Eternal Country

Chapter 7

Translator: SumTLMan

When Zhao Ziyan and Tang Zitong heard this, their faces changed.

Although they were said to have believed Yi Tianxing before, but after all, dreams are only dreams. They are false and not real. The probability of the birth is very small, and it may not even come to be born at all.

The catastrophe of the apocalypse is too terrible.

No one will easily believe it.

But now this extraordinary thunder makes them unconsciously begin to believe.

This kind of mood is very complicated.

As they came to the balcony together.

Standing on the balcony, they can see that it has already become a mess outside. Although it is early in the morning, many people who usually get up early or are moving their hands and feet outside are now frightened away because of the sudden and deafening thunder. Many people have broken eardrums and bleed from their seven orifices. The only thought in minds were only that terrible roar.

“Help, call 120, I can"t hear at all.” The morning exerciser that bled from seven orifices screamed.

“How can such a thing happen? What the h.e.l.l is this? There isn"t a superior person having a tribulation now, right?” There was an homebody in the house crying.

In modern times of peace, where has such a thing happened? All one"s life this was never experienced, the chaos can be imagined, like headless flies flying around in panic, the situation is difficult to control.

But this is just the beginning.

“This is just the beginning. The real apocalypse is about to begin.” Yi Tianxing stood on the balcony and watched the chaotic scene below, shaking his head slightly. This scene, which he has seen before, is not too surprising. Compared with the real catastrophe, this is only child"s play, just the appetizer for what is to come.

Seeing a more shocking scene than what was immediately displayed, he was naturally not too shocked.

Just continuing to stare off into s.p.a.ce.


There was another terrible tear.

If someone looks up at the sky right now, they will see what is happening immediately.

Suddenly, in the void, under an invisible force, a series of fierce cracks forced the s.p.a.ce to tear apart. These cracks, large or small, were dense and numerous, and had spread throughout the void, completely covering the sky above. As if the whole sky was a piece of broken porcelain, there were numerous cracks all around. The picture was terrible, like the heavens collapsing before them.

Looking at the cracks, one could see that what appeared in the crack was not nothingness, but a scene of darkness, as if it led to a bottomless abyss, it seemed to be connected to an endless and terrible abyss somewhere, each of which were extremely deep and sucked ones eyes into the depths.

“Brother, what is that?” Zhao Ziyan tried to hold back her fears, grabbed Yi Tianxing"s arm, and asked while trembling.

“I don"t know, but according to the dream, the end of this crack is definitely not a good place, there will be terrible monsters coming from it, and these monsters will be numerous.” Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, his eyes full of solemness after saying the sentence.

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell.

The whole world was in a state of dismay and shock, and had not yet recovered from this terrible sight.

Immediately, countless monsters were spewing out from these cracks. Like a long river of terrible monsters. At first glance, the scalps of ordinary people had gone numb, if their psychological quality was even slightly poor, they will directly be so scared and faint immediately on the spot.

“Green-skinned monsters!”


“Skeleton Soldiers!”

“Wolves, and beasts!”

Zhao Ziyan and Tang Zitong watched all kinds of monsters coming out from the cracks, and they could not help exclaiming. Some of those monsters were seen by them before. It seems that the kinds of monsters that appeared were from all different peoples" imagination, monsters in games, stories and so on, but all of them had become living and in the flesh, and fell quickly towards the earth.

The number is simply unimaginable and inestimable. Just like ants, they scattered towards the cities, toward the suburbs, the wilderness, and so on, there is hardly any dead corner, they completely covered all corners of the globe.

Almost all of these monsters are familiar. There are not only monsters from games, there are even monsters and beasts in legends, even the zombies are all falling from the cracks onto the earth.

There are more than a few cities left in ruins.

In the early morning, there were still some empty streets. Suddenly, there were a lot of monsters. There were zombies wandering around, and they weren"t happy while moving. But when they smelled fresh blood, they immediately rushed towards the ordinary people who were frightened and pale, and completely swarmed them.

When a zombie falls upon a person, it bites with its mouth wide open.

Some people were torn to pieces or bursts into horrible screams.

There are green-skinned monsters less than a meter tall, carrying wooden sticks, and with the stick, they crushed an adult"s head apart, like a watermelon smashed by a mallet.

A skeleton soldier ran so fast with a bone knife that it split an old lady in two that had come out early to buy vegetables.

There were even zombies dressed in Qing Dynasty official clothes, jumping to catch up with pedestrians, grabbing a woman, biting her neck on the neck and opening their mouths while sucking her blood with a blue face and fangs, the scene looked absolutely horrendous.

There was also a fierce beast running down the streets that looked like a half-human tall wolf. As soon as it arrived on the ground, an adult was killed on the spot, it bit into his neck while blood gushed out of his throat.

