Eternal Country

Chapter 24

Translator: SumTLMan

The Yin and Yang Lock goes from Yin and Yang to all Yin. Both are one, this is the Yang to Yin transformation. Both coexist in one heart, between one thought. The Yin in his Yin and Yang Lock was urged to the extreme with this blow. That is why the vine was frozen on the spot. When the piece of the vine was frozen, it fell lifelessly to the ground. Utterly unable to move any longer.

"Brother, what"s going on? How did the hall become like this? What is happening, why did all the potted plants grow so big? Growth hormones will not make such exaggerated growths." Zhao Ziyan watched with amazement as the hall sprawled with huge vines from the potted plants. This completely subverts her views of plants.

"How did this happen?" Chen Xuerou also covered her mouth and exclaimed in surprise.

"It may have something to do with the Origin Qi Whirlpools appearing." Tang Zitong pondered for a moment before blinking as she said.

If changes did happen, these occurrences must be attributed to after the emergence of the Origin Qi Whirlpools. There was no movement from the plants before, but they had changed after the appearance of the Origin Qi Whirlpools. If someone had said that there was no connection at all, then she absolutely would not believe it.

"Well, it should have something to do with Origin Qi Whirlpools. After the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi recovery, there was also the crazy eruption of Origin Qi from the Origin Qi Whirlpools. Maybe that is what stimulated the plants from the last Dharma era. Before, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi had heavily influenced these plants. Now that the plants have been stimulated again by Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. It is also normal for these plants to have such profound changes. I fear that when the plants and trees outside undergo such dramatic changes, our chances of survival will reduce to a minimum." Yi Tianxing said as he meditates on this issue.

The recovery of Origin Qi does not only let Heaven and Earth recover from the last Dharma era, but also creates a strong impact around. Absolutely making earth-shaking changes around the world. Especially on the plants from the end of the Dharma era. Suddenly experiencing so much nourishment from the ma.s.sive amounts of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi that spewed out. It is the most relaxed time for a mutation. In the future. When people slowly adapt to the changes, it will be impossible to have this much significant change.

This is also a benefit from the Heaven and Earth changing.

Their environment was not only suitable for cultivation. But also brought wonderful benefits to the plants and animals.

Before, it took thousands of years for ordinary creatures to have abnormal mutations. Now, these incredible changes were brought on immediately.

"Let"s kill these mutated plants first."


Pulling out the tang knife in hand. She slashed between the dancing spiritual snake vines, cutting them off immediately from their base. Although the vines themselves are strange and quite tough. In front of the sharp tang knife, these vines are still easily chopped off. Chopping them into sections, they fall to the ground lifelessly. Finally, the green apple vine was pulled out of the potting soil with its roots still intact. After leaving the soil, the green apple vine lost its strength. No longer able to strike back at them.

"How did the white palm become like this?" Zhao Ziyan says lightly, only seeing that the white palm has also become abnormal. It emitted a sense of danger. One by one, the white hands of the white palm flowers eerily slap forward, like a big human hand. As it slaps towards Zhao Ziyan, she was unprepared for this strange attack.

Zhao Ziyan was shot backward on the spot. Feeling as though she had been slapped by a fully grown man. The power contained in this strike was as strong as a hundred jin. If she were an ordinary woman, she is afraid that this palm strike would crack a few of her ribs and rupture her internal organs. Making her vomit blood on the spot. Fortunately, she has successfully broken through and became a cultivator. Allowing True Qi to nourish her body and blood. With the case of this heavy blow, her body"s True Qi had naturally appeared around her chest, offsetting most of the damage.

Even so, Zhao Ziyan felt the blood rolling around in her body as she continually stepped back.


With a crisp cracking sound, Tang Zitong only saw the end of when the white palm struck at Zhao Ziyan. Suddenly, several finger-long flying needles appeared in her hand. She did not ultimately see how Zhao Ziyan was. .h.i.t but shot her flying needle in front of the potted plant. The needle landed on the potted porcelain plant basin, directly breaking apart the porcelain basin on the spot into tiny pieces. The soil ended up scattering all over the floor.

The original, fierce white palm suddenly lost its fierce spirit. Directly falling to the ground lifelessly.


Immediately after that, a few more crisp bursts were heard, and the porcelain basin containing the cactus was also broken.

The attacks were accurate and powerful, and striking as fast as lightning!

Before, they were too late to react. But now, Zhao Ziyan, Chen Xuerou, Tang Zitong broke some of the most threatening plants in the house. Directly cutting off the roots of these mutant plants.

No matter what kind of plant, they are unable to leave the soil. The loss of soil is tantamount to losing its foundation. People are powerless when they lose their Source Spring, mutated plants are the same. Not to mention they had just begun their mutation and still cannot get rid of this inherent shackle.

When out of the soil, their original 100% of the force is suddenly reduced to less than 30%. With this loss, they ended up falling on the ground limply. An example of this is the white palms flowers patting out at them slowly. Moreover, the strength left is only about 10 or 20 jin. There"s not much of a threat anymore at all. They are easily dispatched.

"What a powerful hidden weapon technique. Zitong really deserves to be a member of the ancient families. These flying needles, even I have to hide against them. They look challenging to deal with." Yi Tianxing took a look at Tang Zitong and was surprised by her hidden technique.

