Eternal Life

Chapter 12

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 12

Crane Fairy

The “Spirit Tamer Tablet” mysteriously floated in the air, loosening up Fang Han’s thoughts.

Blood-binding could allow Mortal Realm pract.i.tioners to use various magic treasures; that was simply an unmatchable advantage. As only those who trained in martial arts knew, with only one’s flesh, one would be unable to use extreme amounts of power.

Mortal bodies couldn’t fly, and feared swords and arrows, poison, water, fire, lightning, and other types of a.s.sault. Thus, even if one trained to the tenth level, G.o.dly transformation, of the Mortal Realm, and became able to resist being pulled apart by horses, one still couldn’t escape death.

However, if they managed to comprehend the secrets of the Divine Realm and gain an understanding that would allow them to cultivate magic and enter the Divine Realm, it would be different.

But how hard was it to comprehend a secret of the Divine Realm? Out of ten thousand high level pract.i.tioners, only one would succeed, blessed by their ancestors, and the heavens.

At this time, the benefits of magic treasures would appear.

If a person stuck at in the Mortal Realm had a flying sword, what would happen? If one could, after blood-binding, kill anyone within a thousand steps and fly wherever one wanted, who could stop them from killed whoever they wanted?

If this person had a protection talisman allowing them to form walls of wind or causing them to be immune to blades and arrows, wouldn’t they become a human weapon?

Through this way, a fifth level pract.i.tioner could even kill a tenth level pract.i.tioner.

Even though this “Spirit Tamer Tablet” was only a low level fa’qi, Fang Han knew that if he used it well, he could control spirit beasts to attack his enemies.

Shall I try it out? Shall I try putting a drop of blood on the ‘Map of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’? No, what if there is a change? Also, if this map could be blood-binded, Bai Hai Chen probably would have done it long ago, and then it wouldn’t bind to me anyway. It’s probably better to not act rashly right now, as if it does cause a change, I would die.

Fang Han was a cautious person, and knew that the map was a mysterious thing. In the case that blood-binding went wrong and caused some great change to him, it would be difficult to die even if he wanted to.

Thus, he decided to try out the ‘Spirit Tamer Tablet’ instead to try and figure out whether or not it would allow him to control spirit beasts for his own use.

If all thirty-six cranes would listen to his orders, then even tenth level pract.i.tioners couldn’t do anything to him.

Out of the cranes, Fang Han discerned the leader, and walked over to it. It was very obvious that this crane was the leader, as not only was it very pure and beautiful, it was a full head taller than the rest, with a fire-colored crest on its head. Anyone could tell immediately that this one was the leader of the group.

Seeing Fang Han walk over, the crane let out another loud honk.

[TL: Cranes honk right?]

Immediately, Fang Han heard an exquisite female voice emanate from his ‘Spirit Tamer Tablet,’ “Little one, hurry and open the net so this lady can soar in the sky and move her bones.”

“En?!” Fang Han was greatly surprised, looking around him.

The crane let out another honk, and a voice once again came from the tablet, “Hey! What are you looking for? Upon binding the tablet, the words of this lady have been translated into human language by the tablet so that you can understand.”

“What, this lady? Which crane is it that is talking?” Fang Han had finally understood the usage of the tablet. “Alright, I will let you out, but you must allow me to ride you and soar in the sky.”

“Hmm, if you wait this lady well during her three meals, treat me comfortably, then this lady will consider doing you a favor. If you treat me poorly, this lady will not listen to you. Did you think that upon receiving the tablet, you could order this lady however you wanted? The tablet is merely a fa’qi, only allowing us to communicate. We are of equal standings.”

The crane lifted its head up high, its eyes directed down, arrogantly looking at Fang Han.

So it was like this. I had originally thought that the tablet would allow me to order this group of cranes, but it turns out that it is nothing more than a tool of communication. Seems like raising spirit beasts is not going to be as easy as I thought.

