Eternal Country

Chapter 56

Translator: SumTLMan

In this regard, Yi Tianxing is also very understanding. If this was reversed to himself, he is afraid he would not be able to sit still and wait either.

"Luring talents with the < righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record=""> is also my last resort. These are troubled times, and people have to bear all kinds of pressure to survive. Each day, anyone may die. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, so I can only use these means to achieve my goal."

Yi Tianxing mumbles to himself.

All the villagers were eating their meals quickly and speaking with one another. They were discussing which trees to cut and use to build the houses later. After officially settling down, they have become a family. Everyone believed this and began yearning for a home.

If they had a home, they would already be satisfied.

It"s not easy to live in this world!

Although they appeared in this valley from different worlds and dynasties. There were still many tools brought along, such as saws and axes. Even many carpenters were present. When they ate, these people would always carry their tools along with them. If they wanted to cut down some trees to build a house right now, they wouldn"t lack the necessary tools. Otherwise, Yi Tianxing would feel an even bigger headache.

"It"s amazing that the wounds which appeared yesterday actually healed as if they never occurred. The ability of these gourmet cells is really magical. As long as I eat delicious food. I cannot only attract Heaven and Earth Origin Qi but can also refine the essence of food to also quickly recover from my wounds."

It was clear that his original wounds had healed. The piece of flesh and blood that had been directly cut off by the wind blade from the Sky Overlord Pterosaur had naturally recovered as well. His whole body felt full of strength. Even his spirit has fully recovered and returned to its peak.

"Doing too much is no good. Let"s settle things in the morning."

If he wants to eat more, he can eat another one-meter-long piranha without any problem. However, he did not continue eating baked fish and fish soup. When he looked around at a large number of ordinary people who were still hungry, he held back. Only when these villagers eat more meat, will the essence in their bodies be more exuberant. In regards to Qi cultivation after eating this kind of meal, the opportunity to get started becomes even greater.


At the mouth of the valley, there was a crisp clang. This is the sound of iron being struck.

Previously, in order to facilitate scouting and alarm against danger. Yi Tianxing let the people hang a piece of iron near the mouth of the valley. As long as there is an emergency, the iron will be immediately sounded. Although not as good as an emergency alarm, the sound is not much worse. There is no problem with the sound being able to travel far and spread to the inner valley where Xuan Huang Village is located. But this alarm bell, no one is allowed to ring unless there is a great danger approaching.

"Something has happened. This is an alarm from the mouth of the valley. Something big must have happened. I hope there won"t be another monster wave coming over." Many people who just had smiles on their face also began showing extremely ugly expressions.

Once again, everyone feels the unlimited danger contained in this world.

"It seems there are more monsters coming again. It"s difficult to find a moment to relax."

Yi Tianxing suddenly rose to his feet, and his face changed. The gentle smile he had while facing the people in the village disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a cold expression.


"Your subordinate is here." w.a.n.g Dahu immediately replied.

"Immediately a.s.semble all the soldiers. Begin picking up weapons, and if there are no weapons, have them bring the wooden sticks previously seized from the green-skinned monsters. Everyone a.s.semble and immediately head to the mouth of the valley." Yi Tianxing said as he quickly gave the orders.

"Yes, my Lord!!"

Without any hesitation, everyone went to a.s.semble in formation. Everyone knows that once there is a crisis, it must be a great danger involving life and death.

No one"s spirit is relaxed at this moment.

Everyone maintains a strong state of vigilance at all times.

Even the soldiers in the barracks began gathering when they heard the first sound of alarm. Although the lineup of the recruits was not neat, the baleful Qi they exuded was enough to make up for what they lacked. Everyone"s face showed a decisive expression. Their eyes showed their willingness to fight with the monsters and fierce beasts around. After fighting in the previous battle and facing fatal dangers one after another. It was clear to them that to survive in this world, one must have an unshakeable faith and a willingness to fight back hard against dangers.

"Everyone, head out!"

When these soldiers came to Yi Tianxing, he just slowly glanced over them with his eyes. There were no superfluous or redundant words. He had already said that no one, even himself, should take a share of blood belonging to humans.

The fine steel war spear was held high in his hand as they marched forward.

Behind Yi Tianxing, more than three hundred soldiers followed closely behind without hesitation. They carried along long knives, long spears, and bows and arrows in hand. There were even recruits without weapons, each holding sticks from the green-skinned monsters in their hands. These wooden sticks are made of unknown materials and are very hard. Even when cut with swords, they will not be directly cut off.

Besides, when carried, the weight is not light.

Before they hold real weapons, these sticks are definitely a good alternative. When held in hand, one can wield a strong destructive force. This force is not small either. When a stick is waved down, the general monster will definitely have their head crushed upon impact.

Three hundred soldiers marched forward, naturally released a strong momentum.

All eyes rested on the front, Yi Tianxing eyes also held no trace of fear. Following this man in front, these soldiers only felt the blood boiling in their bodies. All fear and pressure were pressed down directly to the bottom of their hearts.

When the villagers saw this respected figure followed by more than three hundred resolute soldiers marching forward to the battlefield. There was a look of expectation and respect in their eyes because they knew very well that many of the people marching. As soon as they enter a battle like this, would never come back to see the village.

