Eternal Country

Chapter 59

Translator: SumTLMan

Many soldiers and villagers have unfortunately fallen in the battles against fierce beasts and monsters. But when they died, none were cowards. All those who died were strong people who had their back, neck and head held high. In the face of danger, none of these heroes flinched and no one ran away even as their blood rained down from the skies. If there was fear in their hearts, no one would display it in front of the old, weak, women and children behind.

The forces in the army were continuously downsizing.

Of the more than three hundred soldiers, in the beginning, only about two hundred were left after their battles throughout the month.

However, the results achieved during their battles were also remarkable. Almost every one of the remaining two hundred odd people became Qi cultivators with the < iron="" blood="" baleful="" qi=""> as their cultivation method. This leads to baleful Qi being able to enter into their bodies, greatly increasing overall strength and opening up the Divine Sea. Moreover, their Qi cultivation is based on a variety of basic battle skill. From continuous battles, every soldiers" battle skill has been thoroughly honed with foundations improving by leaps and bounds. This is the result of exchanging countless battles for blood, scars and experience.

Moreover, the more these soldiers fight. The more baleful Qi they acc.u.mulate, and the faster their Qi cultivation becomes.

w.a.n.g Dahu has already opened up two meridians in a half month period. Officially being promoted to Divine Sea Realm Second Layer. Other people are also opening up their first meridians at varying speeds. Now, some of the soldiers can even directly infuse true Qi from their bodies and into their weapons for stronger attacks. Allowing them to slay more fierce beasts and monsters.

Every soldier in Xuan Huang Village has gained strength, fort.i.tude and unyielding desire for self-improvement after shedding so much blood in battle.

This is true even for the elderly, weak, women and children. In the face of people dying, these villagers no longer cry out. Because they clearly knew that crying in troubled times was of no help, no use at all. On the contrary, it harms the heart and dulls the mind, making them more vulnerable to possible danger lurking behind. This is the truth people have come to realize in the course of these continuously b.l.o.o.d.y battles.

As descendants of the Yellow Emperor, they have a kind of indomitable tenacity. As long as there is a glimmer of hope or even a little light up ahead. They can stand up again and again after falling down, becoming stronger in the face of despair.

Not only the soldiers but also the vast majority of the people in the village have already achieved success in Qi cultivating the < pure="" origin=""> cultivation method. Most have officially started on their path of cultivation and opened up the Divine Sea. This has not only greatly increased the average strength of the villagers. But some middle-aged women have also regained their smooth skin and even look a few years younger. This shows that cultivating is helping the body"s flesh and blood regain lost vitality by becoming more powerful.

The weak woman who used to be helpless and unable to strangle a chicken, can now carry a large section of wood in one hand and a large bucket in another as they walk with ease. Now these women can wrestle down a calf, and the amount of food they consume has also greatly increased. In the past, this would be considered a strong woman. But now, this was considered the norm for both men and women.

However, there are still some people that cannot cultivate the < pure="" origin=""> cultivation method. These people were the elderly and young children. The body potential of the elderly has already been exhausted. The original Innate Origin Qi in the body has been completely depleted. Even if they come to the Eternal World and receive stimulation from the abundant Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. There is no way to recover this lost Innate Origin Qi, making it extremely difficult to get started in Qi cultivation. Even if they can get started, it almost impossible to breakthrough and make progress on the Path of Cultivation.

Unless they find an opportunity that is against the Heavens. This opportunity has to wash the tendons and cleanse the marrows, enhancing their overall potential. Otherwise, there is no hope.

However, for the young. Their minds are too disordered, and bones and muscles too immature. For the time being, they are only suitable for practising cultivation exercises to forge the body and improve their foundation. They are unsuitable for Qi cultivation right now and cannot officially start their Qi cultivation journey until about ten years of age. This is to avoid premature Qi cultivation, which will affect their root bone and foundation. If they happen to cultivate early, they won"t have a beautiful view in the future.

In addition, Xuan Huang Village can now be called a Cultivation Country.

Even if the people are unlikely to have any great achievements. At least they will be much stronger than before.

Building up a strong body is the basis of good health. Even during peaceful times, ordinary ailments will not fall upon their bodies. It is even possible to increase lifespan with cultivation. According to the records, as long as one can open up the Divine Sea and promote themselves to the Divine Sea Realm. Even the most common cultivator can live up to 120 years old. Those with longer lifespans can reach a limit of 150 years old. With this level of life, it can be said that non-cultivators will become less ordinary in the future.

Moreover, because the people were rashly pulled into the Eternal World with abundant Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. Many have also unexpectedly awakened a Destiny Aperture sleeping in the body. After people began Qi cultivating, there were even several people who awakened excellent Destiny Apertures. Allowing everyone to cultivate has played a strong role in the awakenings. But the rate of awakening a Destiny Aperture in ancient people is not as high as that of modern survivors.

For example, one villager awakened a very strange Destiny Aperture called—Growth! This uncanny magical ability is not a Destiny Aperture that allows the individual to grow stronger. But is an extraordinary ability that helps urge plants to grow instead. A gra.s.s, as long as Growth has been applied by the Destiny Aperture magical power, will instantly grow to reach the full height of an average man. And, as long as they continue urging the power, the plant can continue its crazy growth.

With the help of this villager, all kinds of vines were planted around the wooden walls. Each vine wrapped around the wooden walls, so that the wooden walls became stronger and more solid. These walls have become no worse than those made of earth and stone. Moreover, with the green vines and plants completely covering the wooden walls, the fire resistance has been greatly increased. Ordinary flames will no longer be able to ignite the wooden walls at all.

The defensive strength of the wooden wall has more than doubled now.

