Eternal Life

Chapter 58

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 58


Ha ha, Fang Han, I had originally wanted to help you. I never would have thought that you would actually be able to refine some of the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’s void shadow qi force. Just how, could this tiny, shapeless ‘Heavenly Devil’ be able to withstand the ‘Devil Emperor’s qi force! This dispersed qi and spirit is just enough for me to refine a pellet!

Afterwards, Yan’s body appeared within Fang Han’s mind. Waving its claws, the dispersed ‘Heavenly Devil’ turned into numerous streams of light and collected itself within Yan’s claw. Yan then reentered the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’.

Fang Han hurriedly immersed his mind within the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’. He watched Yan throw the fragmented pieces of the ‘Heavenly Devil’ into the water of the ‘Yellow Springs River’. It pointed its claw, and the river water wrapped around the fragmented pieces of the ‘Heavenly Devil’. The sound of constant washing emanated out. It washed for about an hour before the river water dispersed. An oily, sky blue pellet about the size of a mung bean floated atop the river.

So small, it is only the size of a mung bean? Those ‘Blood Pellets’ were so large! The difference is rather great. Also, alchemy is this easy? I read in “The World” that Yu’hua School alchemists require high quality pellet furnaces and extreme amounts of medicinal materials. Moreover, there’s the mixing ratio and the knowledge of when to use mild heat and fierce heat. Also, one has to constantly inject their mana to purify the materials of impurities. It’s so easy to fail the refinement. Even true disciples, after a few months, might not have refined a single pellet. Your refining process is too easy, ah.

Fang Han knew all of the difficulties faced during alchemy.

‘Divine Realm’ cultivators generally didn’t eat food, and only ate pellets. This was because within pellets, the nutrition and energy was extremely refined and pure. Ordinary food simply couldn’t match pellets. Those who consumed pellets, their flesh would never age.

The use of the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’, is actually as a giant pellet furnace. It doesn’t do much against enemies in battle, but it refines pellets very quickly. Compared to the Yu’hua School’s bao’qi Immortal Pot, it is much more powerful. That year, the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ created this picture for the sake of providing pellets for the millions of disciples of his sect. In the future, after I’ve recovered my powers, should you open a sect or erect a school with a large number of disciples, you’ll have to rely on the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’.

The Huang’quan Sect has millions of disciples, doesn’t that make it larger than the Yu’hua School?

Of course. In the past, the Huang’quan Sect was the number one sect amongst the Devil Sects, and was the creator of a place called the ‘Netherworld’ where the ten personal disciples of the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ controlled life and death. The ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ even wanted to construct his own path of reincarnation so that all of the living creatures which died between the earth, heavens, and cosmos could have their spirits captured and marked by his disciples. Then, based on their kindness or evilness, he would let them be reborn again. He would arrange the fate of all of the living creatures within the heavens and earth. Kind people would have good fates, while evil people would receive eternal punishment! Because of this, he suffered the envy of the heavens! In the end, he died.

To create his own path of reincarnation!

Although Fang Han’s heart was above the sky, and was bent on cultivating to the ‘Divine Realm’ and then the ‘Longevity Realm’, his heart was still shaken to the limit by the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’s ambition.

A person’s death was like a light being extinguished. After one died, their spirit marking would dissipate, unless they had a special reason, in which case their spirit remained and became a ghost. However, even these would quickly disappear.

The ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ had wanted to construct an immense world encircling net. Between the heavens and earth, after each creature died, their spirits would immediately appear in front of the disciples of the Huang’quan Sect, where they would be marked and stored. Afterwards, according to their goodness and badness, their afterlife fates would be decided.

What level of great qi was this?

What level of a project?

Level of determination?

