Eternal Life

Chapter 53

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 53

Heavenly Punishment Stage

[TL: I don’t know why I used court instead of stage, but it’s changed now. Sorry about the mistranslation]

The ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’ was the Yu’hua School’s stage for conflicts regarding life and death. These conflicts could even result in the deaths of true disciples. The elder in control of the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’ had extremely great power, and incomparable abilities. His mana was as deep as the water of the four oceans, immeasurable.

Jin Ri Lie brought his son, Jin Shi Tai, and strut towards the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’. They pa.s.sed through level after level of pavilions, the Hua’yu Edifice, and finally arrived outside, at the base, of the giant palace.

The palace towered above them. There were three thousand six hundred white jade steps which led up to it. Only by walking step by step up these steps could one truly arrive within the great palace. Lining both sides of the white jade steps were thousands of various weapons. There were countless machetes, axes, shuang gou, ropes, swords, spears, halberds, longspears, hammers, locks, flails, maces, shovels, etc. Each weapon was very large, a full ten times the size of an ordinary weapon. Glancing at them made one feel as if they had entered the land of giants. However, after further observation, it gave off a kind of feeling of solemn and dignified, yet b.l.o.o.d.y qi.

The grounds of the ‘Heavenly Punishment Great Palace’ was where the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’ resided.

The entire ‘Yu’hua Sky Palace’ was an incomparably immense city within the sky which into the depths of the white clouds. No one knew how large it was inside, how serene, and how mysterious. No one could explain how such a large city was suspended in the air; just what kind of power was needed to suspend it in the sky?

Although the ‘Yu’hua Sky Palace’ was so vast and mysterious, there was no doubt that within it, the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’ was the place with the densest murderous qi. It was also the most solemn place.

Arriving at this place, even someone like Jin Shi Ta with his personality, couldn’t help but shudder for a moment. A chill seemed to be rising up from the depths of his heart. Ever since this ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’ had been built by the Yu’hua School founder, who knows how many powerful people who had traversed various worlds had been executed here.

It was truly as if the school was slaughtering in place of the heavens, determining karmic justice without the slightest bit of remorse.

Even an old cultivator like Jin Ri Lie smoothed out his clothes, and began to ascend step by step up the thirty six hundred step long, white jade staircase. These white jade steps were speckled with what seemed to be drops of blood which had seeped into it. Perhaps it was blood which had spilled when an extremely powerful person was executed here.

With his cultivation, Jin Ri Lie was able to fly. However, at the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’, he didn’t dare fly. This was a rule pa.s.sed by the Yu’hua School, and even elders couldn’t be exempted.

After ascending step by step, one would finally see the front of the ‘Heavenly Punishment Great Palace’, an extremely wide, majestic square. Atop the square, there was a gigantic square stage. It was nine zhang long, nine zhang wide, and nine zhang tall. It was clearly not made of jade, and its color made it seem as if it were made of some ordinary rock. Amidst its simplicity, it emanated an extremely ancient qi. No one knew just what rock this stage was made from.

This place was the executor of traitors and the beheader of devils. It was where true disciples fought on the precipice between life and death, the administrator of punishments, the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’.

Bloodstained steps! Countless weapons!

A towering hall! A vast square!

An ancient stone stage!

All together, it created a powerful picture of the execution ground of Immortals.

Jin Shi Tai froze, his eyes looking into the distance. However, what shocked him wasn’t the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’, but rather the person who stood atop it, none other than his target, Fang Qing Xue of the ‘Purple Lightning Peak’! Furthermore, another cultivator in green clothes with curved eyebrows like the moon was on it with her.

“Tian Dou senior brother !”

The cultivator in green clothes was none other than the person who rescued  Mo senior sister and Yuan Jian Kong and their group of people, the owner of the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’, Hua Tian Dou.

“‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’, within the group of disciples that I rescued, an outer court disciple called Liu Kang died while the remainder of them were able to expel the ‘Six Wishes Yin Mine’ poison qi from their bodies. However, all of their flying swords disappeared. Yuan Jian Kong’s ‘Silver Snake Sword’ is also gone. Even, even my ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’ has mysteriously disappeared without a trace and has seemingly been destroyed. This is no small matter. I have come to report to you, first off to determine the punishment that should be given to these disciples who have lost their flying swords and bao’qi, and secondly to request for a thorough investigation of the matter to find out whose hands these flying swords and bao’qi landed in.

Hua Tian Dou paid no regard to Jin Shi Tai, and faced the ‘Heavenly Punishment Great Palace’, slowly recounting his findings. He rhythmically enunciated each word.

