Eternal Country

Chapter 26

Translator: SumTLMan

This is not unreasonable.

If one wants to Qi refine to the same level with poor qualifications. The cost of time and resources is several times as much as those with strong qualifications. One may even have bottlenecks where a lifetime is not enough to breakthrough. This is simply a waste of a lifetime. Rather than allowing these kinds of people to Qi refine, they are refused directly. On the other hand, this is good for those refused. They don"t have to waste their life in useless cultivation.

Though of course, diligence can make up for weaknesses. One may possibly be born against the heavens and need to strive hard to cultivate. The key is one must have luck and strong luck at that. For the rest, even if one has poor qualifications. They can still be considered more talented with hard work. But such people, after all, are in the minority. It is impossible for sects to accept all mediocre disciples. This is an impossible ideal and one of the most absurd ideas ever.

Yi Tianxing begins visualizing the < ancestor="" dragon="" four="" divine="" sea="" diagram="">. The Ancestor Dragon located in his Divine Sea begins swallowing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi.

As soon as his mind moves, the strands of True Dragon Qi in his Divine Sea began to swim one after another. They rushed directly out from the Divine Sea and entered his large intestine channel. The Divine Sea, which was located in the navel, is connected to the large intestine. The location of the large intestine also has the Large Intestine Meridian Channel. It starts from the Large Intestine Meridian Channel and travels all the way up to the Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian. This channel runs through the twenty acupoints in the body.


Yi Tianxing"s mind connects to a strand of True Dragon Qi as it goes straight into the Large Intestine Meridian Channel.

Suddenly he felt as if he had entered a dry river. This meridian channel is full of all kinds of blockage fragments, silt deposits, and poison Qi. It is filled with a rotting stench which was simply unbearable. This was Yi Tianxing"s first impression when entering his meridian channel.

All of these are impurities and toxins built up in the human body.

The meridian channel is a channel through which Qi and blood circulate in the body. It is the hub and the conveyor belt to transport power throughout the body.

These meridians have never been opened. Naturally, there are various impurities and toxins that have acc.u.mulated over his lifetime. Even Yi Tianxing can"t avoid this truth. However, the width of his channel is very considerable.

If we say that the meridian channel formed by a normal human body is only a small stream or even the most common stream. Then a highly qualified person"s meridian channel formed in the body can be said to be an ordinary river. One level up is the Sichuan River, above that is the Dajiang River, and then the final step up is the Changhe River.

The width of the channel in a meridian also means the speed and quant.i.ty of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi absorption is increased.

These meridian channels are innate. Although they can also be postnatally quenched to expand, this process is even more difficult.

The meridian channel in Yi Tianxing is as wide as the Dajiang River. Even though not as amazing as the Changhe River, but his channel is more tenacious and powerful than an ordinary person"s. Making others regard his apt.i.tude as extremely extraordinary.

But now this channel is dry. It is blocked by all kinds of impurities, silt deposits, and full of poison Qi as an abandoned channel.

To make this channel truly fit for his own use and become a part of his own strength. The most critical first step, of course, is to dredge the channel. He has to thoroughly clean and removes all the impurities. Through the process, it will allow his True Qi to travel from channel to channel.

When it comes to the meridian channels in Yi Tianxing, they are not considered bad. Some people"s channels have been completely blocked by countless miscellaneous silt deposits. The process to get through these blockages is simply a painful process. Moreover, these impurities in the meridian channel will continue to increase and acc.u.mulate with age as long as they are not opened up or cleared away. That"s why the older a person gets, the more unsuitable they become for Qi refining.

This is why Qi refining starts from an early age. This will allow one the greatest chance of becoming a strong cultivator and make great achievements.

Otherwise, even if one forcibly steps into the path of cultivation, it would be a waste of a life.

Only adding one more regret!

"I didn"t know there were so many impurities and toxins in my body"s meridian channel. This is the most stubborn and tenacious barrier to opening up my Chong Mai (Vital Channel) meridian channel to access the 20 acupoints connected to the channel. These impurities must be removed one by one and completely crushed. If this is the case, I have to get started."

Although Yi Tianxing"s mind and heart were secretly shocked at what he saw in his meridian channel. He did not hesitate and immediately urged his True Dragon Qi strands to rush into the channel in an instant.


As soon as a strand of True Dragon Qi entered the channel, it bloomed with a terribly destructive force. It directly smashed the silt deposit that completely filled up the channel. As if a scorching fire collided with ice. Suddenly, there was a fierce confrontation as a strand of True Dragon Qi quickly washed away some silt deposits and impurities. Immediately, the silt deposits blossomed and were crushed continuously. They began disappearing from his channel as he washed them out. As the silt deposits, impurities and toxins are cleared away. The True Dragon Qi was also in constant consumption. The most ordinary method is to use True Qi to slowly eradicate the impurities and toxins in the body. Yi Tianxing"s True Dragon Qi is more domineering.

The strands of True Dragon Qi opened their jaws directly to constantly bite down on the silt deposits and toxins. Even the tough blockages in the channel are directly swallowed his body. But the swallowed blockages by the True Dragon Qi strands also began to be covered with a layer of black. It was as if they were being dyed black by ink.

This process continues for a long time.

