Eternal Life

Chapter 65

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 65

Killing With Sound

Within Fang Han’s mind, there first appeared the apparitions of eight heavenly dragons! These eight dragons were incomparably mighty, their beards, golden scales, claws, and long horns giving off auras of great age and having experienced everything. Their expressions looked down upon everything. Just a glance and one would feel that these dragons were sacred and n.o.ble, able to get rid of all of the circulating Devils. After these eight dragons appeared, they constantly let out great roars, each one emitting a different sound. Furthermore, each roar was made up of hundreds if not thousands of syllables. It was as if they were the origins of a great path of sound within the profoundness of the world.

Afterwards, Fang Han learned of an extreme amount of mnemonic rhymes.

Rouse the lungs, suck in the abdomen, lower breathing rate, dominate the dantian, stimulate the jia’ji point, condense the spirit, the changes of the eight dragons, reconstruct the syllables, a long segment of script. Although it was mysterious, it detailedly instructed how to control strength, how to p.r.o.nounce, and how to visualize the spirit and coordinate it with the body’s movements to let the spirit’s thoughts and body quickly work together.

[TL: The dantian (group of points) and jia’ji point are both traditional chinese points thought to stimulate the body]

Towards Fang Han who had cultivated to the ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ stage, this wasn’t very complex as he had long since understood the movement of his muscles.

However, there were many parts of the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ with shocked him nonetheless.

He had thought that sound could only produced by the throat, nose, and the lower abdomen, but it could in fact also be produced by the intestines, as well as the back and arm. Even the armpits could produce sounds when pressed together. The same went for the legs, pelvis, etc. All of these places could produce sounds. Around the entire body, there were many more than eight places which could produce sounds! However, ordinary people weren’t able to do it in some areas because their muscles weren’t strong enough, and they lacked the membrane.

The methods for making the sounds of this ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ required great physical ability. Only if one’s flesh and muscles were at a high enough level of being soft yet hard could these sounds be created.

Before long, Fang Han had a clear grasp over the tricks for producing these sounds, for coordinating his body and spirit, and the various mixes of these sounds. This was due to the fact that his cultivation now focused on his mind, causing his memory to be much clearer and his thinking ability to be much more shrewd than normal people. After figuring out the techniques, he went over it a few times until he became confident that he could execute it without error. He condensed his spirit, bending his body, his four limbs shaking, his spine cracking, his waist and legs extending and contracting. He executed the lower abdomen breathing technique, his lungs heaving, his nostrils full of circulating air.

Like this, Fang Han truly seemed to be like a dragon stretching in the sky. His form looked similar, and his intent was even more similar.

A series of rapid, violent, air tremoring, piercing syllables, like a sacred extinguishing wave, a great calamity or punishment, burst out from within him. It was like millions of people shouting together, like tens of thousands of monsters roaring together, like tens of thousands of volcanoes erupting together, like tens of thousands of great dams discharging together!

“Wu! Gu! Ba! Ma! Hong! Ya! Dou! Po!”

The eight sounds of the heavenly dragon burst out.

As if a hurricane had blown up, the sound waves exploded outwards. It could clearly be seen, wave after wave of sound rippling outwards with Fang Han at the middle. They dispersed in the shape of a circle*. Compared to Fang Han’s roars just now, they were very clearly double the size. Furthermore, the will contained within the sound had become sharp to an unthinkable level. Compared to the disorganized roars from before, it was much more organized.

[TL: The author mentions that it is a 同心圆 which isn’t just a simple circle, but I don’t know what they are called. Image link:  the syllables of Fang Han’s disorganized roars just now were considered a mob of random people, then the current sounds of the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ could be considered an organized, disciplined, experienced, and trained, group of soldiers.

The fighting power was inconceivably different.

“Ah, my head hurts so much!”

“What kind of sound is this!”

“It is so harsh on my ears, so painful! Even my heart feels as if it has been pierced.”

“How is it possible for a human to emit such a sharp sound?”

The sounds of the ‘Billowing Pines Zither’ and ‘Cloud Water Flute’ were completely covered by the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’. When the several female disciples heard this sound, their faces immediately changed, becoming extremely pale. It was as if they had been instantly sucked dry of their blood. The sharp sounds of the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ were just too sharp, it was as if an extremely sharp blade had cut through their mind. They couldn’t fathom how a person could possibly emit such horrifying noises.  

“Hurry up and cover your ears!”

Xu Yue Er and Ye Yu’s facial expressions suddenly changed. These two rather powerful, healthy female disciples leaders had quite steady spirits, and hurriedly began to intensely play the flute and zither in attempt to neutralize the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’. Otherwise, some of the lower level female disciples, those who were only at the ‘G.o.dly Courage’ stage, would be shaken into r.e.t.a.r.dation.

However, these female disciples were still ok. Since they had physical bodies, the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ wouldn’t do much harm to them. However, those ‘Heavenly Devils’ were quite unlucky! The ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ cleared away all of them! Immediately, it condensed into a blob, turning into top which chased and killed all of the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

The ‘Heavenly Devils’ fell like raindrops to the ground, bang bang bang bang, turning into a hideous looking person. It was b.l.o.o.d.y, and couldn’t move.

As for those several ‘Heavenly Devil’ leaders, they were barely able to stay flying, flying like drunken birds in the sky, their speed greatly reduced. They staggered around in the sky as if they had suffered some serious injury.

“Xu, xu, this ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’, why does it require so much physical exertion? With my current condition, even if I roared for a day and a night, I might not be tired, but right now, I am so exhausted.”

[TL: This is referring to his original roars, not the technique]

After Fang Han emitted the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’, he only felt his body’s extreme exhaustion. Even his head felt groggy, as if he had used up all of his energy and just wanted to go to sleep.

In the first place, this ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ was a technique created just to release latent power to stimulate the greatest possible explosive power! And this is after you had consumed the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’. Otherwise, an ordinary ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ cultivator, after using it, would immediately be completely out of energy and fall severely ill. They would recover in anywhere from ten days to half a month. Anyway, you have just used it for the first time, and haven’t completely grasped all of its tricks. Once you become an inner court disciple and have learned the Yu’hua School’s ‘n.o.ble Spirit Long Song’ and compare the two, you will completely master both. When that time comes, whenever you emit a sound, you can cause all cultivators who haven’t cultivated to the ‘G.o.dly Courage’ stage within a hundred step radius to be shocked to r.e.t.a.r.dation.

Yan very faintly explained this to Fang Han. Hurry, you need to use a little more strength right now and capture all of these ‘Heavenly Devils’, especially those several leaders. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Fang Han also knew that his harvest had arrived. His body moved, the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’ dispersing and turning into streams of black smoke which shot across and covered the entire sky. Like a net dropping from the heavens, it immediately tied up all of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ which had fallen onto the ground, pulling them back to Fang Han.

At the same time, those several leaders flew away in a stupor, trying to escape, but they were also captured. Everything was thrown into the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’.

Generally after the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ turned into the streams of black smoke, it would see a great decrease in power, and become unable to entangle even a single ‘Heavenly Devil’. However, right now, all of these ‘Heavenly Devils’ had been severely injured by the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ and were rather powerless. Thus, they were all easily captured.

After storing them in the gourd, Fang Han completely surrounded himself with the smoke, letting in neither wind nor rain, and secretly took all of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ and unhesitantly poured them into the ‘Yellow Springs River’.

His actions just now were to prevent anyone from seeing his actions after capturing all of these ‘Heavenly Devils’. If he were to be seen by the eight female disciples of the ‘Jia’lan Group’, his heart would begin to feel uncertain. This way, they wouldn’t be able to feel any of the qi of the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’.