Eternal Country

Chapter 64

Translator: SumTLMan

First, what was presented in front of him was an impressive picture scroll.

On the picture scroll, there is only one thing. A b.l.o.o.d.y jade war spear. This war spear is full of countless fine cracks. Each of these cracks are clearly visible and completely covers the entire war spear. As if the whole war spear were pieced together by countless pieces of b.l.o.o.d.y jade. Just like broken ceramic, it was filled with many cracks. It seemed as if even a casual touch will make the handle of the war spear completely shatter.

But Yi Tianxing in the moment of seeing this war spear.

Felt an unspeakably ferocious will which was frantically trying to penetrate into his mind, branding itself on his soul.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

"Kill all these powerful enemies and demons!"

"Even if I die, I will bite the flesh off from you!"

"Kill! Soldiers charge! Even if you die, you have to pull some to cushion your back! I would rather fall as meteoric jade then land as a broken piece of tile!"

"You can destroy my body, but you can"t destroy my will! Even if I die, I have to die standing, fight, fight, fight! Let the fire burn my body and allow me to fall like meteoric jade as I crash and burn my enemies.”

A series of fierce bitter roars and shouts were pa.s.sed on from this b.l.o.o.d.y jade war spear. As if each outcry contained a tear-filled bitter struggle from an epic battle. From these spiritual cries, one could feel a strong kind of momentum and unwillingness to land as a broken piece of tile rather than fall like meteoric jade. This kind of burning will naturally displays an unyielding spirit, willing to sacrifice their very being to crash as meteoric jade rather than land as broken tile.

There is no longer a fear of death, but a will and faith left behind from one who may fall at any moment.

Only in this state can one put everything aside and wield the strongest force. Under Heaven and Earth, I am invincible.

"It"s better to fall as meteoric jade than land as broken tile. It"s better to crash and burn the immortal will as the heart is held on. Such a domineering and powerful spear conception, such a tragic mood for martial arts. This is the true conception of martial arts, the true essence of what a battle skill means. The essence which is necessary to be able to compete with a destiny aperture magic power. Without this supreme belief of giving up one"s life and forgetting one"s death, killing while bleeding out, and still willing to crash and burn in a final desperate struggle. I am afraid it is impossible to wield this Spear Method Qi cultivation to its peak and refine this conception into the true Crushing Jade Spear." Yi Tianxing felt.

This method attaches great importance to momentum. The stronger the momentum, the stronger the explosive force will be. In a phrase, "I want to fight you" which mean a fight to the death, to put life and death aside, and have faith and determination that nothing will suppress this Spear Method.

Instead of being intimidated, Yi Tianxing looked forward to it and held even more expectations for this Spear Method.

Between thoughts and movements, he turns over to the second page.

This page, however, is still a picture scroll.

It"s just there is only a line of text on the picture scroll.

The painting is still of a war spear. But this is a snow-white jade war spear. The war spear looks crystal clear and without flaws. Making whoever lays their eyes on it believe they are seeing the most perfect work of art in the world. And making a person unwittingly become immersed in it, leaving them feeling difficult to extricate themselves from it. He wishes he could take it for himself, hold it in his arms and never let go. This kind of amazing feeling, which leaves a person unable to bear blaspheming it. Such beautiful, flawless white jade. A beauty which is so soul-stirring.

On the white jade war spear, a line of text emerged.

"White Jade Without Flaw Glorious Nine States!!" Yi Tianxing exclaimed.

Only seven words fell into Yi Tianxing"s eyes. But he felt a kind of indescribable mood as if becoming white jade, without flaw, having glorious nine states. At the same time, every word of the Spear Method was directly imprinted in his mind.

The Spear Method isn"t what is important. It"s nothing more than the application of skills from the Basic Spear Method. Just a little difference in speed, strength, and execution of the skill. Actually, the Spear Method movements are the extension of the Spear Method. It teaches how to utilize strength to conjure up nine phantom spears in a split-second. With these phantoms, it makes the move set strange and elusive. The key to this method is still the Basic Spear Method.

A strong foundation is the foundation of everything.

The key lies in the spear conception contained in this style of Spear Method. It lies in the white jade war spear without flaws. The line of ancient characters on the war spear is the name of the spear, but also the conception of the spear.

"What a domineering spear which displays such a powerful Crushing Jade Spear Method. This method is truly powerful. Once fully cultivated, and once this spear is wielded, Heaven and Earth will be as white jade without flaws and will wipe away all enemies." It was a long time before Yi Tianxing withdrew his whole mind back from the white jade war spear.

This picture scroll contains the conception of the spear.

However, the conception of the spear isn"t very clear or obvious. It seems somewhat illusory.

"This isn"t the original < crushing="" jade="" spear="" method="">. It is just a copy. This is a merchant"s way of doing business. If their interests can be maximized, they are willing to do anything." Yi Tianxing shook his head as he looked at the jade book on the white jade bookshelf. This is just a copy. He had already guessed this in his mind before.

However, if he has any ideas of receiving the original, this will only be in his dreams.

If he really wants him to give up the original, then how would Jia Chengxin be called a merchant?

However, the difference between the original and the copy is only the difference in the true conception of martial arts contained within. If his Qi cultivation is successful in the future, he can still infuse the spear conception into his war spear. Even if this is a copy, it is no worse than the original and may end up becoming even stronger.

It doesn"t hurt him as long as he can cultivate Qi.

