Eternal Country

Chapter 33

Translator: SumTLMan

"Incredibly, the power of stars is filling up the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. Once it enters the body, it refines more easily and simply than Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. The speed of refining is more than ten times faster than when normally refining Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. Qi refining carried out under the power of the stars can definitely cause cultivation to grow by leaps and bounds. With the help of the stars, I can fully begin impacting and opening up the second meridian."

Immersed in his mind and body. He began running the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">. Then a stream of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi instantly began flowing into his body along the first meridian. Quickly, it was refined into strands of True Dragon Qi. This kind of speed is amazing. This feeling growing in cultivation is really intoxicating, making it difficult to extricate himself from it. He was completely caught up in the process and had indulged in it.

The cultivation speed was so fast that he had a vision of becoming strong already.

His True Dragon Qi strand was increasing all the time.

"I have to begin impacting the second meridian channel, Shou Taiyin Fei Channel. The path of meridians, one yin and one yang, Yin and Yang intertwined can be complementary for my refining."

"There is a total of 11 acupoints in the Shou Taiyin Fei Channel. The acupoints are the Zhong Fu Acupoint, Yun Men Acupoint, Tian Fu Acupoint, Xia Bai Acupoint, Chi Ze Acupoint, Kong Zui Acupoint, Lie Que Acupoint, Jing Qu Acupoint, Tai Yuan Acupoint, Yu Ji Acupoint, and Shao Shang Acupoint. When the meridian channel is impacted, I need to go through the 11 acupoints to complete the 1st Cycle. However, this process will be much smoother than the previous Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian. I can take advantage of the exuberant power coming from the stars to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop." Yi Tianxing thought to himself.

As for the other meridians in his body. He knows them in-depth. He had studied traditional Chinese martial arts before. There was no separation between medicine and martial arts. For the human body Meridian Diagram, he had long ago imprinted in it in his mind. Now, he can still clearly recall it. This time he was opening his second channel.

The power of the stars continues pouring into his body at a good rate. Even the power consumed can be restored in the shortest amount of time. If he misses such an opportunity, he can really run himself into a wall.

There was no hesitation when his mind moved.

The Qi refining starts again, and he urges the True Qi strands in his body to rush into the meridian channel where the Shou Taiyin Fei Channel is located. It first had to travel through the Chong Mai (Vital Channel).

Time pa.s.sed quietly by.

Outside, the faces of a large number of survivors turned white and were shocked by the glittering stars. On each star, a familiar scene appeared in their memories. Legendary stories, cla.s.sic movies and novels, all of which were constantly presented in front of everyone. For every survivor, this had a great impact on their psyche.

From the East to the West, no matter which survivor. They were shocked to the point of being unable to close their mouths.

There was an incredible colour in some people"s eyes.

Western survivors looked at the magical worlds and saw wizards and so on emerging from those stars. Their faces were full of fanaticism and terror while their mouths were constantly calling out to G.o.d. They were also scared out of their wits. It was simply impossible to imagine these scenes would appear before them. Such scenes were only thought to occur in dreams.

After the fifth day of the catastrophes. No one knows how many people died or humans left from the previous catastrophes.

A ratio of one in a hundred humans surviving is an optimistic figure.

There are countless humans dead.

Civilization has been destroyed, and the whole modern era is completely over. Now there is another scene in front of them, and it was completely dumbfounding.

But the stars in the sky were unaffected by their thoughts. They hung in the sky every moment, and new stars were constantly being born. It was amazing to witness this scene, but a terrible depression sprang up in the people"s minds after recalling everything that had happened before.

Time keeps moving forward.

With the emergence of stars, there were also many people who began awakening the Destiny Aperture in their bodies. These people have acquired extraordinary power and gaining all kinds of abilities. Moreover, the ratio of awakening was not low at all, allowing many people"s hearts to fill with excitement. At the same time, it also gives birth to a variety of different mindsets.

In the underground garage, Zhao Ziyan and the group are still immersed in Qi refining.

But without warning, the surrounding Heaven and Earth Origin Qi inexplicably madly flocked to some part of their body. These Heaven and Earth Origin Qi were not controlled at all, as if they were attracted by some kind of force. Naturally drilling and merging into a certain location in the body.

Outside of Zhao Ziyan"s body, the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi drilled into her eyes.

Tang Zitong also coincidentally had Heaven and Earth Origin Qi drilling into her eyes.

There was also a stream of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi drilling into Chen Xuerou, but hers went in her chest.

There was no sign of this sudden appearance of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. While the three women were immersed in their Qi refining. They did not feel it at first, but when their bodies changed, they suddenly woke up. When awoken, they were surprised at what had happened. They thought of talking to Yi Tianxing before about extraordinary powers. But now they immediately speculated they might have awakened their Destiny Aperture. At this thought, they felt joy in their heart at the same time. Now they were even more afraid of interfering with the process, and allow the transformation to naturally proceed.

Many other people in the underground garage are also started awakening their Destiny Aperture.

The Heaven and Earth Origin Qi outside has become so rich from the stars shining down star power that it made the Qi level rise to unprecedented heights. Originally, the modern people inhaled various toxic gases in their bad environment. Now at the end of the last Dharma era, they suddenly enter a rich Heaven and Earth Origin Qi environment. These people are most sensitive to stimulation in their body. In this environment, it is the easiest time to awaken a Destiny Aperture.

Of course, they must be born with a Destiny Aperture in the body. Otherwise, it is impossible to awaken one without any reason. Only by it being inborn and innately enclosed in the body can it be strongly stimulated by the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. One stimulated, it can be directly opened and awakened.

