Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 974 - The Mysterious Dream Fairy

Chapter 974 - The Mysterious Dream Fairy


As Kireina had upgraded her Path Jewels, within the central continent, an invisible cloud filled with Dream Essence that connected to the Plane of Dreams that interconnected with many worlds hovered atop their clear skies.

The people of the Central Continent were completely unaware that there was such an enormous cloud, infusing its powers over all mortals and even G.o.ds!

Although Kireina had yet to upgrade her Path Jewel of Dreams to Great G.o.d Realm, its powers and effects were already intensifying every time she devoured the Dream Worlds she created, enhancing her dream attribute particles and her law comprehension!

The higher these two things went, the stronger her dream-based powers would become.

The Dream Cloud that hovered above the Central Continent continued to affect the dreams and of all mortal beings, and it had also begun to seep into the G.o.ds, who slept way less than mortals, but that still slept, nonetheless.

Their dreams were being affected by Kireina"s Dream Clones, clones made out of compressed Dream Essence and Dream Worlds given a split soul through a method she had created herself, they were perhaps the first beings made entirely out of Dream Essence and Dream Worlds, unlike Dream Attribute G.o.ds, whose divinities were related to dreams but that were not actual dreams themselves.

No other beings like these existed across the entire world of Genesis, as Dream Attribute has been barely explored y the G.o.ds aside from Freyja and her subordinate G.o.ds and children, she kept such an attribute very secretively, and even races that we"re naturally good at using illusions and could affect dreams were not as proficient either…

Now, Kireina used her ever-growing Dream Attribute power to take over the entire Dream Cloud slowly, as her Clones used it as a catalyst to affect the dreams of all the beings connected to it within the central continent!

And well, the Clones were not alone. Kireina had decided to also put Vulcan and Bilili, two other Dream G.o.ds that had been born in her Dream Universe, which she gave new physical bodies through a similar method used for the creation of her Dream Clones, bringing them to the real world and asking for their help..

As her loyal allies, they happily obeyed her request and quickly dived into the Dream Cloud alongside the Dream Clones, unleas.h.i.+ng Kireina"s devilish plan of affecting the dreams of people to slowly… brainwash them!

There was no other better term than this, brainwas.h.i.+ng was the best term that could be used for it! It was encroaching their minds through sleep, charming them!

And this is why, when she upgraded her Monarch of l.u.s.t Path jewel to Great G.o.d, such power was enhanced to even greater effects, even more through the new Abilities.

Illusion, the sin of l.u.s.t, and Dreams were all interconnected elements, as one grew stronger, the others would grow stronger as well! It was truly a great connection, as Kireina could connect to these powers and enhance their progress even faster.

Even after the Path Jewel of Dream was not upgraded, the Illusion and l.u.s.t Path Jewels were also enhanced, as their power grew larger and the Dream Clones, Vulcan, and Bilili were enhanced as well, making them even stronger than before.

It was all connected, even these Dream Clones, Vulcan, and Bilili were connected to her path jewels as they were made off them to an extent, the stronger these path jewels grew, the stronger they would grow!

The people of the central continent began to have strange dreams, where beautiful fairies meet them and spoke to them, some had their greatest desires fulfilled, even their wildest dreams could happen, this fairy was guiding them to the happiness they sook through dreams, the more she changed their dreams and made them happy, the more these people missed sleeping to once more meet the "Dream Fairy" that brought them happiness.

Little children could dream to be heroes while older people dreamed of exploring the world and being young again, poor people dreamed of being rich and that they could eat as much as they could, while the rich dreamed of being even richer and more powerful, governing the entire continent!

There were those dreams of people s.e.xually frustrated, where they were finally released and could fulfill their deepest s.e.xual fantasies, anything goes!

The rumors of such a fairy being some sort of G.o.ddess began to spread around mortals, although G.o.ds didn"t pay any attention to the gossip of mortals, so they would realize very late what was happening…

The people started to even pray to this G.o.ddess, so she could always appear in their dreams, it was truly quite surprising…

And like this, Kireina slowly began to spread her influence, as the mortals slowly began to lose faith in other G.o.ds who never brought them anything in exchange, and prayed to their Dream Fairy G.o.ddess to bring them sweet and fulfilling dreams…

Not many people liked reality, many of them abhorred reality, in fact, it was a world of war and bloodshed after all, who would be happy over it then the insane battle junkies? Many of the normal folks merely wanted a place to sleep, eat, and live… yet even then, it was difficult to even in the central continent, as it was divided into two large empires that took most of the land for their own production, protected by the G.o.ds, even.

Although both Empires enjoyed high magic technology, great food, and many commodities, these were mostly the capital cities, as many of the mortal population suffered from extreme poverty. It was perhaps even more obvious than in kingdoms or empires in the border continent…

The rich royal, holy, or hero families were actually a lot, and they took most of the resources and everything, and it was for them that mostly everything was being produced, they were after all descendants of G.o.ds, all of them.

Those that had G.o.d"s bloodlines held greater status within these two empires, and could even partic.i.p.ate to become paladins and even be blessed by a G.o.d!