After, he chose a knife method in the Sutra Collection Pavilion. The < iron="" blood="" eight="" knives="">, which was the best yellow order battle skill he had. In here, he had something else more profound than this knife method. However, he didn"t choose the other method but chose this knife method instead. The reason is one, a True b.l.o.o.d.y Knife Method uses a knife to kill the enemy in one move.

After choosing his two battle skills, he didn"t stay much longer and directly turned around to leave the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

As night arrives.

The villagers all gathered in a clearing, set up and lit fires to cook their meals. Although they all now had their own houses and residences. Everyone likes gathering in the open s.p.a.ce to eat near the big pot, chat with each other, brag with one another, and happily eat a meal together. All the fatigue and worries of the day will be swept away in a fit of laughter. These days, each and every one of them has become more familiar with one another.

They have truly become the same as old friends and villagers who have been together for many years.

Even in this place, these people can entrust life and death to one another.

This is a bond honed again and again in the midst of tribulations. Like the foundation of a family.

Even if each of them has built a house, and each family has its own kitchen which they can fan the flames to cook for themselves. But few are willing to go back and eat by themselves. Instead, they still enjoy sitting together and eating from the same big pot, surrounded by their lively friends and family.

Yi Tianxing was also sitting in front of a fire, talking to Huang Chengyuan while holding a stick with a fat pheasant on it. As it was roasting on the fire, Yi Tianxing kept turning the stick to allow the flame to lick the pheasant to evenly cook it. Soon, a layer of orange grease appeared on the surface, and the oil from roasting the bird started glistening as an extraordinarily fragrant aroma began spreading. With a sprinkle of a handful of salt. This fragrant aroma which had burst through the nostrils had really made the people around unable to help but constantly swallow their saliva.

"Come on, Elder Huang, Dahu, and Yucun. Come and try the pheasant I"ve roasted to see how it tastes." Yi Tianxing called out.

Before, the soldiers were sent to accompany the villagers to cut down trees. But then, they found several pheasants nearby. They immediately went on the hunt and brought back several pheasants to offer Yi Tianxing a rare sumptuous meal. The way they handled the pheasants were with four being buried underground. They covered them with fragrant leaves, then buried them underground with mud, and made a fire over them. One pheasant was taken from the bunch and roasted by hand. The golden roasted pheasant wafted a fragrant aroma, which was truly tempting to a glutton.

Taking out his knife, Yi Tianxing divides the roasted pheasant into several portions.

Yi Tianxing started by eating first.

He pulled a juicy wing and placed it in his mouth.

Pheasants are different from domestic chickens. The meat from pheasants has a sweet and fragrant taste, similar to gamey venison. Moreover, the meat is surprisingly chewy. The pieces of meat are completely stuffed in his mouth and chewed up. When the meat is being chewed, the fragrant meaty aroma adds flavour, causing the mouth to overflow with saliva.

As he slowly chews these pieces of pheasant meat and swallows them into his belly. The craving for delicious food once again was satisfied, making every inch of flesh and blood in his body cry out in joy. After being refined by the Food Tripod Cauldron, the essence is directly integrated into the flesh and blood of his whole body.

Immediately after, a stream of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi quietly integrates into the flesh, blood, and bones.

With delicious food, the Flesh to Body strengthens itself.

These days with eating all kinds of fierce beast and animals. It has greatly stimulated the gourmet cells in Yi Tianxing"s body and transformed his Flesh to Body"s strength. The increased strength has reached as much as several hundred Jin, and this was without cultivation or exercise. This strength increase was completely from eating three meals a day. This imperceptible and natural way of increasing strength was just from casually eating the food he cooked himself. If he has a top master cook, the effect would certainly be more astounding.

Yi Tianxing then swallows another piece of pheasant meat into his stomach.

This pheasant is a rare delicacy. With this kind of fresh and tender meat, it almost makes Yi Tianxing want to swallow his tongue. In his body, every cell is madly laughing in excitement. This kind of incomparable bliss allows the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi to continuously penetrate into his body and smoothly blend into his flesh and blood. One roasted pheasant is enough to add hundreds of Jin of strength and make his flesh tougher and body stronger.

"Only the very best food can make my Flesh to Body grow stronger. I must find some top chefs in the future. There should be no shortage of such chefs. It seems that I should pay special attention to this in the future.”

Yi Tianxing muttered to himself.

For food, he truly has no resistance against it. The feeling of eating food was really wonderful and felt extremely blissful.

"My Lord, we just found something now. There are smoke and fire deep in the valley. We didn"t notice it before, but now it seems there are other villages around." A soldier came running over to report.

"Go up, go to the wall."

Upon hearing this, Yi Tianxing threw the pheasant bones on the ground, turned around and walked towards the wall.

When he came to the wooden wall and looked deep into the valley. He could see the flickering glare of firelight and the location of where the firelight originates from in this dark night. They weren"t actually that far away from Xuan Huang Village. They should be about less than ten li apart. How far this distance truly was, they still need to go there in person and find out.

"Sure enough, depending on the situation in the valley, the distance doesn"t seem too far away." Yi Tianxing said.

Huang Chengyuan also nodded and said: "My lord, why don"t we go and see if we can bring back some villagers?"

"No, this time I"m going by myself. Don"t forget, Jia Chengxin also mentioned there was an army nearby. We still don"t know where they are, and the people in the village can"t be left undefended. Elder Huang"s cultivation accomplishments are now higher than mine. Only when you sit in the village, can we ensure the safety of our village.” Yi Tianxing explained.