People who commit violent acts of lawlessness wear golden belts, while those who build bridges and repair roads are left without corpses! Between these heavens and earth, there is no justice! In heaven, there also is no good or bad. Those who behave atrociously are the ones who live for hundreds of years while those who live properly just die on the streets! Those with powerful ‘Divine Wills’ show no regard for human life! Thus! Thus we must differentiate good and bad, and let those who are good receive good fortunes! Let those who do evil things receive judgment! We need to let every being between the heavens and earth understand that the G.o.ds are only three chi above their heads. That their every action is being watched by the G.o.ds! Even those who have cultivated ‘Divine Will’ and attained longevity are no exception. Thus, the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ hoped to construct his own path of reincarnation and let those between the heavens and earth understand the word, judgment!

[TL: It originally says two characters as judgment is two characters in Chinese]

Yan roared and growled these words within Fang Han’s mind!

Everyone said we were Devils! But the things we did! They were honorable things! Unquestionably honorable! Everything was done to let the word judgment be known between heavens and earth!

Murderers shall pay their lives, just like how debtors pay their money. It is just a matter of course, but within this world, those who murder often don’t pay their lives. Debtors who don’t pay back are even more common. Let those between the heavens and earth know the word, judgment!

Let those between the heavens and earth know the word, judgment!

That three chi above their heads are G.o.ds!

For the good, a long life of hundreds of years, enjoying extreme riches.

For the evil, a violent death and eternal torture.

Justice! Judgment! Good and bad!

Was this the dream of the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor?

Those of the Huang’quan Sect killed creatures to refine pellets and increase their strength, isn’t that also atrocious behavior? questioned Fang Han. At first, he had been roused by Yan’s words, his blood boiling with each word, but now he had calmed back down.

In order to reach the pinnacle of the light, one must use dark means. In the past, the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ was indecisive about this matter as well. However, in the end, he decided that as long as there wasn’t any great destruction, there wouldn’t be any serious repercussions. This is a heavenly principle. But he has since died.

In order to reach the pinnacle of light, one must use dark means. Perhaps this is the reason why the ‘Yellow Springs Great Emperor’ failed. To use dark means to cast justice, what kind of justice is that? If you yourself are evil, then why do you want others to be good? muttered Fang Han. Afterwards, he rhetorically continued,The things that I have done this life, I haven’t killed a single good person. When I fought those overseers of the Fang Mansion, that was because they bullied me too much. If one has hatred, one has to release their hatred. If one has resentment, one has to release their resentment. Killing desert bandits, ‘Yasha’, ‘Shura’, ‘Heavenly Devils’, that was all because they were evil and were going to eat people. The ‘Heavenly Devil’ just now tried to eat me, and had entered my mind. I had to kill it. These are things that must be done. Liu Kang was killed by Hong Yi. Although he threatened me, he didn’t deserve to die. I didn’t have the thought of killing him, and even saved him. As for Mo senior sister and that group, if I were someone who used dark means, then I would have killed them, verifying their deaths. However, it doesn’t mean that one has to live doing nothing. Taking their flying swords was firstly for my survival and secondly because they were plotting against me. They wanted the Devil treasure upon my body, and were ready to use me as cannon fodder. Thirdly, I killed the ‘Pink Prince’ and can be considered their savior. If not for me, they definitely would have been killed by the ‘Pink Prince’ and their flying swords would have still been s.n.a.t.c.hed away.

Fang Han a.n.a.lyzed the things that he had done so far in his life one by one in his mind. Fang Han realized that he himself had never done anything that was horribly wrong. In all fairness, the things that he had done all needed to be done, and weren’t done using dark measures. They couldn’t be considered on the ‘Devil Path’.

This kind of questioning himself in his heart clarified a lot for him. While he was in his trance, he felt as if his spirit had opened up to him. His mind seemed to have been penetrated by something, his spirit condensing with the l.u.s.ter of a treasure.

The l.u.s.ter of a treasure.

Fang Han could feel that within his mind, sliver after sliver of his spirit had begun to give off the l.u.s.ter of a treasure. Although it wasn’t very strong and was mild, it was a solid glow. His spirit’s will had gained an extremely great tempering.