Eternal Country

Chapter 62

Translator: SumTLMan

Wish beads are precious, this is a well-known fact to Yi Tianxing. This is a top treasure not inferior to most other treasures from before. One has to remember only a white wish bead can be used in Qi cultivation to directly increase cultivation speed by ten times. At a critical moment, this treasure can be used to break through a bottleneck and increase cultivation accomplishments. Under normal circ.u.mstances, this would be considered a magic elixir.

Any wish bead is precious.

One has to know that Yi Tianxing was only able to harvest a large quant.i.ty at the beginning of the cataclysm. This was because it was during the transformation period of Heaven and Earth. Before the fusion of all worlds, the Dao of Heaven gave survivors of the old era who slew monsters an opportunity to receive wish beads. This was in part because those monsters were conceived from fantasy and had descended directly down onto Heaven and Earth. At that time, the Dao of Heaven has not yet completed its final transformation, so it was a very strange period.

Only in this way can he slay monsters and have the monster"s flesh and blood turn into a wish bead.

There was only one such opportunity. Although many things can be grasped during this period, successive disasters swept through afterwards which prevented further opportunities. Even if there were survivors who hunted and slain monsters, they may have been unable to get very many wish beads during that period.

Not to mention today with the complete transformation of the Eternal Continent, the Dao of Heaven has also completed its transformation as well. The law between Heaven and Earth has been completely changed. Fantasy is reflected in reality. Even if monsters are slain like before, there is no way to acquire more wish beads. All monsters have become real creatures. Therefore, this way of acquiring wish beads has been completely blocked and no further thoughts should be directed at this idea.

At present, no one knows how to find the source of wish beads.

In short, the use of one is less one.

Now, when Yi Tianxing cultivates, he never uses wish beads as he did before. He placed them all into his Spirit Bead Inner s.p.a.ce. He waits for only crucial moments to take them out. At a critical moment, these wish beads are no less potent than a magic pill.

Ten times Qi cultivation speed, ah! Yi Tianxing now knows the importance of this.

With knowing he can receive Xuan Huang Village"s Destiny Aura; his Qi cultivation speed had only increased by three times.

The gap here is several times greater.

A wish bead in Yi Tianxing"s hands may run out when he Qi cultivates for one day. But for other cultivators, they will not face this problem until ten days or half a month later.

As one can imagine, a wish bead is an absolutely precious treasure.

This is especially true with no available source left at present. This truth is even more self-evident now. Things which are rare and precious, as happens to be the case in ancient times, are extremely coveted.

Reluctant to take out other priceless treasures, he can only take out a large number of wish beads. Obviously, this Jia Chengxin attaches great importance to wish beads. Even if his face is extremely insipid, he cannot hide his coveting eyes from him and Huang Chengyuan.

This Jia Chengxin wants this wish bead badly.

The two men looked at each other and nodded, knowing they could use this wish bead to get a considerable amount of resources from Jia Chengxin.

“Village Head Yi, I don"t know which treasure you fancy. If you see something you like, exchange it.” Jia Chengxin said with a smile.

“Boss Jia, when this Yi first laid eyes on the cultivation method battle skills, this Yi could not help coveting them. I don"t know if I can exchange this for them.” Yi Tianxing said.

“A wish bead can be used to exchange for a yellow cla.s.s battle skill or a common Divine Sea Realm foundation cultivation method.” Jia Chengxin said quickly.

“It seems that the things in Boss Jia"s shop are too expensive. This Yi cannot afford them. It"s better to keep this wish bead for my personal cultivation use. One is enough to speed up my Qi cultivation by ten times, which is comparable to a magic elixir. There is an added benefit of no hidden dangers. The most important thing for me is to strengthen myself.”

When Yi Tianxing heard this, he put the wish bead away with a smile.

When Jia Chengxin saw the wish bead put away, his pupils subconsciously contracted, then it immediately returned back to normal as he smiled and said: “Village Head Yi, where it is expensive, it is really not expensive. Just now, I remembered the prices incorrectly. One can be used to exchange for any yellow cla.s.s cultivation method battle skill. The inferior methods count as three. The middle cla.s.s methods count as two copies for one.” This time, the prices fell directly.

“Well, I will take one copy of every kind of cultivation method battle skill you have to offer, Boss Jia.” Yi Tianxing also said with a smile, knowing the price should be fairly reasonable and neither side should suffer much loss.

What"s more, Yi Tianxing doesn"t believe this Jia Chengxin will give him the original book for these cultivation methods. He must have something else under his sleeve. If he heads to another area, he can immediately resell it again to maximize his profits. He doesn"t expect much from his moral integrity. This thing called moral integrity for a merchant has long been thrown back into the mother"s womb.

“All right, I"ll wrap it up for Village Head Yi later.” When Jia Chengxin heard this, his eyes narrowed as he laughed.

“How much would it cost for the Universal Printer and Moon Well to be purchased with wish beads?” Yi Tianxing pointed to the two rare treasures and asked again.

“These are rare treasures. Although this Jia does not know how effective or powerful these rare treasures are, there is no doubt about their preciousness and scarcity. Each of which requires at least 200 wish beads.” Jia Chengxin said with a smile. Looking at Yi Tianxing, he secretly thought to himself: This one, who is surnamed Yi is a really big customer. He can actually come up with a treasure like the wish bead, and it is still so pure and free of impurities, such as the one from before. It takes a year of prayer from devout believers to condense one such wish bead. This treasure isn"t limited to only Qi cultivation but can even be used as a magic weapon.

