Eternal Country

Chapter 27

Translator: SumTLMan

But after swallowing the fragments, in just a few breaths. What is spat out is a newly condensed strand of True Dragon Qi. Three new True Dragon Qi strands have emerged. There is an Innate source force contained in the big stone that can be condensed. As long as he refines the stone a little, it will condense into more True Dragon Qi. This is an incredibly easy process. Moreover, the invisible Innate Qi is quietly being integrated into the flesh and blood in his whole body.

Transforming this Qi into part of his own power so that his foundation in the body contains more force and strength.

"Sure enough, this stone is formed by condensed Innate Source Force. Once a person with ordinary True Qi meets this obstacle, they are bound to having trouble breaking through. The big stone formed by this source force is extremely tough. Externally, it will require many True Qi to crazily attack it to have an impact. It is like flooding the channels with True Qi, which may cause some damage to the meridian channels. But with True Dragon Qi, I can directly crush the stone. This is more domineering, direct and safe."

Yi Tianxing learns more about the divine < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">. Sure enough, this supreme cultivation method is appropriately known as a celestial supreme method. It is far beyond the boundaries of other cultivation methods in many respects.

With this, he feels more confident.

One after another, the True Dragon Qi strands are travelling up to the big stone. When there, each strand opens its jaws to bite off a fragment and then return to Divine Sea. After coming back, the True Dragon Qi strands refine and condense more True Dragon Qi from the fragments. Instead of sacrificing the previously consumed True Dragon Qi, most of the Qi has been restored.


Unwittingly, the whole big stone has been forcibly swallowed by the stream of True Dragon Qi strands. The original blocked channel has instantly opened up. However, what appears in front of him is still a channel full of silt deposits and poison Qi. There was of course even more silt deposits acc.u.mulated in the channel than before. But there is still many True Dragon Qi left in his body.

By being supplemented previous Innate source force, the amount of True Dragon Qi loss is not much. He is still full of energy.

Yi Tianxing goes to scour and devour the channel again to finish dredging.

A channel full of silt deposits and impurities is once again swallowed by the True Dragon Qi strands.

Time quietly by during the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) dredging process.

The two women and Zhao Ziyan, all three came to the balcony after finishing Qi refining while visualizing. They took out the war skill books to take a look at them. In viewing them, it felt as if a renown martial arts master was personally teaching them. The whole heart and mind had been pulled into a huge martial arts field to personally watch a master demonstrate the Basic Sword and Basic Knife. Allowing them to have a clearer and deeper understanding of each style and every move.

After watching carefully, the women practised with a sword or knife on the balcony. One move, one style, each action is extremely precise and accurate. At the same time during the action, they constantly think about why they should make such a move or what the purpose of the move is?

These little thoughts deepen their own understanding of the style and increase their proficiency in using the sword or knife.

Zhao Ziyan and Tang Zitong themselves have a foundation from practising martial arts. Even if it is Qi refining a sword or knife method, they will soon be able to start practising. Chen Xuerou, on the other hand, has never been exposed it. But with the two women by her side, they can help her from time to time by giving her advice or reminding her of something with a few words. This allows her introduction into the sword or knife method to be faster than expected. It will not be long before she can swing out like the demonstration. After all, these are secret books for the sword and knife that have a life-like demonstration by a master for the basic sword and knife method.

What"s more, as Qi refining people, their physique has changed. Even if their outer appearance looked very weak before, the strength in their arms is no less than any adult man. Once their Divine Sea was opened up, the situation is far different from before.

Now that the outside is occupied by a variety of mutated plants.

It makes it even more difficult to head out.

Many people have died under these mutated plants, even in their own homes. Though some died silent deaths, other people did not die. But after seeing the drastic scene of overnight changes on the outside. Many people"s psychological tolerance simply could not accept it, so they chose to end their life directly with their own hands.

By jumping off buildings!!

Or hanging themselves!

A plethora of people committed all kinds of suicides.

Others, stimulated by the abundant Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, activated their Destiny Aperture to receive extraordinary power.

All kinds of extraordinary powers were awakened. Some were so strange it was hard to imagine, or it even subverted their own cognition.

It may not have been possible to wake up this power for a lifetime. This made it even more impossible to activate a Destiny Aperture to obtain the so-called extraordinary power. But under the stimulation of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, this possibility has been magnified and increased infinitely.

Giving many survivors a glimmer of a chance at survival.


No one knows how much time has pa.s.sed, but in the empty void outside, a terrible roar directly awakened Yi Tianxing from his Qi refining. In the dark void outside, there were dense sounds of thunderbolt and lightning shuttling through the sky that came without warning.

"What happened? It is the fourth day, is there another change?"

Yi Tianxing opened his eyes and first looked at the mechanical watch on his arm. It was early morning on the fourth day when he saw a terrifying amount of thunder and lightning outside. He had already antic.i.p.ated in his heart that more changes would happen with Heaven and Earth.

However, no matter how he thinks about it, it was impossible for him to interfere with these changes.

