Eternal Country

Chapter 50

Translator: SumTLMan

This ability allows tens of thousands of people in the Sutra Collection Pavilion to choose the same cultivation method. This can be easily accomplished without any pressure on the treasure. As long as the book exists in the Sutra Collection Pavilion, the process of infinite replication can be easily carried out. With the Heart and Soul Pledge, there will be no possibility of leakage for any cultivation method at all.

w.a.n.g Dahu felt the illusory book appear in his mind. With a grin, he immediately went looking at the other shelves. He found a copy of the < basic="" knife="" method="">. After making another heart and soul pledge, he obtained a copy of the < basic="" knife="" method=""> which was also pa.s.sed on and appeared in his mind.

As for the other cultivation methods, there is no way to inherit them.

He has yet to qualify for a more powerful cultivation method or battle skill.

"This is great. Other brothers need to come in and inherit a cultivation method too. Only by becoming stronger can we really live in this world and guard Xuan Huang Village." w.a.n.g Dahu"s eyes showed excitement at receiving a Qi cultivation method. He had an urge to go back immediately and try out the Qi cultivation method.

Huang Chengyuan, seeing w.a.n.g Dahu"s departure, was unaffected and continued to look at the rest of the books. Many bookshelves were empty but he carefully took the time to look at every book for cultivation methods.

All of a sudden, his steps stopped completely. His eyes fell on a bookshelf, and he could not step any further.

< righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record="">. This is unexpectedly a Qi refining cultivation method for the Divine Sea. And it is actually a cultivation method for Confucian and Taoist talents. It is very suitable for scholars, giving birth to a great deal of righteousness. Allowing one to be able to practice Confucianism and Taoism Magical Power." Huang Chengyuan"s pupils contracted violently.

Even his breathing becomes short.

"Get it. I must get it. I am a scholar. Such a Confucian and Taoist cultivation method fits me perfectly. Compared with the < pure="" origin="" cultivation="">, this is the most suitable cultivation method for me."

Huang Chengyuan grabbed his beard excitedly and muttered to himself, "But this is not a free cultivation method… As it is said above, a scholar must possess the talent for Qi cultivation. Without it, any cultivation method will be useless. This cultivation method inspires the talent and opens up the Divine Sea for Confucianism and Taoism. That is to say, the true Knowledge Sea. Before this method, one cannot have any other Qi refining cultivation method. This < righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record=""> book is obviously very valuable and being able to get it is far more difficult than imagined."

Huang Chengyuan is very sober. Such treasures, no matter who has them, cannot easily be handed over to others for no reason. What qualifications does a person have to ask for it?

He could not think of any qualifications he has for obtaining it.

But if someone told him to give it up, there is a strong unwillingness in his heart.

If he did not see or know about the < righteous="" loyal="" blood="" heart="" record="">, then his Qi cultivation method would be the < pure="" origin="" cultivation="">. After all, he is stepping on the Path of Cultivation at a ripe old age. But now it is different, and he has a better choice in front of him. Moreover, he felt that in his old age. Qi cultivation would certainly be incomparable to a young person. He can only follow the path of Confucianism and Taoism.

Only by filling the body with talent can the path be more possible and smoother.

Huang Chengyuan"s face changed a little, then he waved his long sleeves and turned away. When he left, his pace was a little lackl.u.s.tre. Obviously, his mood is definitely not as calm as he appears to be.

In the mansion.

Yi Tianxing went straight into a room to stay. But he did not directly sleep. He sat upright and began his Qi cultivation. Looking out at the moonlight, he murmured to himself. "Presumably, now that I have put the Sutra Collection Pavilion out for everyone, it has started working. It will only depend on when the fish have taken the bait. In these troubled times, I don"t have much time to play corporal Li Xian"s tricks and look at Lu Mao three times."

After muttering, he began entering a state of Qi cultivation without hesitation.

Naturally, he starts by visualizing the operation for the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">. He visualizes the Ancestor Dragon Four Divine Sea Diagram. When an Ancestor Dragon appears in his Divine Sea, it swallows the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. He can see through his two opened meridian channels. He saw a stream of colourful Heaven and Earth Origin Qi flooded into his Divine Sea like a tide. This Qi formed a colourful cloud over his Divine Sea, wrapping around the Ancestor Dragon.

The Ancestor Dragon inhaled Qi and exhaled clouds which quickly condensed into streams of True Dragon Qi. Under a mysterious force that existed, the speed of absorption and refinement was more rapid than he imagined. His cultivation is more than three times as fast as his usual Qi cultivation.

"Is this the power of Destiny Aura from Xuan Huang Village? Three times the Qi cultivation speed. Making my cultivation three times faster than normal. Is this the magic of Destiny Aura? This is incredible." Yi Tianxing"s heart also secretly gave birth to a slight shock.

Experiencing the magic of Destiny Aura gave him more determination to expand the village. He has decided on a different way to live in these troubled times. To better survive, he will really grow his Xuan Huang Village to stand at the top of the Eternal Continent.

