Eternal Country

Chapter 38

Translator: SumTLMan

"Brother, is this still Earth?" Zhao Ziyan asked in a dumbfounded voice.

"Heaven and Earth have changed dramatically and all worlds have merged. This Earth is completely different from the original Earth. It is no longer the Earth we know, but a new world. This is the real start of the new era." Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, and the shock in his eyes still had not dissipated completely.

Even if he had seen the description on the magnitude of change in the Wordless Heavenly Book. He still wouldn"t think that the movement would be so Earth-shaking as to completely subvert everything he has ever known and would overturn his world view. The original mark of modern civilization, in the face of such great changes, would be like a speck of dust. Completely blown away, thoroughly disappearing and buried in the great river of history. No waves can be overturned and the only reminder of its existence are the survivors left in front of him.

Only these survivors, who remain in the void.

If even these survivors are killed, then the traces of modern civilization will not be found at all.

"My plans can"t keep up with the changes, and the preparations made before the disaster are useless. The supplies in my base are gone, not to mention even if they were not gone. If I go out to search for them myself, I wouldn"t even be able to find the base. Sure enough, there are no absolutes in the world. Even if preparations were made beforehand, it had ended up in vain." Yi Tianxing muttered to himself.

Previously, he thought the disaster would only bring the Earth into an apocalypse. In that way, the materials and base he had prepared would bring great benefits to himself in the future. Even becoming his foundation for future growth and strength. Now, this is all gone.

This is the impermanence of the Dao of Heaven.

Not everything in the world revolves around himself. It was not a situation where any time he pays a price, he can get something in return.

"The size of the whole earth is beyond estimation. This is a new world, and the countless creatures in fantasy are inhabiting this world at the same time. For fear that the whole world will become extremely complex. The future situation is extremely difficult to estimate. No one knows what will happen next." Li Zhilin also said while stunned.

Previously, he felt a little confident about his own wisdom. He was confident he could help Yi Tianxing build up his power and grow up in these troubled times through his wisdom.

But now, that confidence has been brutally beaten down.

In some world of stars, he saw the most outstanding strategists in history. In the battlefield, a strategy laid down directly determined victory or defeat. A strategy to subvert a dynasty. Compared with those evil star cla.s.s strategists and wise men, even Li Zhilin dared not say he could win against those men.


The scenes of the star worlds continued descending and coming down. During this process, no matter who, they felt no sense of a pa.s.sage of time. Their eyes constantly staring at the changes happening in the whole Heaven and Earth. Witnessing the changes in the whole world, noticing the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi concentration rising, but in an uneven way. In some places, Origin Qi is thin and weak, but in other places Origin Qi is rich and abundant. Under Heaven and Earth, spiritual veins are also being bred.

There are large star worlds. In these worlds, there are celestial mountains where the manifestation of Heavenly clan gates are built and located. When these places are integrated into Heaven and Earth, people can see the gates appear. In them are celestial spirits, cranes and beasts dancing? There are terraces and palaces also standing erect with clouds and mists surrounding them, just like a celestial realm.

There are all kinds of anomalies and countless visions.

And as more and more worlds merge.

The whole world had become boundless, and the scope beyond imagination.

No one knows how vast this Heaven and Earth has become. They just know the sky is growing bigger and bigger, shrouding the stars in the outer universe and integrating those stars into the Earth itself.

The sun and the moon are also reborn and transformed, growing bigger, and becoming huge and miraculous.

The sun and the moon in every part of the world naturally blend in together. Making both the sun and moon enormous.

Above the sun, one can see the Fusang Tree where Jinwu lives.

On the moon, the Laurel is cold and has a sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance.

The Big Dipper is decorated with stars in the universe. While these stars twinkled in the sky.

All the original galaxies were included and turned into endless stars in the sky. They became apart of Heaven and Earth. But the stars above have a layer of divine thunder. If one cannot penetrate this layer of divine thunder, then it is impossible to ever enter the stars above.

No one knows how much time has pa.s.sed. The original emergence of fantasy stars has been completely integrated with the whole Heaven and Earth. All worlds are united.

The size of Heaven and Earth can no longer be estimated, and no one can guess it clearly.

Anyways, all in all, it"s incredibly big. The sea is boundless and only the seven continents can be seen compared with the rest of the countless islands all over the world.

"Heaven and Earth have evolved, and fantasy shines into reality. Integration of all worlds. This is a new era, this era is the Eternal Era, where Heaven and Earth is known as the Eternal World." When all worlds are completely integrated, in the void, an indescribable voice suddenly emerges. This sentence is made as soon as it appears. This voice reverberates and echoes throughout the world.

"When the old world ends, the new era begins. The survivors of the old world enter the new era, as Heavenly Blessed." At this moment, the heavenly voice reappears, which is directed at the survivors of the old Earth.

"What is Heavenly Blessed?"

Some survivors have doubts in their hearts.