His strength is too weak, so weak an ant and he is at the same level. Now he only has the qualification to watch helplessly. As for partic.i.p.ation, he doesn"t even need thinking about it. He can"t even get outside, he"s stuck waiting for this change to pa.s.s.

"Brother, look outside. There is another change again. Eyes have appeared in the void. What terrible eyes. Why does it make me want to kneel down to it? " Zhao Ziyan stood on the balcony and suddenly exclaimed.

Yi Tianxing got up quickly, this time the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) dredging process is very smooth. The 20 acupoints on the Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian Channel have been broken through and the 13 acupoints have been cleared. Most of the meridian on the channel has been cleaned up. Because he devoured the innate source Qi, once it all gets refined, his self-cultivation will be greatly increased and skyrocket as a result.

As a result, the number of True Dragon Qi strands in his Divine Sea will soar.

If he was unawakened at this moment, he may have been able to go through all of his meridians thoroughly at this time.

Quickly coming to the balcony, he looked up at the void. He only saw in the depths of the void, at an unknown distance, there suddenly emerged incomparably huge eyes. These eyes are golden and radiate endless majesty. In the face of this eye, almost no one can stand up. Not accustomed to this feeling, everyone feels the eye is looking at them. The air seemed to solidify at that moment.

But that"s just the slight aftermath.

"What terrible eyes. These are definitely not ordinary eyes." Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and naturally had this idea in mind.

These eyes, he guessed, could be the legendary Eyes of Heaven.

"What kind of change is going to happen this time? Such terrible eyes have appeared while the sound of thunder surrounds it as lightning acts as the eyelashes. This feeling is as profoundly power and as deep as the sea. Bringing it with it an element of unpredictability. "

Tang Zitong stood up with the help of a wall behind her. There was no way to hide from the horror of the eyes.

This image is too terrible. In modern times, who can imagine there will be such a terrible existence.

"Look, this is a scene that many people will be unable to witness in a lifetime. With just this scene, it will be enough for you to lack back on for the rest of your lives. The changing nature of life is something that none of us can interfere with."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and looked straight into the void.

In the void, countless thunderstorms are rioting, and countless lightning bolts are shuttling through. The only thing he can see in the depths of the void is those golden eyes looking in a certain direction. Suddenly, there emerged a gloomy and terrible feeling. Everywhere felt a dark and deep, terrible repression. Even a world with a terrible negative mood had emerged in the world. This world produced a strange black substance that was shuttling through it. The world seemed to emerge from the back of the golden eye.

It"s like it came out from these eyes.

Like the black pupils in the golden eyes.

What can vaguely be seen in the black world are eighteen pillars running through Heaven and Earth. Above, there are numerous mysterious patterns are inscribed one the pillars. These patterns vividly depict images of various G.o.ds, each of which was unpredictable and frightening.

In the middle, if this world, there is a dark throne standing in the sky with a terrible being sitting on it. The being was completely shrouded in the darkness. It seemed to have fallen asleep.


In the dark throne, the pair of dark eyes slowly opened. The pair of eyes transmitted endless violence and cruelty as the two eyes burst out. Instantly blasting at the golden eyes. The horrible black world seemed to be completely free from the golden eyes.

But then, innumerable golden lights in the golden eyes turned into a golden divine chain. It appeared outside the black world and interweaved into a huge golden net. These chains continuously suppress the black world.

But the black eyes blasted out so powerfully that the net created by the golden eyes so terrible that the net was torn apart. In the black world, dozens of black lights rushed out along the cracks in an instant.

When the golden eyes saw this, it immediately burst out countless dense golden thunderbolts hastily to bombard past the black light.

More than a dozen black lights turned into nothingness by the thunderstorm. But there were still many black lights that instantaneously travelled to Heaven and Earth, completely hidden from it. Even the golden eyes could not detect them anymore.

The dense thunderstorm roared, seemingly outraged, but unable to do anymore.

More and more golden chains emerge in the void, forcefully suppressing the black world.


At the moment when the golden eyes completely suppressed the black world. Suddenly, from the black world, a cold hum came out. Then, a dark all-encompa.s.sing giant finger suddenly burst out of the black world, tearing through the sky to directly touch Heaven and Earth.

Countless golden thunderbolts bombarded frantically on the black giant finger, completely shattering the giant finger.

As the fragments broke up, the sky began to rain.

The black rain fell.

Falling towards all corners of Heaven and Earth.

"Ah! What kind of rain is this? My body, no… … "

After the change of Heaven and Earth, some people were forced to come out to survive the hunger or cold, or even by other reasons. When this change occurred, the whole heart and mind were shocked by the terrible scenes in the void. These people forgot to find a safe place to hide, as the black rain fell in the sky. As the rain fell on the body, the clothes immediately melted to nothing on the body, leaving these people just exposed. As soon as the skin was exposed to the outside without clothes by the black rain. Their flesh and blood immediately began corroding. It was as if sulfuric acid had been spilt all over these people.

Black has begun appearing on the body as the flesh and blood was melting. In just a few breaths time, these people turned into a pile of white bones. Even the white bones had eventually melted into a black liquid into the ground. All that was left was some of clothes on the ground to show they had existed.