Eternal Country

Chapter 41

Translator: SumTLMan

Everyone suddenly appeared in the new world. Moreover, without a home, country, relatives, friends, or generals. They are at a loss at what to do. But now they see Yi Tianxing and see his magical means. It was as if at this moment, he became a spiritual pillar in their hearts. Their previously blank hearts were swept away, and a trace of fanaticism sprang up on everyone"s face.

"Kill, follow Mr Yi to kill!" One of the soldiers, whose eyes were red, held a long knife and chopped at a rat suppressed by the Yin and Yang Ring. As the knife in his hands rose and fell, a fountain of blood bursts out.

The rats, who had no resistance at all, were chopped to death with just one knife.

These soldiers, who have also experienced special training began their attack. Their attacks are also especially fierce, now that the rats in front of them have no resistance at all. To make one fall and kill them, was simply too easy.

"Kill, even if they are monsters. Even if these rats are big. They will still die. We are going to kill; Lao Tzu should be chopping down his enemies." Someone smiled grimly with red eyes.

"Kill, we must not let the people behind us look down on us. We are soldiers. Even if we do not have a family or country anymore. We should be responsible for these unarmed people and die at the front. If someone has to die first, then we must be the ones to die in front and not be vain as soldiers. He who fears death can never be a bird in the sky."

"Kill, not for others, but for our survival. There is hope if we survive, we may find our loved ones if we live or re-establish our homeland."

A soldier was thoroughly stimulated by the blood in his chest and the b.l.o.o.d.y smell in his nose, making the anger in his hearts continue to beat.

Hundreds of soldiers followed Yi Tianxing, more than 400 ferocious rats were suppressed by the Yin and Yang Ring and were killed on the ground in an instant. It was hard to imagine how fast they were killing.

And with the death of those ferocious rats, the Yin and Yang Ring also returned first to his Yin and Yang eyes with a large number of rat souls. One soul is quickly refined by his Innate Yin and Yang Diagram in the Yin and Yang eyes and integrated into the sixth illusory Yin and Yang Lock. Each illusory Yin and Yang Ring can be quickly transformed into an ent.i.ty with a speed visible to the naked eyes. It was condensed into substance and emitted a burst of sparkling light.

In just a few moments, half of the Yin and Yang Rings were turned into substance.

This unscrupulous plunder of souls is of great benefit to the growth of the Yin and Yang eyes.

But there were too many monsters. During the process of retrieving the Yin and Yang Rings. After the rats behind been killed, the green-skinned monsters were already in sight.

A rat sprang up directly from the ground and attempted to ferociously claw at Yi Tianxing"s throat. Its speed is extremely fast, ordinary people are afraid to have difficulty avoid this attack. But falling in Yi Tianxing"s eyes, each action is clearly in mind.

By the time the rat came over, his spear had already appeared directly in front of its murderous route. It was as if the rat ran directly into the spear by itself and was instantly pierced in the head by the spear. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the dead rat on the ground. As soon as this happened, his eyes swept, and the soul was pulled directly back. His eyes turning into deep whirlpools, swallowing the soul directly.


The other soldiers also collided with the monsters at this moment, and their knives swung as blood burst out. Someone was directly besieged and surrounded by several rats and completely torn at once. But the soldier had a crazy look on his face, grinning and chopping at every monster in front of him until death. Even if they trade wounds for injuries, they still have to kill the monsters in front of them.

This is a complete killing and bloodletting ritual.

It is clear that fear is death in such a situation. Only by fighting fearlessly can they survive.

Another soldier was trapped by a monster siege. With dozens of ferocious rats surrounding around him and green-skinned monsters smashing from one side with sticks. He instantly fell into despair at the desperate situation. But then there was a crazy look on his face.

When a rat rushed over, he did not shy away, and without hesitation. He reached out and hugged it fiercely, bit it on the neck, and tore a piece of meat with his teeth. The long knife stabbed the green-skinned monster fiercely, and laughter escaped his mouth as he said: "Die, all of you die! Even if I die, I have to pull a few to cushion my back. I… died in battle."

In laughter, the body was directly torn to pieces by more than a dozen rats.

But before he died, his body stood up straight.

His spine was always strong.

And his head was raised high!!

Such soldiers are not in the minority.

No one fled, no one flinched.

There"s only one thought in my mind: kill these mother**.

Yin and Yang Lock, Yin and Yang Ring!!

These words sounded slow, but in fact, they were said in the blink of an eye. The Yin and Yang Rings appear again, and 405 Yin and Yang Rings once again completely bound a large number of monsters around them. Making all monsters in the face of humans, have no resistance.


Behind them, there are ordinary civilian adult men with all kinds of tools. They have also begun crazily killing the monsters who fell on the ground as well. Crazily hitting and stabbing them to death. They stabbed with their tools and strike with stones.

Every eye is red.

There is only one thought in mind, that is to kill these monsters. Even if they die, they must die in battle.

Coupled with Yi Tianxing standing at the front with his Yin and Yang Rings, it was as if the power which blessed them was from a G.o.d or demon. As soon as these rings scattered, it immediately let a large number of monsters fall to the ground. This action created enormous inspiration and moral for the people.

