Eternal Life

Chapter 16

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 16

Who is at G.o.dly Strength?

“You are the one called Fang Han, not bad, you have a spot. Enter the building and take a left and you will reach the testing area. Everyone will gather there.”

Since Fang Han had waited outside the door, he had no clue what the “Ta Xian Yuan” administrators had discussed.

However, he had still stood patiently and waited.

After a little more than half a shi’chen, a young person came out and let him enter. Letting out a breath, Fang Han entered the “Ta Xian Yuan” through the large doors, and felt in his heart that his status was no longer the same as before.

Indeed, even if one were only an outer court disciple, upon returning to the Da’li Empire, one would become a prince.

After entering the “Ta Xian Yuan,” Fang Han followed the given instructions and turned left, walking through a 7-8 li long curved walkway, pa.s.sing by a fake mountain and a lake before finally reaching a grand, vast hall.

The princes, princesses, and empire disciples who had left earlier were also all corralled in this hall.

The hall was about three thousand steps wide, and could easily accommodate ten thousand people. Standing in the hall made one feel small, especially those in the farthest area, where there was a dark black door. From within these doors, a pair of scarlet eyes peeked out, looking at each and every person. These eyes were very fierce, overbearing, and cruel, and gave off a bloodthirsty aura.

It seemed as if this temple had sealed a Devil.

What is behind that door? Fang Han thought distractedly. Whatever it was, he felt that it was definitely not friendly. Perhaps it was the G.o.dly Strength level puppet?

Just as confused as him, the princes, princesses, and empire disciples also curiously stared at that pair of scarlet eyes that came out of the black door.

“Deng deng deng.”

A couple test administrators walked in, and immediately, the hall’s atmosphere felt oppressive.

Good fellows! They are all hand picked experts, not to mention that they might have blood-binded fa’qi on them, perhaps even ling’qi. Watching these older men enter, Fang Han could immediately discern that they were all on the same level as Bai Hai Chen, at the peak of the Mortal Realm.

The faces of all of the aristocrats immediately became more dignified.

In any country, those at the ninth level, Spiritual Expert, and tenth level, G.o.dly Transformation, could become foreign amba.s.sadors, country officials, and high-ranking generals.

“Yes, today you have all come here to take part in the Yu’hua School entrance exam. Right now, I will clarify the content of today’s exam. It is simply a G.o.dly Strength level puppet. As long as you manage to defeat this puppet, then you will have pa.s.sed the test and become an outer court disciple. However, I suppose you kids have only heard of this G.o.dly Strength level puppet, and are dying to know what our grand elder used to make it. At this point, I will explain the puppet to you, otherwise you may not even know how you died,” stated an administrator coldly.

“The origin of this puppet comes from an underground Devil! Bloodthirsty and extremely strong, after being captured by our Yu’hua School, we drove it crazy, and trained it. It has infinite G.o.dly Strength and a brutal, bloodthirsty nature. It is a killing machine.”

“The G.o.dly Strength puppet was refined from an underground Devil?”

“No wonder all the princes who failed came home trembling, and only saying that the puppet was too strong.”

The aristocrats all abruptly began discussing this matter.

Fang Han had no clue what an underground Devil was. However, he could intuitively feel that the puppet was no good thing, afraid that it would be even fiercer than tigers and other beasts.

“Did you kids think that the Immortal Path was all about riding cranes? Flying freely and appreciating the views from the sky?” Seeing these aristocrats discussing amongst themselves, one of the administrators became even colder. “The Immortal Path is a path of no return. Training ones flesh to the point where the mind develops requires immensely strong will. Only then can you possibly enter the Divine Realm, and truly enter the Immortal Path. I will tell you right now, the Immortal Path is not looking down from above, and flying on cranes! The Immortal Path requires a fearless heart, as one will have to kill thousands of devils to the point where their heart becomes like a devil’s. Each and every Devil must die! The Immortal Path is a difficult path where you must cut open your own path, staining yourself, and your blade with blood. This path is not one that is simple and dull, but one that you will fight for your entire life, one where you will fight for your truth(s). Right now, based on your strength, killing the Devil will be the start of your own path. Liu Kang, you are the first son of the Marquis of Zhen Yuan of the Da’li Empire. Go to the center and begin your test.”

[TL: These big block paragraphs suck…]

“Yes!” The guy holding the purple-jade colored fan from earlier who had complained about not being able to bring servants into the school, upon hearing his name, immediately went to the center, facing the black door with the red eyes staring out of it.

The Immortal Path is not about riding cranes and looking down from above, it is a path of no return. Very well said! A blade stained red after killing thousands of Devils and pursuing the truth, that is the Immortal Path. The Immortal Path is not free and unrestrained. Living happily while still able to become Immortal and train to the Divine Realm, was there any reality where such good things would happen? Only though thousands of hardships, undergoing a lot of pain, can one reach such a level.The words said by the administrator excited Fang Han’s heart, and caused his blood to boil.

