Eternal Life

Chapter 43

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 43

Manifestation of the Demon G.o.d

What is this, does it want to fight me one on one? Fang Han observed the ‘Shura’ general who stood a hundred steps away. Its face was handsome, as elegant as a human male, yet its body was covered in dark blue scales, letting off foreign Demonic lights. A gigantic monstrous body with a handsome head, it was such a weird ratio; truly a mixture of Demons and Immortals.

If it shed off that outer sh.e.l.l and became a human, then how handsome of a man would this ‘Shura’ general be? Thought Fang Han in his mind, Demons who become human are more beautiful than actual humans, that is quite ironic.

“This person is Fang Han, a Yu’hua School outer court disciple. May I ask the great ‘Shura’ general if he wants to exchange blows with me?”

“You are a Yu’hua School outer court disciple? Looking at your body, its matchless fierceness, power of five horses, great stamina, and the density of your flesh and blood, it far that of an ordinary ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ pract.i.tioner. You must be the top of the inner court disciples or even a cultivator on the Shan’he Rankings. But you are only an outer court disciple?”

The ‘Shura’ general was shocked.

This ‘Shura’ is incomparably powerful, at least twice as strong as the ‘Evil Moon Prince’. Although it has yet to break into the ‘Divine Realm’, when it comes, I’m afraid that I won’t even be able to clearly see through his speed.

Fang Han didn’t answer the ‘Shura’, and continued observing the ‘Shura’s characteristics.

He had heard Yan’s statement just then that a ‘Shura’ was terrifyingly strong, with the strength of thirteen horses. As for ordinary ‘G.o.dly Strength’ cultivators, they only had the strength of five horses.

Even the leader of the desert bandits, the ‘Evil Moon Prince’, due to his strange encounter and consumption of the blood of a thousand year old six winged blood bat, only had the strength of seven horses. The ‘Shura’s strength was still far above that.

Fang Han had seen just now how quickly the ‘Shura’ had managed to avoid Fang Qing Xue’s ‘Purple Yin Lightning Knives’. It moved so quickly that it had pretty much become a dark line, invisible to the naked eye. If the ‘Shura’ tried to strike at him, it was likely that even his flying sword wouldn’t be able to block the strike, unless he wore the blood-cotton magic clothes.

Unfortunately, if I had cultivated to the tenth level, ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ then I would have the power of eight horses, allowing me to somewhat compete. Encountering this ‘Shura’ right now is pretty much certain death.

That may not be. Have you realized, this ‘Shura’ seems reluctant to kill, but at the same time cannot allow you to kill the army. Otherwise, it would have made its move long ago. ‘Shuras’ are all brutal creatures, and shouldn’t be reluctant to killtransferred Yan, showing a hint of tension. If Fang Han died, he would also be exposed, a worrying scenario.

Does it want to capture me and use me to threaten Fang Qing Xie? This kind of simple thought, how could I not understand? Fang Han’s mind flashed with a realization.It must believe that I am someone close to Fang Qing Xue.

Yes, with your characteristics, it believes you must definitely not be some kind of lowly figure. No wonder he hasn’t killed you yet, and is only trying to capture you. His misunderstanding will provide us with a lot of opportunities replied Yan, with a hint of a laugh.

What kind of opportunity, could it be that you think we can kill it? The scales on its body are even harder than the ‘Flying Yashas’, perhaps even flying swords cannot cut through it.

I have a way.

“Whether you are an outer court or inner court disciple, you should put down the sword in your hand and come with me. I will not kill you,” said the ‘Shura’. Unknowing of the conversation between Fang Han and Yan, upon seeing that Fang Han wasn’t replying, it spoke once again, its face indifferent. Its voice full of confidence.

With this ‘Shura’s strength, it would be able to contend with even ‘Divine Realm’ cultivators, let alone a mere outer court disciple.

“What if I don’t put down my sword?”
The side of Fang Han’s mouth showed a slight smile as he pointed towards the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ in the distance. Atop the altar, purple electricity flashed as black smoke filled the sky, the gigantic ‘Demon G.o.d Statue’ slowly crumbling. The altar seemed like it was about to be exploded by Fang Qing Xue. “Once senior sister Fang Qing Xue has destroyed your ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ and killed the other Devil School disciples, then you too will die.”

