Eternal Country

Chapter 5

Translator: SumTLMan

Tang Zitong obviously does not have a twisted character. She smiles and reaches forward and says, “h.e.l.lo big brother Yi, at school, Ziyan often talks about you. I heard that Ziyan was suddenly coming back, so I just wanted to accompany her this time to take a look.”

“h.e.l.lo, please come in.”

Yi Tianxing nodded and shook her hand, but only grasping her hand with a gentle grip.

Everyone entered the house.

Yi Tianxing also drew boiling water and brewed three cups of tea, the tea was Rain Before the Dragon Well, which was delivered by one of his former customers.

“Brother, is there anything wrong this time that made you call me back in such a hurry? Did you find a sister-in-law and wanted to introduce her to me first? Maybe after that time, I will give her a few kind words in front of our parents.”

Zhao Ziyan sat on the soft sofa laughing while asking curiously.

“Your brother is alone all the time, where would he find the time to search for your sister-in-law.”

Yi Tianxing looked at Zhao Ziyan helplessly and said, “You can rest a.s.sured that if I really wanted to find you a sister-in-law, you must be the first person to check her out. This time, it is for a big event, this is the reason I hurriedly called you back.”

As he glanced at Tang Zitong.

Zhao Ziyan then took Tang Zitong"s hand and said, “Brother, Zitong is my best friend. We talk about everything. We don"t have any secrets between us. She"s not an outsider. You can say anything you want to her as well.”

Obviously, these words held a deep meaning to Tang Zitong. Yi Tianxing does not understand the feelings between girlfriends.

So he just shakes his head.

If he hadn"t personally experienced the catastrophe firsthand, and even almost died in it, he would not have believed it. The catastrophe was before him. It was going to happen the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is when the catastrophe will come into existence. Even if this information was spread out, it would only amount to very little, maybe he could help a handful of people escape this disaster.

“Yesterday I had a dream.” Yi Tianxing pondered for a while and said slowly.

“Brother, what dream did you have? You seldom dream. Every dream you"ve had always seem to come true.” When Zhao Ziyan heard this, she immediately became interested. She knew that Yi Tianxing had rarely dreamed ever since he was a child, and that every dream heralded an unusual event. Now that she hears about it, how could she not be curious.

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

“I dreamed about the end of the world, Heaven and Earth bringing about a catastrophe.”

“What?!” Zhao Ziyan exclaimed on the spot.

Tang Zitong"s face was also shocked, wondering how Yi Tianxing could suddenly dream of such a scene that marked the end of the world. A Heaven and Earth catastrophe, this is not a good dream, if it really happens, the world will face a horrible upheaval.

“Brother, since you said the world will soon usher in a doomsday catastrophe, is that the reason why you had suddenly called me back, and wanted our parents to come back together?”

Zhao Ziyan was too smart, this little bit of information was enough for her to figure out why she had suddenly received a phone call from her brother asking her to come back.

There was a trace of fear that began filling her heart.

She knew very well that Yi Tianxing"s dream were always accurate and not just generally accurate. If he really has dreamt that this will happen, then most of the scenes in his dreams will come true.

Is this really the end of the world?

Is the end truly coming?

“That doesn"t seem possible, right?” Tang Zitong murmured,”It"s no longer 2012 now, and there are no reports of viral plagues in the world, no ma.s.sive earthquakes, no storms, and no tsunamis. Most of the world is quiet. How can a doomsday catastrophe happen so suddenly?”

She has a fairly good grasp of the current affairs of the world. There are no abnormal situations going on in any part of the world. Since the beginning of biochemical crises, all countries in the world have been very strict with regard to biochemical viruses. For fear of a real coming of a biochemical doomsday, zombie viruses and so on, that would be a complete disaster.

Everyone fears death, and viruses do not have eyes.

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said categorically.

“I saw in my dream that the sky was split, that there were countless monsters coming out from these cracks, each falling onto earth, and that they were crazily killing everyone, corpses piled high everywhere, leaving rivers of blood in their wake. That scene is no worse than any biochemical apocalypse. Moreover, it was even more treacherous, it was possible to die at any moment. For ordinary people, this is truly the end.”

It was almost impossible to imagine the horrors of this image without witnessing it firsthand.

Faced with such a scene, even if he is not an ordinary person, there is still a feeling of despair and powerlessness. These scenes were beyond the power of man. Once started, everything will really be destroyed, and with that destruction, all order and morality will completely collapse.

Tang Zitong frowned slightly after listening, and still said in disbelief.

“It was just a dream. It may not come true.”

If she hadn"t heard about the wonders of Yi Tianxing from Zhao Ziyan"s mouth, or even learned something about him through her own connections, about how Yi Tianxing is indeed a famous exorcist in the dark world, and truly has the ability to exorcise and destroy demons. Learning from others in profession of exorcism, they said he is second to none and a well-known figure.