"Survivors, chosen, heaven"s favourite, lucky ones, opportunities are for the Heavenly Blessed. This is compensation from the Dao of Heaven of Heaven and Earth. People who can survive all kinds of catastrophes. Everyone has a great deal of luck and good fortune. Isn"t it lucky to survive? Those who are Heavenly Blessed have gained Destiny Aura." When Yi Tianxing heard this, his eyes flashed a brilliant light for a while.

This is a great harvest, ah, to become Heavenly Blessed. That is Destiny Aura added to the body. As long as luck is strong, even if one encounters a deadly disaster, there will be a chance at life. There will be opportunities to turn things around.

The importance of luck can be imagined.

Being blessed is a gift given by the Dao of Heaven as the basis for survival to the human inhabitants of the old world. Giving them the foundation to survive or even strengthening themselves in the new world. Otherwise, many people will die as soon as they arrive.

Moreover, as the Heavenly voice dies down. Yi Tianxing instinctively feels as if there is something more on him.

Immediately after that, the whole body was restored. The original imprisonment was lifted, and the body could move again. But a sudden force was exerted on the body, pulling his whole body toward the ground.

Gravity, which had disappeared, had suddenly begun to recover.

"Oh, why is my body falling? That"s it. If it goes on like this, I"m going to fall down and hit the ground, becoming a splattering meat paste. Even my bone and dregs will no longer be found." Survivors were flailing and screaming in the air.

"I can"t just fall like this. I"m afraid of heights." Someone cried out while mourning.

"Brother!" Zhao Ziyan screamed too.

Yi Tianxing did not panic, a light flashed in his hands, and a bunch of ropes appeared which he then swung hard to his group. He forcefully threw it at Zhao Ziyan, and shouted, "Hold onto the rope and don"t let go. We are definitely falling back to the ground now, but Heaven and Earth will not let us directly fall to our deaths. If we fall, we can at least land directly in one place."

"And Zitong, Xuerou, Zhilin, you all grab the rope and don"t let go. In such troubled times, security can only be guaranteed if we gather together. Once separated, no one knows what will happen next."

Even if they have become Heavenly Blessed and the body has good luck. Under normal circ.u.mstances, they still have to overcome danger. But at this point, Yi Tianxing dares not gamble easily. What happens if there is an accident in this situation?


Tang Zitong saw the rope and also reached out to pull, holding onto the rope. She tied herself to Yi Tianxing and the others directly together.

Even if the body is descending, there is no separation. She is giving a strong deadly grasp on the rope in her hand.

Falling from a high alt.i.tude, many of the survivors who were originally quite close to each other. Are moving farther and farther away from each other, being separated by a larger area. This uncertainty is so strong no one knows where they will end up landing.

Now the Eternal Continent in the Eternal World has no maps. All maps are sc.r.a.pped.

If they really want to disperse, they will not know when or where they will meet again. What if an accident happens, especially to Zhao Ziyan. It will be his greatest regret in life. A regret that can never be made up in a lifetime.

"Those who are blessed by Heaven!"

Just as a large number of survivors fell, suddenly a strange voice came from the void.

What closely followed was a golden Buddha hand appearing in the void in an instant. Then a handful of survivors were picked and grasped in one hand, with the hand quickly retracting and disappearing.

This shot, as if it were some kind of signal.

In the newly born Heaven and Earth, a cave residence in a celestial cave, suddenly burst out all kinds of divine light.

There was a sudden appearance of another big hand, and more survivors were taken away.

A sweeping divine sword light swept up and swept away several more survivors before disappearing.

When a large number of survivors saw this, their faces turned white, and they screamed in horror and fear at what was occurring.

This scene falling in front of Yi Tianxing"s eyes was also a terrifying sight. Son of a b.i.t.c.h, they"re robbing people.


And during this time when he was appalled. All he can see in the void ahead of him is a big white jade hand suddenly appearing. Immediately after it had appeared, it went to grab Yi Tianxing and his party.

The jade hand, like an object covering the sky, created a spot of darkness. Trying to take Yi Tianxing and his party away together.

But with the emergence of the jade hand. A divine light rushed out and broke jade hand"s path. It was brushed aside and kept from taking them away.

Afterwards, before it was over, another sword light cut over.

The three forces collided together, but there was no real collision as if they reached a tacit understanding. When some tacit agreement had been reached, the three Zhao Ziyan, Tang Zitong, and Chen Xuerou were swept away.

Breaking the rope in that instance.


When Yi Tianxing saw this, his liver and gallbladder were about to crack as he let out a loud terrible cry in order to try and stop it. But it was too late. Those big hands and swords, after they appeared, instantly disappeared.

Many survivors disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Another big hand was coming to grab Yi Tianxing.

This grasp solidified the void.

"The new generation of the Eternal World, Celestial Mountain, Supreme Dharma Realm, Do Not Act! Violators receive divine punishment from Heaven, Seal! Heaven and Earth Shackle, Blockade!!" The Heavenly voice reappeared and sounded in the void. This voice, with supreme heavenly authority, was mighty and magnificent. The echoing voice was irresistible.