“Is that so? Then let’s see who dies first!”

The ‘Shura’s face showed a mysterious smile, and Fang Han’s heart immediately felt ice cold! A devilish claw came out of nothingness had pierced towards his heart.

“So fast!”

The ‘Shura’ was still clearly a hundred steps away, but its claw had already reached his chest. His eyes had simply been unable to react. At this moment, Fang Han finally realized how terrifying the ‘Shura’ was.

He unconsciously moved his sword with his entire might, but had still almost arrived late to blocking in front of his chest.


The magic sword let out a series of purple electricity causing Fang Han’s body to soar into the sky, falling backwards. He landed a full ten or so steps away, rolling on the ground, his whole body tingling.

Although he had blocked the ‘Shura’s claw, he had still been sent flying by the claw’s powerful strength.

‘Zi zi zi zi, zi zi zi zi’, the ‘Shura’s entire body was laced around by the purple electricity and seemed to be paralyzed for a moment. However, in the next moment, the purple electricity vanished. It seemingly had only slightly delayed its actions, and didn’t cause any substantial injury.

However, this moment of paralysis was enough to save Fang Han’s life. Otherwise, had the ‘Shura’ continued its attack, Fang Han’s life wouldn’t be guaranteed.

“This strength is too great!” When Fang Han finished his roll and climbed up, he saw the purple electricity disappear from the ‘Shura’s body, and he could feel his inner organs seemingly flip over inside him.

Especially between the thumb and index finger, his sword wielding right hand ruptured, flowing with fresh blood. The force behind the ‘Shura’s claw was just too great, what a dangerous predicament.

“Human, your strength is too weak! I don’t wish to kill you, put down your sword!”

After the purple electricity disappeared from its body, the ‘Shura’s eyes became slightly bloodl.u.s.t. It opened its mouth, bellowing, “The purple electricity on your magic sword, its power is too weak, and cannot cause any harm to me at all.”


Fang Han let out a cold sound, his body shrinking backwards, fiercely treading backwards twenty steps. It turned out he was running towards an underground river so that he could take advantage of its current and run away from the ‘Shura’.

“You think you can run away?”

The ‘Shura’s body flashed, darting over, turning into a black streak, its body piercing through the air and letting off sounds of a flute. Many of the tall mushrooms on the plain were blown over by the wind it created, the closer ones were even uprooted.

“Not good!”
The currently running Fang Han suddenly heard the sharp sound of blowing wind behind his head. The claw was coming down again, aiming to pierce Fang Han’s head into a rotten watermelon.

Fang Han knew the ‘Shura’ was once again aiming for his life and quickly rotated his magic sword, using ‘Chan Tou Guo Nao’ to whirl the sword around his head and once again block the claw.

[TL: Wrapping Head, Wrapping Brain is the literal translation and that just sounds bad. It is an actual martial technique, there are videos of it online if you want to see it.]


This time, Fang Han’s body was jarred a full twenty plus steps away, the area between his thumb and index finger rupturing again. A mouthful of blood spurted out, his body flipping. He readjusted his qi and jumped up again right as the effect of the purple electricity disappeared from the ‘Shura’s body.

“‘Meteor Chasing the Moon’!”

Seeing the current situation, Fang Han suddenly jumped and stabbed, body and sword as one, his body’s entire strength going into thrusting the sword straight towards the ‘Shura’s eye!

He didn’t continue running, but made a counterattack!
“You are truly brave!” The ‘Shura’ laughed coldly, its body flashing. Immediately, chilly wind began gusting, incomplete shadows of it appearing everywhere. Fang Han’s blade only struck thin air.

Fang Han knew that this was the critical moment between life and death, and that he couldn’t be the slightest bit negligent. Focusing all of his spirit, he inspected the bones beneath, as thoroughly as if looking at a crystal. The situation was timeless here and reflective of the outside circ.u.mstances. The skin was even more sensitive, a gust of wind, a trace of qi, all could be felt, thus allowing natural reactions.