Fang Han knew that his hope of being able to control thirty-six cranes to beat a tenth level expert had pretty much all but disappeared.

“Crane Fairy, this one has a present for you.” Upon understanding, Fang Han’s face changed, immediately putting on a smiling face, and promising, “I have come to take care of the Crane Fairy, so I will obviously treat you well beyond comparison. If you have anything that you are unsatisfied with, just say it, and this one will try everything to make it better.”

While talking, Fang Han opened the net.

Pu’chi Pu’chi Pu’chi, winds began to gust as the cranes began flapping their wings and rushing out into the open sky, ready to soar unrestrained in the sky.

“You are quite a good person, it seems as if we can become good friends. Not only is your breathing very powerful, it seems as if you are strong as well.” The Crane Fairy flew for a while, then suddenly dropped and landed in front of Fang Han, the strong winds causing Fang Han to hold his breath, yet unable to move him. “From today on, I will instruct the others to more or less help you out.”

“Many thanks to you, Crane Fairy. What would Crane Fairy like to eat? I will go and prepare it for you,” asked Fang Han, nodding his head.

“It definitely would have to be roasted pheasants and rabbits. I will go to another mountain and catch some wild rabbits and mountain pheasants and bring them to you so you can roast them for me to eat. Add a good amount of salt, mustard, and whatever else. Wei, just thinking about eating roasted foods has gotten my saliva flowing. Unfortunately, I cannot use fire for the fear of burning my feathers, and I can only rely on you. Roasted rabbits and pheasants smell so good!”

Amid the Fairy Crane’s talking, it continuously drooled, its saliva landing on the ground, and giving off a sort of fragrance.

This is crane saliva, a very rare and expensive medicinal material!

Seeing the dropping saliva, Fang Han felt extremely unfortunate that he wasn’t able to find anything to catch it with. A hundred-year crane’s saliva could strengthen inner organs, excite yin and strengthen yang, and nourish and moisten ones lungs. As for a thousand-year crane’s saliva, it was one of the most coveted treasures in the martial world, and could cleanse ones insides, making it extremely good for the inner body. One was worth one liang of gold.

The cranes of the Yu’hua School were different from regular cranes, so perhaps their saliva would be on the level of thousand-year cranes.

Upon finishing drooling, the Crane Fairy commanded the other cranes, “Let’s go and catch some wild animals!” Immediately, Pu’chi Pu’chi, and all the cranes began flying towards the outer mountains.

Seeing the group of cranes flying off into the distance, Fang Han quickly instructed the two hundred and fifty servants under him to set up many grills, and prepare for roasting, “You guys, start setting up the grills.”

Before long, the cranes began flying back, each one carrying some game. Other than pheasants and rabbits, there were also big fish from the river, and wild wolves and foxes. They had even brought back plum flower deer, tigers, leopards, antelopes, wild boars, and bears! What was even more unbelievable was that the Crane Fairy had brought back a huge python covered in symmetric patterns, which upon being dropped startled all the servants.

It really is lucrative how much money I could earn daily just from them hunting – tiger skins, bear skins, fox skins, snake gallbladders, and bear paws.

Fang Han watched for a while. In his heart, he finally understood why Fang Man, Fang Rui, and Fang Lie were all envious of his position.

The servants spent half a day skinning the game before selecting the finest cuts to begin grilling. Meanwhile, Fang Han was busy fighting an inner battle as he contemplated what to do with the snake, before coiling it up. Fully focused on catering to the cranes, he ordered some servants to bring some fine wine over, for the Crane Fairy to drink.

After eating their fills and drinking all that they wanted, the cranes flew in the sky for a while before finally coming back down and entering their den to sleep.

Catering to these cranes is really not as hard as catering to humans because they are not as complex as humans. Their thoughts are really rather simple.

Upon finishing his service, Fang Han’s heart calmed down.

