Eric Brighteyes

Chapter 42

As he spoke the great swords flashed aloft and clanged upon the iron shields. So heavy were the blows that fire leapt out from them. Ospakar reeled back beneath the shock, and Eric was beaten to his knee. Now he was up, but as he rushed, Ospakar struck again and swept away half of Brighteyen"s pointed shield so that it fell upon the floor. Eric smote also, but Ospakar dropped his knee to earth and the sword hissed over him. Blacktooth cut at Eric"s legs; but Brighteyes sprang from the ground and took no harm.

Now some cried, "_Eric! Eric!_" and some cried "_Ospakar! Ospakar!_" for no one knew how the fight would go.

Gudruda sat watching in the high seat, and as blows fell her colour came and went.

Swanhild drew near, watching also, and she desired in her fierce heart to see Eric brought to shame and death, for, should he win, then Gudruda would be rid of Ospakar. Now by her side stood Gizur, Ospakar"s son, and near to her was Bjorn. These two held their breath, for, if Eric conquered, all their plans were brought to nothing.

Even as he sprang into the air, Eric smote down with all his strength.

The blow fell on Ospakar"s shield. It sh.o.r.e through the shield and struck on the shoulder beneath. But Blacktooth"s byrnie was good, nor did the sword bite into it. Still the stroke was so heavy that Ospakar staggered back four paces beneath it, then fell upon the ground.

Now folk raised a shout of "_Eric! Eric!_" for it seemed that Ospakar was sped. Brighteyes, too, cried aloud, then rushed forward. Now, as he came, Swanhild whispered an eager word into the ear of Bjorn. By Bjorn"s foot lay that half of Eric"s shield which had been shorn away by the sword of Ospakar. Gudruda, watching, saw Bjorn push it with his shoe so that it slid before the feet of Brighteyes. His right foot caught on it, he stumbled heavily--stumbled again, then fell on his face, and, as he fell, stretched out his sword hand to save himself, so that Whitefire flew from his grasp. The blade struck its hilt against the ground, then circled in the air and fixed itself, point downwards, in the clay of the flooring. The hand of Ospakar rising from the ground smote against the hilt of Whitefire. He saw it, with a shout he cast his own sword away and clasped Whitefire.

Away circled the sword of Ospakar; and of that cast this strange thing is told, false or true. Far in the corner of the hall lurked Thorunna, she who had betrayed Skallagrim when he was named Ounound. She had come with a heavy heart to Middalhof in the company of Ospakar; but when she saw Skallagrim, her husband--whom she had betrayed, and who had turned Baresark because of her wickedness--shame smote her, and she crept away and hid herself behind the hangings of the hall. The sword sped along point first, it rushed like a spear through the air. It fell on the hangings, piercing them, piercing the heart of Thorunna, who cowered behind them, so that with one cry she sank dead to earth, slain by her lover"s hand.

Now when men saw that Ospakar once more held Whitefire in his hand--Whitefire that Brighteyes had won from him--they called aloud that it was an omen. The sword of Blacktooth had come back to Blacktooth and now Eric would surely be slain of it!

Eric sprang from the ground. He heard the shouts and saw Whitefire blazing in Ospakar"s hand.

"Now thou art weaponless, fly! Brighteyes; fly!" cried some.

Gudruda"s cheek grew white with fear, and for a moment Eric"s heart failed him.

"Fly not!" roared Skallagrim. "Bjorn tripped thee. Yet hast thou half a shield!"

Ospakar rushed on, and Whitefire flickered over Eric"s helm. Down it came and sh.o.r.e one wing from the helm. Again it shone and fell, but Brighteyes caught the blow on his broken shield.

Then, while men waited to see him slain, Eric gave a great war-shout and sprang forward.

"Thou art mad!" shouted the folk.

"Ye shall see! Ye shall see!" screamed Skallagrim.

Again Ospakar smote and again Eric caught the blow; and behold! he struck back, thrusting with the point of the shorn shield straight at the face of Ospakar.

"_Peck! Eagle; peck!_" cried Skallagrim.

