Eternal Country

Chapter 40

Translator: SumTLMan

"How did you get up? You just woke up from a coma." The doctor said with surprise on his face when he saw the young man directly getting up.

"Lie back down and let this old man take care of you. Let me check your pulse and see if you have fully recovered." Another old man said with concern.

"Don"t bother old gentlemen. I know my own body well and there are no problems with it now. There are no problems at all. The kindness and care both of you have taken while looking after me before will be repaid later. Now, the most important thing to do is to solve the monsters outside." The young man spoke boldly and categorically.

This young man is none other than Yi Tianxing.

Before falling from the sky. In the end, he fell unconscious and went into a coma. He doesn"t know when or how he landed in this valley. At that time, a large number of human beings came and gathered in the valley. Even if he was in a coma, it didn"t make him seem too noticeable. Then some monsters came in, some people died, and some were injured. The doctors gathered all the wounded together.

Yi Tianxing was also regarded as a wounded person and put together with the rest. But they could not detect any signs of injury, he was just in a coma. Although he could only lie there the whole time. He was not completely unconscious. In fact, he had been awake for some time before. It was just the surrounding situation was unclear. So, he did not hastily rush to get up but secretly listened in on the surrounding discussions carefully which were going on around him.

In a short time. He has gained a general understanding from the discussions around him.

They are people from different dynasties, different worlds, in different statuses, and different ident.i.ties. These soldiers have no commander and no one with enough prestige who can command all of them. The most important thing is there seems to be no overall vision. Only a great talent would have such a dominant consciousness.

The whole situation in the valley can be described as a loose gathering of sand.

Coming into such circ.u.mstances while facing the invasion of monsters, this is seeking death. Everyone will die when the monsters rush in, and absolutely no one will survive.

In this case, Yi Tianxing made a quick decision in his heart. Instead of pretending to be in a coma. He stepped forward to help.

He walked quickly as he headed to the entrance of the valley. As he moved forward, he looked at the soldiers gathered around in groups of twos and threes and said. "You are soldiers. Even if you come from different worlds, different dynasties, or different countries. Even if your relatives are not around, and your country no longer exists. You are still soldiers. Soldiers stand mighty and proud!"

"The mission of soldiers is to guard against and expel enemies."

"Guard the security of your country, guard the laughter of your relatives and expel all your enemies!"

"Now you have no home, no country, and neither do we. But today, we are guarding our own lives. We are fighting for the old and weak women and children behind us. We fight for our survival!"

"If you still believe you are soldiers, that you are men. Pick up your weapon and take it in hand and follow me. Follow me, Yi Tianxing, and slaughter all of those monsters together!!"

At every phrase, Yi Tianxing has spoken. He takes a step forward. Every step is firm and powerful, and it was accompanied by the sounds of his firm steps on the ground. Each step conveys his firm belief, unwavering faith and determination to fight against any enemy before him.

His voice echoes with True Qi throughout the valley. At the end of his speech, he roars out directly.

If they had no backbone, then he will be their backbone!!

If there was no leader, he would take the lead!!

The strength gathered here is not weak, and the number of soldiers is not small. There are hundreds of people now, and there are not a few adult men in the valley. When they pick up weapons, they also have the ability to fight. What they lack are a leader and a sense of faith.

If they lack it, then Yi Tianxing will give it to them.

Yi Tianxing"s words were like a morning bell or evening drum to them. Instantly beating awake everyone"s hearts in an instant, especially those soldiers. When they heard him, their eyes sparkled with light, showing a kind of indomitable spirit in their eyes. They are soldiers, good soldiers, but had no leader.

Now that someone is taking the lead, the aura coming from Yi Tianxing gives them the same pressure and authority as if they were facing a general. That kind of bearing and demeanour instantly gives them a feeling of awe in their hearts.

Then a soldier yelled, "Yes, that"s right, we are soldiers! How can we huddle up in a group here waiting for those monsters kill us at will?! I don"t want to die yet. I want to find my family. I absolutely cannot die at all."

"To fight for survival, even if not for others, but for ourselves. We have to pick up the weapons and kill these mother*******!"

"Yes, what"s the big deal, it"s just death. We have killed monsters before. Even if we die, we have to pull a few of these monsters down with us to cushion our backs. See if Lao Tzu"s sword is still strong!"

At this moment, many roars sounded from the soldiers" mouths in the valley.

No one laughed at their swearing. They were soldiers, warriors, and not scholars.

One by one, their eyes were red. They picked up their swords and spears and followed directly behind Yi Tianxing as he strode forward.

These soldiers were originally from different dynasties and different worlds. But at this moment, it was as if their origin and thoughts had completely vanished into nothingness. There was only one idea in their minds, kill!! Follow Yi Tianxing and kill these monsters.

"******* son of a b.i.t.c.h, Lao Tzu also wants to kill these monsters. Do not be afraid to die and pull a monster down to cushion our backs." In the valley, a burly man roared loudly. He picked up a spear in his hand, and as he grabbed it, he rushed up to fight the monsters.

"Yes, even if we die, we can"t be broken by these monsters. What about these monsters? Monsters will die too, who is afraid of these farts!" Another man roared and grabbed his spear, and then rushed up to fight.

