Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 855 Friendly Fire

Chapter 855 Friendly Fire

Rudy"s gaze turned to the captives, the mythical creatures and the humans who had suffered under the cruel experiments of the clandestine facility. With a tender touch, he released them from their restraints, promising them freedom and a chance to rebuild their shattered lives.

As Rudy came out of the bottomless pit— that was once a labyrinthine facility of over a hundred floors— cradling the newborns in the air behind him, a commotion erupted.

They all had witnessed Rudy"s fighting skills and his mighty power. A single super soldier on whom they couldn"t even scratch… Rudy defeated hundreds of thousands of them despite being a one-man army.

They didn"t need proof or a clarification on what was happening, but the majority of the people present there had the same question in their mind— If he could easily put an end to their suffering, where was he all this time?

Some even wondered why someone so powerful as Rudy saved them? What would he gain from doing that? What was his goal? What was he going to do with the innocent newborns hovering behind him?

They were convinced that someone such as Rudy definitely couldn"t be their ally, but if he was a foe, he wouldn"t have cared to save them.

As the dust settled and Rudy reached out to the mythical creatures and rescued humans, they stirred, their eyes filled with confusion and fear. The intense battle had left them disoriented, their trust shattered by the chaos that had unfolded around them.

They saw Rudy, his powers still emanating with raw energy, and their instincts kicked in, perceiving him as an unknown threat. Even when they were well aware that they would die if they did anything foolish.

The test subjects, their bodies infused with the powers derived from the supergene experiments, perceived Rudy as an enemy and prepared to defend their domain. Their newfound abilities surged forth, crackling with energy and intent. The rescued humans, their minds warped by the facility"s experiments, manifested their own mutations, their bodies contorting into monstrous forms.

The air crackled with tension as Rudy found himself confronted by these individuals, their powers manifesting in a variety of ways. Some wielded control over elements, conjuring gusts of wind or summoning flames.

Others displayed superhuman strength, their muscles rippling with raw power. Yet another group exhibited supernatural agility and speed, darting around with remarkable precision.

Though Rudy"s initial instinct was to retaliate, he recognized the pain and confusion in the test subjects" eyes. He understood that these individuals were victims, manipulated and twisted by the organization"s insidious experiments. With compa.s.sion in his heart, Rudy sought a way to subdue them without causing harm, to break through the fog of their altered minds.

Drawing upon his own formidable abilities, Rudy engaged in a delicate dance of evasion and redirection. He deflected bursts of energy with controlled precision, maneuvering swiftly to avoid the attacks of those with enhanced strength. ????????.???

He utilized their telekinetic prowess to gently restrain those with heightened agility, redirecting their movements away from harm.

With each interaction, Rudy projected waves of calming energy, attempting to bridge the gap between himself and the test subjects. He spoke soothing words, imploring the subjects to remember their shared suffering and the desire for freedom.

Rudy conveyed that he was not an enemy, but rather a guiding light towards liberation from the clutches of their tormentors.

Gradually, the resistance of the test subjects waned. Their once-ferocious onslaught diminished as glimmers of recognition and trust began to flicker in their eyes.I think you should take a look at

He had successfully managed to calm the test subjects down. He thought that everything had finally ended, but when he turned to the mythical beings, he was left surprised.

The mythical creatures, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with ancient power and an instinct for self-preservation, unleashed their own formidable abilities. The air crackled with lightning as thunderous storms brewed overhead.

All this time, the powers of the beings of myths were sealed using advanced equipments that Rudy had freed them from. Now, they were no longer the weak, needy beings who were begging for help.

Ma.s.sive wings unfurled, casting a shadow over the battlefield. Horns blared, and the ground shook beneath the colossal footsteps of giants.

Rudy, taken aback by their aggression, swiftly recognized the need to prove himself as an ally. He held his ground, his eyes filled with empathy and understanding. With a calming presence, he projected his thoughts to the creatures, his telepathic powers bridging the gap of misunderstanding.

He conveyed his intentions, a.s.suring them that he had come to liberate, not to conquer. But the creatures, fueled by their own primal instincts and the trauma they had endured, were not easily swayed.

They attacked with a ferocity that matched their ancient origins. Thunderbolts rained down, narrowly missing Rudy as he dodged with unparalleled agility. He summoned protective barriers to shield himself from the onslaught of elemental forces.

As the battle raged on, Rudy devised a plan to quell the escalating hostility. With a surge of cosmic power, he created a field of calm and tranquility, enveloping the area in an aura of serenity.

The chaotic storms subsided, the ground ceased its trembling, and even the humans" mutations reverted to their original forms.

Stepping forward, Rudy extended his hand in a gesture of trust. His eyes radiate warmth and compa.s.sion, inviting the mythical creatures and humans to see the truth within his intentions and that he was not an enemy.

Slowly, hesitantly, they began to lower their defenses, sensing the sincerity that resonated from Rudy"s every word and action.

One by one, the creatures and humans approached, their skepticism giving way to curiosity. Rudy used his powers to heal their wounds, mending their battered bodies and broken spirits.

With his act of kindness and empathy, trust was rebuilt. The mythical creatures and humans realized that Rudy had come not as an enemy, but as a savior. They saw the selflessness in his actions, the burning desire to right the wrongs that had been inflicted upon them.

However, they were mistaken. Rudy"s actions weren"t selfless. He had devised a plan and the test subject humans and the mythical beings were part of it.

Of course, he saved them, but because they were of use to him. Otherwise, they would have, one day, eventually, become a threat to him— just like Pearu.