“That guy, to think that he was the Marquis’ first son! Marquis of Zhen Yuan is one of the most powerful people in my empire. He is in control of upwards of 800,000 soldiers, and in control of guarding the border. They are even more powerful than the Fang Clan.”

About this Marquis of Zhen Yuan, even Fang Han had heard of, a general in charge of 800,000 soldiers.

As a servant of the Fang Clan, these kinds of people were extremely far above him, and thus he would have never come in contact with them. However, now, because of his partic.i.p.ation in this exam, his dreams had become reality.

“Open the door!”

Seeing the Duke of Zhen Yuan, Liu Kang, standing in the center, the administrators eyed each other, and at the same time raised their hands. Each of their hands emitted a clear light that shot into the dark door.


The black fog that was originally behind the door immediately dispersed.

A Devil’s shadow about half the size of a human jumped out, and fiercely and violently landed on the ground, the shock intimidating the entire hall.

It was the puppet.

Its entire body was pitch black, its skin like a black sh.e.l.l, and full of scales. On its head, two horns stuck out of its flesh. Its mouth was filled with fangs, its hands like ma.s.sive hooks, its eyes blood red. The muscles under the scales were hard as plates, each part grand. Even the slightest use of power and the sound of bones cracking could be heard.

Its legs were especially long, and gave it ma.s.sive jumping power.

“O, O, O, O, O, O, O!”

The puppet, being released, came out fiercely, fast as a cheetah, its muscles exuding a feeling of power. One could only see its shadow, its five fingers flashing towards Liu Kang, trying to grab his head.


Liu Kang seemed to have been shocked still by the puppet’s show of force causing his movements to be slightly slow. Thus, when he dodged, the clothes over his shoulder were ripped by the five fingers, leaving behind five long lacerations freely flowing with blood. If he hadn’t managed to dodge, his head would have been torn off, and he would have immediately died.

“AH!” Seeing the danger, many of the disciples in the hall all let out a sigh of awe. Even Fang Han felt the scene stirring his heart. The G.o.dly Strength puppet was basically a zombie Devil. Perhaps even those who had broken through the fifth level would be killed by it.

In a moment, the puppet chased Liu Kang, full of killing intent. It wanted to dig out his heart and break his skull.

The circle arena formed by the drawn white lines in the center of the hall seemed to have restrictive properties, thus keeping the puppet from coming out. However, the disciples taking the exam weren’t able to come out, otherwise they would forfeit.

“Third b.l.o.o.d.y War Style!”

Liu Kang hurriedly dodged, and finally took a long breath. Amidst the running away, his chance had finally come. Opening the purple-jade colored fan in his hand, a soft, purple colored sword sprang out, and a b.l.o.o.d.y aura surrounded his body.

This sword was a high grade weapon, sharp enough to cut gold and break jade, radiating a mysterious purple color, and covered in bloodstains. “Pu’chi Pu’chi,” the puppet’s hand had been sliced off.

“Long River Sword Qi!”

[These abilities have really stupid English names…]
Liu Kang let out another shout, his sword like a long river, billowing out, and cutting towards the puppet’s head. His potential strengths had been unleashed to the limit.

“Pu’chi!” One sound. The soft sword had pierced in between the puppet’s eyebrows, but the puppet had also let off a fierce punch, and hit Liu Kang’s body, sending the duke flying out of the circle.

Afterwards, this puppet fell onto the ground.

“He killed the puppet while in the circle, pa.s.s! Congrats Liu Kang, you have become a Yu’hua School outer court disciple.” The main administrator stood up, his hand holding a white seal. In a flash, this seal, which let off a medicinal smell, landed on Liu Kang’s body. Liu Kang stood up, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and seeing the blood on his body, felt lingering fear in his heart.

Seeing Liu Kang’s condition, all the disciples seemed to take a step back.

This Liu Kang is stronger than me, but is not at the level of Ju’ling Hand Fang Tong. He should be at the seventh level, Inner Strength. That soft sword is truly powerful. Unfortunately I don’t have a weapon like it.

Fang Han suddenly realized that because the puppet’s body was covered in scales impervious to blades and arrows, it would be impossible for him to beat it barehanded.


A young Immortal disciple walked up and threw the dead puppet into the black door, and immediately, a ge’zhi ge’zhi sound came out from within, as if something was being chewed. The sound was quite frightening.

Afterwards, there was once again a pair of blood red eyes amid the door, the puppet was alive again.

Another disciple entered the arena in the center.

The door opened, and the puppet came out again. The disciple quickly dodged, but was slow by a step, and was scratched by the puppet, almost split in half!