After ten days, other than training at night, Fang Han had spent his entire time waiting on the cranes, and slowly becoming friends with the Crane Fairy.

Upon reaching the G.o.dly strength level, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in his heart seemed to be working a lot slower, as if he had reached some limit in his training.

However, Fang Han didn’t slack off, but continued going through harsh, Mo’dao style training every day, persevering through the pain because he believed that one day, he would be able to break through.

This day, Fang Han had let the cranes drink some wine to muddle their heads as he once again brought up the matter of flying in the sky on their back.

“Flying is not an easy thing to do. You can hold on to my feathers, but if you fall off, this lady will not come and save you,” said the Crane Fairy as she looked at him with drunken eyes, her drool once again dripping, ba’da ba’da. Only this time, Fang Han had a bowl prepared to catch it.

“I will be cautious.” Upon receiving the Crane Fairy’s request, Fang Han climbed upon her back. He was currently at the G.o.dly strength level, meaning that he was more agile than a monkey, his eyesight better than a civet’s, and could perform actions deftly.

“This lady is taking off!” The Crane Fairy stood up, opening its wings, pa’cha, and causing Fang Han to feel a great shock. Suddenly, he felt weightless, the wind going hu hu past him, and barely able to keep his eyes open. Below him, he could see forests and peaks, palaces about the size of his fist littered among them like stars. If he fell from here, he would definitely die.

“Is this the feeling of flying? I have finally entered the sky!” Although he felt slightly uneasy, in his heart, Fang Han was still very happy.

However, currently, I am flying by relying on other things. There will be a day where I will comprehend the secrets of the Divine Realm, and cross the skies by my own accord. Only then, is it truly divine. Although Fang Han was lost in thought with himself, his hands still firmly grasped the Crane Fairy’s feathers.

As the Crane Fairy flapped her wings, they shot through the skies like an arrow, and before long, had left the territory of Yu’hua Mountain.

Outside of the Yu’hua Mountain was one mountain after another, so many that no one knew how many there were in total, 100,000? 1,000,000? No one knew how many secrets were hidden in the mountains.

Realizing that the ‘Purple Lightning Palace’ was no longer in sight, Fang Han used the tablet and asked, from the crane’s back, “Where are we flying to?”

“What are you afraid of, this lady can fly one thousand li in two hours. Going back is no problem, just a couple flaps and we’ll be there.”

“That is good. I will just listen to you, as the wings are growing on your body.” Fang Han lowered his head, his body burrowing into the crane’s feathers, as if he were wearing a huge cloak, the wind flowing over his body and unable to hit him. His entire body relaxed, and he began to enjoy flying.

At this time, suddenly, from the peak in front of them, a couple streaks of black air were shot out, seemingly like wolves made of smoke. They spread out, forming seven columns, as if about to pierce the sky.

Amidst these huge, thick, black columns of smoke, a numerous amount of smoke began to condense, forming a hideous face, as if a door was being opened to the Mo’dao world.

“Not good, not good! This is the Yao’shen School’s ‘Sky Wolf Seven Evil Spirits Smoke,’ we need to hurry and leave. But usually, in a ten thousand li radius around the Yu’hua Immortal Mountain, Yao and Mo affiliated schools are not allowed. What has happened? Either way, we must quickly leave.”

[TL: Yao – Monster, Mo – Devil]

Upon seeing the upright column of black smoke, the Crane Fairy immediately let out a couple sounds, and quickly turned around, almost throwing Fang Han out of its feathers.

“What’s wrong?” asked Fang Han as he saw the seven columns of black smoke out in the distance.

“Run, run! If we are seen, we are definitely dead.” The Crane Fairy didn’t care anymore, and began to violently flap its wings and fly home.

At this time, from within the seven columns of black smoke, a streak of black smoke flew out, condensing into a horrifying face about the size of the school gate. This face flew over, opened its blood filled mouth, and bit towards the Crane Fairy and Fang Han who were in midair.