Eternal Country

Chapter 30

Translator: SumTLMan

"Master Yi, what are you going to do next?"

In the underground garage, after Yi Tianxing came back, others came back from the surface as well. Some people were silent, some were whispering, some people were crying, and some were smoking desperately. When the fire was reflected in the faces of these people. They showed they were pale, desperate, confused, fearful and helpless at the situation.

No one was in the mood to talk.

Yi Tianxing sat aside, staring at the flames alone. He sat with Zhao Ziyan and the girls. They were holding sticks and baked several sweet potatoes on the fire. He liked eating sweet potato, so when he was preparing supplies, he specially included them as part of the supplies. Whether raw or cooked, they can be eaten at all times and still taste good. In this situation, as a food source, they are a good choice.

Li Zhilin suddenly came over and sat in front of the fire. He looked at Yi Tianxing while he was staring at the flames and seemed to want to ask something.

"What do you want to say?"

Yi Tianxing took a meaningful look at Li Zhilin.

This is a smart man. This is his first impression of Li Zhilin. He has a flexible mind and can see what others cannot see. In the previous escape from the rats during their evacuation, he could see that even those professors and students are mainly relying on him while following along. He is the decision-maker. This shows him many things about this young man. In the minds of those students and teachers, he is trustworthy. He has the kind of ability to allow others to place trust in him.

They believed this man can lead them to find a way out.

Such a smart man is also a genius that awakened his own Destiny Aperture. Him coming over suddenly is obviously not just to come and say a simple h.e.l.lo.

There must be some words he wants to say.

"My name is Li Zhilin. I want to follow you." Li Zhilin said it directly, decisively, and without hesitation.

"Why?" Yi Tianxing listened with interest while looking at the young man in front of him. Although still a student, his first impression of this young man is wise. Yi Tianxing was not too surprised at him asking to follow him. By the time he came over, many possibilities had already come to mind. And the experience from his childhood has made him far more mature and steadier than his peers. Many things weren"t exposed on his face since long ago.

"Following you, there are sweet potatoes to eat."

Li Zhilin glanced at the sweet potatoes in the fire and suddenly jumped out with such a sentence.

This is a very funny sentence. Very vulgar, but the implication is not so vulgar.

"I have sweet potatoes, but why should you want them? Why should I give them to you?" Yi Tianxing looked calmly at Li Zhilin as if waiting for his answer.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan and Tang Zitong also set their eyes on Li Zhilin, curious about his answer as well.

In the underground garage, many people"s eyes began focusing on the two as well.

The status of Yi Tianxing in their hearts is naturally extremely important. He has even become a sort of spiritual pillar to these people. Any action he takes can affect everyone"s heart and stir up their most sensitive nerves.

"With Master Yi"s ability, we can see the outside world is now facing an apocalypse. Such a case has been exhibited repeatedly, so no one can tell what kind of disaster will come tomorrow. The destruction of human civilization is already in front of us now. The most important thing to do now is to survive. During the apocalypse, order has collapsed, and troubled times and chaos are the common themes that must be faced in the future."

Li Zhilin pushed up the frames of his and said confidently. "The best way to survive in troubled times and to live a better life is to have a strong ability. This ability may even allow one to live well. The second option is to depend on the strong. Relying on the strong in order to live a better life and even to live well. In troubled times, the power of an individual is nothing, unless they are invincible. Otherwise, the group can ensure their own survival."

"And I"m not sure I can survive through these troubled times."

"But you, Yi Tianxing, as a top master of exorcism. Are an invincible man with the legendary Yin and Yang eyes. You are the best person to depend on and the best person to attach myself."

Every word conveys his self-confidence, a confidence in his own intelligence. In this short period of time, he has gained a great understanding of Yi Tianxing. His original ident.i.ty, ability, and strength are quite clear to him. Moreover, his understanding and a.n.a.lysis of these troubled times are quite sobering.

Many things, which appear obvious, were a.n.a.lyzed at this moment. This a.n.a.lysis even started shifting the thinking of more and more survivors that faced these troubled times as well.

Nowadays, many people, are immersed in the doomsday. Their brains are blank, and their minds are numb to the future. Just thinking about it, they are at a loss at what to do.

Li Zhilin knows very well what is going on outside. Even if they awaken a Destiny Aperture, they can die at any moment. They can die by monsters or in the disaster. No one knows what will happen in the end. For now, Yi Tianxing is undoubtedly the strongest person around and is the pinnacle existence at this stage.

The power of the Yin and Yang eyes, when they had witnessed it before, made them all feel stunned.

The image of him slaughtering monsters and harvesting them like stalks of rice still reverberated in their mind. That level of shock can no longer be described in words. What is strong, he is strong.

"I have sweet potatoes, but why should I give them to you?"

Yi Tianxing still looked dully at the fire, still turning over the sweet potato that were baking on the fire by changing the sides.

