Eternal Country

Chapter 2

Translator: SumTLMan

Yi Tianxing then dialed a few more numbers. Quickly leaving messages in order to remind the people he called to prepare for the worst. All his calls were to his brothers and friends who were close to him. Although he doesn"t have many friends, he had some who were close enough to be called brothers.

After his calls, Yi Tianxing put down his cell phone and looked out of the window at the scene of bustling crowds. They were all in a hurry to go to their nine to five jobs, one by one shuffling to work for their hard earned money. They won"t have any more time to be idle for the rest of their lives. None of them had any idea that an extinction level disaster was able to arrive.

It is highly possible that in three days time, the whole world order of the entire planet will be completely destroyed, civilization as they know it will be gone, mankind will be slaughtered like pigs, while the whole world will be filled with countless terrible monsters that will bring untold destruction to humanity. The wealthy will join the common folk in that instant, and everyone in the face of such an impending disaster will follow the same outcome.

Really, everyone will start this disaster in a state of relative equality.

“Although I don"t truly know whether this future will come to pa.s.s or not, or whether there will really be a disaster in three days time, I still have to prepare ahead of time just in case. Because once the order of civilization really collapses, the whole world will be in a state of chaos, money will come to nought, and what will truly be valued in the eyes of the will be food and material supplies. At least there are still three days remaining, so I have that much time to prepare as much as I can. This could be a chance for me before the disaster strikes.”

Yi Tianxing flashed a touch of light in his eyes and made a quick decisive decision to prepare.

All these years of experience has long since allowed him to learn how to be as cunning as a rabbit that can cross the three gorges, he knows he has prepare in advance of for the possible scenario of this disaster.

With the money he earned before as an exorcist, he bought a piece of land in the suburbs, on this plot of land, he built a reserve factory on the surface, and dug up a large s.p.a.ce in the ground and created an underground base. There is a complete set of a variety of necessary equipment that he believed he may need in the future, and the storage s.p.a.ce in the underground base has a large number of supplies already placed from his prior orders. He created this reserve base just in case there was some sort of major accident or disaster in the future. The supply reserves that he ordered for his base can completely allow him to survive for about ten years.

This was supposed to be just in case of a worst case scenario, in order to avoid any sudden big disaster, for if the world went to sh*t. The living s.p.a.ce he created is completely equipped as a temporary shelter, but he never had any intentions of using it for the rest of his life. This shelter was only prepared on a whim because of his cautious mind, this sort of preparation was to create his own sense of security, which had not been present in his life after he had come out from the orphanage.

He didn"t expect it to come in handy today.

“However, the supplies I had previously prepared now seem far from sufficient.”

Yi Tianxing"s eyes flashed again with a touch of light while he murmured to himself.

Then he took out his mobile phone and quickly made a few more phone calls. He quickly withdrew large sums of his savings in exchange for a list of all kinds of supplies, food, medicine, and even water, and so on, all of which were placed in a large supply list.

All these supplies are set to be delivered directly at his reserve factory base, they will arrive at his in two days time, and when all of he supplies have arrived, Yi Tianxing can directly deliver the supplies at any time into the underground base. He has special equipment that he prepared in advance to send large amounts of supplies from the surface to his underground base in one trip.

The goods he ordered this time is quite a sizable amount.

After finishing all these preparations, only then did Yi Tianxing take the time to start thinking about his own changes.

“I remember that three days later, a lot of divine orbs of light will fly out from the s.p.a.cial cracks, one of which was a light wrapped colorful bead that fell directly into my head. I don"t know if the bead is still there.”

Yi Tianxing was secretly suspicious this was the case.

He had to be sure, the incident that brought him back to three days in the past must have been this very bead.

This was definitely not an ordinary bead.

Although he has no Qi refining or cultivation method, Yi Tianxing still has a way to cultivate. He has an unusual pair of eyes. And through various events he has experienced in his life, these rich experiences have made his mind mature far more than his peers.

Without fear, he secretly focused his mind and began to look inside.

“It"s really in my mind.”

This insight, Yi Tianxing could not help but shiver, in his sea of knowledge, he immediately felt something there, in his mind there was a sort of mysterious object, this was the colorful Spirit Bead.

