Eternal Country

Chapter 34

Translator: SumTLMan

Now, as True Dragon Qi began infusing into his Yin and Yang eyes and Innate Yin and Yang Diagram is urged. The speed of rotation by the Yin and Yang Diagram becomes even more amazing. It spins hundreds of times faster than before as a flood of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi poured into his Yin and Yang eyes. The Innate Yin and Yang Qi was being quenched while it was filling up the Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce. The scene appeared very extraordinary, almost divine.

The Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce in his Innate Yin and Yang eyes were almost like a new Divine Sea. Of course, this is not a real Divine Sea. But it does have similar properties. The Innate Yin and Yang Qi in this Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce are the power that stimulates the Innate Yin and Yang eyes. Once the Yin and Yang Qi contained in the Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce is exhausted, the Yin and Yang eyes will be unable to be urged. However, the True Qi in the Divine Sea can be directly converted into Innate Yin and Yang Qi. Through which the Innate Yin and Yang Divine Diagram can re-stimulate the Yin and Yang eyes.

This is equivalent to this Destiny Aperture having two Source Springs. One is power from the Destiny Aperture itself, and the other is from the True Qi in the Divine Sea. The Divine Sea is an omnipotent Source Spring. It can be used to stimulate any Destiny Aperture while the power contained in a Destiny Aperture can only stimulate the abilities of the Destiny Aperture itself.

An awakened Destiny Aperture can allow an individual to wield magical or extraordinary power, but the ability can"t be sustained. Only by opening up the Divine Sea can the explosive force produced by the Destiny Aperture be supported more consistently. Using Divine Sea as a second Source Spring is part of forming a good foundation.

Moreover, the True Qi in the Divine Sea allows the Destiny Aperture to absorb Heaven and Earth Origin Qi at a rate that is ten times faster than normal. At this rate, only True Qi from the Divine Sea can match such amazing capabilities.

Feeling a little bit of growth in his Innate Yin and Yang eyes. Yi Tianxing"s heart can"t help but secretly produce a trace of confidence. In these troubled times, his Innate Yin and Yang eyes are his biggest bottom card and guarantee for survival. Without it, he is afraid that his own strength will be reduced by more than half. Above the Yin and Yang Divine Diagram, the sixth Yin and Yang Lock have been partially condensed. Still in an illusory state. Only the first Yin and Yang Ring have substance. The rest are illusory.

It will take many souls to quench the rest of the rings that make up the Yin and Yang Lock.

While continuing to be immersed in Qi refining, time always flies fast.

When he finishes. He wakes up at around dinner time and takes a look outside. While looking outside, the stars are still shining down from above. The brightness is like daytime firmly rooted in the sky. But the strange situation caused by the stars outside makes many survivors dare not take a step outside casually. Even when they can see the surroundings with the light outside. These people are all still looking for a place to hide. For fear of some other disaster that will occur next. After the successive disasters, so many survivors have been thoroughly afraid deeply in their hearts.

The world is a terrible place right now.

One disaster after another, who knows what terrible disaster will come next.

Hiding is the most instinctive response made by human beings to keep safe.

At best, when there is no food. They can come out in search of food.

But many homes and buildings have collapsed, and the city has been destroyed. Making finding food, not such an easy task.

"Brother, I have awakened my Destiny Aperture."

As he was peeking outside, Zhao Ziyan woke up and told this news to Yi Tianxing with a hint of delight. In both her eyes, there were strange shifting colours. Making her eyes appear colourful and gorgeous. At a glance, he felt a kind of trance-like feeling while staring into her eyes.

"What a strong power of confusion. What you have awoken is a pupil technique from a Destiny Aperture in your eye." When Yi Tianxing saw this, he was also a surprise. One has to know, when a Destiny Aperture awakens in the eyes. This is definitely a top the Destiny Aperture. In the world, a pupil Destiny Aperture with a pupil technique is very rare. Having a pupil technique makes her Destiny Aperture a top existence. Pupil techniques are also one of the most bizarre and terrible in magical power.

Moreover, the potential is enormous. When attacking, it is silent. And as long as one just stares with their eyes, one can wield a powerfully destructive force. It is like his own Innate Yin and Yang eyes, which is one of the top powers in existence. Even Yi Tianxing could not speculate on her power and potential.

"Illusory Gaze Pupil, I have Awakened the Destiny Aperture technique—Illusory Gaze!! However, now I can only do some simple confusion and illusions on others. As for what my Destiny Aperture requires to fully open up my talent. I don"t know. I only know how to refine Qi. It"s better for me to absorb Misty Cloud Qi and use Illusion Qi to quench my Destiny Aperture." Zhao Ziyan whispered alongside Yi Tianxing.

Only when this self-awakened Destiny Aperture had reached a very high level of Destiny Aperture Qi self-cultivating can one gain understanding of the essence of the Destiny Aperture. At that point, one will know the required wonders and treasures along with the Qi refining method to open up the talent. Unless there is an inborn level from a Destiny Aperture. She will have to go through refining her Destiny Aperture without knowing what is required to open up her talent.

The same is true for Yi Tianxing.

He can have the Innate Yin and Yang eyes, but not know how to open up his talent. What kind of wonders and treasures are needed to open up his talent? This is not made clear.

