Eternal Country

Chapter 20

Publishedat 16th of August 2019 03:10:56 PMChapter 20

Translator: SumTLMan

“There is not much difference between the Basic Spear Method and the Short Spear Method itself . The skills from the Basic Spear Method can be transferred to the short spear . The predecessor of the long spear itself evolved from the short spear . Qi refining with the Long Spear Method, and Qi refining with the Short Spear Method is no different, both can be a used interchangeably . This Basic Spear Method can coupled with Qi refining which should allow me to hunt monsters faster . ”

Yi Tianxing glanced at a few lifelike pictures in the Basic Spear Method, it was as if the man in it was a real spear master that taught the Basic Spear Method personally, even if he just viewed it once, it could leave a deep impression in his mind . If it were not for the small hall, he even had the impulse to hold a spear directly and start practicing several times .

“But what is this < blood="" spring="">?”

After putting down the Basic Spear Method, Yi Tianxing once again took out a jade book t.i.tled < blood="" spring=""> that he had received in the beginning, he held it in his hand again and carefully looked at it . It did not indicate whether it was a cultivation method, a combat skill or anything, making it seem very special . Before eliminating the monsters in the whole apartment building, there was no time to carefully look at it, now that he has time, he can’t help being curious, so he began by opening it to check it out .

Destiny Aperture: Blood Spring!!

With the power to control blood, once the Blood Spring Destiny Aperture is opened and condensed, one will have the ability to absorb blood, and use blood to quench the flesh and purify blood . Opening this up can make one become the source of thousands of bloodlines, one can derive the power from blood and promote a Blood Attribute Destiny Aperture . Doing so will allow the body to contain strong vitality, repair dark internal wounds, quickly recover from serious injury, enhance vitality, and allow wounds to quickly recover from injury .

To develop the Destiny Aperture, one needs: Blood Essence Stone, Blood Lotus Flower, Vampire Bat Fang, and Creeping Vampire Vine .

In the jade book, there is not only the description about a Blood Spring Destiny Aperture, but also the precious treasures required for construction, it shows the various wonders, as well as the ill.u.s.tration of the wonders themselves, in the final view of the Blood Spring book it shows the True Symbol construction .

The method of building and opening up a Blood Spring is clearly recorded in the book, it shows that the process of opening one up is not simple . Unless the Blood Spring Destiny Aperture is born naturally, otherwise, it must be self-developed to be acquired . Moreover, it is not a simple process to open up an Aperture Cave, in order to open up the Blood Spring Destiny Aperture, one needs all kinds of precious wonders to really construct and condense a True Symbol for Blood Spring, and there is the possibility of failure throughout the process .

Without any of the parts noted in this book, it is very difficult or nearly impossible to build a complete Blood Spring Destiny Aperture .

“It turned out to be a cla.s.sic for opening up a Destiny Aperture . This is even more precious than the previous cultivation methods . ”

When Yi Tianxing read it, he could not help taking in a cool breath while his eyes were shining . This is a way of constructing a Destiny Aperture, once completed, this is a completely new magical power that can be used with spells or a Taoist arts, allowing one to wield all sorts of incredible powers . Every way of opening up a new Destiny Aperture requires very precious and priceless treasure .

All kinds of magical power techniques can be derived from these Apertures, and it is all pretty amazing if someone finds a way to do it .

It’s like Yi Tianxing’s own innate Yin and Yang eyes, this came with him when he was born, he does not need to be open it up by virtue of different kinds of natural treasures or wonders, moreover, the Yin and Yang eyes can spy on Yin and Yang in the world, and also has the added benefit of being able to carry out powerful attacks with the Yin and Yang Lock . The Yin and Yang eyes are his original innate Destiny Aperture .

The Yin and Yang Lock are a magical power technique derived from his original Yin and Yang eyes .

Even if Yin and Yang eyes are transformed to a higher level, other magical powers and techniques can still be derived from it . This is a process of continuous transformation and promotion of his advantages .

If a Blood Spring is really opened up, one can derive a variety of blood attribute powers and Taoist arts . Just like an original blood attribute magical power, this is a foundational power that one can operate and wield .

In cultivation realms, the Divine Sea Realm is the first realm, this is the foundation of cultivation, and the second realm is the Destiny Aperture Realm, it is when one opens up a Destiny Aperture . There is a very direct problem, without an art accompanying a Destiny Aperture, it is simply impossible to open up a Destiny Aperture . As one can imagine, the development of a Blood Spring Destiny Aperture method, at present, is also an extremely precious secret .

He doesn’t need it now, but he is sure it will certainly be used in the future .

“Unexpectedly, the creation of a Destiny Aperture also requires a variety of precious treasures and Heaven and Earth wonders . To open up a Blood Spring, it requires four treasures, of which the Vampire Bat Fang is the easiest to acquire, I just happen to get one . It seems that the development of any Destiny Aperture is not so easy . ”

Yi Tianxing, on the other hand, also feels the difficulty of opening up a Destiny Aperture . There is no Destiny Aperture that can be opened from thin air, they need the corresponding natural resources and treasures, and to collect these treasures is a time-consuming and labor-intensive endeavor, each treasure is very precious, and the value of each one in the future will certainly continue to soar .

“Forget it, I’m still too far away from opening up this Destiny Aperture . I obviously don’t need to think too much about it for now . These things will be collected first, and will naturally be used in the future when needed . ”

Thinking about it again, Yi Tianxing is not too persistent, this is a cultivation method for after the Divine Sea Realm, for now, it is of no great help, no matter how much he thinks about it, it will not help . If he has not cultivated enough, there is no way for him to open up a Destiny Aperture anyways .