An administrator let out a loud noise, and raising his hands, let out a white sword light, directly beheading the puppet, and getting the disciple out of danger.

“Not good enough!”

The administrator coldly announced the result.

Following, one disciple after another was eliminated, all receiving various degrees of injuries. Some had broken bones, and had to be carried off.

“I’m not testing anymore!”

“I’m also not testing anymore!”

“Too frightening! I’m going home and enjoying my wealth.”

Seeing such frightening scenes, some disciples forfeited, and decided to not take the exam.

“These disciples can’t even kill an outer Devil, how will they kill core Devils in the future, expel the Devils? Kill your illusory Devil, and find your true self!” shouted an administrator as he watched the scene.

[TL: Not gonna lie, this one sentence was a bunch of bs]

“I will attempt!”

At this time, the 15/16 year old female wielding the sword came forward, and walked into the arena in the middle. It was the “Hong Yi Princess.” She stood in the center, seemingly calm, as if she had gained a lot of experience from the fights just now.

“Let the Devil out!”

The administrator nodded, and immediately the puppet was let out.

“First dance Sword Qi in Four Directions, second dance Landscape Sword Qi.” This Hong Yi Princess raised her sword as if she was drawing a landscape, standing elegantly, floating like a b.u.t.terfly, and artistically executing dozens of sword strokes, before suddenly thrusting and piercing directly through the puppet’s throat. The puppet immediately fell over.

She was the youngest person to have pa.s.sed the test.

This princess is strong! felt Fang Han. Afterwards, Fang Han heard his name being called, “Fang Han is next!”

Fang Han hurriedly raised his hands, and went up and stood in the center.

“Eh? You don’t have a weapon?” The administrator faintly asked after seeing his empty hands.

“I don’t have a weapon.” Fang Han told the truth. He was about to ask for a weapon, but before he could, the administrator nodded and said, “Good, you are brave! Let it out!”

The door opened, and the puppet roared and came out, a black shadow moving. Raising its fists, it let out another piercing roar, and then punched towards Fang Han’s head.

“Hai!” At this time, Fang Han was unable to make any moves, and thus, using the entire might of his body, connected his punch with the puppet’s punch!

Explosion! The connecting of the fists in the air resulted in an explosion. Fang Han’s entire body felt as if it had been hammered, his chest feeling suffocated, as if blood was about to spray out.

However, at this time, from within the depths of his heart, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ faintly moved, and its medicinal powers flowed out through his entire body, forcibly suppressing the blood, and relaxing the body.


The puppet seemed distracted, it seemed as if it never would have thought that someone would meet its fist. However it was devoid of feelings since it was a puppet, and rushed forwards again.

“Lao’zi will dismantle you!”

[TL: Lao’zi is an offensive way of referring to oneself as superior, it basically means your daddy. I can put the English version in if you want, but it just sounds weird that way]

Observing the situation, Fang Han’s heart became fierce and ruthless, and he raised his fist, ruthlessly punching at the puppet’s waist, while once again getting hit in the chest.


Fang Han was almost hit out of the arena, lying on the ground. As for the puppet, it had also been hit back a couple steps!

“Such foolishness!” Seeing such reckless actions, the already pa.s.sed Liu Kang and Hong Yi Princess both thought to themselves, Fang Han is definitely dead.

However, they didn’t expect that Fang Han was just playing dead, and would crawl back up, jumping like a tiger, fiercely hitting the puppet’s chest with his fist.

At the same time, he took a kick!

One human, one puppet, at this moment, went head to head.

Fang Han seemed like an undying war G.o.d with endless strength, extreme physicality, and getting stronger with each strike!

“Even if it was a man made of iron, he would have been broken to pieces by now!”

The administrators were all shocked, “What style does this Fang Han train in? How are his body and bones so strong?”

“Peng Peng Peng, Peng Peng Peng!”

The puppet punched Fang Han ten times, and Fang Han returned ten kicks! The puppet was constantly being beaten to the ground, only to climb back up, as for Fang Han, he was the same.


The puppet seemed to be depleted of its energy, and was grabbed by Fang Han and raised up.

“Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao!” Fang Han’s fight could have been described as carefree, as a relatively large part of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ had melted and was currently flowing in his blood, penetrating even into his bone marrow.

As he raised the puppet, he released a ferocious roar, and ruthlessly smashed the puppet against the ground.

The puppet had been killed by him, it had been beaten to death! It had been punched to death!

“Pa.s.s!” The administrators looked at each other, all containing the surprise in their hearts.

“Brother, you are so powerful!”

As Fang Han walked out of the arena, Zhen Yuan Duke Liu Kang walked over and gave him a thumbs-up.

“Very strong,” said Hong Yi Princess as she curiously looked at Fang Han.