Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 870 Laws And Orders Of Rudy"s Dynasty

Chapter 870 Laws And Orders Of Rudy"s Dynasty

"Do you remember that story?" Rias asked.

"I think I do. I vaguely remember that story and the question I always asked Grandma Nyxia."

"The Lord has prohibited us from entering the human world, so how could someone go against the Lord"s word and let the other races go to the human world?"

That was the question Jane and Rias always asked her, but Nyxia never answered that question, except once.

"She said there was something stronger and greater than the Lord"s existence. That ent.i.ty is Overlord," Rias stated.

"Yes," Jane nodded. "But what does all that have to do with…?" Jane was confused, but she understood what Rias was trying to say.

"You don"t mean…" Jane stopped on her words.

"Yes. Rudy… might be that ent.i.ty… and he might be planning to bring an apocalypse to this world…"

"B-But why would he do that?!"

"Relax. Grandma Nyxia always told us all types of stories. She never said it was real and even if it was, how and why would she know about it? It might just be a bedtime story and we could be overreacting."


"But why am I not convinced? Why else would Rudy bring thousands upon thousands of superpowered people to this kingdom?" Jane thought to herself.

"What are you plotting, Rudy?"

Outside the castle, Rudy stood before the gathered crowd, his voice filled with pa.s.sion and conviction. The area within the castle walls was hushed, every eye fixed upon him, waiting for his words to weave a vision of what life in his dynasty would be like.

"My friends," Rudy began, his voice resonating with strength and warmth, "Today marks the dawn of a new era. We have emerged from the depths of darkness, united by our shared struggles and the bonds we have formed. In my dynasty, we will forge a world unlike any other—a world where freedom, prosperity, and harmony reign supreme."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, and the room filled with a collective antic.i.p.ation. The air crackled with excitement as everyone hung on his every word.????????.???

"In my dynasty," Rudy continued, his gaze sweeping across the room, "You will find a place of refuge, a sanctuary where you can be your true selves. No longer will you be confined by the chains of fear or oppression. Here, your dreams will flourish, and your spirits will soar."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, expressions of hope and longing etched upon their faces. Rudy"s words struck a chord within each person, igniting a fire of possibilities in their hearts.I think you should take a look at

"In my dynasty," Rudy declared, his voice rising with conviction, "We will foster a community built on respect, compa.s.sion, and understanding. No one will be judged by their past, for we have all emerged from the crucible of adversity. We will celebrate our diversity and embrace our differences, recognizing that our strength lies in our unity."

The crowd nodded in agreement, a wave of unity washing over them. Rudy"s words inspired a sense of belonging and purpose, resonating with their deepest desires for a better future.

"In my dynasty," Rudy proclaimed, his voice filled with unwavering determination, "We will strive for excellence and push the boundaries of what is possible. Here, your talents will be nurtured, your potential unlocked. Together, we will create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and shine."

Cheers erupted, echoing through the castle walls, as Rudy"s words ignited a spark of ambition and limitless potential in the hearts of those gathered. They saw before them a leader who believed in their collective power, a leader who would guide them towards greatness.

"In my dynasty," Rudy concluded, his voice filled with hope and promise, "We will write a new chapter in history—a chapter of triumph over adversity, of unity in the face of darkness— and create a future. Together, we will build a legacy that future generations will look upon with awe and admiration."

The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, a chorus of belief and determination. They had found their leader, their beacon of hope, and they were ready to embark on a journey towards a future filled with boundless possibilities.

"There are many other benefits, but I stated the obvious ones that everyone should know. In my dynasty, we value the principles of equality, justice, and unity," Rudy continued, his gaze sweeping across the room.

"But to maintain the delicate balance of our utopia, we must adhere to a set of rules and laws. These laws are designed to protect us, to guide us, and to ensure that every individual can thrive within our kingdom."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, acknowledging the importance of structure and order in their newfound sanctuary.

Rudy raised his hand, his voice firm. "There will be no tolerance for those who threaten the peace and stability of our dynasty. I have established a few strict laws that must be obeyed by all who reside here. Failure to comply will result in severe consequences, including the punishment of death."

The atmosphere grew tense, but Rudy"s unwavering resolve commanded their attention.

"Firstly, we shall respect and honour one another, regardless of our backgrounds or origins," Rudy declared. "Discrimination or acts of violence against fellow members of our dynasty will not be tolerated. We are a diverse community, and it is through our unity that we find strength."

He paused, his gaze meeting the eyes of each individual present. "Secondly, the super powers bestowed upon you must be used responsibly. Any misuse of power, whether physical, mental, or otherwise, will be met with swift justice."

A collective nod rippled through the crowd, a testament to their commitment to a harmonious coexistence.

"And finally," Rudy"s voice grew solemn, "we shall protect the secrecy of our dynasty at all costs. We must remain hidden from the outside world, shielding ourselves from those who seek to exploit or destroy what we have built. Those who jeopardise our safety by revealing our existence will face the ultimate penalty."

As the weight of his words settled upon the room, Rudy"s expression softened. "I understand that these laws may seem strict, but they are necessary for the preservation of our sanctuary. Together, we will forge a future of peace, prosperity, and happiness. We have been given a second chance at life, and it is our duty to make the most of it."