Eternal Country

Chapter 36

Translator: SumTLMan

In the end, the cracks in the void completely disappeared.

The stars hanging above are still shining brightly. They shine all over Heaven and Earth.

"Brother, you are too good. You unexpectedly have caught back so many exotic treasures. Your Yin and Yang eyes are so great, and your Yin and Yang Lock abilities have been applied to a supernatural level. Watching you use the Yin and Yang Rings to get the exotic treasures was simply too dazzling, so cool." When Zhao Ziyan saw this. She could not help narrowing her eyes, and could not stop laughing with joy.

Hundreds of exotic treasures ah! This is an unimaginable harvest, a great harvest.

Although Yi Tianxing may only get a hair or even just a section of a single hair from an ox. It depends on who he is compared to.

At least, for now. No one can absorb hundreds of exotic treasures at such a domineering pace as Yi Tianxing.

"Great, the exotic treasures collected by Big Brother Yi in the early days of this Chaotic Era will certainly allow us to have a higher starting point. These are all important capital for getting stronger." Li Zhilin clapped his hands happily and felt more and more that when he had signed a loyalty contract with Yi Tianxing. It was the wisest decision he had ever made. There are so many exotic treasures, why worry about not having an opportunity to grow stronger.

And during that time, Li Zhilin also grabbed several exotic treasures himself. Each person has their own gains.

It is very clear this may only happen once in a lifetime. Even in the whole world, there will never be such a big opportunity again.

"There are millions of treasures. No one knows how many people will take advantage of this big opportunity. When they land back on Earth. They may get another opportunity. Although exotic treasures are important, the most fundamental thing is to cultivate. If one does not cultivate enough, they will be unable to wield the true strength of the treasure. This will only end in disaster down the line." Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

The group suppressed their impetuous moods which appeared because they have acquired so many exotic treasures.

"Got it, brother!" Zhao Ziyan nodded and promised.

"No, why I can"t move my body?" Suddenly, there was a cry of alarm.

"My body can"t move either. It"s like an invisible pressure pressing down on me. What"s going on?" More people are shouting the same way.

"My body can"t move either. It seems that we have been imprisoned by Heaven and Earth. Everyone is facing the same thing. There must be something important happening. Since the Dao of Heaven has brought us into the air, it certainly won"t let us die. There must be another reason. Don"t resist, just look at the situation first. Even if you resist, you can"t get rid of the shackles of confinement by this force."

Yi Tianxing also felt the changes happening outside his body for the first time. Anyway, his whole body is immobilized. It was as if it had been fixed in place. It can"t move. It can"t really move. And, throughout the world, all the other survivors can"t move as well.

They can only see with their eyes, but they can"t move their body.

This is a bizarre and terrifying situation.

Many survivors, who had been immersed in the joy of getting exotic treasures. Once again felt the deep malice from the whole Heaven and Earth. They secretly wondered if there was going to be another disaster.

Even though their bodies can"t move, their eyes can still see. And even if the hands, feet and body can"t move. They can still open their mouths to talk. Their communication ability had been unaffected in any way.

Yi Tianxing is also glancing around, but nothing has changed. There was no disaster, and the stars in the sky were still shining down brightly.

"What do we do now?" Tang Zitong asked Yi Tianxing. Looking at him with eyes of expectation.

"Qi refine, now all we can do is wait. Grasp this time. If you can become one point stronger, then that will be an additional one point of strength." Yi Tianxing shook his head and said.

At this moment, the changes in the Dantian in his body have completely stopped, and a strange message appears in his mind.

"Destiny Aperture — Dantian!"

Yi Tianxing knew the name of this Destiny Aperture at its first appearance. It was called the "Dantian" Destiny Aperture. Moreover, with this Destiny Aperture, it gave birth to a real field. This field is not big, only three parts of land and the rest is black land surrounded by chaos. Around the three parts of land looks weird.

His Dantian really gave birth to a field. If this had been before the catastrophe, maybe Yi Tianxing would have been startled. But now there was a feeling of ecstasy. His heart is constantly feeling grateful.

"Fortunately, I opened up my Divine Sea first and not my Dantian. My Divine Sea is in the Navel. Otherwise, with Dantian Aura, this "Dantian" Destiny Aperture is absolutely impossible to awaken. This is a top Destiny Aperture. Everyone has one, but it is very rare to open up a "Dantian" Destiny Aperture. Once a Dantian is used to store Aura, it is impossible to derive this Destiny Aperture for a lifetime. That was a close call."

He can"t help but have a trace of fear in his heart.

This is the benefit of having the right inheritance. If you don"t know the right way, the right direction. Then Qi refining while using Dantian as the foundation to open up Aura. Although it does not affect overall strength, it is completely impossible to have most valuable "Dantian" Destiny Aperture.

And his "Dantian" Destiny Aperture is even more magical.

The land derived from this Dantian is Spiritual Land, The Spiritual Land. Here, he can grow plants, plant grain, plant elixirs, plant fruit trees and so on. It can be said that this is a privately owned spiritual and medicine field. This is so precious.