His body was currently several times more agile than even monkeys, jumping up and down, magic sword striking chaotically, purple electricity flashing, surprisingly receiving the ‘Shura’s attacks.

‘Snake and Crane Battle’, ‘Seven Star Continuous Ring’, ‘Flashing Flying Spirit’, ‘Refined Dragon, Vicious Tiger’, ‘Lingering Autumn Rain’, etc. At this time, all of his crisp martial arts were displayed.

[TL: Sounds a bit better in Chinese]

In his full out counterattack, Fang Han displayed all skills he had learned to this point without reservation. The pressure of the moment between life and death was so great that it had further released his potential.

The entire battlefield within ten or so zhang was filled with his sword light, as well as his shadows. The great stamina and st.u.r.dy body bestowed upon him by the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ had finally shown its use.

The ‘Shura’s strength, just how great was it? Its speed, how fast was it? It had the power of thirteen horses combined together. Once that power exploded out, even ‘Divine Realm’ cultivators’ magic techniques would be broken through and their flesh crushed. However, Fang Han had managed to receive the blow, albeit with some difficulty.

‘Peng peng peng, peng peng peng’.

On the ground appeared tens of holes, mud flying through the air. Every time the ‘Shura’ struck and heavily threw Fang Han onto the ground, every time it stomped on the ground, a new pothole would be formed.

However, every time Fang Han was sent flying, the ‘Shura’ was slightly numbed by the purple electricity for a second, hindering its movements and limiting its flexibility. Every time, Fang Han took this as an opportunity to readjust his body’s breathing and to recuperate.

Fortunately, Fang Qing Xue re-refined my magic sword for me. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to escape being killed today. In the blink of an eye, due to using his sword to block the ‘Shura’s many attacks, the area between Fang Han’s thumb and index finger was now a long stream of blood, causing him to become slightly unable to grasp the sword’s hilt.

“You were surprising able to block my ‘Thirteen Flying Devil Strikes’. You should be prideful, as I truly having some difficulty here.” The ‘Shura’ once again stood up on the battleground, watching the blood flowing from Fang Han’s hand, it asked, “How many more times can you block? Three times? Two times, and then can you hold your sword? Without the purple electricity on the sword there is no paralysis anymore, and catching you will become as easy as catching a rabbit.”

“Fang Qing Xue! You!”
Just at this time, from atop the distant ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’, came a sky-turning earth-shattering roar. The ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’ w.a.n.g Mo Lin who stood beneath the ‘Demon G.o.d Statue’ suddenly caught in flames as the ‘Sky Wolf Evil Smoke’ on his body ignited and began burning, melting into bursts of fiery stars before dissipating.

[TL: Fiery stars might be Mars but then there are multiple Mars and that’s weird]

Fang Qing Xue, relying on her powerful Divine Technique, had managed to forcefully break through his defenses.


The ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ in w.a.n.g Mo Lin’s hand was cut open by a qi knife and flew into the air. Fang Qing Xue waved her hand, and this bao’qi flew into her hand.

“Without the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’, what can you do!” Fang Qing Xue grabbed the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’, the two ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snakes’ by her side fiercely rushing downwards towards the ‘Demon G.o.d Statue’.

She wanted to destroy the statue.

At this time, the ‘Demon G.o.d Statue’ suddenly wiggled, as if something was resurrecting. A powerful Demonic qi overwhelmed everything and engulfed the entire plain.

When Fang Qing Xue saw what had happened, her face immediately changed color!

“What! A Manifestation of the Demon G.o.d! I cannot drag this on any longer!”

Upon seeing the current situation, the ‘Shura’s face suddenly became cold. ‘Hong long’! The ground that it had been standing on seemed to have suddenly lost a great chunk. Afterwards, its body had already reached Fang Han.

It had finally revealed its true strength!

It is time! said Yan, conveying his thoughts to Fang Han’s spirit. The manifestation of the Demon G.o.d is no trivial matter! Fang Qing Xue has no time to look after us. Let us join hands and kill this ‘Shura’!