"With many people, we are powerful and not afraid of anything. Even if we die, we will die fighting monsters on our journey to death. We already have no home and no country left. Now is the time to fight for our survival and our own lives. Kill, kill these mother*******!!"

The other soldiers in the valley shouted out too.

One by one, everyone was inspired by the sight in front of them. Their hearts were stimulated by what makes a man.

They are men. Which one of them doesn"t bleed?

It"s just the previous mood had suppressed their bloodthirsty pressure and forced their blood to cool.

Now the blood which almost cooled down is stimulated at this moment. They are boiling on the spot for battle!

If they can"t die in despair, then they will explode in death!

They will go killing. Killing for joy. Go dying. To die like birds in the sky!!

Even if they die, a mouthful of blood will be sprayed into the sky to mark their existence.

A large number of men charged to the entrance of the valley. At this moment, they were unafraid of death.

Yi Tianxing felt the movement behind him and nodded secretly in his heart. But he did not turn back. He held the spear in his left hand and the tang knife in his right. A blast of killing intent immediately exploded out from his body. This is the killing intent that Yi Tianxing has acc.u.mulated over the years. In recent days, he has been hunting and killing thousands of monsters. His body will naturally raise his killing intent.

As soon as this killing intent comes out. This made eyes of the soldiers brighten even more as they follow him from behind. They are the same kind ah!

This valley is very peculiar. It"s very large and wide. It"s surrounded by mountains and looks like a gourd. There"s only one real entrance. As long as they hold the entrance, no matter how many enemies there are. Even if there are more enemies, it will be very difficult for them to really break through. This is a natural barrier.

And the place where the monsters gathered was by the entrance, because they did not really enter the valley yet. They are still on the outside.

In the twinkling of an eye, the soldiers had reached the entrance.

The entrance is a narrow pa.s.sageway. As a matter of fact, it is still possible for hundreds of people to cross it side by side at the same time.


As soon as Yi Tianxing arrived at the pa.s.sage, he heard a strange cry. When he focused his vision. He could see that a large group of green-skinned monsters grabbed sticks and rushed into the pa.s.sage. In front of the pa.s.sage, there were a large number of rats sweeping over. They were crowded and dense, fearing there were thousands of them. Each of them was huge and came biting over. They can bite off a person"s neck in an instant.

This shape and those b.l.o.o.d.y eyes can make people produce a sense of terror in an instant, losing the courage to fight such monsters.

Even the soldiers and the people who had rushed to follow behind Yi Tianxing stopped. When they see the huge number of monsters in front of them. They still gave rise to a trace of fear, and the original bloodthirsty mood seemed to be extinguished.

"You are men, follow me!"

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth and gave a sound breaking roar.

When he first saw the scene in front of him. He did not hesitate to operate his innate Yin and Yang eyes. Looking at the swarm of rats whistling in front of him, the alternating black and white lights flashed over.

Innate Yin and Yang Eyes — Yin and Yang Lock!!

Yin and Yang Ring!!

Five Yin and Yang Locks burst out of his eyes in an instant. They naturally deconstructed in front of him to form 405 black and white Yin and Yang Rings. They were sparkling like black and white jewels.

In an instant, the rings burst out and fell directly toward the rats and had bound to their heads directly.


The rats screamed while their bodies were bound by the Yin and Yang Ring. The shock from the Yin and Yang Ring instantly made all the ferocious rats feel severe pain in their souls. The originally galloping posture immediately turned into falling ones as the rats fell to the ground while sending out of mournful screams.


When Yi Tianxing saw this, he strode forward without hesitation, and waved his left arm and struck down as fast as lightning. The spear pierced the head of a ferocious rat and killed it on the spot. His right hand waved out his tang knife. The light from the knife shined like during his practice as True Dragon Qi poured into the body of the knife. The body of the knife flashed a cold light and cut like a divine weapon.

Swinging the knife, he drew a bright arc in front of his body.

It was enough to cut off the heads of five ferocious rats with this knife. Their heads were cut directly off as blood spurted out while the smell of blood dispersed all around.

Sending out a stab or slash, there were no pauses in between. The rats were suppressed by the Yin and Yang Rings as they screamed and constantly rolled on the ground. Their strength could no longer be wielded at all. As long as Yi Tianxing came forward, he harvested and killed a rat.

Yi Tianxing slowly stepped forward with a spear and tang knife in each hand. Waving them again and again, one after another. Each time he swings, he is bound to take away the lives of a large number of monsters. The scene was like someone cutting melons or vegetables. Walking among the monsters was like taking a stroll in a courtyard during an outing. Wherever he went, he brought a wind of blood and rain.

Like an absolute G.o.d of war, he runs rampantly in battle.

This scene falls into the eyes of those soldiers. Suddenly, they showed faces of worship. What these soldiers admire is power and only those who are truly strong. They only admire stronger people than themselves.

And there is no doubt that Yi Tianxing at this moment is the strong man in their hearts.

The ability to burst out his Yin and Yang Locks in his eyes. Allowed him to turn them into hundreds of Yin and Yang Rings to crush the ferocious rat swarm. Crushing them like shrimps to be softly stepped on. A large number of them have already fallen to the ground. The figure doing the slaughtering was either a G.o.d of war or a demon.