Moreover, these plant and tree are deeply rooted into the ground, making the ground appear very lush. As these plants mingle together underground and, on the surface, they fear it will now be difficult for monsters to dig through up the ground…

In the village, houses are being erected one after another.

Under Elder Huang"s urban planning, the mansion where Yi Tianxing is located is taken as the centre with the village divided into four directions. South, East, North, and West. The west belongs to the military and is mainly responsible for fighting, killing, and war. Therefore, the barracks are built in the west. All daily practice, exercise, Qi cultivation, and rest are handled in the barracks. Every day one can hear the shouts from practice as well as the loud kill sounds from fighting.

The south is divided into bazaars, and the main road is built to lead directly to the memorial archway in front of the village. There are plans to build bazaars on both sides of the main road. In the future, all kinds of businesses will flock to these locations. Blacksmith shops, carpenter shops, medical centres and so on are all in this area.

Both the east and north are residential areas. A large number of houses and residences have been built. All of which are wooden houses with thatched roofs that can protect against the wind and rain. These houses are not much worse than tile-roofed houses. Looking at the individual homes, although not very big, have given the people a strong sense of stability in their hearts. With a home, they feel they have roots, a home to come back to and a goal to strive for.

These feelings have grown very strong recently.

These homes have been built by the blood of the fallen. Relying on a large number of soldiers and villagers" blood, sweat and tears to pave the foundation and erect these homes.

There is no way to build a home during troubled times without paying a steep price.

On this day, on the wooden wall.

Yi Tianxing stood on the wall and looked around with a touch of emotion in his eyes as he murmured to himself: "My Xuan Huang Village has really taken root in this world. In the end, we did not sink in these troubled times and become buried forever in this wilderness."

There was silent and repressed killing intent coming from his body. This was caused by killing over and over again throughout the month, and too much blood has stained his hands.

These days, Yi Tianxing does not have a moment of leisure. Almost every day, there are all kinds of troubles sweeping through the village. They have to resist many different impacts from beasts or face various fierce birds or monsters. Even his Qi cultivation which should have taken time, has been rushed.

Even so, with his on and off Qi cultivation during the month, his body has fully opened ten of the Twelve Standard Meridians.

Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand, Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of Hand, Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand, Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand, Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian of Hand, Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand, Taiyin Spleen Meridian of Foot, Jueyin Liver Meridian of Foot, Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot, Shaoyang Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot. A full ten meridian channels have been broken through in his body. The meridian channels run through the hands and feet, wash away impurities and absorb Heaven and Earth Origin Qi.

All that remains are two meridians. The Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of Foot and Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot remain to be fully broken through.

After getting through the ten meridians, the speed of acc.u.mulation for True Qi in Yi Tianxing"s body is getting faster and faster. The number of True Dragon Qi contained in the Divine Sea is also increasing. He doesn"t know how many times faster his cultivation has become as compared to the past. But it is absolutely simple to completely break through the last two meridians… With today"s huge acc.u.mulation of True Qi, as long as he desires, it won"t be long before he breaks through the last two meridians directly.

His Divine Sea Realm Second Layer fighting skills have also been thoroughly honed and perfected.

This progress has been achieved without putting all his efforts in Qi cultivation but instead has progressed by constantly fighting against external threats. It is conceivable that many people would find it absolutely unimaginable if they discovered this truth. Among the villagers, there are many people with who are strong in Qi cultivation. What makes Yi Tianxing special is that he has talents as well as the blessing from Xuan Huang Village"s Destiny Aura. These advantages have allowed Yi Tianxing"s cultivation speed to be far faster than normal.

"Yes, my lord. We now have built a little foundation in these troubled times. However, if we want to grow stronger, I am afraid this is still far from enough." Huang Chengyuan also came up and said meaningfully.

"What Elder Huang means is the problem we are facing now is a shortage of manpower and population." Yi Tianxing said knowingly.

"Yes, it"s true. This half month time has killed many of our villagers and soldiers. Their numbers have been reduced in succession, and they can"t be supplemented anymore. Just like water without a source, it is difficult to support life for a long period. Sooner or later, we will fall into ruin." Huang Chengyuan said solemnly.

Looking at his face, it was much rosier and more tender than before. Even the white strands of hair on his head have begun turning black again. The most noticeable change was his spirit. A kind of earth-shaking transformation which had to do with his intensely bright eyes. This makes people who have inner demons unable to look into them directly.

Obviously, he has already achieved success in his cultivation and judging from the divine light in his eyes. He has by no means only stayed in a mundane realm of cultivation. Even Yi Tianxing can"t see his depth. Predictably, he has definitely gone beyond his own realm.

His acc.u.mulation was simply too strong. The Confucianism and Taoism cultivation method is a silent acc.u.mulation but explodes forth when started. To acc.u.mulate during abundance and save during lean times are the emperor"s way. Moreover, when his talent is included, it was even more astonishing as he awakened his Confucianism and Taoism Destiny Aperture in his body. This strength is already above Yi Tianxing.

It can be said that he took to the skies and soared.

However, he has not lost his respect for Yi Tianxing, and this has never been overshadowed.

These days, if it weren"t for Elder Huang"s co-ordination in the village. It would never have been built up so quickly and wouldn"t have been so well managed.

"I have also thought about this issue. But in this world and in these troubled times. Although there must be a large number of people living or even struggling for survival somewhere in the world. In the end, we are here, and they are beyond our reach. Despite the fact that we have laid a strong foundation, we absolutely cannot travel three miles outsides the valley before we are wiped out." Yi Tianxing said as he shook his head and smiled bitterly.


Just then, there was suddenly a strange cry from the sky on the distant horizon.

"Bird!! What a huge bird!"

Someone exclaimed on the wooden wall.