"Well, with opening up the Illusory Gaze Pupils. Later, I can urge the True Qi in my mind to quench the Destiny Aperture and grow it through cultivation. This is a life-saving technique with bizarre magical powers. According to legend, some people refine Qi in their Destiny Aperture to the extreme. Through inhaling and exhaling, they have even shocked and awed the Holy Buddha. Any Destiny Aperture by refining True Qi to the extreme can gain incredible power." Yi Tianxing smiled and nodded.

"Big Brother Yi, I have also awakened a Destiny Aperture in my eyes. I have awakened my Stone Pupil Destiny Aperture. This allows my eyes to petrify other creatures. However, my petrification can only be used against those with weaker strength than me. In addition, there is a limited amount of time for temporary petrification. The enemies cannot be stopped for too long. If used against Big Brother Yi, my petrification may be unable to play any role." Tang Zitong also added.

She has awakened a pupil technique. The Gaze of Petrification is formed when the Stone Pupil Destiny Aperture is integrated into the eyes. To a certain extent, this is an absolutely domineering Destiny Aperture. The legendary Medusa had the Gaze of Petrification. Which could directly petrify human beings, and this was permanent petrification. Completely turning them into stone forever. This Destiny Aperture, if taken to the extreme, is equally powerful to Zhao Zhiyan"s ability. This is a terrifying ability.

"I have also awoken one as well, but what awakened is a Destiny Aperture called Celestial Dew. It can gather water and turn it into Healing Dew to restore and heal injuries. I don"t know exactly how effective it is since I haven"t really experimented with it yet." Chen Xuerou said softly.

"Can you restore injuries?"

When Yi Tianxing heard this. He took out his knife and made a quick slash on his arm. A knife wound was opened up in an instant.

"Brother, what are you doing?!" Zhao Ziyan saw it and exclaimed immediately.

"Nothing. Just doing an experiment, Xuerou…. Try to treat the wound on my arm with your Healing Dew technique." Yi Tianxing said to Chen Xuerou without any concern.


When Chen Xuerou saw this. She hurriedly urged her Destiny Aperture. Only to see a drop of crystal dew suddenly appear in an instant. It was no different from an ordinary dewdrop, but as soon as it appeared, it fell on the wound made by Yi Tianxing.

The drop of dew fell on the wound, and a cool feeling was naturally transmitted from the wound. Then a soft white light flashed for a moment and the wound healed quickly before their eyes in a few breaths. It restored to the same previous state it was in before. Without a single wound or bloodstain on his arm. They feared what they had just witnessed was just an illusion.

"Wound restored to the same as before. This Healing Dew has a great role in wound healing. This technique is more powerful than any suture or operation and simpler and more direct as well. This technique has an amazing magical effect. Xuerou, your awakened Destiny Aperture is great." Yi Tianxing"s eyes lit up and nodded while saying.

Such a magical power can save lives at a critical moment.

In these troubled times, n.o.body knows what changes will happen in the future. Moreover, in this chaotic era, medical treatment from drugs has obviously been paralyzed. There is no need to expect too much. Even doctors, without tools and medicines, have no way to save people. But Chen Xuerou does not need these things. She can directly give treatment with her magical power. At least in terms of trauma, it has an extraordinary effect.

"Yes, Miss Chen Xuerou"s ability does play a huge role in ensuring the safety of personnel and treating injuries. In troubled times, this ability is too important." Li Zhilin nodded in agreement.

The group kept discussing with one another about the new abilities.

Time flies and the sixth day had arrived.

"What"s going on? Why am I in the air."

"How could this happen? I was sleeping, but why did I suddenly appear in the air? Is there any mistake?"

"Why am I in the air? It doesn"t make any sense. This is impossible. There"re no reason why ordinary people would not fall from mid-air? This doesn"t conform to the law of universal gravitation."

"There are many people, were there so many other people still left alive? But what"s going on here? Why are they all floating in the air? I was in an air-raid shelter before. Now I am all of a sudden here? Is this an act of G.o.d?"

There were many startled cries.

Yi Tianxing wakes up at this time.

There is absolutely no less shock in his heart than anyone else.

With his ability, not even he was aware of what was going on. He came out of the underground garage and appeared in the mid-air as well. With this ability, to kill him is absolutely no problem at all. They can easily poke him to death with one finger.

Scanning around, a strange situation appeared in front of everyone.

The sky was still shining with stars. Countless stars embellishing the sky with strong star power illuminating the whole world. Each star still constantly flashed out a variety of strange scenes, both familiar and unfamiliar.

In the sky, everyone can only see that a no other shadow, but human beings were directly suspended in the air. Gravity seems to have lost its effect on the human body. Not only himself, Zhao Ziyan, Tang Zitong, and also the residents and students of the original underground garage were in the air. There are other survivors. Survivors in SH. Survivors in other cities. Survivors around the world.

Under a mysterious force, they appeared directly in mid-air.

Many people screamed in fear and made painful cries.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of human beings in the area of SH alone. In the skies over other areas, there are also a large number of survivors suspended in mid-air. It"s just that whether there are more or less. No matter how much, the number will never exceed a million.

Although this looks like a lot but compared with the previous number of human beings in the area. Not even one in a hundred survived the Great Catastrophe.

This so miserable, so heartbreaking.

In just five days, tens of billions of humans were left with only a few in front of them. The destructive power caused by those successive disasters, as one can imagine, left every family bereaved and numb from grief. What executives, what rich, what stars, in the face of these disasters. They still faced a dead end.

"Brother, what"s going on? Why are we suddenly in the sky?" When Zhao Ziyan saw Yi Tianxing, she hurriedly asked.