Eternal Country

Chapter 9

Translator: SumTLMan

An idea flashed through Yi Tianxing"s mind.

“These monsters also have souls, so long as there are enough souls, the innate power in my Yin and Yang eyes will soar, and the number of Yin and Yang Locks will inevitably increase in a short while.”

The most important reason why it was so difficult to grow and increase the innate Yin and Yang eyes rapidly is that it is impossible to hunt the ghosts and demons wantonly. Over the years, only two Yin and Yang Locks have been formed. But now, there are monsters everywhere. These monsters also have souls, and after killing them, he can absolutely devour the souls of these monsters and sacrifice them to the Yin and Yang Lock.

Such a degree of cohesion is bound to allow his Yin and Yang Lock to soar by leaps and bounds.

This walking corpse fell, leaving behind a Wish Bead, there is also a light ball in hand, and what emerged was a zombie fang.

Zombie Fang: Refining Material, Can Be Used to Refine Magic Weapons, Can Be Used to Refine Dan Medicine, All Levels, Middle-Grade Product.


A green gelatinous monster was bouncing up and down not far away. The monster has eyes and a mouth. But looked like a strange gel, sort of like a liquid. Its way of moving was hopping. It was a slime, and it was chasing an old man.


What was ejected is a highly concentrated corrosive acid.

The green slime burst out a mouthful of green liquid that fell on the old man. The old man uttered a scream on the spot while white smoke started coming out from all over his body. He was quickly corroded as his flesh and blood festered. The man was killed on the spot.

“d.a.m.n it!!”

Yi Tianxing witnessed the death of the old man in front of him, and his heart filled with a silent rage. He pinned his spear to his waist, grabbed the folding compound bow with his back hand, and took out an arrow. Without aiming, he fired an arrow implot.i.tely at the slime.


This arrow moved as fast as lightning, cutting through the air extremely fast, instantly appearing in front of the slime. A hole bore straight through the body, and the strength contained in the first arrow shot nailed it"s body down into the ground.

Even so, it was still alive, and it"s body was still wriggling on the ground.

Yi Tianxing quickly stepped forward, pulled out the tang knife and split the slime in half with a wave of his wrist. His Yin and Yang eyes twinkled, and the slime"s soul was forcibly pulled closer to the Yin and Yang eyes as a quick sacrifice to add to the cohesion of his third Yin and Yang Lock.


Immediately after shooting the slime, three more slimes jumped forward from a distance. Yi Tianxing did not hesitate to draw his bow again and shoot more arrows directly at their direction. Three sharp arrows cut through the air and pierced the three slimes, killing them instantly.

In a building near Yi Tianxing, some people saw Yi Tianxing hunting the monsters below through their windows. One by one, their curtains were pulled open and cries of surprise started to sound.

“Look, someone is hunting the monsters. He is so fierce. His archery is so precise that every arrow is a direct hit. That"s awesome, who could that be?" Someone shouted from upstairs.

“That green-skinned monster, I have seen many adult men fight against them and are not their opponents at all, a stick strike will leave broken bones or even their head smashed to pieces, but with his very hands, he has killed so many. He must have studied some sort of martial arts.” People who had witnessed Yi Tianxing killing the green-skinned goblins from the beginning shouted.

“As those monsters died they had left something, what were those white beads, and b.a.l.l.s of light. Has the outside world become like a game world?” Some senior online gamer secretly speculated.

The situation is very similar to a game, but there is only one life, once killed, there is no chance of any resurrection, and blood-drenched corpses were presented in front of them, recently killed, and some already eaten.

No one knows what this is all about, but the shadow of apocalypse has hung over their hearts.


Yi Tianxing had no time to think about anything else. He dared not pause and burst forward. There were all kinds of monsters on the street, mainly green-skinned goblins and slimes. Almost all the people in the street were killed. A large number of these monsters began to rush into the buildings. Screams were heard from the buildings all around while the sound of fighting and the smell of blood filled the area.

Many people upstairs saw him fighting, but dared not walk outside to help hunt monsters, only shouting out for help.

Yi Tianxing did not pay attention to them. Now this situation was beyond his control.

Through Heaven walks the strong, a gentlemen constantly strives for self-improvement, and if they do not save themselves, no one can save them.

Kill! Kill! Kill!!

His heart was cold, and all his anger turned into strength, pushing him to constantly hunt the monsters around, the green-skinned goblins, slimes, the wild dogs, the wild wolves were constantly pouring out from every dark corner. They are very vicious, these wild dogs are as big as calves and their fighting style is both ferocious and surly.

Only one person was seen on the streets from a nearby residential building, the person was wearing jeans, had a pair of long legs, and was holding a steel pipe in hand which looked like it was pulled down from somewhere near her home. As she ran out quickly, she was followed by three green-skinned monsters giving her a deadly chase.

When the girl saw Yi Tianxing and the bodies of the monsters lying beside him, her eyes lit up as she shouted for help and headed towards him at a quicker pace.


Without hesitation, Yi Tianxing drew his bow and arrow, shot three arrows in a row, and hit three monsters at the same time, each shot drilled through their necks and nailed them to the ground. They died in a few breaths and white lights emitted from them before condensing into three Wish Beads again.

