Eternal Country

Chapter 37

Translator: SumTLMan

At this time, Yi Tianxing had just completed the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) flushing for the Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian and the Shou Taiyin Fei Channel. His left arm for both sets of meridian channels are now cleared. Now the True Qi in his body has grown larger. His True Dragon Qi was also swimming in his Chong Mai (Vital Channel). Flushing these channels has their own unique advantages. Besides, there is a continuous supply of star power to aid in the process. The Chong Mai (Vital Channel) flushing process was like the process of clouds becoming streams, then rivers and finally which helped him successively break through each barrier one after another.

He was able to get through two meridian channels and thoroughly clear them up.

All of his channels became white jade-like rivers.

Heaven and Earth Origin Qi also shuttle through these two channels. The meridians of Shou Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian and Shou Taiyin Fei Channel on the left and right arms are all connected together, running through each other. Becoming more magical and flowing endlessly. The throughput of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi is even more amazing, and the quant.i.ty is even larger. And when the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi shuttles through the meridian channel, it will naturally warm the surrounding flesh and blood.

It can be said that the two meridians have completed their Qi refining. The next step is to get through the other twelve virtuous Points.

As soon as the Chong Mai (Vital Channel) was finished, he heard a burst of surprised cries coming from all around.

Startled, he hurriedly gathered his Qi to complete the refining process and opened his eyes to look above.

"Sure enough, the stars are getting bigger. These stars are not right. They are moving. They are moving closer towards the ground." After Yi Tianxing looked carefully, his face instantly changed on the spot. The stars were moving and moving towards the ground. This sight was a terrible one to behold.

"Brother, what are we going to do? Those stars really seem to be coming down. But we can"t move our bodies now. Are we really going to have to wait and die here?" Zhao Ziyan"s face could not help saying this while looking a little pale.

This scene is really too frightening.

"Don"t be afraid, even if there is no way out. Even if we are in a desperate situation, there will be a chance at survival. The Dao of Heaven is unlikely to exterminate us completely. Given the opportunity before, it"s impossible to let us die straight away." Yi Tianxing opened his mouth to comfort her.

"Well, we can"t even move now, so let"s wait and watch carefully." Tang Zitong nodded as well.

"Unfortunately, we can"t move our bodies. Otherwise, Brother Yi can take a look at the Wordless Heavenly Book. It should be recorded in it. It"s the seventh day now." Chen Xuerou said.

"Look, a star has fallen." Li Zhilin exclaimed.


They only see a star completely fall from the sky. It was a small star. It seems that the world in this star is not very big, but its size is comparable to the whole of China. It falls as it through the sky.

"Ah! It"s going to hit me."

"I"m going to die. I"m done. This time it"s really going to really crush my bones. I didn"t expect to be killed by a star. There will definitely be no bones left."

"No, I haven"t done anything. It"s not okay for this star to into me. Weren"t those stars just projections or an illusion?"

For a while, the screams continued. But someone immediately saw when the star came to their body, it did not cause any harm to themselves. As if the star was really just illusory, with no harm done at all.


But then, an incredible sight emerged in front of all the survivors.

As soon as they saw the star fall into the Earth. The star immediately and strangely merged into the Earth. The whole Earth began changing in a similarly bizarre way.

The Earth… … was getting bigger!

Yes, the whole planet is getting bigger. Large tracts of land appeared out of nowhere. Mountains and rivers, plants and animals, rivers and seas. All derived from thin air. It"s like all of a sudden, the Earth gained a big chunk of land and gained a big round of growth.

And together with this process, there were countless lives added. Human beings, a large number of human beings. Cities, villages. The common people, the army and people from all walks of life appeared in every area in the blink of an eye.

The Earth"s landform had begun changing dramatically, and these changes were amazing.

"What"s the matter with Earth?… It is getting bigger. There are many people, many cities, many armies, but these peoples are dressed in ancient clothes. Is this some sort of mistake?"

Survivors watched the changes occurring before their very eyes. Staring at the scene unfolding and tongue-tied while beholding the sight. This scene had just occurred just after another day pa.s.sed. It was incredible.

Who can imagine, these places with mountains and rivers? Who can believe they would form in front of them out of thin air? Who could imagine that hundreds of millions of human beings, ancient people, would appear on the empty Earth from out of thin air? This feeling completely subverts everyone"s cognition.

The shock and awe were almost unimaginable.

"Fantasy shines down into reality, and every star is a fantasy world. The people, the objects, the mountains and rivers are real. If they fall onto Earth, they will become a part of the Earth and make the Earth grow even bigger. Human beings in the original fantasy world are all living beings. All the fantasy human beings will become real-life humans. This is a great change after another day has pa.s.sed." Yi Tianxing also felt stunned at this moment.

Countless thunderstorms are roaring in his mind. The shock in his eyes is no less than that from others.

This scene before him is subverting his whole reality.

Zhao Ziyan and the group had their mouths wide open while showing incredible surprise at the scene in their eyes.

Brush brush!!

