Eternal Life

Chapter 55

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 55

Conflicts Begin

Fang Han’s iron fist had the strength of almost ten horses behind it, just what level of power was it? Furthermore, his mysterious movement technique seemed to turn the ground between them into a cun. Anything within ten steps could be instantly reached and attacked. Although it couldn’t be compared to the ‘Instant Kill Great Way’, it was still something which could be considered at the extreme limits of the ‘Mortal Realm’.


The boy who was intimate with Fang Qing Wei felt Fang Han’s cold killing intent. Powerfully, without a bit of hesitation, his hand moved towards his waist and pulled! An extremely radiant sword was pulled out halfway.

However, he was only able to pull it out that far, as Fang Han’s iron fist had already landed on his body, directly hitting his arm and emitting a cracking sound. Fang Han’s blow had directly broken the boy’s arm. Striking again, this young boy’s entire body flew into the air, flying far away and spitting mouth after mouth of blood.


“He deserves to die!”

“Kill him!”

When the young boy’s companions saw the scene unfold, some hurriedly helped him up, using fa’qi spirit talismans to quickly treat his wounds and mend his bones. The rest of them all took out their own magic swords and turned towards Fang Han.

The expression on Fang Qing Wei’s face suddenly became cold, taking out her own magic sword.

“Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha.” Seeing their actions, Fang Han let out a long laugh, exhaling. His body moved, suddenly accelerating incredibly quickly. He used ‘Night Strike, Eight Directions’. He was surprisingly trying to fight all of them at once.

Immediately, all of the people felt the s.p.a.ce in front of their eyes distort. Fang Han’s iron fist was like a meteorite ripping through the atmosphere, and ruthlessly smashed into them. Every person felt as if they were taking on Fang Han one versus one and extremely helpless.

‘Bang bang bang bang, bang bang bang’!

In the time of a breath, the group of people had received Fang Han’s blows. They were all jarred backwards a few steps before they stabilized themselves. Each of them had their qi and blood disrupted by the jarring blows, their faces pale and almost at the point of spitting blood.

Fang Qing Wei also received Fang Han’s fist, her magic sword sent flying out of her hand by the blow, inserting itself into the ground. ‘Pu’chi’. Her expression became shocked and terrified.

“Your skills are actually so high, how could this be?”

With one strike, he had attacked a group of people, causing them all to feel beyond helpless. This one strike demonstrated that Fang Han’s physical strength, speed, and explosiveness were all far beyond the others.

That day in the desert when the ‘Evil Moon Prince’ appeared brandishing his ‘Even Moon Curved Blade’ and slicing through everyone, even though Fang Han was accompanied by Liu Kang, Hong Yi, and all of the people from the Da’de Empire, they still only barely escaped alive, the reason being that the ‘Evil Moon Prince’ was simply too fast.

Fang Han’s current strength had already surpa.s.sed the ‘Evil Moon Prince’s by quite a bit, although it wasn’t quite as strong as the ‘Shura’s. While these disciples completed the school’s tasks, and were the more outstanding one of their generation, their strength were only around four to five horses. How could they possibly be his opponents?

Only inner court disciples who had cultivated for many years, those who were on the inner court’s ‘Shan’he Rankings’, could contend with him in terms of physical strength.

With one strike, he had shocked the entire crowd.

“What? Is there anyone else who wants to make a move?”

Fang Han’s cold eyes swept across the courtyard. No matter who he glared at, no one dared to look back.

There was no one whose power could be compared to his.

Those pale faced disciples all didn’t dare respond to Fang Han’s words. They were all well-learned people and had realized that Fang Han’s strength was comparable to the experts on the ‘Shan’he Rankings’. Even Fang Qing Wei kept her mouth shut. She had originally believed that Fang Han had received Fang Qing Xue’s appreciation and been taught some superficial martial skills, and never expected that his martial skills were even more powerful than her own! Not only that, he was ten times stronger than her!

Fang Qing Wei herself was an ‘expert’. She had cultivated daily within the Fang Clan and upon entering the Yu’hua School, she was ever more so a fish in water. By virtue of her sister’s status, many princes, princesses, country princes, crown princes, and other talented young people of such status praised her. They would send her gifts one day and then elixirs the next to try and curry favor. Thus, she cultivated very quickly.

Even some powerful inner court disciples would come speak good words with her in attempt to gain a relationship with Fang Qing Xue. The amount of elixirs and pellets they had were definitely not little.

This resulted in her gaining a personality where her heart was even higher than the sky, and her utmost desire to become a true disciple like her sister, and perhaps an ‘Immortal’.

[TL: Basically she can’t recognize Mt. Tai]

The boy who she had been intimate with just now had, in the day before, sent her a tiger shark gallbladder which had been tempered for six hundred years. Furthermore, because he had a somewhat special status, was able to make her happy, and did stuff for her, she was more than happy to say some fake words, spinning the other party around her finger.

“I am the son of a rich family on the Bu’ye Island in the South Sea, can I ask who fellow disciple is? Today, you bestowed your fist upon me. In the future, I will make sure you are paid back in full.”

