle. I can"t bring her back to my Kingdom because she needs to take care of the people here… I will take Mady with me, but not Adelle, sadly.

Perhaps, I could build some kind of teleportation device for easy traveling, so Adelle can meet with me whenever she wants… Is there such thing on my Crafting Book Skill?

Oh, there is. It was named [Half-Hearted Transportation Ring], it was quite a simple ring, it needs for both users to hold a half of the heart, each one can teleport to the other location twice per day. You can also teleport back to your previous location, but it takes one use.

However, I cannot equip more than one, so I can"t really give it to everyone. It also needs to be someone who is engaged with me in some kind of relations.h.i.+p. Ah, there was another condition for it, the distance traveled cannot be over one kilometer… Thankfully, the Great Lake is not too far from my Kingdom, at least less than a kilometer away.

The materials needed were quite expensive, but I"m positive that I have enough for at least two rings, for now. The materials needed are the extremely rare [Warping Void Ore] and the not so rare [Dark Spirit Stone], alongside some [Lovely Pair Magic Stone]. I think I can buy the last one in Aquaria. The first ore was obtained on the Old Ancestor treasury, he had only three though.





[Day 69]

Today I woke up early in the morning and went around town buying materials, some people recognized me as the future wife of the Queen and even offered the items for free, but I insisted on paying.

Aah, this place is very lively and beautiful, but I miss my wives… I guess I"m too attached to them now.

While shopping, I sent some direct messages towards my wives asking about how they were. They quickly replied, telling me their daily lives.

Much like on my own castle, there is a Royal Workshop here too. It stayed mostly empty these days, so I had all the place for myself. I slowly and carefully crafted the two rings, which took me roughly four hours.

I thought about the idea of eating one, but I contained myself. I fear that the skill might not have the same effect if I eat it.

I equipped one myself on my third accessory slot, there was one left. Each humanoid being can only equip four accessories. From the fifth onwards, the system won"t add its effects to your body.

I"m planning on giving the ring to Adelle at our wedding, to make it more romantic.

For the rest of the day, we mostly trained with Adelle, I also introduced her to Wagyu, Kekensha, and Yurei. She liked the two wolves and played around with them, the two were quickly attached to her too. Yurei mostly scared her, so I told her to not get too close.

Adelle gained around 10 levels today, and successfully learned some new techniques that I carefully taught to her. These techniques were [Helm Splitter], [Vertical Slash], [Cross Slash] and [Heavy Smash].

Tomorrow is the wedding and I noticed Adelle getting quite nervous, I gave her some words of encouragement and also told her how honored I was to be her wife, which she replied with a blushed face while running towards her room.

I suppose that worked, right?

Once again, I had a pa.s.sionate night with Mady. While doing it with her, I thought about the idea of impregnating her, but I contained these urges. I don"t think it"s the right time to have more children, at least not for now.