Stars continue falling from the sky, falling fast, and falling towards Earth.

Moreover, they were amazing. Even if they collided with survivors, these stars will eerily pa.s.s through them and move past without causing any damage to the survivors. The first one to fall was the smallest of all the stars in the sky.

As soon as it falls, it immediately melts into the Earth. Allowing Heaven and Earth to expand.

The sky is getting higher, the Earth becoming thicker!!

The mountains and rivers become wider and the seas are becoming more boundless!!

It"s like a G.o.d rebuilding the mountains and rivers.

Among those falling stars. Everyone can see some historical stars condensed by various fantastical histories coming down. There are also smaller stars formed by fairy tales, but some of these stars were very magical and gorgeous.

As far as Yi Tianxing is concerned. When he sees a falling star. There are scenes of woodcutters throwing axes into springs, paintings with divine brushes, and living creatures and so on. It was incredible.

The stars fell one after another.

The whole Earth is living and transforming in a way visible to the naked eye.

The Earth is like an inflated balloon, expanding crazily. Almost in the blink of an eye, it grows another big round of land. It"s still getting bigger.

A large number of cities, a large number of human beings, and a large number of creatures. Even orcs, half-orcs, elves and so on, can be seen. Densely coming into the world. They just appeared on the Earth out of nowhere and came to all parts of the world. The scene was really shocking.

Almost in one moment, the face of the whole planet has changed dramatically.

All landforms and all environments had all changed.

In the sea, there are seven big continents. There are islands, and they are also getting bigger and bigger.

The area of the sea is expanding at an astonishing speed, and its expansion is even wider than that of the seven

The seven big continents in the ocean have become small islands.

Moreover, as the small star world falls onto and becomes integrated into the Earth. The size of the Earth is enlarged a hundred or more than a thousandfold before. Immediately, the medium-sized stars began falling. As one can see, there are also scenes in these worlds of stars. There are warriors, there are cultivators. Every world is comparable to the size of the previous Earth. Some are even bigger, more astonishing, and even vaster.

The Earth began soaring in growth again.

There are now far more creatures in the world. It"s impossible to estimate how many. These creatures are condensed into real existences from fantasy. Fantasy human beings have become real people. Fantasy animals have become real animals. Animals, monsters, ferocious beast also all become real. They have gone from fantasy to reality.

Faced with the sudden hundred or thousand times expansion of the Earth. This feeling can no longer be described in words.

They feel small, an indescribable kind of smallness.

The world is too big. The size is too big. Moreover, the Earth is continuing to grow bigger and bigger.

A larger number of stars continue blending into the giant Earth.

The whole sky is constantly getting taller and thicker. Moreover, in the void, there is a layer of Heavenly Thunder. Wind and thunder are shuttling through the skies during these changes. If a moon shows up, it will be instantly bombarded into debris. Even a trace of debris can no longer be found.

Moreover, as more and more stars are merged into the world. The layers of thunder are becoming thicker and more domineering than the first day.

Heaven and Earth Origin Qi are also recovering. With the integration of a large number of worlds, ma.s.sive amounts of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi are being poured into Earth.

Strands of Dragon Veins shuttle through the Earth.

One after another, the spirits of thunder are being derived and evolve out of thin air.

Similarly, a large number of monsters and ferocious beasts come and appear on Earth. They exist in the mountains, forests and haunt the rivers and seas.

The number of these monsters are even more frightening. This is an endless number of monsters derived from the evil thoughts and desires of all living beings. Their numbers are unimaginable.

It can even be seen that there are places where dark channels are formed, and many monsters are gushing out from these channels, which keep continually flowing. It was a shocking sight, but these are all just small scenes that flicker and disappear in a moment. It"s impossible to tell where those channels lead. Just the scene of them is shocking enough. Deeply imprinting itself in the mind and the soul of those who witnessed them.

No will ever forget what they saw today.

These falling stars that have shaped the world and have shocked all the survivors. All of them are left unable to open their mouths to speak. All they know to do is to stare at the changes happening on Earth. It can even be said that the Earth in front of them is no longer the Earth they knew. Its vastness in this new Heaven and Earth is already many times that of the original. Not to mention that the total world of stars hanging in the sky has only half fallen, and they were all the smaller stars at that.

The real big star worlds have yet to have been integrated.

Those big star world, even if it was just one, can be equivalent to thousands or even tens of thousands of times the size of the original Earth.

Under this kind of Heavenly change, the survivors were no different from ants.

Now, with this constant transformation, the original landma.s.s on Earth had been completely replaced and disappeared. But some have even become even more magical.

For example, Mount Tai. Many stars in the world have Mount Tai. These worlds directly integrated into the original Mount Tai on Earth so that Mount Tai is more magnificent, taller, and more majestic.

The mountain became a real G.o.dly spiritual mountain. It had become a mountain for G.o.ds, a celestial mountain.

All kinds of fantastic scenes are constantly appearing in front of the survivors" eyes.

In their hearts, they were shocked, but they could only watch the transformation of the whole world unfold before their very eyes.