"Big brother Yi is too modest. Before that, my hidden weapon technique was not as proficient as it is now. After Qi refining the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra="">. My body has opened up a Divine Sea, allowing me to cultivate my True Qi, which greatly increased my physical strength. This is why I could exert my current power." Tang Zitong looked at Yi Tianxing with a hint of grat.i.tude.

To selflessly allow them to Qi refine the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra="">, a top foundational cultivation method. This alone is something in which many people cannot do at all. There is a sense of grat.i.tude to Yi Tianxing from the bottom of her heart.

Moreover, she instinctively felt that if she did fight against Yi Tianxing, she would never be his rival. She does not know where this strange feeling comes from.

"This celestial cactus can shoot out needles. Look, the dining table is completely pinned with them."

The celestial cactus fell to the ground after firing a large number of turquoise needles. Each needle was quite sharp, and the needles were all three points into the wood. Zhao Ziyan also stares with wide-opened eyes and in wonder at the sight.

"These needles are poisonous, but how severe the poison would be is unknown."

Tang Zitong looked at the needles stuck in the dining table and said with bright eyes. The Tangmen"s hidden weapon and poisoning techniques are quite well-known. Although in modern times, facing a decline, and losing the ability to configure many of the ancient poisons. The inheritance of techniques is still handed down dutifully. Even if there are deficiencies and losses, it is still relatively complete.

Although Tang Zitong can"t refine poisons, she can still distinguish whether they are highly poisonous or not, this is the bare minimum she can accomplish.

That green needle, at first glance, is not comparable with a regular needle.

Tang Zitong took out a peculiar white glove, which looked like a specially made silk glove. When she wears it in hand, she loses her fear of potent toxins. This glove can also connect to a hidden device mechanism created by the Tangmen. This is a very precious treasure during these troubled times. This inheritance was pa.s.sed on to her by her grandmother, who had left her many years ago.

Putting on a silk glove in each hand, she reaches out and pinches a cactus needle pulling it out from the table with great effort. When it was pulled out, she saw that the tip of the needle was still sharp.

"This needle is very toxic. Moreover, the needle is still sharp and tough after being stuck in the table. It can be used as a hidden needle, with its weight being very light. When used as part of my hidden mechanism, it can allow the needle to shoot out even faster. This is a good treasure."

Tang Zitong"s eyes lit up as soon as she pulled the needles out one by one. After observing the needles, she then pinned them to her wrist protectors on both of her arms. These are not ordinary wrist protectors, but a set of hidden wrist protectors that can hold a lot of hidden needles in them. As long as one uses a certain amount of strength, one can instantly take out the needles from the wrist protectors and squeeze them in hand.

The mechanism inside is incredible and ingeniously made. None of the materials used in the construction were commonly found.

One wrist protector can be pinned with a hundred needles, dividing them into two sets for the wrist protectors. That is a total of two hundred needles. This wrist protector is obviously a good thing.

After, the remaining needles were also pulled out from the celestial cactus. Being put to better use in Tang Zitong"s own hands. She did not hesitate to replace all her needles in her wrist protectors with the celestial cactus needles. She named her new set of needles, Celestial Needles.

Yi Tianxing did not say anything when he saw all this going on.

In such an environment, they have to enhance their own strength as soon as possible. This mentality of practice will be more suitable for life during the apocalypse than many people are used to, this is a way of survival.

"Overnight, the outside turned out to be like this. Is this still our home city?"

Coming to the balcony, the three women"s mouth could not help but be left agape, unable to close for a long time. Each woman showed a different expression while looking out at the scene. Although they have become cultivators, they are only just beginning. Although they cannot see some things in the dark. Even from this short distance, they can still see most of what is happening clearly.

But what did they see now?

The city, which used to be full of modern iron and steel flavor has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Countless creeping vines were climbing and spreading throughout the tall buildings. One by one, the vines straddle between high-rises, creating an incomparably strong vertical and horizontal curtain. Even among the vines, one can climb across the high-rise buildings.

The gra.s.s rippled like waves all around, and even the tarmac ground was torn by these gra.s.sroots which made cracks appear everywhere. Willow trees, rose to towering heights as they blocked the heavens. The willow branches spread out as far as the eye can see, dancing with the wind as huge branches swayed like long ropes. There were constant signals that nearby creatures were rolled up and hanged by these plants. It was a terrible sight to behold.

All kinds of trees seem to have undergone a tremendous mutation. Becoming towering and rising toward the heavens. The original city of steel has been rendered green.

A kind of natural freshness that was absolutely impossible to feel before left no dust in the air now. This kind of fresh air is enough to allow people to live in this environment for an extra ten years.

The key is that this kind of contrast was so strong that it subverted the views of most people. They did not even have any psychological preparation for all of these sudden changes. It"s like losing their most familiar environment and going to a different one. Ordinary people are estimated to be frightened on the spot when going through this experience.

All the Origin Qi Whirlpools in the sky have suddenly disappeared.

But the Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth is continuously increasing. It"s just the magnitude of the increase cannot be compared to when the Origin Qi Whirlpools were present.

"The sudden resurgence of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi has had a tremendous impact. I"m afraid that the impact is not just limited to around here but throughout the whole world. It should be the same in all the cities around the world. Our steel city is now dominated by plants and trees. I don"t know what Heaven and Earth are going to look like later on." Yi Tianxing said solemnly as he looked the scene.