Eternal Country

Chapter 18

Translator: SumTLMan

In the school, no one knows how many students or teachers were eaten by those rats, even the bones and dregs were gnawed until nothing was left behind, no one could be indifferent to this b.l.o.o.d.y scene, and no one knows how many students felt enough fear or endless despair to jump out from the top of the buildings to commit suicide on the spot. Plus with the terrible cold, low temperature, and heavy snow, a lot of people had already died directly because of these circ.u.mstances.

The rest had to fight or escape from the school.

But the cars could not move at all, they can only rely on their own two feet to escape. Along the way, they are constantly losing people, and the problem are constantly being attacked and dragged away by the rats chasing behind, there was no way to stop it.

Many girls have been scared out of their wits.

“Be careful!”

Just then, in the darkness, a black shadow flashed over to kill a female teacher at the back of the line. Under the light of the torches, it was immediately seen that it was a rat the size of a domestic dog, and its eyes were blood-red. There was also blood on it"s teeth, making it look extremely ferocious. The speed of it"s leap was extremely fast, and what followed was a b.l.o.o.d.y smell. Obviously, it had killed and ate human flesh before.

The speed at which the rat leaped to attack someone was too fast for most people to react.

But at this critical moment, it suddenly saw a blue light flashing through the hands of a girl in a blue sweater. She had a devil"s body and an angel"s face, this girl is the legendary angel faced devil body. But now her face was full of murderous intent, and the blue light that came out of her hand.

It was a blue blade.

Breaking through the air, it chopped at the rat with astonishing speed.


With a crisp sound, the wind blade had split the rat in two and killed it on the spot. Flesh and blood flew across as it landed on the ground in full view of the people, showing that it was killed directly. A white wish bead condensed out in a flash in front of it"s body.

When the girl saw it, she immediately went forward and grabbed it in hand.

Obviously, she also knows that this wish bead is a good thing. One can see the joy on her face.

"Thank you, Qingqing. If it hadn"t been for you, I would have been eaten by the rats.” The female teacher also showed a frightened look, with just one rat alone, and with her ability, she certainly could not resist, once she was dragged away, even her bones will be gnawed until only dregs were left. Thinking of this kind of scene made her feel gooseb.u.mps.

Liu Qingqing shook her head and said "Miss Liu, now everyone is one group. You don"t have to thank me, let"s just go.”

“We can"t go, there are too many rats. They"re about to catch up. These monsters will not stop until they kill us all.” A very strong boy named Tie Nan looked around and said with an ugly face.

Under the light of the torches, one can see that in the darkness, many blood-red eyes are staring at them coldly, and they have been surrounded by huge number of rats. Facing the swarm of rats, even the other monsters have begun retreating from here. They seem to show a lot of fear against the crazy swarm of rats, this deterrent was enough to make most of the monsters retreat.

“We can"t go on like this. There will be more and more rats. If we stay here, we will all die here. We must find a place to hide, or at least not face so many enemies in every directions.” An extraordinarily handsome young man with a pair of pushed up his frame, he seems to have a trace of wisdom. His name is Li Zhilin. Looking around, he frowned slightly.


Almost as soon as he had finished his words, the rats around him began to attack, and they had no pity and did not wait for them prepare. Their only goal was to kill, eat and gnaw the people in front of them until no bones were left.

With grotesque cries, the group can only see that one by one, the red-eyed rats began pouncing ferociously into the crowd.


A male cla.s.smate holding a torch was immediately knocked down by a rat. When the rat came over, it had directly bit through the boy"s neck and tore off a huge chunk of flesh and blood, the blood spurted out just like a fountain. Obviously, he can"t survive any longer. At this moment, one learns how fragile life is.

Moreover, immediately after falling down, the rat dragged his body into the dark.

“Son of a b.i.t.c.h, go to h.e.l.l!”

When Tie Nan saw this, anger erupted in his eyes, and there was a flash of black light all over his body. His body became metal like, shining with a metallic l.u.s.ter, and even having the texture of steel. With fire axe in hand, he chopped at the rat in front of him.


The rat"s claw had been caught on Tie Nan"s chest and tore his shirt, but when the strike fell on his skin, it immediately burst out with fierce sparks, even though the rat can tear slate with its sharp claws, it could not tear his skin. Obviously, his defense is no longer in the realm of ordinary people, and the rat"s claws could not break through Tie Nan"s skin. It"s body was immediately chopped by the fire axe.

The hard chop split it in two.

“Everyone gather around me.”

As soon as Li Zhilin pushed up his frame, he waved his hand, and the group immediately saw a blue colored water curtain shield appeared out of thin air, shrouding in apart of the students. The water curtain rippled and appeared very strange under the light of the torches.

A rat swung at the curtain with its claws, only stirring up a ripple on the water curtain, leaving a twinkle of distortion, with the rat bouncing back in vain. The water curtain obviously has a very strong defensive force.