Li Zhilin pushed his frames up again and opened his mouth to say, "I asked myself this question as well, I am no worse than anyone else in terms of IQ. and I have awoken my extraordinary power. I can advise and fight hard to survive. In school, I am the president of the student union. I also have the best ability in overall battle and domestic planning."

Yi Tianxing did not speak, and his face remained calm.

"I know that if I want to talk about loyalty, you won"t believe it. It"s even more impossible to trust me completely since this is our first meeting. However, this thing should be able to allay your worries." Li Zhilin spoke again.

As he spoke, he took a strange scroll out from his backpack.

On that scroll, there was a very obscure light flickering.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary scroll, but a monster drop or an exotic treasure that fell directly from the Heavens.

But Yi Tianxing did not speak, still waiting for Li Zhilin to speak.

"When the catastrophe began, this object suddenly fell from the sky right and landed right in front of me. At that moment, I stowed it away. Now, this scroll is not an ordinary treasure, but a Contract Scroll. One can sign a contract with it. Once a contract is established, there will be no place for remorse. Otherwise, a breach in the contract will have terrible consequences."

"With this Contract Scroll in place, and as long as you sign it. I believe Master Yi can be left completely rest a.s.sured."

Li Zhilin opened his mouth and spoke what needed to be said.

This contract is an exotic treasure that fell into his hands at the beginning of the Great Catastrophe. When it was obtained, it was carefully kept by him with the belief that it might be useful in the future. He didn"t expect to use it here now, but this can also be said to be a form of application.

With the signing of the contract, there is little chance of going back on it.

"What a good treasure, are you sure you really intend to sign it? When you sign it, you will not have a chance to back out of it in the future. I"ll give you a chance now. Take this sweet potato, I will give it to you now. If you go back, I"ll forget you"ve said anything." Yi Tianxing looked up at Li Zhilin and said calmly.

"Sweet potatoes I definitely want to eat, but what I want more is to have peace of mind. I want to feel at ease when I eat and rest a.s.sured." Li Zhilin said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" There was a flash of light in Yi Tianxing"s eyes. What instantly transmitted was an invisible pressure. This kind of pressure was daunting.

"I believe in Master Yi, that you have the ability to let me live in these troubled times. I don"t want to die yet. I still have something to do. What"s more, the world is so amazing there are even Contract Scrolls. In this magical world, I definitely don"t want to die too early." Li Zhilin"s eyes glimmered with a visible firmness. But behind these eyes, there is a trace of inexplicable persistence. This kind of persistence makes him unwilling to die.

"Well, in that case, we"ll sign the contract."

Yi Tianxing gave him a deep look. He believes Li Zhilin has a story.

Taking the contract directly, he opens it. What is seen in front is a blank sheet of paper. This is a blank contract paper. As long as the terms are written on it, and as long as both parties agree to sign. Will take effect. Moreover, the contract is difficult to release. Once lifted, it will also have an effect on both parties.

As long as he moves his mind, he can make the contract terms appear.

After giving the contract to him, Li Zhilin spoke about how to use the contract.

Yi Tianxing did not hesitate.

As soon as his mind moved, the golden ancient seal font immediately emerged on the blank contract.

"First, the of the contract is Yi Tianxing."

"Second, the signatory of the contract will swear to follow the pledge of loyalty and never repent. No ambition, no rebellion."

"Third, the holder will bless the signatory. Ensure that the signatory"s safety under the circ.u.mstances of ensuring the holder"s own safety and give the signatory all necessities to survive."

"Fourth, the holder shall not do anything contrary to the dignity of the signatory. The signatory has the right to refuse any impossible demands."

"Fifth, if the contract is violated, the violator will be punished by Heaven. The time limit of the contract is forever.

In an instant, the terms of the contract emerged.

After completion, Yi Tianxing directly pressed his fingerprint in the position of the owner. A golden fingerprint appeared on it. Then it was thrown to Li Zhilin"s hand.

"You still have a chance, if you regret it."

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth and said.

"I"ll sign it!"

Li Zhilin glanced at the contract and flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes, but immediately reached out and pressed his fingerprint without hesitation.


As soon as it was pressed, a golden light shines on the contract, and the contract naturally ignited and disappeared. A mysterious connection naturally arose between Yi Tianxing and Li Zhilin.

"I will follow you from now on." With a smile on his face, Li Zhilin stood by the fire and reached out to pick out a sweet potato from the fire. He started eating it impolitely. There is no sign of rebellion at all. He has sold himself completely and will eat from his boss"s food bowl from now on as he gave a familiar expression.

"You"ve sold yourself, so I can"t treat you badly. Call me Brother Yi in the future and take a look at this cultivation method. If you can get started in cultivation, you will have a better chance of surviving in the future." Yi Tianxing smiled calmly and took the Sit and Forget Sutra out while throwing it into Li Zhilin"s hands.

The other party even signed a Contract Scroll. This loyalty is beyond doubt and has no doubt been guaranteed by Heaven.