Eternal Country

Chapter 15

Translator: SumTLMan

According to the Book of Heaven, the Great Catastrophe is the transformation of the Dao of Heaven, it is a kind of evolution, perhaps this kind of evolution was caused by the catastrophe, making the Heavens evolve out new rules. The catastrophe has already given birth to a new Dao of Heaven to adapt to the changes that have taken place throughout Heaven and Earth. The disappearance of the sun may be closely related to the evolution of the Dao of Heaven. It could even be just one of the changes that will take place.

Exactly when, or how more changes will happen can only be speculated and verified by time.

“Brother, we do not have anything to protect against the cold here, only some quilts, winter clothes, but only enough for me and you. If it really gets cold and snows, we won"t be able to go out the door at all.” Zhao Ziyan said worriedly.

It was September, and no one expected at all that the sun would suddenly disappear. Naturally there were no supplies to protect against the cold, he didn"t prepare any clothes or anything. Quilts do exist at home, but if it does snow, there are no clothes to protect against the cold. If one went out, not to mention fighting monsters, even if they stands outside for half an hour, they will be completely frozen.

“Everyone continue to visualize the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra=""> so that you can Qi refine the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra=""> sooner. As long as you can produce a Qi Sense and open up the Divine Sea to store True Qi in your body, you will greatly increase your physique and be able to use True Qi to withstand the severe cold. Even if you wear a single coat, you won"t feel too cold. It is better to be strong than have to wear any kind of clothing to protect yourself from this cold. Seize every minute and try your best to finish the introduction.” Yi Tianxing said after he paused to think about this problem a little.

As long as one enters the Divine Sea Realm, it is absolutely impossible for the outside cold to threaten the life of a cultivator, unless it is a special kind of cold, as far as Yi Tianxing is concerned, even standing in the snow without warm clothes, he will not feel cold too cold. The operation of True Qi works to dispel the cold from the body.

Now the current time is September, the stores will not stock up on warm clothing, even if Yi Tianxing can go out, it will be difficult to find something to protect against the cold.

Only by opening up the Divine Sea in the shortest possible time and becoming a cultivator, can one be fearless in this cold.

“En, I see brother, we will certainly complete our visualization as soon as possible and open up our Divine Sea. Last night I almost captured the Innate Qi and pulled it into my body. Today I"m sure I can make a breakthrough and officially become a cultivator.” Zhao Ziyan said with a touch of confidence on her face.

Their visualization has been getting more and more smooth, she and Tang Zitong have made the fastest progress, and are on the verge of a breakthrough, Chen Xuerou is a little slower, but her distance from a breakthrough is also close at hand. Not surprisingly, all three women will have an opportunity to open up their Divine Sea today.

“Let"s eat first and continue Qi refining after a meal.” Yi Tianxing immediately said.

Without hesitation, the three women went into the kitchen and boiled some lean pork with preserved eggs. Two packets of noodles were opened with it and breakfast was settled. After eating, the three women did not hesitate, and immediately began visualizing again.

Obviously, they have great interest in Qi refining.

“When the sun disappears, darkness falls, and without the sun, the temperature of the whole world will begin to drop sharply. Now the temperature is quite low, only about five or six degrees. If this continues, it will surely reach zero and start snowing. Those who survive, will suffer immensely.”

After the three women began visualizing again, Yi Tianxing stood on the balcony and looked down. The temperature outside was quite low, and the heat exhaled from his breathing turned into white fog as soon as he breathed out. It can be imagined that the temperature outside has dropped to what extent.

“Unfortunately, under such a change, I don"t know how many people can survive. Father and mother don"t know what"s going on right now. There are also some good brothers, after receiving my call, should have started preparing, hopefully they make it through. Unfortunately, the time was too short to make much preparation. There"s not much I could do but save myself.”

“This is natural selection, survival of the fittest!”

Although worried, but in this situation, Yi Tianxing could not help it. Although Chen Xuerou and Tang Zitong did not say anything about it, he can still see that they are also worried about their relatives and friends. They did not want to mention anything, they are not children, they are very clear of what"s going on the outside.

Even if they are worried, there is no way they can go outside to find their relatives and friends. Once they go out, it will be hard to protect themselves because there are monsters everywhere outside.

They didn"t say a word, they don"t want to ask Yi Tianxing to help find their loved ones. Tang Zitong did not need to mention anything, her family was a martial arts family, and she is much stronger than ordinary people in terms of strength, the general situation can be dealt with, and Chen Xuerou did not want to say anything.

In addition, their relationship with Yi Tianxing is not close enough to ignore life and death.

In this world, one can"t get everything they want just because one is a woman by begging with a few words.

Especially in this doomsday, too much pleading is excessive.