This Spirit Bead is extremely miraculous, appearing directly in the middle of his sea of knowledge. Although the Spirit Bead was small, it contained an incomprehensible amount of ancient characters that looked like tiny dragons that were constantly swimming around. It seemed as though these mysterious text contained some sort of mysterious power.

“< heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">.”

This message came directly into Yi Tianxing"s mind with the emergence of the Spirit Bead. He can now understand the text to be an ancient cultivation method, at the same time, there are more parts to the message that appeared directly in his mind.

Since there is a remarkable record of a mysterious ancient cultivation method in the Spirit Bead called < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">, it shows that this bead is of extraordinary origin and that it is very likely that the cultivation method born from it came naturally from Heaven and Earth.

The message also contains a brief overview regarding the realms of spiritual practice.

The first realm is called the Divine Sea Realm. In fact, this realm is also known as the Aura Realm, Refining Qi Realm and so on by others. The actual purpose of this realm is to open ones own body to gain the ability to absorb Qi and store it. To do so, one needs to search for the root of their own strength and open up the Source Spring from it.

Legend has it that those cultivators had boundless strength and moved as quickly as a gale, traversing mountains and leaping across rivers. They could also use Sword Qi to fight like a bull, and in order to gain these abilities, they needed to open up their body"s Divine Aura Storage Capacity in order to reach the Divine Sea Realm in cultivation.

This Divine Sea Realm is strong, one can be as light as a swallow, and can swell up with the strength of a bull, one can produce Steel Qi to protect the body, or even go as far as creating a Divine Steel Body. With cultivation, martial artists can learn swordsmanship methods and so on, and not just swinging out vulgarly with their strength but adding finesse to their combat ability to complement their overall power.

To reach the Divine Sea Realm, one needs to open their Divine Aura Storage Capacity. And to do so, there has to be a breakthrough in the Qi channels of the eight meridians throughout the body, with this breakthrough, it creates a bridge for Heaven and Earth to flow through. Aura acts as the sea, meridians act as the river channels, so that rivers can flow from Heaven and Earth back into the sea, round and round through this endless cycle in order to expand the sea. Once the Dan in the pubic region has expanded enough from the Qi, one has come to an innate realm that can begin practice, these people are then far removed from the general population.

But this Qi alone does not help fully develop a Dantian.

Opening up a fully developed Dantian requires a cultivation method, but it is difficult to acquire a method to do so. According to ancient legend, there is stored Qi in the human body at birth. This stored Qi is innate Qi transferred by the mother. But just as grains and cereals pa.s.s the day after tomorrow as one consumes them, so too does the innate Qi transferred gradually dissipate the day after tomorrow.

This stored Qi only exists in the Dantian.

Although a Dantian can absorb Qi, which is recorded in many ancient books, this is the worst way of cultivation, even the simplest cultivation method is better than simply absorbing Qi, which is lowest threshold of a cultivator. As long as there are certain qualifications, one can slowly produce a Qi Sense, allowing one to be capable of cultivating refined Qi. With a little bit of acc.u.mulation, one can store Qi in a Dantian, also known as Aura, but this is still not a true Divine Sea.

A true Divine Sea, requires the belly b.u.t.ton eye near the pubic region.

The belly b.u.t.ton eye from a mother is a direct channel connecting the mother and the fetus, allowing the fetus to receive nutrients from the umbilical cord, but a mother"s innate Qi is also transmitted through the umbilical cord.

Therefore, before one is born, the belly b.u.t.ton is a key location that not only carries nutrients but strengthens the body as a whole. All cultivation originates from this place.

It is only after the birth of a fetus that the umbilical cord is cut and turned into a belly b.u.t.ton. And this belly b.u.t.ton becomes an eye, becoming the human body"s most fragile place. One may even feel airflow go in and out from this place called the belly b.u.t.ton eye. Once a person is cold in that location, they are more to abdominal pain, sickness and so on.

And the most important factor for pract.i.tioners is to re-open up the Divine Sea using the belly b.u.t.ton eye to completely eliminate the weakness of being unable to actively absorb Qi and store it as Aura. The belly b.u.t.ton is a natural channel for the human body to communicate with the outside world. Once this treasure called the Divine Sea is opened, they can immediately follow the location of the belly b.u.t.ton eye and swallow the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi and integrate the Qi into themselves to become stronger.