This night, he did not cultivate the Chong Mai (Vital Channel). But quietly operated his cultivation method to use the True Dragon Qi to quench his two already opened channels in his body. He did so for the dragon lines engraved on his meridian channels to become clearer and more tenacious.

Allowing the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi to travel faster through his meridian channels.

On this night, the bright moon shone above, and the bonfires warmed all the strangers who came together from different worlds. Through their conversations with one another. They changed from strangers to familiar people and silently smiled at one another. There are traces of hope and yearning on their faces.

People continuously go in and out of the Sutra Collection Pavilion. Each person gets the most basic Qi refining cultivation method and battle skill. In the Sutra Collection Pavilion, the original soldiers did not hesitate to choose the Iron Blood Baleful Qi cultivation method as well. And they started experimenting with Qi cultivation as soon as possible.

They have built a humble barrack in the mid-west of the village, which they aptly named the Barracks. It was an ordinary shed with the exception of necessary guards. All the soldiers began carrying out their first Qi cultivation.

After getting the cultivation method, many ordinary people started experimenting with Qi cultivation.

In the face of such a great change, no one can sleep. They all hope that they can master a certain level of strength and react to danger when it arrives. Even if they can"t kill monsters, they can make some contribution. The key to survival is strength and it is the most important factor that can give them a sense of security.


As time pa.s.sed quietly, Xuan Huang Village seemed very quiet when guarded by the Arrow Towers.

Suddenly, a blood-coloured light flashed across the barracks where the soldiers were stationed. Around the area, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi began to swarm towards the location.

Looking closely, one can see w.a.n.g Dahu is sitting upright in an open s.p.a.ce. Baleful Qi is emerging outside his body and is continuously drilling back into the position of Navel. What accompanied was a share of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. Between his eyebrows, a touch of Baleful Qi emerged.

Obviously, he has stepped into the ranks of a cultivator and has opened up the Divine Sea in his body.

Suddenly, the Origin Qi fluctuations woke up Yi Tianxing from his Qi cultivation as he took a look to the west. His eyes showed a trace of joy as he nodded to himself. "Sure enough, these soldiers have experienced many killings. Even staying on the battlefield, they have acc.u.mulated so much baleful Qi in their bodies. It was just this kind of Baleful Qi could not be used before. Many people, even after leaving the battlefield, will have various mental problems and bloodthirsty tendencies. After leaving the battlefield, they will have many problems. In fact, there is no way to turn the Baleful Qi into something they can use. Now that they have the cultivation method, this can also be the standard cultivation method in the army. As long as they draw out the Baleful Qi, they can quickly become a cultivator that cultivates faster than normal people."

"These are all good soldiers."

Yi Tianxing muttered to himself but did not think too deeply about it. He continued immersing himself in his Qi cultivation.

This night, Xuan Huang Village began as a Country of Cultivators.

It"s people officially embarking on the path of becoming cultivators.

In the dark, one can hear terrible roars, what accompanied these roars are sounds of fierce fighting and explosions. There are some birds in the night sky that want to enter Xuan Huang Village. But at the moment of their approach, they are sensed by the Arrow Towers. An arrow shot out in an instant. All of these arrows are from the Arrow Tower"s condensed Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. These energy arrows bred by Heaven and Earth Origin Qi are sharper than any arrow and harder than any steel or iron arrows.

The vicious birds were killed by the arrows. Without waiting for them to come near they were killed on the spot. Even after death, the soul and the bones are plundered by a mysterious force, which ends up directly appearing in the Arrow Towers. As if they were moved and absorbed by the Arrow Tower. This is one of the magical powers from the Arrow Towers and one of the reasons why it deserves to be called a divine treasure.

The two Arrow Towers also make the village look very peaceful.

Allowing all the tired people to spend a night in peace.

The second day comes.

As the sun rises in the east, the golden sunshine spreads all over the earth.

Everyone has come to life.

A large number of women began to make fires and cook food. They took out the rat meat left over from yesterday and barbecued it. Under the fire, the fatty rat meat became golden brown. Shining with oil and spreading a meaty fragrance while making the mouths of the people water.

Drawing water from the river, Yi Tianxing took out a bag of rice left from yesterday. He added it to a big pot and started cooking rice porridge. Yi Tianxing still has a portion of grain in his hand. But hundreds of hungry people gathering together showed him it would not be enough for one meal. They can only cook porridge and eat rat meat.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

From the Western barracks, w.a.n.g Dahu was constantly waving his weapon with a group of soldiers. Every time he waved, a kill sound was called out with his strong willed voice. This will be their daily training.

As one can see, the speed and strength when w.a.n.g Dahu is wielding his knife have increased by a large margin compared with yesterday. Every knife carries a strand of baleful Qi. This is a terrifying breath.

"Well, Dahu, your qualifications are really good. As soon as you got the Qi refining cultivation method, you can open up the Divine Sea overnight and become a cultivator. As long as you stick with it, your achievements will be great in the future."

Yi Tianxing walked into the barracks, looked at the soldiers who were practising drills and nodded at them.

These people are veterans, and after hearing about the recruitment yesterday. A large number of young and strong people joined the army to become recruits. All of whom now lived in the barracks and are now practising drills with other veterans.