There is nothing to fear under the leadership of such a strong man.

Even if they can"t deal with the monsters in their heyday. When the monsters were suppressed by the Yin and Yang Rings. They need not be frightened and will kill the monsters directly. This saves Yi Tianxing a lot of time. Almost all the suppressed monsters were killed in less than a few breaths with the Yin and Yang Rings. This was so much faster than fighting on his own.

After the Yin and Yang Rings flew out and suppressed a group of monsters, it brought back the souls in a blink of an eye. Then, in another blink of an eye, it burst out again and suppresses again. Moreover, after several repet.i.tions later, the illusory sixth Yin and Yang Lock completely condensed into substance.

The number of separated Yin and Yang Ring had once again increased to 486. The speed of killing monsters had increased.

Allowing the soldiers and people who followed behind Yi Tianxing to feel a rainbow of morale. Looking at Yi Tianxing"s back, there was a kind of fanaticism, a kind of awe. Magical powers like the Yin and Yang Rings were too shocking for them.

Many people have never heard of it at all, let alone seen it.

In their original world, such a person is a Divinely Blessed person. They are free from vulgarity and are among the top dignitaries of the court.

Now witnessing such a person with one"s own eyes, this kind of shock is almost indescribable.

There"s only one idea in mind. Follow him and kill the monsters.

There is Yi Tianxing in front, and the use of his innate Yin and Yang eyes is not stingy with the continuous developing situation. The Yin and Yang Qi in the Yin and Yang eyes are consumed. But he immediately urged his True Dragon Qi to replenish it as he continues the battle fight and creates a river of blood.

No one knew how long the battle would last.

Before they knew it, the monster tide that attacked the valley had been killed, and the rest of the monsters have either disappeared or fled.

The whole valley entrance was a b.l.o.o.d.y stream. A large number of monster corpses were piled up high on the ground. There were also human corpses from the bodies of soldiers killed in battle. It"s just the human corpses are out of proportion with the monsters.

When Yi Tianxing was in the front, their most dangerous period was when the Yin and Yang Rings were recovered. If there were not so many monsters, there would not even be any human deaths.

"Mr Yi!"

Near the sea of blood of the corpse mountain, soldiers and civilians were breathing heavily. As their eyes fell on Yi Tianxing, the light of awe and fanaticism was apparent. As if he had been regarded as spiritual sustenance to them.

Obviously, they began to be subconsciously dominated by Yi Tianxing.

"What about the casualties?" Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said as the colour of black and white in his eyes slowly converged. In this fight, most of the True Qi in his body was consumed, but the harvest was enormous. After a large number of monster souls were refined, not only was the sixth Yin and Yang Lock condensed, even the seventh and eighth have been completely condensed. Today, in the Yin and Yang s.p.a.ce, eight Yin and Yang Locks are constantly alternating. There was a sparkle of precious light.

"Ten soldiers and twenty-three heroic men have been killed. Many others have received varying degrees of injuries." A soldier stepped forward and answered.

There was respect on his face.

Speaking of casualties, everyone could not help but give birth to a trace of sadness in their hearts.

After all, these were human beings who died.

"On the battlefield, there will be casualties. The key lies in whether there is any value in death. Now, these people have moral deaths, these soldiers have died in their rightful place. They died fighting for their own survival, for the old and weak women and children behind them, and they fought to guard this valley. Their death proved their honour as a soldier. They died standing upright. Even in death, their souls will live on forever. They will always be equal to me in this respect. Death is not the end, but the beginning of another life."

Yi Tianxing came to the bodies after the battle. In death, they looked dignified, and he slowly bowed to them as he spoke slowly.

This ceremony makes the soldiers and the people around look at Yi Tianxing differently. They felt a slight sense of recognition, which was the feeling of being respected. When a scholar dies as a confidant, he dies in his rightful place. Even if soldiers are in the midst of a sea of fire or a mountain of knives, with morality behind, they dare not break through and flee.

Respect is needed between people.

Yi Tianxing respects the soldiers and the people who died in the battle, as well as the civilians. In their eyes, Yi Tianxing"s ident.i.ty must be extremely n.o.ble. To be able to bow to the soldiers and civilians who died in battle is a kind of respect that they had never felt before.

"Mr Yi, what should we do now? I"ll follow you. What are your orders?" A big burly man came forward, bowed and said with sincerity on his face. His body was b.l.o.o.d.y and full of injuries. In the previous battle, he was also brave while moving forward at the front. Moreover, his hands are fast, and every knife is accurate.

He is one of the stronger ones among the soldiers.

"Yes, Mr Yi, we will all listen to you."

"Mr Yi, only you can lead us on our path to survival. For others I will not accept, I will only obey you."

Other soldiers and civilians also spoke out loudly.

Their faces and eyes were all very sincere, and their words were from the heart.

It is clear that these people in the valley were loose sand. If the monsters come again, they may all die. Only by uniting together can they have a chance at survival.