If one starts pa.s.sively refining Qi in a Dantian without a Divine Sea, they won"t have the ability to store it. They will only be able to practice with refined Qi, and will only be able to practice by partly strengthening themselves. Not only is this a slow process, but in the end, the cultivation will eventually have them reopen the Divine Sea using the belly b.u.t.ton, which still has to go through the belly b.u.t.ton eye near the Dantian for Qi to be stored as Aura. This takes more time, and is even considered a waste of efforts.

However, if a person reaches the Divine Sea Realm during this present age, even if they have the right cultivation method, it will still be a long process before they can officially give birth to a Qi Sense, and open their Divine Aura Storage Capacity. Ordinary people can take years, even decades, and may not even be able to give birth to a Qi Sense, to officially embark on the road of spiritual practice, a talented person may be able to give birth to a Qi Sense in two or three days or even a few hours to complete their introduction to cultivation.

This is the gap between qualifications, if ordinary people take the path of opening up Qi storage in their Dantian, there is hope for spiritual practice.

Most of the methods of opening up a Divine Sea directly from the belly b.u.t.ton have been lost, even if they were not lost, Heaven and Earth has changed, the Origin Qi from Heaven and Earth has dissipated in the world and is now thin to the extreme. As a result, many spiritual schools have declined, cultivators have become legends, fairy dharma and Taoism have become myths. Unless you are born with something extraordinary, it is extremely difficult to achieve anything in cultivation. The time spent on this endeavor would also be extremely long. Longer than a lifetime!

As far as Yi Tianxing knows, most of the exorcists use the help of various dharma instruments, or some even have their own innate ability, but most of them follow the legacies of their mentors, some with the help of charms, or even ancients seals left by their ancestors. Even so, in today"s modern times, they are still considered a master by many rich and important people, they still regard this type of person as an honored guest anywhere they go.

Yi Tianxing himself is also born with a pair of innate Yin and Yang eyes, although not cultivated, these eyes can still ward off many evil spirits. Moreover, with his continuous suppression and even devouring of spirits, his Yin and Yang eye"s ability is still growing, so as he continues exorcising spirits, it will slowly transform and enhances themselves. His power is already quite good, and in certain circles, he has a great reputation.

In the field of exorcism, he is considered a famous figure.

What the Heavenly Dragon Emperor Sutra contains is a top Qi refining cultivation method. In this method, at the beginning of the Qi refining process, one needs to absorb Dragon Qi, this Dragon Qi can be the spiritual Qi from a Dragon Vein, it can be from the spirit of a dragon, or can be Dragon Qi from a dynasty. But without Dragon Qi, there is no way to get this method started without absorbing that type of Qi in order to open up a Divine Sea and store Aura. So, the key to this Heavenly Dragon Emperor Sutra is Dragon Qi.

As long as there is Dragon Qi as a seed, one can open up a Divine Sea, then with this seed, one can be directly use it to absorb Origin Qi from Heaven and Earth, and supplement the Dragon Qi, regardless of the strength growth from the Qi, one cannot store it without a Divine Sea. Without Dragon Qi to guide the beginning, this Cultivation Method is just decoration. There"s no way to store the Qi at all.

To refine this Qi, one can only find land with a Dragon Vein and draw the Qi from a Dragon Vein, or slaughter some animal with dragon blood in order to seize the Dragon Qi, or have follow the emperor"s way of life and become a true dragon prince in order to have no taboo under the Heavens to direct the Qi refining process.

Regardless of the means, getting started is hard, but once one gets started. The Divine Sea that is opened up is not an ordinary Divine Sea, but a True Dragon Divine Sea with it"s own Dragon Aura. What is eternally known about Dragon Aura is that it is inherently more powerful and domineering than the average Aura.

Not only is < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> many times higher than most quality cultivation methods. Some cultivation methods have other special requirements, such as needing to absorb fire into the body while it absorbs Origin Qi, to open up a Divine Sea that can store a special Aura. This special Aura is a specially created Fire Aura, and there are other kinds of special cultivation methods similar to this.

Each has their own mysteries and merits to discover.