Unless there is some self-awakening of a Destiny Aperture, it is impossible to gain control over a Destiny Aperture’s magical powers before reaching the Destiny Aperture Realm . Otherwise, there would be no possible reason to collect the natural resources and treasures required to open one up .

“I still have to seize this time to continue Qi refining . ”

The area around the apartment building was completely cleaned up by him, even if there are traces of monsters left, it is impossible to pose too much of a threat in a short period of time . Now it is late at night, it is absolutely not a wise choice to go out and hunt monsters . Moreover, sleeping in this kind of environment is obviously impractical, there were screams coming from outside that were accompanied by the roars of monsters which did not stop for a moment . Qi Refining is the best alternative to sleeping right now .

Taking out another wish bead, Yi Tianxing placed it in his mouth and immediately began to close his eyes and run the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">, constantly visualizing about the < ancestor="" dragon="" four="" divine="" sea="" diagram="">, and imagining the Ancestor Dragon swallowing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi while refining the wish bead .

As soon as he begins Qi refining, he is immediately unable to feel the existence of time .

Unwittingly, time has quietly pa.s.sed .

… … …

As his eyes slowly open, a mouthful of turbid air was exhaled out as the flow of black and white Qi went into his eyes .

“It’s already seven o’clock, why is it still dark outside?”

Looking at the watch on his hand, which is is a mechanical watch, not the electronic ones that were destroyed in the catastrophe, it still accurately displays the time .

Last night, Yi Tianxing refined two wish beads in a row . The True Dragon Qi gathered had became Aura, so that the number of True Dragon Qi strands in his Divine Sea increased dramatically . Each strand can enhance the total physical strength in his body by quenching the flesh and blood . Nowadays, there are hundreds of strands of True Dragon Qi in the Divine Sea, the scale of growth is not small . If he acc.u.mulates some more True Dragon Qi, maybe he can start impacting the 12 Virtuous Points and Qi Channels of the Eight Meridians .

It’s a wonderful feeling to get a little stronger .

“Brother, it’s seven in the morning . Why is it still dark outside? Is the night getting longer?” Zhao Ziyan and the two girls woke up, and after another the three had another visualization session last night, they were only a line away from giving birth to a Qi Sense . Before, they were unable to support it to the end, so they all went into the bedroom to sleep for a while . Now that they got up, they see that the outside is still shrouded in darkness, seeing this, they lit the candles with frowns and took a look outside .

“Something’s not right, Why is the weather so cold? and I think the temperature has been falling since last night . It is already seven o’clock now, in the past, the sun should have risen by now, even if it hadn’t risen, it could not stay so dark, it is just like night . Is there another big problem?” Tang Zitong also frowned slightly and said .

Now is September, according to the current season, it still belongs to hot late summer and early autumn, the sun usually rises at 6 o’clock, it is impossible to rise now after 7 o’clock, and there is not a trace of sun that can not be seen at all, not even a trace of sunlight . This is completely surprising .

“It’s really strange, the catastrophe has changed something about the weather in Heaven and Earth . Today, we won’t know what will happen tomorrow, we can’t change the current situation at all, we can only adapt to it . ” Yi Tianxing came to the balcony and looked around . Although it was dark, he could still see most things clearly in his eyes, the darkness is no shackle .

“By the way big brother Yi, this Heaven and Earth change should be recorded in the Wordless Heavenly Book . Take it out and have a look, maybe it might show what’s going on . ” Chen Xuerou opened her mouth and suddenly suggested .

“Well, let me see . ” When Yi Tianxing heard this, he nodded in approval .

Without hesitation, they came to the hall together, sat down, and took the Wordless Heavenly Book from his hand . They opened it and all saw the paragraph of text that suddenly emerged in the heavenly book .

Surprisingly, a new record appears in the Heavenly Book .

“On the second day of the Great Catastrophe, the sun disappeared, never to rise again, and darkness shrouds the earth . All living beings lose their light, cold will cover Heaven and Earth, and monsters will run rampant in the world . ”

In the Wordless Heavenly Book, these sentences just suddenly surfaced .

The number of words is not much, but the implications contained in them can make people’s hearts shiver .

Even Yi Tianxing, when he saw it was silent for a long time, and the hall was left speechless as well .

The sun disappearing and never rising again . Well, at least it is absolutely impossible to rise now .

The consequences of the disappearance of the sun are too terrible . Firstly, without the sun, the whole earth would be shrouded in darkness, and the consequence of the disappearance of the sun would be the cold coming . When the temperature starts flying down, it won’t be long before it will begin snowing, the whole Earth will enter into an new Ice Age .

No electricity, no sun, he doesn’t know how many people will be directly freeze to death .

Coupled with the threat from the countless amounts of monsters, the entire human civilization will face a challenge of life and death, an extinction level event .

“Without the sun, if we are really shrouded in darkness, soon the temperature will drop sharply, heavy snow would cover the entire city, and what accompanies it will be an Ice Age . Without warm quilts, many people will freeze to death, and outside still has monsters everywhere, even if people are trapped in their homes, those who want to survive will not dare venture out in this darkness . If they do not have ample supplies to protect themselves from the cold, the chances of freezing to death is as high as 90% . ” Tang Zitong blinked and said in a low voice .

“If yesterday was the first day, it would be the beginning of the catastrophe and when the monsters came . The next day is when the sun disappeared, this could be a transition from the upheaval in Heaven and Earth . It could be that the sun does not necessarily disappear forever, there must be a glimmer of life somewhere, if we stick through it, there might be a chance at survival . ” Yi Tianxing frowned slightly while carefully deliberating on the message he had seen in the Heavenly Book, and spoke the conjecture in his heart .