Many of the G.o.ds of the Central Continent Pantheon used to be such heroic paladins, priests, and warriors that served the empires in wars against the evil beings that roamed the seas and the border continent, which was called "The Dark Continent"!

However, this was merely 30% of the population, the other 70% were families of poor people, descendants of humble farmers, or even slaves brought in the past from the Dark Continent.

Unless these people were to miraculously marry someone with Hero or G.o.d Bloodline, they were often treated worst than trash, even enslaved quite easily, and most people from these bloodlines had many slaves from non-n.o.ble families.

All these people that were treated worse than trash always prayed to these G.o.ds whose their abusers descended from, but now, the Dream Fairy G.o.ddess had become their salvation… crude and false salvation.

At the very least, while sleeping, they would never suffer again their horrible nightmares, and would always feel refreshed every morning, sometimes missing to dream again.

Without realizing it, Kireina was making the life of all these people better, and her intention of merely brainwas.h.i.+ng them ended being a good deed that brought some sense of satisfaction to the lives of these people filled with suffering.

"Ah, last night"s dream was so good… I dreamed that I was the owner of a farm of many animals, and lived happily there… It felt like many years…"

"Oh, I also had a long dream, I dreamed I was reborn as a bird and could soar through the skies freely… there were hards.h.i.+ps as well, but there were also many times when I was happy… It was… quite a mystical experience, I feel enlightened, somehow…"

"I dreamed about having a giant harem of beauties… And we did it all day!"

"That"s quite the degenerate dream… Well, I dreamed that I was a pretty princess and could marry a prince and live leisurely… Hehe…"

Slowly yet steadily, one of the major topics that most commoners spoke about was what they dreamed about, and sometimes they would get together to speak about what they dreamed about.

Many people began to work as "Dream decipherers" that deciphered other people"s dreams, trying to find some inner meaning that the Dream Fairy G.o.ddess was trying to tell them. Of course, these people were all fake and only profited off the ignorant.

However, when G.o.d began to experience these odd Dreams was when things started to change. At first, they believed it was mere coincidences… but no, this was too much of a coincidence!

Most of the weaker G.o.ds such as Living Deities and DemiG.o.ds, who made most of the G.o.dly population of the central Continent spoke about such things continuously, although they enjoyed the dreams so much that none of them wanted to reveal this truth to the higher-ups, who seemed to not experience them like them.

After all, what if the other G.o.ds were to think that it was some kind of enemy, despite this only bringing them joy? It would ruin their sweet dreams!

All these dozens of divine ent.i.ties quickly became hundreds, all speaking about their dreams, and as they were able to speed up their divine realm time, they dreamed way more than mortals, and were encroached even faster as a result.

Time attribute G.o.ds began to sell their services more, and had begun to speed up the time of Divine Realms in exchange for some fee, making an unexpected profit out of this!

And Kireina was the one that benefited the most too, as she put the Zeus Family into this time-speedup business, using her own Time Attribute Particles and a few Divine Techniques she bought for some divine crystals in the shop, which were named [Realm Time Speedup] and [Realm s.p.a.ce Expansion] to help the G.o.ds dream even more and be encroached and brainwashed even faster!

Now, thanks to this, Kireina was getting an unexpected profit as well, while also getting hundreds of G.o.ds dreaming dozens of times per day! Money was literally raining over her!

And as Kireina maliciously influenced the people to dream and even the G.o.ds to dream their wildest and happiest of fantasies, the other G.o.ds had no clue what was happening!

Kireina slowly began to gain more and more power of wors.h.i.+p from mortals she didn"t even own yet inside her Divine Realm, and all of that in a few days since she started this project…

The Zeus Family also had to not report anything over the fight in the Lower Realm because they were doing this independently, and most of the other G.o.ds, although they knew about it, didn"t care at all.

Of course, what they had their attention into now was that Kireina had become a Great G.o.ddess out of it! Although the Zeus Family was so prestigious that they didn"t blame it at them and remained mostly silent, the Great G.o.ds also didn"t waste their time punis.h.i.+ng them for anything either, as what they did was somewhat justified, and having tried to kill her was also seen as a "n.o.ble act" and something they would have also done in their positions anyway.

And the most fascinating thing was that none of these people was aware that this entire family of respected and prestigious G.o.ds were all Kireina"s clones! Even worst, they didn"t know that Baltis, the G.o.ddess of Stargazing Eyes, one of the most popular future-tellers was also a clone, and all the information she was giving out was all fabricated and manipulated by her to only cause more confusion and chaos!

But who would ever doubt the G.o.ddess that has predicted so many things accurately over a thousand years?

No one!

And because no Supreme G.o.ds were in Genesis, only some of their servants, who were Great G.o.ds, they were not able to compete with her over this… Especially because the only G.o.ds that could "compete" were the subordinates of the Supreme G.o.ddess of Fate and Destiny, and they were not in this Realm…

Kireina was pulling the string of way too many schemes behind the central continent, while all these ignorant fools were all playing along!
