Eternal Country

Chapter 39

Translator: SumTLMan

With the advent of the Heavenly voice. There naturally emerged a bright divine chain across the whole Heaven and Earth. This chain had sealed Heaven and Earth and everything inside from the void.

The big hands, sword lights, strong winds, thunder, and so on which originally appeared in the void were all directly suppressed the moment when the divine chain appeared. All of them collapsed, disintegrated, or turned invisible under the irresistible force.

The big hand that was supposed to appear in front of Yi Tianxing had also collapsed.

The laws from those divine chains merged into Heaven and Earth, and the whole Heaven and Earth naturally formed a mysterious prohibition force. It is impossible for those great powers who want to integrate into Heaven and Earth from the world of stars to start again. By Heaven and Earth"s edict, the entrance was sealed. The gate is closed to the mountain, and these groups can no longer set foot on the world. Directly Sealed. Unless certain conditions are met, the seal will not be lifted.

Even so, most of the original survivors have been directly plundered. The rest are a very rare few who have fallen spa.r.s.ely toward the world.

"No, how could this happen, Ziyan, Zitong, Xuerou." Yi Tianxing looked at the void, and his eyes showed indescribable anger. His sister and friends had unexpectedly been captured by those unknown forces. This situation, despite the circ.u.mstances. Made his heart fill with a mixture of grief, indignation, and rage. But these are unhelpful at the moment. It"s impossible to get Zhao Ziyan back right now.

"What clan, which mighty power. If I know in the future that you are not good for them. If there is any harm to them, even if you are powerful, I will kill you all. Even if you are part of a celestial gate, I will slaughter it!"

Taking a deep breath, Yi Tianxing forcefully suppresses the anger in his eyes. Now that these things have occurred, it is impossible to go back in time. Even if he goes back in time and starts all over again. He will be unable to stop what had happened today.

According to the Heavenly voice, it is obvious that those stars that have integrated into the world. The Celestial Gates were robbing the Heavenly Blessed.

It is not difficult to guess that the Heavenly Blessed, who have a strong destiny, will have Destiny Aura in the body. Any strong person will not ignore it. They will take them back to the clan gates and accept them as disciples. With this act, it will be possible for the clan gate to take off and gain an opportunity to rise in the future.

Being faced with these survivors, where can they be patient enough to wait, so they grab without hesitation. Even if they have to suddenly change worlds and enter a new world, they also have no scruples and have great confidence in themselves. However, with the seal on the postnatal path, every group was directly slapped in the face. Under the seal, they did not have any force, and there is no power of resistance.

"Sooner or later, these forces will bend under me, and the celestial gates will tremble under my feet. Heroes will congratulate me, ghosts and G.o.ds will fuel me, and my fate will be grasped in my hands!!"

Yi Tianxing looked up to the Heavens and stopped to roar. Venting out all his unyielding anger in his heart through this roar.

Brush brush!!

Survivors kept falling faster and faster. Even Yi Tianxing, during the fall, could not keep his mind awake. He could not help but involuntarily fall into a coma. As if there was an invisible force interfering with his consciousness.

Bang bang!!

The survivors landed on the ground with such extreme speed. They should have been crushed to pieces, but there is a strange invisible force protecting their bodies. Even if the ground was smashed out while breaking ancient trees and leaving craters. Their bodies did not suffer any harm. This is quite strange. Obviously, this moment was blessed and protected by Heaven and Earth.

The transformation of Heaven and Earth continues.

On Earth. No, it should now be called the Eternal World, Eternal Continent.

In the world, the sea is boundless, and there are even all kinds of strange sea areas.

The Caribbean Sea contains mysterious treasures, the Delicious Sea contains endless delicacies, the Ghost Sea contains death, the Gemstone Sea contains precious stones and so on. All kinds of peculiar sea areas have been derived on the Eternal World. The seas are boundless, and many islands are even bigger than the previous Earth. Each is situated in the Sea with their own ecosystems. The distance between the islands is boundless, making the journey between two islands a long one. Such a distance, with ordinary people, suggests with they are unable to cross two areas in a lifetime. The distance between two islands or seas is too far.

Forbidden areas are everywhere in the star worlds and have also been formed in the Eternal Continent. Now they have become even more frightening and terrible.

All kinds of transformation and changes are unknown to mortals at this time.

But what one can understand is the size of the Eternal World can no longer be estimated. Even if a person is powerful, for fear they will not reach the ends of this world for a lifetime.

A golden eye appeared in the void, glancing at Heaven and Earth. There seemed to be a hint of joy revealed in these cold emotionless eyes. But then the golden eyes disappeared and hid in Heaven and Earth.

Gra.s.s, blue skies, white clouds.

The breeze is blowing, the sea of green are like waves rustling in the sea, fresh and fragrant.

There are a valley, forest, and a river running through the valley. Along with gra.s.slands and forests, this was a real land which gives birth and nurtures life.

