Eternal Country

Chapter 49

Translator: SumTLMan

If there is a cultivation method someone likes. They can choose to get that cultivation method.

A cultivation method or battle skill book naturally appeared on the shelves.

And some cultivation methods are shrouded in white light. Eerily dividing the sections into two, three, or even more in quant.i.ty. Some people remained on the first floor, while others disappeared directly in the white light. As if they had decided to be sent elsewhere.

These are extraordinary cultivation methods, which contain Qi cultivation as the basis of these methods. Not only at the Divine Sea Realm level. But the methods also contain knowledge related to the latter levels. This includes knowledge on things such as a Destiny Aperture opening method or the more precious Destiny Aperture Diagram. These are not within the storage scope of the first layer. Under the power of the Sutra Collection Pavilion, they are directly separated into several jade-like bookshelves. They represent the cultivation method parts for different realms.

For example, the < righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record=""> is separated in an instant. On the first layer, there is only the < righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record=""> for the Divine Sea Realm. As for the higher realm methods, it can only be found on the higher floors.

This is one of the capabilities of the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

When Yi Tianxing saw that all the cultivation methods and battle skills had fallen into the white jade bookshelves. He suddenly opened his mouth and said categorically.

"The < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi=""> will be defined as the basis of cultivation method for military soldiers, which can be obtained free of charge by any soldier."

"The < pure="" origin="" cultivation=""> is designated as a cultivation method for all people. Regardless of gender or status, they can receive this Qi cultivation free of charge."

"No matter whether it is military or civilians, they can receive a basic battle skill free of charge."

As soon as his voice came out, it was as if his mouth spoke golden words. The Sutra Collection Pavilion naturally gave birth to the induction of the rules.

"All cultivation method books obtained by anyone needs to have them establish a Heart and Soul Pledge. This pledge is a prohibition on destiny that prevents any cultivation method or battle skill obtained from the Sutra Collection Pavilion from being privately disseminated outside. These methods can only be used for Qi self-cultivation, and not a single word can be pa.s.sed onto others. If there are violators, they will fall into a state of madness and their soul will be destroyed, never to be reincarnated again."

Yi Tianxing said as he added.

As the voice falls, there is a wonderful rhyme on all of the collections of cultivation methods.

If someone does not take an oath, they will never be able to take away any of the cultivation methods on the bookshelves.

Once the oath is taken, the cultivation method will naturally flow into one"s mind. If one wants to speak it, they are forbidden. If one wants to write it, they are forbidden. This is to ensure the cultivation methods in the Sutra Collection Pavilion are packed densely in one location so that it does not leak out. If no one can write it down or speak it. This disconnects people to the maximum extent and cuts off the possibility of transmission of these cultivation methods.

Yi Tianxing understands this point very clearly.

This is not a matter of trust or distrust, it is a matter of rules. Only when the rules are laid down, can a virtuous circle be formed.

In troubled times, these cultivation methods or battle skills are the foundation of achievement for any force. Foundation, how can it be given freely to others without any reason. Only to ensure the confidentiality of these cultivation methods, he must not spread out or leak them to really ensure his foundation is solid and these methods will not be stolen. To learn a cultivation method, one has to go to the Sutra Collection Pavilion. Otherwise, they have to find other ways to get a cultivation method.

That possibility is, after all, less likely.

The existence of the Sutra Collection Pavilion to some extent completely eradicated the outflow of some cultivation methods. At least, the outflow of cultivation methods from the Sutra Collection Pavilion is very difficult.

This is not only a kindness but also outwardly reveals to the outside world what is to be expected.

It"s even an important bargaining chip to attract talents.

For example, the < righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record="">. This is a Confucian and Taoist cultivation method. If a scholar can cultivate Qi, they can cultivate a unique True Qi, which is full of righteousness… As long as the scholar has the talent, and as long as there is the right method. They can guide their talent in opening up the Divine Sea in their body. When their Divine Sea is opened up, they can transform their talent into a magnificent spirit full of righteousness. However, in order to continue Qi cultivation for the Confucian and Taoist cultivation method. They must constantly increase their own knowledge by reading books and study various kinds of knowledge. They may even create their own hypothesis and theories for their Dao. If they write a book or make a speech to improve the livelihood of the people. The wishes from the people can be added to their body. This is an unexpectedly meritorious deed which can join hands with people to help make them progress in cultivation.

If one"s own virtues are not good, talent is not high enough or conduct is immoral. Even if they cultivate a vast and righteous spirit. They will still only have a slow level of improvement. Even stopping them on the path of cultivation. Only those who are truly talented can go farther on this path. When they open up a Confucian and Taoist Destiny Aperture, they can obtain the Confucian and Taoism Magical Power.

After all this, Yi Tianxing didn"t stay much longer. He turned around and left the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

The door of the Sutra Collection Pavilion is open. Whether day or night, the doors will not be closed unless there are special circ.u.mstances. One can always go in and choose a cultivation method at any time. But one can only get a free basic cultivation method and battle skill. Other methods need to make relative contributions of merits or achievements.

For estimates of merit and so on, this is what Yi Tianxing is tasked to do next.

As the enforcement of rules and regulations are extremely important to any force.

But now the establishment time of the village is too short. There are too few talents. Some things cannot be accomplished and can only be done slowly. Coupled with all kinds of external threats outside, the main problem is still survival.

Time moves on little by little.

The sun disappears, and the moon hangs high in the sky. In Xuan Huang Village, some humble sheds have been erected. The time of day is too late, and many people are tired and completely frightened from the succession of fighting. These people are physically and mentally tired. Houses are obviously impossible to build. So, they can only build sheds everywhere to protect themselves from the rain and dew at night.