In this process, there are factors involved such as luck and chance.

But the power of the stars was so strong and intense a large number of survivors began to awaken their Destiny Aperture anyways.

The awakened Destiny Aperture is also strange. They come in a variety of different magical and extraordinary powers.

"What is this? Why is Heaven and Earth Origin Qi heading for my Dantian?"

At this time, the same bizarre changes were happening to Yi Tianxing. Originally, his whole mind was placed on the Chong Mai (Vital Channel). But some of the outside Heaven and Earth Origin Qi went without warning directly into his own Dantian. Moreover, the steady stream of all his Origin Qi did not enter his meridian channel, but all disappeared in a flash and went to his Dantian. His whole Dantian became like a bottomless pit. Swallowing the power of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi and the power of the stars around it.

As soon as the energy goes in, it was like a stone being dropped into the sea. Silently and eerily disappearing.

To know Yi Tianxing uses a supreme Qi refining method that uses the Navel position to open up the Divine Sea at the body treasure location. The original Dantian was no longer the most important place for his True Qi storage. It was empty. In general, he has not used his Dantian at all. But at this moment, there was a large amount of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi constantly drilling and merging into his Dantian. When the Qi goes in, it disappears.

And he can"t control any part of the process at all.

This situation is really mysterious and bizarre.

"Am I awakening a Destiny Aperture? Are there other Destiny Apertures in me that have not awakened? Not only my Innate Yin and Yang eyes, now I am being fully awakened by the vast power of stars." A thought flashed through Yi Tianxing"s mind. As soon as this idea appeared. The more he thought about it. The more he felt it was true.

However, even with this awakening of his Destiny Aperture, he cannot be involved at all.

This is a natural process.

No matter what Destiny Aperture can awaken. It must be a good thing for him. At least, he can save all kinds of treasures and wonders by opening up another Destiny Aperture. He does not need to open up it through a Destiny Aperture refining method to get a new Destiny Aperture. This is definitely a pie from the sky.

After paying attention to it for a while, Yi Tianxing puts his mind back on the Chong Mai (Vital Channel).

He can"t interfere with the awakening process of the Destiny Aperture and doesn"t need to do so at all. Heaven and Earth Origin Qi naturally travel into his Dantian. He doesn"t need to care about the process. It had no influence on his Chong Mai (Vital Channel).

The process of dredging the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) is very smooth, and a series of acupoints have been broken through. The meridian channel is cleared out, and all the silt deposits were soon swallowed up and brought back into the Divine Sea. Where they will be directly quenched by the Ancestor Dragon with dragon fire. All the impurities and toxins will be burned in the Ancestor Dragon"s body to ashes, turning them into nothingness. As for other people during their Chong Mai (Vital Channel) dredging process. All kinds of dark sludge may appear on their body at this moment. They may even have diarrhoea for half a day.

But not with him, all of the impurities and toxins turned into ash.

This is where the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> is most domineering and tough.


He doesn"t know when, but Yi Tianxing recovered from his Qi refining. As he opened his eyes, he showed a trace of joy and muttered to himself: "The second meridian, the Shou Taiyin Fei Channel has also been opened. The speed of absorption of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi has become even faster. More True Qi can now warm my flesh and blood. Allowing my flesh and blood near the meridian channel to grow and transform naturally."

Opening two meridian channels, naturally make him stronger than before.

The number of True Dragon Qi contained in his Divine Sea has also unwittingly become more. If it is no longer suitable to continue along the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) to begin the third meridian channel breakthrough process.

The power of the stars is so rich and so amazing. Like being in a celestial environment, which leaves a lingering feeling of joy.

"My Dantian is still absorbing the power of the stars and Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. I can"t believe the process is not over yet. What kind of Destiny Aperture will this awaken?"

Yi Tianxing also sensed his Dantian"s situation. Now his Dantian is still constantly absorbing a large amount of energy from Heaven and Earth Origin Qi and the power of the stars. For the Dantian itself, he doesn"t want to only watch, but can only watch. He doesn"t know what kind of changes are taking place inside.

He can only allow the Dantian to absorb the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi in his body.

Afraid of interfering with the transformation process.

"If I can"t dredge with the Chong Mai (Vital Channel), then I can Qi refine with my Innate Yin and Yang eyes."

His mind was secretly certain. His Innate Yin and Yang eyes were born with an endless force and an inborn Destiny Aperture. It has endless profound and wonderful powers as a Destiny Aperture. It is also possible to Qi refine with it. When his mind moves, he immersed himself in his Innate Yin and Yang eyes.

He was in a strange black and white s.p.a.ce.

There was a black and white Innate Yin and Yang Diagram situated in this s.p.a.ce.

When the Innate Yin and Yang Diagram rotates, his Yin and Yang eyes naturally absorb the surrounding Heaven and Earth Origin Qi into his Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce. The Qi is then swallowed up by the Innate Yin and Yang Divine Diagram. With the rotation of the Divine Diagram. The Qi is continuously quenched into Innate Yin and Yang Qi, which began filling the s.p.a.ce between the Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce.

Those five Yin and Yang Locks are also suspended above the Innate Yin and Yang Divine Diagram. With the rising and falling of Innate Yin and Yang Qi. The locks are naturally being quenched. When the Innate Yin and Yang Diagram swallows Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, it also slowly transforms. Merging and intertwining with a series of Yin and Yang Dao to slowly change it.