However, after washing out the silt deposits and toxins, the cleared meridian channels immediately began showing a breakthrough. It can be seen that a white jade-like channel is revealed when the dredging occurs. The impurities washed away shows a layer of a crystal-clear jade channel. This white jade-like channel was without blemish.

The dredging process washed out the silt deposits and fragments to reveal white jade!!

Washing out the impurities and toxins eventually transformed into a white-jade channel. As the True Dragon Qi strands travel through it, it was like a fish in the water or a dragon in a river. Moreover, the white-jade channel seems to be able to sense Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. Now allowing the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi to be absorbed into the meridian channel.

Brush Brush!!

A series of True Dragon Qi strands continue entering the meridian channel.

Opening their jaws to devour a stream of silt deposits and toxins. Each True Dragon Qi strand turns the impurities and toxins black at a visible to the naked eye. After they are completely dyed pitch-black, the True Dragon Qi will immediately return with the impurities to his Divine Sea. The impurities were brought to the Ancestor Dragon rooted in the Divine to be absorbed. This natural quenching of the meridian channel began the process of absorbing impurities and toxins. Not all of the silt deposits swallowed were impurities and toxin. They also contained Origin Qi and blood which had acc.u.mulated in the body. Even Innate Qi could be found from these deposits.

These toxins were refined, and the Innate Qi along with various energies from Qi and blood were transformed into self-cultivation. Helping his cultivation grow further.

The speed of refining those black silt deposits brought by the True Dragon Qi strands is slower than the speed of refining Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. After all, they were brought along with a large number of impurities and toxins. This refining is far more difficult than Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. The benefits of this sophisticated refining are not only forcing out all the impurities, but it also brings along the Innate Qi contained in them.

After all, the Innate Qi contained in these impurities is also an innate source from oneself.

If one loses it, the innate source will be less by one point. After the refining and quenching process, the innate source will increase by one point. It is innate to oneself after all.

This source is very precious to the body.

With this method of True Dragon Qi dredging, there are many advantages with no disadvantages to speak of. This process can be said to be the perfect way of clearing a meridian channel.

In the body, True Dragon Qi strands appear one after another in the Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian Channel. The strands are constantly swallowing impurities. When those turn black, these strands directly return to the Divine Sea to be swallowed by the Ancestor Dragon. In this refining and quenching process, the impurities were converted to True Dragon Qi and returned into the Divine Sea. Compared with ten strands of True Dragon Qi returning to Divine Sea. Only one would have completed refining during the channel dredging process. The other strands stayed the body with the Ancestor Dragon. Acting as sacrifices during the refinement process.

The process of refining black silt deposits takes ten times as long as refining True Dragon Qi from Heaven and Earth Origin Qi.

Otherwise, if the swallowing speed can match the speed of consumption during refinement, one can continue to impact all meridian channels. There would be no loss left to speak of.

Even so, this efficiency is still extraordinary. Once True Qi is exhausted in the Chong Mai (Vital Channel), there is no easy way to recover it.

One can only absorb Heaven and Earth Origin Qi again to resume clearing the Chong Mai (Vital Channel).

This makes the magic of the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> even more obvious.

Speed and efficiency are far faster and more domineering than ordinary cultivation methods. While others are trying to grind away impurities, the True Dragon Qi directly swallows it. Forcing a refinement with no resistance at all.

One after another, True Dragon Qi strands dredge the impurities away. One can see that in the meridian channel, pieces of impurities have been swallowed up and cleaned up one after another. What is revealed is the white jade-like channel with strands of True Dragon Qi shuttling through it. As the dragon scales are colliding with the channel, it engraved the channel with a mysterious and ancient dragon-shaped texture. Making the channel look more ancient and mysterious, but also contain a trace of grace. The channel has become more tenacious with a dragon-like deterrence being vaguely scattered.

The speed of the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) clearing is very fast.

The True Dragon Qi in Yi Tianxing"s body has acc.u.mulated a lot these days. Now it is natural to carry out the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) dredging. At every moment, a section of the channel is cleared and opened.

Unwittingly, in front of the channel appeared an ancient gate. This gate is blocked by a huge white stone, completely blocking the channel and creating a dead-end. There were no gaps to speak of with this white stone in the way. It exudes out a motionless mountain-like momentum. It seems that no matter how one impacts, this big stone will not break down in front of him.

"Is this the barrier to reaching each acupoint location? This stone is really hard. The silt toxins before cannot be compared with it. However, in front of my True Dragon Qi, it will still be broken down. However, it"s strange the stone is not black but white. I feel there is a strong innate source of power from it. If I absorb and refine it, this will be able to allow my cultivation to greatly increase."

Yi Tianxing looked at the white stone, which was different from the silt deposits. The original smell of the stone was also very different from the impurities and toxic silt deposits.


As soon as his mind moved, those strands of True Dragon Qi shuttling in the meridian channel immediately burst out and began to dragon chant. Instantly, the strands rushed at the white stone, opened their jaws and bit down at the stone. These bites accompanied clicking sounds. The hard stone unexpectedly let the True Dragon Qi strands only swallow a small fragment directly. After a bite, the strands turn around and return to the Divine Sea to be swallowed by the Ancestor Dragon.