Although sad, when they huddled around the fire. Many people began opening up their hearts to one another and began conversing. They roast rat meat by the fire, talk about their new world, and talk about Xuan Huang Village. What they mostly talk about is of the future.

In this cruel era, with such a gathering. They have a land of hope. Many people have a yearning for the future, with the hope of survival in their hearts.

At this time, many people began travelling to the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

w.a.n.g Dahu, Huang Chengyuan, and Jia Yucun are among these people.

As soon as they went in, almost everyone secretly marvelled at the interior.

"It"s so big. This is amazing. This is really a divine building. It doesn"t look very big on the outside, but the s.p.a.ce inside is so vast and expansive. There are too many bookshelves in here. I can"t believe this is real. This is beyond logic and reasoning. In one bookcase, I don"t know how many books can be stored. This is much simpler and more convenient than my previous worlds bamboo slips." Talking about people from other worlds, a few of these people had white paper in their previous world. Their books were mostly written on bamboo slips. With all this paper to replace the bamboo slips, this place was even more magical. These cultivation methods and battle skills are not recorded on wood, silk, jade or gold but some mysterious paper.

Huang Chengyuan looked at the jade-like books placed in the white jade bookshelves. When looking at the books, there is a strange light in his eyes as he murmured to himself.

In his era, bamboo slips still dominated as the written medium. When a cla.s.sical book is recorded, one needs to use a large number of bamboo slips. Some people say there are five carts for one learned person. Luckily for him, this place is free of carts but left the books. If these books were recorded with bamboo slips, a cart of bamboo slips would only record one or two of them. With books, it is not only more convenient to hold, but also easier to read.

For scholars, this is definitely a blessing.

He shook his head and left his thoughts behind. Looking over at the bookshelf description.

"< pure="" origin="" cultivation="">, Divine Sea Realm foundation cultivation method. There is an < origin="" qi="" whirlpool="" visualization="" diagram="">, it helps visualize an Origin Qi Whirlpool. Helping pull Origin Qi into the body to open up the Divine Sea treasure to condense pure True Qi. This cultivation does not require any attributes and can be adapted into any other cultivation method. There is no requirement for qualification. Anyone can Qi cultivate with this method with no conditions attached to acquire it."

Huang Chengyuan came to the bookshelf where the < pure="" origin="" cultivation=""> was placed. In the bookshelf holding the Pure Origin Cultivation, there is a layer of a light screen. Naturally, an ancient seal emerged to protect it. Whether to read or not remains to be seen. But if this method is chosen, one will naturally understand the meaning behind the cultivation. This is amazing.

"This is incredible."

Huang Chengyuan laments. If such a cultivation method were placed in his original world, it would absolutely be a divine treasure that can make anyone crazy. No one could predict how much of a b.l.o.o.d.y wind it would attract or how much killing would result.

Something that can subvert the pattern of the whole world. The law of Qi cultivation only exists in legend. Now placed directly in front of him, he wants to get a method as soon as possible.

However, Huang Chengyuan did not immediately choose the < pure="" origin="" cultivation=""> as his Qi refining cultivation method… He intends to take a good look at the rest of the collection. There might be better options available.

"Oh, thank you, lord. With this < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi="">, I, w.a.n.g Dahu can also become a Qi cultivator. In the face of a similar situation to today, I will not be so ashamed."

w.a.n.g Dahu stood in front of the < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi=""> bookshelf, looking at the jade book containing the cultivation method. His mouth was grinning to the back of his ears, and his face was full of joy.

Without thinking about it, he stretched his hand directly towards the jade book, but in front of the book was a light screen that blocked his hand. Following it closely, it scattered a layer of white light which shrouded the book. w.a.n.g Dahu felt as if he had suddenly appeared in a mysterious s.p.a.ce. But in an instant, some information came into his mind.

"I, w.a.n.g Dahu, swear that I will never pa.s.s on the < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi=""> to anyone privately. That I will never leave any words behind. If I violate this oath. The Heavens will not let me repent, and I will never be able to reincarnate."

As the oath was made. Immediately in this mysterious s.p.a.ce, a jade book emerged spontaneously, which was the cultivation method book for the < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi="">. After its appearance, it turned into a white light and immediately drilled into w.a.n.g Dahu"s mind. In his mind, it turned into an illusory book which he can open as long as he wishes to read it.

This book contains the < unhindered="" iron="" blood="" diagram=""> in it. But now he can only open and look at it. The visualization shows two armies in the diagram fighting against each other. Their battle is filled with blood, both on and off the battlefield. The words that accompany the visualization seem to express an unhindered cruel battle that completely affects the body and mind. It internally draws out the baleful Qi in the body and directly opens up the Divine Sea treasure.

This cultivation is easier for soldiers who have experienced battles rather than those who have never killed before.

Only after he had completed the visualization did he open up his Divine Sea Realm. Later, he can read the rest of the content for the method in his mind.

It seemed like he spent a long time reading the book, but the process happened in just a blink of an eye.

His body did not move, but he was left breathless after receiving the cultivation method. After w.a.n.g Dahu had been removed from the layer of light. The < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi=""> cultivation method jade book was still stored on the bookshelf without moving at all. But w.a.n.g Dahu really got the cultivation method for the < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi="">, and the illusory jade book can still be sensed clearly in his mind.

This is another capability of the Sutra Collection Pavilion. The same copy of a jade book can be condensed from the bookshelf and integrated into a person"s mind without taking away the original away. Allowing someone to get the inheritance for the cultivation method after taking an oath.