The whole city was a sea of blood. Zombies, monsters, they were not satisfied at all, constantly going past and invading high-rise buildings. The b.l.o.o.d.y smells thoroughly stimulated their murderous intent.

Screams, cries of fear, and gunshots kept ringing throughout the city, these sounds intermingled to directly render a doomsday tragedy.

In a time of peace, where can one imagine this scene, in one moment it is still a peaceful period, the next second will usher in a complete doomsday disaster, without the slightest warning, the tragedy from being killed instantly is unbearable. And these scenes are happening worldwide, it is not known how many people have already died.

Just as if wolves were let loose in a sheep pen, the scene can already be predicted how b.l.o.o.d.y and miserable it will continue to be.

“So terrible, brother, is this really the end of the world?” Zhao Ziyan"s face was pale and her lips were pale also, and her subconscious mind was still somewhat unbelieving at what was happening before her.

“It"s the apocalypse now, there"s no doubt about it. This is a catastrophe, a disaster involving the whole human race, a disaster on the whole of human civilization. I don"t know how many people are going to die during this period. There will be no one that can save them. The only ones who can save them are themselves. We are in the same boat.”

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and flashed a firm color in his eyes as he said absolutely, “In heaven walks the strong, and a gentleman strives constantly for self-improvement, self-reliance, and both these qualities are the emperor"s way. In the end, to place hope on others is to seek death.”

“What do we do now?” Tang Zitong was shocked but still calmly looked at Yi Tianxing and asked.

“Go out and kill these monsters.” Yi Tianxing said firmly.

Looking into the void, one can see that in those cracks, not only are there huge quant.i.ties of monsters spewing out, but there are also strange lights falling in all directions like stars shooting across the sky. They are so dense that they can"t be counted.

But Yi Tianxing runs his innate Yin and Yang eyes to see. He saw that several streams of light fell directly into the city and out at the suburbs. These streams of light are wrapped treasures. Yi Tianxing knows this very well. Before all this, he was. .h.i.t by one of these very lights, killed directly on the spot, and returned to three days ago. He also got a cultivation method like the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">.

It can be guessed that all the treasures in them must be top-notch. Once one gets a bead, they can immediately reverse their destiny and gain the opportunity to achieve the extraordinary.

“I must find ways to get as many of these beads as soon as possible, each one may bring endless benefits. The more I can get, the more likely we can survive in the future.” This idea crept into Yi Tianxing"s mind.

His innate Yin and Yang eyes worked to the extreme. His true dragon Qi condensed after his Divine Sea was opened in his body and was also directly injected into his Yin and Yang eyes for the first time. He urged the Yin and Yang Divine Diagram to run in his eyes and branded the locations of the meteors falling nearby in his mind as soon as possible. His best possible guarantee is to find these beads first.

“Brother, I"ll go with you.” Zhao Ziyan, though still fearful in her heart, opened her mouth and said that she did not want Yi Tianxing to go out alone. If there was more than one person, they would have more strength.

“Yes, I"m not powerless either. I"ve also practiced martial arts. With these weapons, I can defend myself if we go down." Tang Zitong nodded in agreement.

To go outside they are also eager to try.

Yi Tianxing is right. In the apocalypse, only one"s own strength is the real reliance. All else are false. Tang Zitong has been deeply impressed by this.

“You two stay here for the time being, there are still a lot of things stored here. If they are found out by others, they may cause trouble and greed. In the apocalypse, people"s hearts are changing, and no one knows what will happen next. I"ll go down and test the strength of those monsters. You two stay here, I won"t come back anytime soon. No matter who knocks, do not open the door. These materials are our foundation for life in the future.”

Yi Tianxing did not promise to let them hunt the monsters immediately. If no one was watching the base, who knows what would happen? The materials here are the foundation of their survival.

“Well, you have to be careful big brother Yi. If there"s any danger you cannot handle, come back as soon as possible.” Tang Zitong, after hearing this, mumbled a little and agreed decisively that the materials here are really important and they are truly the foundation of their life. Moreover, she is confident in her ability, it should not be a problem to keep this place safe, besides, no one knows now that there is such a large amount of materials here.

Without hesitation he heads down.

With a compound folding bow on his back, he took a pot of arrows, carried a tang knife on his back, and carried a steel spear in hand.

Others won"t take so many things, since the weight of these things will take up all efforts of an adult, Yi Tianxing taking up this amount of weight is just right, after Qi refining, this weight will not affect his overall combat effectiveness.

As soon as he got his weapons, he immediately walked out the door.

Tang Zitong and Zhao Ziyan were both told to close the door and lock it immediately.

“With this catastrophe comes a great opportunity."

The light in Yi Tianxing"s eyes twinkled all the way down the stairs.

The rich smell of blood kept coming in waves to his nostrils, it was very pungent, and if ordinary people smelled it, they would immediately vomit.