Eternal Country

Chapter 54

Translator: SumTLMan

"Can we eat this piranha? It looks so big." Someone showing yellow teeth said.

In the eyes of human beings, there are only two kinds of fish. Fish that can be eaten and fish that cannot be eaten.

When this remark fell into Yi Tianxing"s ear, without a moment of surprise, he thought of a doc.u.mentary he had seen before.

The piranha in the Amazon River is a predatory fish at the top of the food chain. When crocodiles see them, they immediately run away in fear. They are afraid when they end up being surrounded. They will be eaten directly. These fish are absolutely notorious, and they scare away countless creatures in the waters. But when they arrived in China, they were caught and eaten by the Chinese and placed on everyday Chinese dinner tables.

Therefore, in the face of these descendants of the Yellow Emperor. The ferocity of this fish is not a problem, being able to eat these fish are the problem now. As long as they can eat these ferocious fish, they will also end up on the dinner table again.

"I think I heard somewhere that piranha"s fish meat is delicious and very healthy for people."

There was a twinkle in Yi Tianxing"s eyes too. Every inch of flesh and blood in his body conveyed a strong sense of hunger at this fish. He suppressed this feeling, shook his head and smiled bitterly in his heart: As if I was going to become gourmet as well.

When the Piranha was thrown ash.o.r.e, it gasped for breath. It slapped around frantically on land and began trying to bounce back into the water.


But immediately, it was rushed at by a soldier who picked up a stick and struck the piranha fiercely on the head. The piranha was stunned on the spot. A fish"s head is the weak point, no matter what the fish. One strike on the head will leave them stunned.

"My lord!"

A soldier shouted as they grabbed the stunned piranha and came to present it to Yi Tianxing.

"Well, throw it directly into a clearing. Without water, a piranha will naturally die. Wait for breakfast. We will have piranha." Yi Tianxing nodded his head and then went on to say, "Don"t stop. Keep fishing. I"ll see how many piranhas still remain in the river when we are done. Then we"ll send more people to fish them together."

It"s unfortunate to say, but a piranha"s instinct for a flesh and blood meal is too strong.

Facing the bait thrown into the river, there is no resistance at all. These piranhas rushed up at them one after another but were immediately tossed up onto the sh.o.r.e in quick succession. On the sh.o.r.e, other people waited especially for them with sticks in hand. As soon as they went up, the fish were knocked on the head until unconscious.

Then more people pulled them away by the tail and threw these fish aside. After a while, they ended up either roasted or stewed in a pot.

Now, when many people see these ferocious piranhas. Their eyes sparkle at the sight of food. As for these piranhas that have eaten human flesh, mentioning about piranhas eating human flesh in front of these hungry people worried about their next meal is absolute nonsense.

In troubled times, food is the most indispensable.

Maybe some people will care, but more people will not think about it at all.

Only when you are full, can you live and think about these future problems.

Although a number of rats were killed before, leaving some rat meat for later, this meat will not last for too long. There are hundreds of hungry mouths waiting to be fed here.

After a while, the piranhas had been piled up into a hill in the clearing.

Moreover, after being brought onto dry land, the piranhas do not survive for long and died one after another. These fish will become filling meals for the people later.

"The contingency method is good, the village head is very clever. Not only solving the hazards of the piranhas but also solving the food shortages faced by the villagers. Killing two birds with one stone." Huang Chengyuan, who witnessed all this, sighed and nodded to himself. "But the old man felt that although these piranhas are ferocious. They look like great delicacies in front of this old man. We should not kill them all off. If we kill enough for food to fill our bellies, we can slow down for a while and catch another batch of them tomorrow from the wide river. This is like a pie in the sky."

Huang Chengyuan stroked his beard and offered his advice.

These piranhas are too easy to catch. As long as people are hungry, they should absolutely catch them. They cannot miss a single one. In the early stages of development, these piranhas can be regarded as a kind of regular food source. In case they can"t find something to eat, this is something of a lifesaver in case of emergencies.

"Well, Elder Huang"s advice is very good. Although there are a large number of piranhas, they will certainly quickly go extinct if we fish them excessively. It should not be easy to find fish that can be caught so easily by the people."

When Yi Tianxing heard this, he also thought it was reasonable advice. So he nodded and agreed to the suggestion.

Immediately, he saw that the number of piranhas they have caught had become quite large. Enough to let everyone eat a full meal. If they go and catch more, it would end up as waste. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and commanded everyone to stop fishing.

"Throw in all the corpses of the green-skinned monsters into the river. Do not leave them here. If they rot, it will not be good for us. They will end up easily breeding disease." Yi Tianxing took a look at the remains of the many green-skinned monsters and made a decision with a wave of his hand. He decided to feed them all to the piranhas.

"Everybody go back and make a fire to cook our meals. Today we will eat piranha. We will use this barrel to fetch water from the river from now on. If we don"t go into the water directly, the Piranhas can"t hurt us." Yi Tianxing took out several barrels that had already been placed in his Spirit Bead Inner s.p.a.ce. He had freely placed them inside before, but now they can be put to use.

Subsequently, a large number of women began drawing water from the barrels by the river.

Taking a knife, they cut open the piranhas. When the internal organs are removed, they are thrown back into the river. This also caused a swarm from the piranhas in the river. Whether or not the internal organs belong to brethren. As long as it is a b.l.o.o.d.y meal, there is no hesitation to eat it at all.