Once more Whitefire shone above him. Eric rushed in beneath the sword, and with all his mighty strength thrust the buckler-point at Blacktooth"s face. It struck fair and full, and lo! the helm of Ospakar burst asunder. He threw wide his giant arms, then fell as a pine falls upon the mountain edge. He fell back, and he lay still.

But Eric, stooping over him, took Whitefire from his hand.



For a moment there was silence in the hall, for men had known no such fight as this.

"Why, then, do ye gape?" laughed Skallagrim, pointing with the spear.

"Dead is Ospakar!--slain by the swordless man! Eric Brighteyes hath slain Ospakar Blacktooth!"

Then there went up such a shout as never was heard in the hall of Middalhof.

Now when Gudruda knew that Ospakar was sped, she looked at Eric as he rested, leaning on his sword, and her heart was filled with awe and love. She sprang from her seat, and, coming to where Brighteyes stood, she greeted him.

"Welcome to Iceland, Eric!" she said. "Welcome, thou glory of the south!"

Now Swanhild grew wild, for she saw that Eric was about to take Gudruda in his arms and kiss her before all men.

"Say, Bjorn," she cried; "wilt thou suffer that this outlaw, having slain Ospakar, should lead Gudruda hence as wife?"

"He shall never do so while I live," cried Bjorn, nearly mad with rage.

"This is my command, sister: that thou dost see Eric no more."

"Say, Bjorn," answered Gudruda, "did I dream, or did I indeed see thee thrust the broken buckler before Eric"s feet, so that he stumbled on it and fell?"

"That thou sawest, lady," said Skallagrim; "for I saw it also."

Now Bjorn grew white in his anger. He did not answer Gudruda, but called aloud to his men to slay Eric and Skallagrim. Gizur called also to the folk of Ospakar, and Swanhild to those who came with her.

Then Gudruda fled back to her seat.

But Eric cried aloud also: "Ye who love me, cleave to me. Suffer it not that Brighteyes be cut down of northerners and outland men. Hear me, Atli"s folk; hear me, carles of Coldback and of Middalhof!"

And so greatly did many love Eric that half of the thralls of Bjorn, and almost all of the company of Swanhild who had been Atli"s shield-men and Brighteyes" comrades, drew swords, shouting "Eric! Eric!" But the carles of Ospakar came on to make an end of him.

Bjorn saw, and, drawing sword, smote at Brighteyes, taking him unawares.

But Skallagrim caught the blow upon his axe, and before Bjorn could smite again Whitefire was aloft and down fell Bjorn, dead!

That was the end of Bjorn, Asmund"s son.

"Thou hast squeaked thy last, rat! What did I tell thee?" cried Skallagrim. "Take Bjorn"s shield and back to back, lord, for here come foes."

"There goes one," answered Eric, pointing to the door.

Now Hall of Lithdale slunk through the doorway--Hall, the liar, who cut the grapnel-chain--for he wished to see the last of Skallagrim. But the Baresark still held Eric"s spear in his hand. He whirled it aloft, and it hissed through the air. The aim was good, for, as he crept away, the spear struck Hall between neck and shoulder, pinning him to the doorpost, and there the liar died.

"Now the weasel is nailed to the beam," said Skallagrim. "Hall of Lithdale, what did I promise thee?"

"Guard thy head and my back," quoth Eric; "blows fall!"

Now men smote at Eric and Skallagrim, nor did they spare to smite in turn. And as foes fell before him, Eric stepped one pace forward towards the door, and Skallagrim, who, back to back with him, held off those who pressed behind, took one step rearwards. Thus, a foe for every step, they won their way down the long hall. Fierce raged the fray around them, for, made with hate and drink and the l.u.s.t of fight, Swanhild"s folk--Eric"s friends--remembering the words of Atli, fell on Ospakar"s; and the people of Bjorn fell on each other, brother on brother, and father on son--nor might the fray be stayed. The boards were overthrown, dead men lay among the meats and mead, and the blood of freeman, lord and thrall ran adown the floor. Everywhere through the dusky hall glittered the sheen of flashing swords and rose the clang of war. Darts clove the air like tongues of flame, and the clamour of battle beat against the roof.

Blinded of the Norns who brought these things to pa.s.s, men sought no mercy and they gave none, but smote and slew till few were left to slay.