From within the depths of the ‘Heavenly Punishment Great Palace’ emanated out a lazy voice, “They lost their flying swords? Even the Yang Rope was lost? This group of disciples is so disappointing! The matter of investigating will be given to you, you must find the school’s magic treasures and flying swords. Although the school has quite a large base, it still cannot suffer such a loss! Let that group of disciples be punished by having them sent to the ‘Immortal Prison’ for three months. At the same time, suspend their rations of pellets for eternity. Let them eat the low quality food of the ‘Five Qi Immortal Pot’. If they can even lose their own flying swords, then there is no hope of them reaching the ‘Divine Realm’.”

“As you say, this disciple understands. This disciple will thoroughly investigate this matter,” Hua Tian Dou nodded, “However, Yuan Jian Kong is ranked tenth on the Shan’he Rankings, a distinguished disciple with one of the highest hopes of breaking through into the ‘Divine Realm’. Isn’t an unanimous decision across the twelve elders necessary to stop providing him with pellets.”

“Hmph! If they break the rules, then they must be punished. Otherwise, why would there be school rules? Stop your pleading. Leave! Your work is always reliable, and you are the first true disciple of the Yu’hua School. Thus, I empower you with the power to thoroughly investigate this event. Naturally, the power of deciding who lives and dies also goes to you. This is the ‘Heavenly Punishment Seal’! With this seal, you can request that any true disciple, as well as any elder, help you carry out an action. The Yang Rope was refined with a great deal of effort, and must definitely not fall into the wrong hands. We must also find it to prevent other Immortal schools from saying that we lost a bao’qi. Otherwise, we will have nothing to say.”

The lazy voice gradually became faster. While they spoke, something shout out from within the ‘Heavenly Punishment Great Palace’ like an arrow, landing within Hua Tian Dou’s hand.

“Also, recently I heard that some outer court disciples are becoming more and more restless, you need to control their morale. I hope that the ‘Heavenly Punishment Stage’ doesn’t become a daily killing ground in the near future.”

Hua Tian Dou caught the seal in one go, his face showing a sliver of happiness. Afterwards, he turned around and saw Jin Tai Shi and Jin Ri Lie. He shook his head, not saying a single word, and instead faced Fang Qing Xue, “I believe that under Fang junior sister’s command, there is a person called Fang Han. Rumor has it that upon his body, he holds an extremely precious Devil Sect treasure, one which was bestowed upon him by Fang junior sister. Furthermore, it is said that he had a conflict with an inner court disciple, and stole the other party’s ‘Spirit Wind Sword’. Moreover, he was very closely involved with those disciples who met with disaster. Since the ‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’ has given me the great responsibility of investigating and executing, I shall comb a little through Fang junior sister’s people. I am clarifying this with Fang junior sister right now to avoid any conflict over this in the future.

While Hua Tian Dou spoke, he was already calculating deep within his mind.

He pondered over the problem, carefully considering every small detail. He looked at the big picture, and spoke with grace. He surprisingly emanated a sliver of the same aura as the school headmaster.

“Hmph!” Fang Qing Xue’s eyes turned towards Jin Shi Tai and Jin Shi Ri, ignoring Hua Tian Dou’s words. She coldly retorted, “The rumor is correct. The Devil treasure upon Fang Han’s body was indeed bestowed upon him by me, it is called the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’. It is something I wrestled over from ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’ w.a.n.g Mo Lin. Since Fang Han is a person from my Fang Clan, I greatly appreciate him. Furthermore, who cares about one flying sword? The Devil General offered him seven flying swords and he refused to accept them. Hua senior brother, if you must investigate then investigate. However, if there is some unprecedented death, I will never let it go. Even if I have to go to the headmaster, I will seek justice.”

“Then it’s good! I am someone who does things fairly. Otherwise, the ‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’ wouldn’t pa.s.s this ‘Heavenly Punishment Seal’ to me. Fang junior sister, please look after yourself.” The sound of Hua Tian Dou’s voice became intrigued, and he turned around, descending step by step down the stairs, seeming floating away with great demeanor.

“‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’, you must make a decision for my case.” Seeing that Hua Tian Dou had left, Jin Shi Tai suddenly dropped down, prostrating himself on the ground and staring at Fang Qing Xue with poisonous eyes.