If it weren"t for his renown, she would not have continued listening further, and would have taken it as ramblings of a madman.

“Be prepared, the day after tomorrow you will witness it. If there"s no mistake, there will be a catastrophe on the morning of the 23rd. It"s the afternoon of the 21st today, and tomorrow will be the afternoon of the 22nd. The day after tomorrow, we will know if it"s accurate or not, I hope this is just a false alarm. Nevertheless, in case anything does happen, there is no mistake in taking a few more precautions.”

Yi Tianxing took a look at Tang Zitong and did not expect her to be convinced, or even believe it by him just saying a few words, that would be naive.

He really doesn"t believe that there was such a naive person.

“Well, brother, what are we going to do in order to prepare for it?”

Zhao Ziyan also spoke and her face was not too frightened. You know, she also practiced Neijia quan with Yi Tianxing during peaceful times. She also has certain accomplishments in Taiji quan. When she fights, three to five young men can not even lay a finger on her. She remembers that when she was alone at school, there were some sc.u.m outside the school who wanted to block her path and rob her. They ended lying on the ground with three punches and two kicks, and they did not dare to move again.

With her cold stare, this let the little gangsters inside and outside of the nearby campus stay away from her, for fear of meeting this girl with the amazing fighting ability.

If one has strength, their courage is enough.

When she heard Yi Tianxing say such shocking information about the world, she didn"t appear too panicked. On the contrary, she had the composure that ordinary people simply did not have.

“Before you came, I already ordered large quant.i.ties of goods through various channels. Some of them were sent directly to a secret base I had set up in the suburbs. There were already people there who would receive the goods and send them directly into the base. Moreover, the base is built underground, even the guards above knew nothing about it, they don"t know about the mysteries in my underground base.”

“All the materials are sealed and packed, without any prior knowledge or disa.s.sembly, n.o.body knows what is on the inside. My guards are loyal, honest and trustworthy people. They have been told long ago that they can leave as long as they place the delivered goods directly into the corridor when it gets delivered to the base. Once closed, no one can open it except with my pa.s.sword, so there is no further access to the underground base.”

“This purchase is enough to feed tens of thousands of people for a year. For a whole year.”

Yi Tianxing looks very confident. His purchase of materials can be said to be a huge sum of money, not only food, clothing, but also a variety of drugs, even the seeds of various plant species and so on, they are all included on his purchase list.

This secret base was built by him personally, and he had wanted to be on guard against any possible major disaster. It was built directly in accordance to the standards of air defense and nuclear explosion prevention. The s.p.a.ce inside was so large, and what was placed inside were the top of the line world cla.s.s exquisite equipment. At the beginning of construction, factors such as privacy and safety were taken into account.

Few people actually know about it, even the caretaker thinks that it"s just a warehouse. They do not know the specifics of this mystery.

With modern science and technology, it takes no more than one to two days to transport these large-scale goods to the location. If they are fast, it does not necessary that long at all.

“And part of it, I"ll send directly through an express delivery company. There are some safety supplies included. Looking at the time, it"s almost here.” Yi Tianxing raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. He smiled and said slowly.

Ding dong!

Shortly after Yi Tianxing"s voice fell, everyone heard a crisp sound of the doorbell ringing from the outside.

Zhao Ziyan quickly stepped forward, opened the door, and saw outside the burglar-proof door that several couriers were carrying a large number of goods, while standing at the front of the door. Holding a bill of delivery and looking at the unit number, the courier asked, “h.e.l.lo, is this Mr. Yi Tianxing"s residence?”

“I"m Yi Tianxing.” Yi Tianxing also came forward to the door and nodded slightly.

“Here is your express delivery, please sign for it Mr. Yi.” The courier delivers the bill of delivery while he opening his mouth to speak.

Immediately, the two sides verify their ident.i.ty, and after signing, the boxes of goods gets continually sent into the home, and after a short while, the hall was stacked with goods, almost reaching the ceiling with all kinds of thing.

While carrying the parcels, he was curious and asked two questions: “Is Mr. Yi planning to open a shop? You purchased so many items at one time, and I haven"t ever met such a person after delivering so many couriers, is this for someone else?”

With this question, he was very curious after all, someone willing to buy so many things at one time, as an individual, this is very rare.

“Yes, a relative of mines wanted to buy these things, so he dropped them here and will come by later to take them away.” Yi Tianxing smiled calmly and said, not revealing his true purpose.

This was just a casual chat.

With the help of Yi Tianxing and the couriers, all the packages were quickly transported to the hall, all kinds of packages filled the s.p.a.ce, and the originally neat hall became a full warehouse.

After delivery, several couriers left together.

Closeing the door.

Zhao Ziyan and Tang Zitong also looked at the materials piled-up in the hall. There was no more s.p.a.ce to put ones feet. These things that were placed in the hall left almost no room to cross at all.