Hidden thoughts were swirling in his heart.

To be honest, even if he gets this Universal Printer, he wouldn"t completely understand what kind of treasure this was. It didn"t seem to be a product from a cultivation civilization. But he knew the Moon Well water could cure injuries, restore lost stamina, and had other miraculous effects. This is definitely a treasure. In this regard, the opening price of 200 wish beads is appropriate, it may be worth even more.

“It"s too high. I can"t come up with so much.”

Yi Tianxing said as he shook his head.

“One hundred and eighty apiece. This is the lowest price I can offer. I really can"t go any lower.” Jia Chengxin"s brows wrinkled into Sichuan characters. He said these words with a tangled and pained expression as if his flesh was being lobbed off.

His expression really pulls at the heartstrings and makes one sympathetic.

“We can agree to this price, but a batch of weapons and tools for daily use must be added. In addition, also add spirit plant seeds for panaceas on top. How does Boss Jia feel about this deal?” As soon as Huang Chengyuan got a wink from Yi Tianxing, he opened his mouth to send a proposal.

Then came a battle between both parties for further benefits.

A little while later, all transactions were properly negotiated and finally settled. At the end of the day, Yi Tianxing paid more than 400 wish beads. As a result, he received two more exotic treasures, a large number of cultivation method battle skills, daily tools, common sword weapons, a batch of pig iron, some seeds for panaceas, and so on. It can be said that almost half of the goods in Jia Chengxin"s hands have been emptied out.

As the two parties were talking and laughing while walking out of the Distant Wander Pavilion. They stood at the door as Jia Chengxin laughed and said: “One life, two luck, three feng shui, four virtues, and five studies. The path of Destiny Aura is wonderful, and I hope there will be a chance to trade again in the future with Village Head Yi. This transaction allowed this Jia to sell more than half of his goods at once. So, this Jia will give away a free piece of news. There is an army nearby.”

When his voice fell, he mysteriously smiled without saying half a sentence more. He added no more meaning to his sentence, nodded and turned back to the Distant Wander Pavilion.

After Yi Tianxing and Huang Chengyuan heard this, their hearts trembled at the same time. They looked at each other and saw shock and surprise in each other"s eyes.

The villagers who had curiously gathered around and watched the Distant Wander Bird began to disperse after their party had gotten off.

Flapping it"s expansive wings, the huge body began to lift off and appear in the sky again. In the twinkling of an eye, it has flown into the distance.

Xuan Huang Village.

In Yi Tianxing"s residence.

“My lord, your wish beads must be very precious treasures. Through this transaction, I"m afraid we"ve suffered some losses.” Huang Chengyuan said while stroking his beard.

“Merchants are for profits. It is impossible for them to do business at a loss… Wish beads certainly have uses which I do not know of. However, whether we suffer losses or gain an advantage, only time will tell. However, this transaction for me, I gained an advantage. I received two more rare treasures. There are also a large number of urgently needed weapons, various tools, a large amount of pig iron and all manner of commonly used items. This, for us now, is the most important thing. We need to give the villagers in the Xuan Huang Village the ability to live better and make our soldiers stronger. This is an exhibition of our Xuan Huang village.”

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

He personally didn"t think this transaction was a loss. Everything is relative. If there is no profit, why will a merchant bother coming here? Merchants won"t buy and sell useless things. Both parties entered into a voluntary agreement with no obvious losses or gains.

If a person truly believed they suffered a loss, this would be because their vision is not enough.

There"s no need to add complaints.

“What My Lord says is quite reasonable.”

When Huang Chengyuan heard this, he smiled and nodded. Instead of thinking about this further, he said: “I don"t know what My Lord thinks of the news brought by the Travelling Merchant.”

“This is good news. The valley where we are located is indeed truly large. If we really think about this s.p.a.ce, it will not be a problem to accommodate millions of people. Our location is just near the mouth of the valley, and we haven"t gone deep into the valley at all. If there are other villages, it definitely wouldn"t be a surprise at all. But the location of the other party is the problem.” A strange light flashed into Yi Tianxing"s eyes.

According to Jia Chengxin, he is afraid his neighbours in the valley may not be in a very good situation now. This can be seen from the dangers their village has already encountered. No one else, not even other villages can get a better result. It"s just a difference in situations encountered.

“My lord, we must try to be ‘good neighbours" and bring the people back to our Xuan Huang Village.” Huang Chengyuan smiled as he looked at Yi Tianxing.

“Since our good neighbours cannot protect their villagers, let us protect and take care of them. This will be good for those people and good for our Xuan Huang Village. Now my Xuan Huang Village has completely built up all kinds of infrastructure. There are wooden walls for defence and soldiers defending our village with their lives. The only thing missing is the population. Only when the population continues to grow, can we expand and grow more rapidly. More people… this is fundamental!”

Yi Tianxing said decisively. There was no shame or covering up his intent for robbing other villages of their people.

Since the other side has been unable to protect their own village and people. Rather than let these people die under the claws of monsters, it is better to gather and merge them into Xuan Huang Village.