“I already know of your incident and severed arm. Fang Qing Xue has already discussed it with me, that Shi Long Zi insisted on fighting with Ying Tian Qing when his skill wasn’t good enough. Since that puny Devil General severed your and Shi Long Zi’s arms, sooner or later I will go sever his. Otherwise, people will begin to believe that my Yu’hua School is afraid of his Xian’tian Devil Sect. This matter has no relation with Fang Qing Xue. Moreover, while in the ‘Underground Abyss’, Fang Qing Xue fought the ‘Demon G.o.d’s manifestation at the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ and underwent a great amount of tempering, allowing her to breath through once again. This is a great contribution to my Yu’hua School. Furthermore, it brings great honor to the school. I have already transmitted this news to the headmaster, and have decided to let her enter the ‘Small Immortal World’ to cultivate and breakthrough the ‘Heavenly Person’ level. Then, my Yu’hua School will have yet another fifth stage ‘Divine Realm’ pract.i.tioner. ‘Heavenly Person’ level cultivators are able to refine ling’qi level magic treasures.

The ‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’ paid no attention to Jin Shi Tai’s cry.

“What! She is already about to breakthrough into the ‘Heavenly Person’ stage?” Jin Shi Tai stared blankly ahead, his face showing a look of disbelief. Meanwhile, Jin Ri Lie’s eyebrows creased up.

The fifth stage of the ‘Divine Realm’, the ‘Heavenly Person’ stage, was incomparably important. At this stage, one became able to create large arrays using their Divine Will; one would be able to communicate with the heavens. Infinite power, but more importantly the ability to begin refining various kinds of high level ling’qi, and perhaps even bao’qi. Furthermore, one’s life span would greatly increase, up to eight hundred years old.

The ‘Divine Realm’ had ten stages, the first one being the ‘Mana’ stage.

The second stage was the ‘Primal Qi’ stage.

The third stage was the ‘Basic Universe’ stage, also known as the ‘Universal Qi’ stage.

The fourth stage was the ‘Yin Yang’ stage.

The fifth stage was the ‘Heavenly Person’ stage.

The sixth stage was the ‘Become One’ stage. At this stage, one would become able to train in numerous Divines as one no longer needed to be afraid of the various types of mana conflicting with each other. Thus it was considered the stage where thousands of mana became one.

The seventh stage was the ‘Divine Seed’ stage. One would become able to condense various Divines to form golden pellet seeds.

The eighth stage was known as ‘Fire and Wind Eighty Catastrophes’.

The ninth stage was known as ‘Heaven and Earth Metamorphosis’.

The tenth stage was known as ‘Rebelling Against Heaven, Changing Fate’.

The ten stages of the ‘Divine Realm’. Each stage was harder to cultivate than the previous one. Every breakthrough required one to experience countless calamities, as well as have the luck, wisdom, and perseverance.

Even amongst the true disciples, the number that could cultivate to the fifth stage, ‘Heavenly Person’, were very few. Upon arriving at the ‘Heavenly Person’ stage, one became able to make huge contributions to the school, strengthening the school’s power. Thus, they were extremely important to the school.

“Hmph! ‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’! Son, you need to consider everything when you do things. That girl and the son of the ‘Devil Emperor’ are consorts. If you let her enter my Yu’hua School’s holy cultivation grounds, the ‘Small Immortal World’ and something happens, how will you take responsibility?” suddenly shouted Jin Ri Lie.

“It is unnecessary for you to try and find fault with certain matters, Jin Ri Lie. Your child is useless. You will have to suffer extreme hardships in order to obtain a ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’ for him to consume. His cultivation is slow and doesn’t progress. Did you think that I would let him obstruct the way of a true disciple with limitless potential?”

The sound of the ‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’s voice became lazy again, speaking extremely discourteously. The deepness of his cultivation was immeasurable. They were the most frightening elder amongst the ‘Yu’hua School’ elders.

“Hmph! This matter, I will personally report it to the school head. I shall thoroughly express my pain and have the headmaster make a decision. I am too lazy to stay here and fight with you,”said Jin Ri Lie as he pulled up Jin Shi Tai.

“Go ahead.”

The ‘Heavenly Punishment Elder’ let them leave, lazily retorting with those two words as they watched Jin Ri Lie leave.

“Qing Xue, from today on, you can go to the ‘Small Immortal World’. You do not need to think about anything, just focus on breaking through to the next stage.”


Amid the ‘Crouching Immortal Courtyard’, three days pa.s.sed. This morning, Fang Han awoke from his dreams. He stretched a bit, his entire body cracking and letting off hideous sounds.

His fascia relaxed, his bones cracking, and his skin and muscles tearing. His entire body showed signs of great vitality and vigor.

As he stood up, his body was a full half a head taller than before!

Over the course of three days, he had grown so much.

Casually grabbing out with his hand towards his hard wooden bed, a piece of it broke off like tofu. Afterwards, he grabbed a porcelain tea cup. Gently pinching it, the cup immediately broke. Just from him slightly pinching it, it became powder and fell to the ground.

Such great strength! I feel like I have at least the power of eight or nine horses now! Let’s go to the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ and see how powerful they are.