Yi Tianxing steps forward quickly and grabs the three Wish Beads in hand to quickly put them in his backpack.

“Wish Bead.”

When the girl saw these things, her eyes lit up as she blurted out.

“Who are you? How do you know this is a Wish Bead?” Yi Tianxing"s eyes fell on the girl"s face. Although it looked very embarra.s.sing when she fled for her life, she could not hide her natural beauty, she is absolutely a peerless-level beauty. Melon-seed face which is no worse than Zhao Ziyan or Tang Zitong. But each has their own merits.

“My name is Chen Xuerou. I know it"s called a Wish Bead. It"s a white Wish Bead that comes from all kinds of desires, willpower and perseverance. Besides, I know why it was born in this world. You are Master Yi Tianxing. I know you.” The girl said quickly and without hesitation.

Seeing the body of the monsters lying around, she can see the strength of the man in front of her. When the apocalypse comes, only the strong can survive. Besides, she really knows Yi Tianxing. With some understanding of his character, and he being so strong, she must immediately seize this straw to save her life by expressing her own value.

“You know me, huh.”

When Yi Tianxing heard this, he frowned slightly, looked around, and continued walking forward again without hesitation, and told her, “Come on, let"s walk as you talk.” He had no intention of staying here with her, he went out to find the treasure, and this was his most important task.

Chen Xuerou often works out by practicing yoga so she is not weak. And when she sees Yi Tianxing continue moving forward, she immediately opens her mouth and says. “How I know you Master Yi was when you exorcised the demon in our school. At that time, some people in our school played with an immortal diagram, and attracted a demon that unjustly killed our students. The school invited you to exorcise this demon. At that time, I saw you, and knew then that you had great abilities. Also, Master Yi is a well-known character in the industry."


A wild dog flashed a green light while suddenly jumping out from the shadows. But at this moment, Yi Tianxing pulled out his tang knife from one side of his body and split across it. The wild dog"s head was severed with the knife, and a white light flashed before a Wish Bead appeared. Taking it in hand, he put it directly in his backpack.

“You said you know what"s going on with the world right now? How could these monsters suddenly appear?" Yi Tianxing asked questions as his feet and mouth kept moving.

He was also extremely curious about the beginning of this matter. This change is very unusual, even if this is the apocalypse.

“Just as the weather changed, a lot of things flew from the heavens through these cracks. I was standing on the balcony, one of these things. .h.i.t my house directly. It was a book called the Wordless Heavenly Book, a beautiful book made of white jade. It records the origin of the Great Catastrophe. I got this message from the Wordless Heavenly Book, which can record the great changes between Heaven and Earth." Chen Xuerou said without hesitation.

“Wordless Heavenly Book?”

Yi Tianxing was struck by the fact that it was clearly one of the first treasures to fly out of the crack, and it was unexpected that the girl in front of him would be the one to find it. However, there is obviously no time to flip through this issue.

“What was in it?”

Yi Tianxing shook his arm and shot several arrows again, quickly killing several green-skinned monsters.

“There"s only one page in it and as I read it, it said: The Dao of Heaven and Earth has changed, the desire of all souls have completely filled up the Heavens. The Dao of Heaven can no longer bear it. Evil thoughts, good thoughts, obsessions, and desires entangled endlessly, making the Heavens reach its limit, this shift caused an extreme change in the world, making fantasy come to reality. All worlds fused together, and all things compete for freedom in this cruel new world.” Chen Xuerou said quickly.

“Making fantasy come to reality, are all these monsters condensed by desire from fantasies? No wonder these are all fantasy creatures, and no wonder you will receive a Wish Bead by killing them.”

After Yi Tianxing heard this, his face could not help but change with a glimmer of enlightenment. Finally, he has a glimpse of what caused this Heaven and Earth apocalypse.

Heaven and Earth, all living sentient beings have wisdom, and through this wisdom, there are desires, good ideas, persistence, good wishes, bad wishes, evil ideas, especially in modern society, so many people have material desire, and the number of these human beings is increasing. As the various ideas entangled, all kinds of desires converged and eventually become more and more.

Moreover, the ideas of all living sentient beings is the most divine in and of itself.

Yi Tianxing has studied various Taoist cla.s.sics.

With regard to the G.o.ds, the reason why G.o.ds exist is because people imagine that they exist and believe that they exist. There are no mountain G.o.ds. But people imagine that there are mountain G.o.ds in the mountains which can bless the hunters who enter the mountains and allow them to place their wishes and prayers in their hearts as spiritual sustenance. More and more people join in and this is how it is pa.s.sed on. If this was broadcasted, there really will be mountain G.o.ds.

Man"s beliefs can make G.o.ds.

It is conceivable that the power of wishes is amazing.

And in modern times, human ideas are even more wild, all kinds of movies, novels, emerge endlessly and enrich the spiritual world. At the same time, many people are talking about whether there really is such a world from imagination, gathering tens of thousands of countless ideas, and with these ideas, they will evolve into a corresponding world. Allowing spiritual ideas to create a world.