The valley is very large. At first glance, it is like a huge basin. It can accommodate a large population to survive.

Moreover, there are fruit trees and rivers in the valley.

If a group really wants to settle in this place, it is definitely an ideal place to settle down.

In any case, this should be a peaceful place.

But now, the valley looks very messy.

A large number of human beings gathered in the valley.

There are businessmen, soldiers, ordinary people and the young and elderly. Included in the group are even children and pregnant women. Gathered in the valley, the number of people could be several hundred or nearly a thousand people.

The ground was covered with straw mats, and there were many wounded on the lying on the straw mats while groaning.

Some doctors are helping by bandaging the wounded. They bury stoves in an open pit to boil medicine in the fires, decocting traditional Chinese medicine while medicinal fragrances from medicine escaped.

These wounded included both soldiers and ordinary people. Some with broken bones, some with their arms bit off, and some with flesh and blood completely torn away. This is a b.l.o.o.d.y scene.

In the valley, the people gathered in small groups of three to five. With looks of caution and fear on their faces. They had a strong sense of confusion and bewilderment at their predicament. Those soldiers too were at a loss. There were obviously no real generals among them, and the uniforms they wore were somewhat different. While together, it is even more impossible to be harmonious. No one can really conquer any one group and gain leadership.

Now, they are like loosely gathered sand.

Reluctantly gathered together, but each group with a great sense of vigilance.

Still, there is danger outside, making everyone unable to focus on this issue or anything else for the matter. One by one they desperately guard the valley.

"Elder Zhao, what do you think is going on in this world? Before that, our family was still eating lunch at home, and in the twinkling of an eye. We appeared here. It was too weird. There were monsters outside the valley, and we couldn"t get out at all. As soon as they appeared, many were either left injured or dead." A middle-aged man in coa.r.s.e linen clothes said blankly.

"Yes, I was on the street and came here in the blink of an eye. It"s really weird. This is certainly not Guyang City, in the valley and the jungle where I used to live. At first glance in this wilderness, there was no one else around. Who knows what kind of place this is?" A man nodded his head in harmony. His face was also full of distress.

"Did you hear a voice that appeared directly in your head saying? ‘All worlds fused together, and all things compete for freedom in this cruel new world. The derivation of the Eternal World, the cold Heaven is free"? It seems that we are certainly not in our original world." Someone said thoughtfully.

"Now what can we do, no matter where we are, the most important thing is to survive. There are monsters in this world. Those green-skinned monsters are each fierce. I saw them strike down with a stick and smashed my friend"s head. My good friend brother Qi died very miserably at once." There was a look of fear on someone else"s face.

The accents of these people vary from place to place, but most of them can understand each other. They all speak Chinese. Communication was not a barrier. Talking with each other, they find they come from different places. Even their world of origin is different. Of course, for many people. It is not enough to talk about the problems of being from different worlds. As they all know, Heaven and Earth have changed a lot from their original world.

Everyone comes from different places.

Even different dynasties, ages, and different worlds.

These things, under the threat of powerful enemies outside, have not had much impact or they even have no mind to think about these things.

Bang bang!!

In the distance, a soldier rushed up and shouted. "No, the monsters are coming again. This time, there are even more green-skinned monsters. There are also more than one kind of monster besides the green-skinned monster. Rushing out of the forest were many rats, each one as big as a hound, and with blood-red eyes. There are thousands of them, and they are already coming towards the entrance of the valley."

The soldier was a sentry and a scout.

He ran fast, but with fear and despair on his face. The enemies he saw were too numerous, too terrible. That image, after witnessing it, made him give birth to a sense of despair. Previously, only a hundred green-skinned monsters rushed in. Killing many people and injuring a large group of ordinary people.

Now the number is tens or even hundreds of times more than before. Once they rush in, given the present situation, it is easy for these monsters to kill all the people in the valley without leaving anyone behind.

"It"s over, what should we do now? Let"s have a word." When the people heard this, their faces became as white as paper. The previous experience was still vivid. Those monsters kill people on sight. Seeing human beings as no different from prey.

"Masters of the army, our safety depends on you. What do we do now? Make up your mind." Some people looked at the soldiers in the army who were grouped together in twos or threes. These soldiers were not from one army or dynasty. Naturally, there was caution and wariness. Now there is this most unstable factor of survival.

If they can unite all the soldiers and twist them together to form a tight-knit rope, there may be a chance at victory.

Why do soldiers fight?

For relatives, for the people, for the country. For fame, fortune, and for the future.

Now that the family, friends and country are gone, they are also at a loss in their hearts. They don"t know who to fight for. They"re also even more vigilant when they are on guard against each other. There is no strong integration and no one can suppress the groups. This is a contradiction.

At this moment in the valley, there lay a young man among the wounded.

The only thing seen is a young man in modern combat uniform suddenly opening up his eyes. After doing so, he instantly sat up. Straightened himself up from the ground, and moved his body. Immediately there were sounds of joints popping as he stretched.