Those who had weapons in their hands were beating at the rats that had pounced on them.

These people have killed monsters before, and their fear of these monsters has already dissipated, so they are much stronger than ordinary people. Even though they dared to fight the monster, however, the number of rats is too large, even the torches can not fully illuminate them in the darkness. People are constantly attacked by the rats, and secretly dragged directly away in the dark with a series of screams.

Hearing the peoples" horrifying screams, many faces became white, as white as a sheet of paper.

“Three extraordinary talents! One can produce wind blades, one can make their body as tough as steel, and the other can control water to form a water curtain.” This scene was clearly seen by Yi Tianxing standing on the balcony.

“I don"t know whether they woke up before or after the catastrophe, but now I can see three extraordinary talents, which were a rare sight before, and they are concentrated in this group of students. It seems that the recovery of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi has begun to have an impact on the whole world.”

What is an extraordinary talent, they have a Destiny Aperture awakened in their body, a self-awakening, even if one does not have an innate awakening, one can also have a postnatal awakening, their talent is at the top of an awakened Destiny Aperture, this the basis of extraordinary power.

These people can control water, attack with a wind blade, or form a steel like defense must have a corresponding Destiny Aperture awakened in the body.

If one is born with a Destiny Aperture, it is an Innate Destiny Aperture that is awakened after birth. A Postnatal Destiny Aperture is a Destiny Aperture that does not need any wonders to open up but is awakened postnatally. There is no difference between those who use wonders to open up their Destiny Aperture or not, the only difference is that one can save a lot of natural treasures, or even does not need to refine Qi with a Destiny Aperture method if one is born with a Destiny Aperture.

Perhaps even they do not know how their Destiny Aperture came to be, or how to develop it or open it up, but it does not prevent them from taking control of the power in their Destiny Aperture, allowing them access magical abilities or extraordinary power.

Looking from atop the building, the streets are still filled with fighting.

Yi Tianxing was silent for a moment, then turned back into the house. After a few breaths, he returned to the balcony. When he came back, he directly carried out a box of iron arrows with a folded composite bow in hand. The light of a metallic sheen on the bow was constantly flowing, and the dark bow was engraved with various ancient patterns.

Without hesitation, he directly picked up an iron arrow and laid it on the bow. The strong force in his arm drew the bow, and with the string pulled out vigorously, the long tough bow was pulled easily. One needs to pull with an image of a full moon, without pulling a bow as open as a full moon, it is a waste of effort with this bow.


As soon as the arrow was pointed down, his finger loosened, and iron arrow burst out like a bullet, traveling through midair while a sharp sound of tearing air was heard. The rats felt a cold sweat all over their bodies and their hairs stood on end.

Underneath, a large number of rats came to kill the crowd. Li Zhilin"s water curtain could not cover everyone in it. People kept dying, and, over time, the light on the water curtain was fading as seen by the naked eye.

As one can see, this water curtain can not be supported indefinitely, before long, it will be completely shattered.

The black iron light on Tie Nan was also dimming.

The wind edge in the Liu Qingqing"s hands was also getting weaker and slower while her face became very pale.

Even awakening a Destiny Aperture to become an extraordinary talent by no means makes one invincible. Their power comes from the fact that it is a Destiny Aperture, it does not mean that they became a real cultivator. They simply cannot use True Qi Aura to urge the Destiny Aperture, they can only rely on their Destiny Aperture to acc.u.mulate and recover on its own. This process is not fast, so there are absolutely no more attacks that can be made, and, because they have just awakened it, the number of abilities that can be performed is very few.

Without a Qi refining method, they can only exercise the ability by using it again and again to make Destiny Aperture even more powerful.

“Tie Nan, get out of the way.”

Liu Qingqing suddenly saw two rats pounding at Tie Nan from two sides at the same time. The light on Tie Nan was already quite dim when she hurriedly exclaimed with cry of surprise.


Tie Nan also noticed the murderous rat in front of him, so he could not be distracted at all. It was simply impossible for his body"s defense to resist two successive attacks.

But at this moment, the fierce beast that leaped at him from the left suddenly screamed, followed by its body flying backwards, coincidentally in the direction of the ferocious rat in front of Tie Nan. The two beasts were struck together.

A b.l.o.o.d.y flower bloomed, and an iron arrow like lightning through the bodies of the two ferocious rats, they were inserted directly into the ground, and the hard ground was shot through by the arrow. These two rats were killed on the spot.

“It"s an iron arrow, who shot it? It"s so fierce. It"s like killing two birds with one stone, and with such fierce archery in the dark.”

This arrow, directly let Liu Qingqing give birth to a trace of shock. In the darkness, there was no moment of stillness under the circ.u.mstances with such a fight, being able to kill two birds with one stone by shooting the two ferocious rats was already extraordinary.