No scruples given.

The hole opened by the Digging Insect Fiend was also sealed.

In the village with fires in front. A large number of people gathered together holding sticks in their hands. These sticks were strung up with piranhas and put together to be roasted on top of the fires. Some people took some of the piranhas and put them into a pot and began boiling a soup. During the processing of the fish, the piranha"s serrated teeth were pulled out directly. Some craftsmen who usually did manual labour took out some tools they carried and drilled holes in each of the teeth. After they had taken them out and strung them together, they immediately made a beautiful necklace.

There is a kind of barbaric flavour with these necklaces.

Yi Tianxing also kept turning a piranha over the fire, allowing the flame to cook the fish evenly. Not long after, a huge piranha had became a roasted piece of meat and had begun sending a fragrant scent when salt was sprinkled on top. Making the fragrant aroma from the fish even more intense.

Yi Tianxing feels that every inch of flesh and blood. Even every cell in his body is conveying a crazy sense of hunger. There is also a trace of eagerness in his heart. After thoroughly baking the fish over the fire, he took out his dagger and cut off a piece on top to stuff into his mouth.

Chewing carefully, the fragrant and tender taste from the grilled fish naturally circulates in his mouth.

"Fresh and delicious, and rich in protein. Such delicious meat, containing a strange fragrance. This is indeed a top food. The flesh and blood in my whole body is jubilant at the meal." Yi Tianxing has eaten many delicious mountain delicacies. He has been to many top restaurants. Tasted top-notch dishes, but he still can feel that the meat of this piranha is an absolutely top ingredient. As if when it reached the Eternal Continent, it had been nourished by Heaven and Earth Origin Qi and became even fresher and tenderer.

As soon as he ate it, his eyes lit up. There was no further hesitation. The delicious pieces of fish fell directly into his mouth in quick succession. The food completely went into his belly. He did not seem to be eating fast, but his mouth never stopped chewing. By the end, he kept putting pieces of meat in his mouth very quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, a one-meter long giant fish had unwittingly fallen into his belly. What was left in front of him was only a pile of fish bones.

"Village head, this is fish soup that we have just made. Give it a try." A woman brought over a bowl of fish soup.

Yi Tianxing was not polite and accepted the offer. He began to quickly drink the fish soup.


The fish meat is fresh and tender, but the fish soup was even more delicious. Gulping down the meal, he smelled a special kind of fishy fragrance. This was a really memorable aftertaste in his mouth.

Now after a few mouthfuls of soup, the bowl of fish soup with the baked fish was eaten cleanly by him.

"This meal was very delicious indeed."

Yi Tianxing could not help sighing to himself.

No wonder the more ferocious the fish, the more delicious their meat. Because as the fish continue to swim in the water, the meat on their bones is also constantly moving, making the fish meat even more delicious. With more energy, it makes for a richer source of protein.

At this point, the power of his gourmet cells immediately began to play a role.

With the fish eaten and falling into his belly, and in addition to the fish soup. Every cell in his body produced a happy feeling. Every inch of flesh and blood are full of energy so that the fish in his stomach began to digest quickly.

But his cells are not as fast as his Destiny Aperture—Food Tripod.

There is no opportunity for the flesh and blood to take the lead at all. He only sees the Destiny Aperture Food Tripod"s three-legged, two-handled, big gluttonous mouthed Food Tripod immediately sparkle with a strange light. As the big gluttonous mouth opened up to swallow the food from the belly. The fish quickly decomposed into the essence of the fish within the Food Tripod. In the Food Tripod, wonderful textures of profound energy naturally emerged.

The fish and meat in the tripod are continuously refined into fish essence in the illusory Food Tripod. A piranha pattern emerges, vividly, fiercely and with sharp teeth that were apparent. It makes people give rise to fear from a dark cold depth.

Then, a strange white fog sprays out from the gluttonous mouth, and the fog appears to merge directly into his body. Becoming part of the flesh and blood of his whole body.

Joy and jubilation arise!

Yi Tianxing felt every cell in his body was cheering him on, quickly absorbing this strange cloud of smoke. In a twinkling of an eye, it was thoroughly integrated into every inch of his flesh, bone and meridians.

During this wholehearted ecstasy. Whether it was his skin, meat, bones or meridians, they are beginning to show signs of growth and become stronger.

There was a slightly visible glow on his skin.

He felt a wonderful feeling.

This pleasure did not last long. When all the clouds and smoke are absorbed and refined, the flesh and blood that were once hungry at first seemed to be satisfied at once. Becoming more energetic.

Blood, flesh, skeleton, veins, skin membrane and even the brain all underwent different levels of growth and transformation.

"What power from these gourmet cells… What a fantastic Destiny Aperture called Food Tripod. Just one fish meal allowed my flesh and body to grow stronger and increase in strength by a few catties. This potential transformation is like my evolution in life. The complete essence of the food is fully absorbed and integrated to all the flesh and blood in my body. And the existence of the Food Tripod can completely quench my flesh with the purest essence. There are no impurities, so there are no hidden dangers. It becomes the most perfect and most suitable essence of Qi for my body to fully absorb. This is a perfectly matched Destiny Aperture for me."