The youth who had been heavily wounded by Fang Han finally woke up. Looking at Fang Han, he suddenly opened his mouth. He spoke very cautiously, but his words carried an overflowing killing intent which poured out like the water of the four seas. It was hard to cover up.

“Bu’ye Island? Never heard of it. I had thought that you were going to say that you were from the ‘Ten Great Immortal School’s ‘Wan’gui Immortal Island’.” Fang Han casually shook his head, “As for who I am, didn’t you hear it just now? I temporarily am Fang Qing Wei’s fiancé. As for your revenge in the days to come, that will depend on your skills.”

While he spoke, Fang Han jokingly said to Fang Qing Wei, “Let’s go to the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’. I will ‘protect’ you, this is also something your sister commanded.”

“Hmph! I don’t believe that my sister would say such words. I also don’t need your care! Moreover, even if I have to marry a bird or a dog in the future, I won’t marry you. Don’t have any more foolish thoughts. You are like a toad trying to eat the flesh of a heavenly crane!”

Fang Qing Wei’s chest heaved up and down, her teeth grinding together. Afterwards, she coldly laughed. Although she didn’t dare make a move, because of her sister’s backing, she wasn’t afraid of Fang Han.

“I am neither a toad nor heavenly crane meat. Moreover, marrying or not is not up to you. In the future, when I become a true disciple, I will give you a way out. However, until that time, I forbid you from being in contact with other males. Since you are in name my fiancée, if you keep being in contact with other males, won’t I lose face? If in the future, every time I see you with any guy like this young master from Bu’ye Island, I will hit them. Ha ha.”

Fang Han laughed, and then turned around and entered the depths of the ‘Sky Courtyard’.

Seeing how Fang Han had just turned around and left, Fang Qing Wei became angry, stomping her foot on the ground.

This conflict had gained the attention of quite a few disciples. There were outer court disciples as well as inner court disciples. Most of the disciples didn’t dare step in. Firstly, Fang Han’s strength was too great, perhaps only disciples on the ‘Shan’he Ranking’ could fight with him as equals. Secondly, they didn’t want to become involved with such an overbearing true disciple like Fang Qing Xue. If something happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

“When did such a powerful person appear amongst the outer court disciples?”

Amongst one of the groups of disciples who had been watching were two observers who stood out from the rest, like cranes amongst chickens. They were very clearly of different from the rest. They stood there discussing between themselves.

“He’s called Fang Han, and he is one of Fang Qing Xue’s people. It seems as if Fang Qing Xue has spent quite a great amount of effort to nurture him and wants to make him a true disciple. Rumor has it that Fang Qing Xue has given him a Devil treasure which can seal away ling’qi flying swords. I’m afraid that once he becomes an inner court disciple, in the next few months of compet.i.tion for the a spot on the ‘Shan’he Rankings’, you will be my enemy.”

“Is that so? I love compet.i.tion the most. Without pressure, there is no push. That being the case, I need to go train a bit.” One of the two let out a laugh, and then walked forward towards Fang Qing Wei.

“Ah, Ye senior brother!”

“Ye senior brother!”

“This is Ye Nan Tian senior brother who is ranked third on the ‘Shan’he Rankings’.”

“Why would he have come here?”

“Perhaps he just wanted to have a look around and see if there were any new people worth taking note of.”

“Ye senior brother!” Seeing him walk over, Fang Qing Wei calmed back down.

“That Fang Han said that if another male approached you, then he would hit them. I don’t believe that. I just want to be close to you for a moment, Qing Wei junior sister, you won’t not give me face right,” said Ye Nan Tian sweetly.

“To be able and become friends with Ye senior brother is an honor for Qing Wei. As for today’s matter with Fang Han, I will be reporting it to my sister,” Fang Qing Wei’s eyes moved, one couldn’t tell what she was thinking about.

“Junior sister is also entering the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’. You must be extremely careful. I have here a talisman which can be used against ‘Heavenly Devils’, and cleanse your spirit. It will be enough to ensure that you come out from the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ safe and sound, and that you become an inner court disciple.”

While he spoke, Ye Nan Tian took out a hexagonal talisman which looked reminiscent of a snowflake.

[TL: One of the two characters for cleansing here is the character for snow, thus the reference]

“Ah! That is a ling’qi level talisman, a ‘Cleansing Talisman’!” Fang Qing Wei was stunned for a moment before she received the talisman. She felt as if her spirit had suddenly condensed into a ball and become cleansed of all impurities. Her mind became extremely transparent. She didn’t think that Ye Nan Tian would actually give her a ling’qi.

Although this talisman couldn’t be compared to a flying sword, magic clothes, or something of that sort, and was a low level ling’qi, it was extremely beneficial towards cultivation. If one wore it while cultivating, it would drive out their inner devils, cleansing the spirit. Thus, it was called the ‘Cleansing Talisman’.

Ye Nan Tian waved his hand, “Go. Once you become an inner court disciple, I will bring some of my fellow brothers on the ‘Shan’he Rankings’ and congratulate you. There are also gifts to be sent. I want to see just how Fang Han can apprehend us.”