Being able to stay here, or even given a precious cultivation method to Qi refine for free, and allowing them to visualize the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra=""> at will, shows them his kindness already, this is no longer just a simple value.

After all, they had nothing to do with Yi Tianxing before.

So even if their hearts are very worried about their loved ones, they still did not open their mouths to put forward their worries for half a sentence. Putting all their thoughts into Qi refining, they hope to be able to make successful breakthroughs, to become stronger, to hunt monsters, to be able to travel past dangers, and to go home to find their loved ones.

The temperature plummeted, and a trace of cold fell down from the sky.

In this kind of environment, even the monsters are beginning to settle down, they hide in the tall high-rise buildings, hiding in corners, even if the cold posed a much smaller threat to the monsters than humans, but with an instinct for danger, this made the monsters actions begin to slow down. After all, after last night"s hunt, the monsters also consumed a great deal of energy, in this quiet rest, some of the monsters even began to directly sleep.

They are gathering strength, waiting for the next kill.

After watching the outside situation, Yi Tianxing returned to the hall in a moment and took out a wish bead. He started running the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> again, silently placing the bead in his mouth to start Qi refining, and a stream of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi poured into his body, it rapidly refined and integrated into his Divine Sea.

In the dark, he does not know how much time has pa.s.sed.

Yi Tianxing has thoroughly refined a wish bead, and there are an extra hundred True Dragon Qi in his body.

“It"s snowing.”

Opening his eyes, even if it is still dark outside, in his eyes, he can see pieces of goose feather-sized snowflakes falling from the sky, from the sky to the earth, the ground has slowly been covered with a layer of snow. Making the line of sight completely turn white.

Heavy snow.

The snowfall is like a storm.

It covers Heaven and Earth, covers the city, and covers the countless bodies that have died before. It seems to wash Heaven and Earth white, cleaning up all the dirt.

When the temperature had dropped below zero, even the ground and streams began to freeze. The fresh water buckets inside the homes also began to freeze. This is still the temperature inside a home, outside, the temperature is even lower. If one goes out, they will freeze to death.

The cold is enough to make blood freeze.

As one can imagine, many people will freeze to death.

It was not winter, it was September, and no one was prepared to enter such a terrible low temperature. This is a sharp contrast to the season, at least most of the old people absolutely could not support it.

At the thought of this, Yi Tianxing could not help but give birth to a trace of gloom.

He hates himself for not having the ability to stop it at all.

He can only watch and cannot do anything.


Just as Yi Tianxing was about to leave the balcony and return inside the apartment, he suddenly heard a hasty cry for help and looked in the direction of the sound.

Even in the dark, he can see very clearly.

A street under the building has been covered by heavy snow, but now, some people are holding torches, fleeing in the snow, not just a single person, but a group of people, flashlights cannot be used, so they can only use torches soaked in gasoline to directly light the dark. Walking in the snow, the light showed many people.

But while the torches brought light, it is also a beacon in the darkness, ah, a large number of monsters were attracted on the spot, and when they attack, many people will die immediately. Even a golden rat can be seen running after them.

This group of people seem to be a temporary gathering, there are middle-aged men and women, and also young men and women, they look like some students who have never experienced any social hardship. And as one can see, they should be students at SH University. Those middle-aged men and women should be teachers and professors in the school or something.

The team filled up with these people are not small, they add up to hundreds of people.

Holding torches, they looked fl.u.s.tered, and their faces were pale with cold. Even if they were wearing cotton-padded coats or quilts, they could not easily resist this cold.

Some tall and strong sports students are carrying all kinds of weapons. There are iron bars, long fruit knives, and people with fire axes and so on, looking around vigilantly, most people are only showing panic.

“Professor Yu, what shall we do now? Hundreds of students have died. It"s too cold, if we goes on like this, we"ll all be caught by those rats. The students who died were gnawed by the rats until none of their bones and flesh were left.”

“Yes, Teacher Feng, let"s find a place to rest. On the street, when the rats attacked, we didn"t even have a place to hide. What"s more, the weather is too cold now, the sun has disappeared, and the temperature has begun to go in the direction of an Ice Age. If we stay out here, we"ll all freeze to death.”

“What should we do now? There are too many rats, and that golden rat is so terrible that if we all stood up, we"ll still die. Nowhere is safe now. Even the army could not break in, we"re dead.”

There were bursts of crying in the crowd.

These are students and teachers in the university, in the catastrophe, monsters came, and the school having the largest number of people and occupying a vast area, caused the monsters to come in quite a large number. Huge amounts of people attracted a huge number of monsters.

They escaped from the school.

Although there are a large number of people in the school, and when they really gather together, they can exert a great amount of power, but they are facing a group of huge rats. There were a lot of rats, and they are crazy for killing, going forward one after another even if their comrades fall in front of them.