Moreover, despite the fact that there are only three parts of the spiritual field open, it can be continuously cultivated and expanded. As long as he carefully manages and trains it with all his heart. It will grow bigger sooner or later. In the future, it will be one of his biggest reliance and will allow him to cultivate a large number of Qi refining resources on his own. Whether for personal use or for sale, the benefits will be endless.

Legend has it that in ancient times, cultivators would find ways to create a Dantian Destiny Aperture in the body. This treasure is a supreme of Destiny Apertures. It can be used to cultivate elixirs to create private potions and medicine. Or even when one faces their mortality, these spiritual medicines can be preserved and become the heritage for future generations. This is a foundation for inheritance.

However, to open up one of these Destiny Apertures needs divine wonders and precious treasures. The degree of precious treasures required is on the extreme spectrum. Moreover, the quality of divine wonders and precious treasures used in the opening process determines the grade of the "Dantian" Destiny Aperture. The quality affects the Spiritual Field, the potential for future growth and so on. If 10,000 people open up a "Dantian" Destiny Aperture and gave birth to a Spiritual Field. Each one would be very different from each other.

And his natural awakening of his "Dantian" Destiny Aperture is of top quality with infinite potential.

"This Dantian Destiny Aperture can"t be easily exposed. It can be of great use in critical moments and can be added as a strong bottom card." Yi Tianxing immediately made this decision in his heart.

About his Dantian Destiny Aperture, he"s not going to say anything about it. Although he has a lot of trust in Zhao Ziyan, a secret is secret only if one person knows it. If the secret is told and spreads out, even if he tells just one person, then the secret is no longer a secret. This is especially true in troubled times.

The light in his eyes flashed and his mind moved. In the Spirit Bead Inner s.p.a.ce, a small bag of high-quality rice seeds appeared directly in the Spiritual Field in his Dantian. The bag was opened, and the seeds were sprinkled directly in his Spiritual Field. The soil rolled over and buried the seeds below.

Afterwards, True Dragon Qi drilled into his Dantian Destiny Aperture and naturally turned into a droplets rain which drifted down on his Spiritual Field. This rainwater contains pure spiritual energy. As the rain falls, Yi Tianxing can feel the exuberant vitality coming from the seeds in his Spiritual Field. It seems that it won"t be long before they can germinate and take root to begin to grow.

The growth of plants in his Spiritual Field must be more amazing than the outside.

Taking a deep breath, he takes his mind back away from his "Dantian" Destiny Aperture. He immediately began to continue Qi refining. He is still flushing the Chong Mai (Vital Channel). Now that he is unable to move and is bathed under the power of the stars. He can only cultivate with the Chong Mai (Vital Channel).

"Before that, there were two meridian channels, Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian, Shou Taiyin Fei Channel meridians flushed. But these channels were all flushed in the meridian channels on my right arm only. Each arm has six meridians, and they are symmetrical on the left and right. Having the same channels on the left. I now have time to flush all the Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian and Shou Taiyin Fei Channel meridians on my left arm. With the left and right symmetrical, I can run True Qi and then continue with flushing the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) for the other meridians."

In the past, because I wanted to improve my combat power as quickly as possible. I rushed through the flushing process for my meridians. I had only flushed the meridians on my right hand. After all, I am right-handed and use my dominant hand most of the time to hold weapons. So, I had flushed the meridian channel in my right arm straight away. I was going to wait until later to flush my left arm through the Chong Mai (Vital Channel). Now that I have time, I intend to make up for my previous shortcomings.

There was no hesitation when making this decision.

Running the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> again and starting the breakthrough process for the Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian and Shou Taiyin Fei Channel. He started flushing his left arm meridian channels.

After two experiences, the process of Chong Mai (Vital Channel) flushing quite smooth. With a little bit of effort, he began removing all kinds of impurities and toxins from his meridian channel. What was exposed in the end is a white jade-like river engraved with a true dragon-like texture.

Little by little, time moves on.

In the sky, all the survivors were taken into the air. They were left unable to move, and when they tried to move. It had no effect on the body. Heaven and Earth Origin Qi seemed to strangely enter their body, so no one felt hungry. This was amazing.

Zhao Ziyan and the group were all immersed in they Qi refining. They did not feel mentally exhausted at all and felt they could continue Qi refining forever.

The True Qi in their body was also in a steady stream of acc.u.mulation. Steadily growing the amount of True Qi in their bodies.

"Huh? The stars in the sky seem to be getting bigger. I"m not going crazy, am I? "

Suddenly, someone looked up at the sky, blinked and said in surprise.

"Yeah, it"s really getting bigger. I also think the stars are getting a lot bigger, and the scenes emerging from them are becoming clearer. It looks as clear as watching movies in a theatre." Some people spoke in harmony with each other.

"It"s not getting bigger. No, the stars are moving towards us. They are approaching the ground." Someone said.

"No, these stars are not going to hit us, are they? Once they hit us, wouldn"t we all be crushed to pieces and everyone would end up dead?" Someone said. "No, no, no. Some of the stars are no smaller than the Earth, or some even bigger. Are you kidding me?" Some of the survivors were about to cry, with expressions of fear on their faces.