They are willing to fight or even give up their lives as civilians for the survival of the whole village.

Arriving at the mouth of the valley, the scouts have already come out to give their report.

"My Lord, a large number of rats suddenly appeared outside. The numbers of these rats are more than before, there must be a rat nest hidden nearby. It looks like we have to fight in the valley again." The scouts quickly reported.

In fact, without their report, Yi Tianxing and the soldiers have already seen the dense swarm of rats.

The grey rats appeared in the channel of the valley with cold eyes. Each one looked ferocious and bloodthirsty. At first glance, there were only tens of thousands of them. With such numbers, if all of them rushed into the valley, it will definitely cause unimaginable harm. At present, Xuan Huang Village has not even built up any defences nearby nor has it built any fortifications such as fences. It is basically a smooth trot for these beasts. If the rats are allowed to rush in, there will absolutely be heavy casualties.

"Humph!! Brothers, we all know what lies behind us. Our village is right behind us! If we allow the rats to rush in, our entire village will be destroyed! A large number of people will die under the claws of these dirty rats, for no other reason than being humans! If you are men, kill!! I will be the first one to step up and fight! Everyone follow behind and kill!!"

"I don"t want any defence! I just want us to go out and attack! Kill our way through! Offence will be our best defence! Crush these rats until they cower and run with their tails tucked between their legs!!"

Yi Tianxing gave a cold grin while showing off the whites of his teeth. Then he held his tang knife high with his other hand as it shined down with a cold light.


Just as Yi Tianxing was about to gather the group of soldiers to kill these rats. Suddenly, without warning, there was a sharp roar coming from the valley. It sounded as if there was a fierce collision coming from the ground. Underneath the ground, it seemed to be pounding and shaking violently.

Next, he saw a big hole emerged and appear without warning in a clearing. In the hole, there suddenly drilled out a large number of rats. But some of these rats, which darted out immediately, began rolling on the ground wildly. Afterwards, the crowd begins to see white smoke emitting from its fur, flesh and blood. The rats were melting at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few breaths times, even the bones corroded into a pool of liquid.

This was a shocking sight to behold.

"Boy, these rats sure are cunning. They wanted to directly burrow a tunnel to the valley to begin raiding our village. These rats have become so clever." w.a.n.g Dahu had a dull look on his face as he heard the cries coming from the hole.

"They came across something underground, and they were forced out halfway through their raid. No other monsters can corrode these rats. This must be from the Digging Insect Fiend… In the process of digging holes underground, did these rats dig directly into the territory of the Digging Insect Fiend?"

As Yi Tianxing looked at the corroded bodies of the rats, his eyes narrowed and showed a strange expression. If this is true, then this battle will be very interesting. Maybe the rats will solve the big problem they are facing.

The Digging Insect Fiend is the most vengeful creature they have encountered. Whoever encounters it must be willing to fight endlessly with it. Obviously, the rats and the Digging Insect Fiend have just clashed. With regard to the nature of the Digging Insect Fiend, it certainly will not let these rats go. As long as both sides continue fighting, no matter which side wins or loses. Yi Tianxing is unafraid of the outcome. With the fighting, more rats will die. If they both kill each other, it will also save them a lot of effort.


All they saw was the ground shaking again and a large number of rats emerging from the hole.

There was a lot of screaming, also many rats scattering around.

In a twinkling of an eye, they saw a golden figure darting out from the ground. Then, another more slender figure followed from behind. The strong smell of concentrated sulfuric acid was released as the second figure surfaced. Making the people present have a kind of choking and nauseating feeling.

Taking a closer look.

The group saw a golden rat the size of a calf standing in the clearing while ferociously facing what was near the hole in the ground. Even the rat"s eyes are golden, scattering a chilling glare which makes people shudder at the sight.

On the opposite side of it was a strange red insect.

This strange insect, which is about six or seven meters long, has cracks on its surface. The cracks look like volcanic cracks and the blood looks like magma flowing out. As soon as it appears, the temperature of the surrounding air began to constantly rise. The most terrible part of this insect is its mandibles. What is ejected out of its mouth makes it look like a small erupting volcano with a red glow still visible from its mouth.

Both eyes glowed with a red light.

Strong, this insect is very strong.

Apparently, when the rats were burrowing underground, they didn"t expect to burrow into this Digging Insect Fiend. After burrowing into its territory, the rats immediately offended this Digging Insect Fiend and it gave a counterattack. It ejected a concentrated sulfuric acid spray at the rats, instantly killing a large number of rats.

This also led to total war between the Golden Rat King and Digging Insect Fiend. The battle, starting from underground, spread straight to the surface.

The Digging Insect Fiend"s horrible sulfuric acid also caused the rat swarm to suffer heavy losses in an instant.

The Rat King is also an extremely vengeful beast. When it saw the Digging Insect Fiend kill its rat offspring and descendants like this, its hair immediately stood on end. Whether the swarm attacks or doesn"t attack Xuan Huang Village, the Rat King must directly fight with the Digging Insect Fiend no matter what.