Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 154 - Have Not Gone Crazy (Part 2)

Chapter 154 - Have Not Gone Crazy (Part 2)

"Qiang Wei was the key. Did you still want to use that key to seize the golden piece in our hands? Now, you are completely out of the game!" Meng Tai stated coldly.

Qiang Wei"s head, her snake hair still writhing, flew into the air before slowly disappearing. Until the very end, there was a look of disbelief in her eyes.

At this point, the transparent weiqi pieces were just like loose sand.


Meng Tai and Wei Yang respectively split their black and white pieces, and sent them smas.h.i.+ng into the transparent pieces. In the blink of an eye, mult.i.tudes of transparent pieces were smashed into pieces. Afterwards, they were surrounded by ten thousand black and ten thousand white pieces in one corner of the weiqi board.

With Fu Xue out of the game, only Meng Tai and Wei Yang remained as players!

At almost the same time, Wei Yang and Meng Tai smacked a palm towards one another.

The two palms clashed with each other with a deafening crash. Just like acting in a concerto, each of them drew a terrifying amount of power from their remaining twenty thousand or so pieces.

Behind Wei Yang and Meng Tai each stood over twenty thousand cultivators, their palms at the backs of the two as their strength was forcefully drawn out.

Wei Yang and Meng Tai were locked in a stalemate.

The black and white pieces were locked in a stalemate as well.

"Meng Tai, you sure are ruthless! You killed Qiang Wei that easily, she was your biological sister! Ah, right, you killed Yue Yao too, she was also your biological sister! Hahaha!" Wei Yang shouted grimly.

"What?" Hearing this, Li Wei"s countenance changed for the worse.

Yue Yao was Meng Tai"s sister!?

Meng Tai coldly looked back at Wei Yang. He wasn"t angered by Wei Yang at all, rather he coldly retorted, "My dear master, isn"t it all thanks to you? When Yue Yao was killed, I had no idea that she was my biological sister. As for Qiang Wei, she was demonized, she had to die. It"s your conspiracy that turned me cold-blooded!"

"Hmph, sinful b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you betrayed your master, killed your biological sister, and you still have the face to say this to me!? I have already betrothed Feng Ling to Li Wei. Today, you have nothing in this world!" Wei Yang said. There was a cold look on his face.

"What?" The deadpan look on Feng Ling"s face finally changed.

Li Wei, on the other hand, looked at Feng Ling opposite him excitedly.

Meng Tai, while locked in a stalemate with Wei Yang, turned his head and said coldly, "My dear master, do you think that your words are still useful at this moment? Feng Ling is mine; even if I am using her, she is still mine! You say I killed my sister? Isn"t it all because of you? In any case, are you any different? You plotted against your own daughter! And now, in order to make Li Wei listen to you, you have sold your daughter once again!?"

"Hmph, good, good, very good! I should not have let you go when you were just my apprentice, I should have nipped you right then!" Wei Yang said ruthlessly.

"Nipped me!? You couldn"t bear to! You arriving at this step is all because of us, we four brothers and sisters! It"s you who put us through all this! Do you think I still don"t know? Didn"t you do this all for the inheritance here? Hmph, back then, didn"t you abduct me from the Peony Clan when I was just a child, Li Wei from the Ding Long Sect, and Yue Yao from the Peony Clan again later? If it wasn"t for you, I would have been the Peony Clan"s patriarch now! Li Wei too would have been Ding Long Clan"s patriarch!" Meng Tai rebuked coldly.

"What? Meng Tai, what do you mean?" Li Wei"s eyes went wide with shock as he cried out.

"Third junior brother, you still have no idea!? You are the son of the last generation Ding Long Clan"s patriarch! Wei Yang abducted you and took you to the Golden Tong. Whereas I, Yue Yao, and Qiang Wei are the son and daughters of the previous Peony Clan"s patriarch! Feng Ling is Wei Yang"s daughter. Can"t you still understand?" Meng Tai swore coldly.

"When did you came to know?" Wei Yang looked grimly at Meng Tai.

"In the beginning, I still had no idea. But when I entered this game and looked at Qiang Wei, I understood everything, everything! Wei Yang, what a scheming b.a.s.t.a.r.d you are! You planned everything from that far back, all in order to get this inheritance!

"Elder Guanqi established the Golden Tong, the Ding Long Clan, and the Peony Clan in order to safeguard the seal. Elder Guanqi had already foreseen that the inheritance would come out in the sunlight this year. Therefore, he left three keys with the patriarchs of the three clans, all of whom turned their children into the key, to a.s.sist in solving the game today. But Feng Ling wasn"t enough for you, was she? You abducted the sons and daughters of the other two patriarchs. You wanted to swallow everything alone! Hahaha, unfortunately, you abducted the wrong children! I and Yue Yao weren"t the keys, Qiang Wei was!

"You were particularly controlling and attentive towards Feng Ling and Li Wei, you wanted them to be under your control in every matter. As for Yue Yao and I, you totally disregarded us. Therefore, it caused me and Yue Yao to be rebellious," Meng Tai stated flatly.

"But when all is said and done, I did raise you, didn"t I?" Wei Yang retorted back mercilessly.

"Yes, you did raise us, because you wanted to use us! At that time, Qiang Wei had not born yet, and you weren"t sure if we were the keys or not. We all had value!" Meng Tai spat icily.

"It"s useless to speak any more. Meng Tai, I heard that you even submissively gave Feng Ling to Li Wei, just for the dragon vein. You even handed over your own wife! Hahaha, weren"t you also using Feng Ling?" Wei Yang rebuked ruthlessly.

"So what? Feng Ling is my wife! If I hadn"t done so, I would have died! I owe her, and I will slowly repay her for this!" Meng Tai stated in a voice like steel.

Hearing this, a sliver of a forlorn smile emerged on the face of the nearby Feng Ling.

"Repay her? There is no need, you are about to die anyway!" Wei Yang fired back mercilessly.

While speaking, Wei Yang stretched his hand out in a pinching motion. A thread suddenly emerged, connected to Feng Ling.

When he pulled fiercely, Feng Ling"s body involuntarily flew into the air. In the blink of an eye, she was pulled over between the two of them. All the while, Meng Tai"s palm, holding the strength of over twenty thousand cultivators, was in motion to attack Wei Yang!

That palm was extremely powerful. So long as it came in contact with anyone, he or she would be killed in an instant!

Feng Ling was about to lose her life at the hands of Meng Tai!

Seeing this, Meng Tai"s face distorted. "You old b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you actually instilled some contraption in Feng Ling"s body? You would let Feng Ling die just for the inheritance?"

Just as his expression changed, Meng Tai diverted his palm to one side, trying to avoid Feng Ling.

"Hmph!" A sliver of a ruthless smile emerged on Wei Yang"s face as he pushed all of his strength into his own palm.

Meng Tai spurted out a mouthful of blood. As he wanted to avoid Feng Ling, he was struck by the attack!

"Die!" Wei Yang shouted in a grisly fas.h.i.+on.

"Father!" Tears immediately poured out of Feng Ling"s eyes. Looking at Wei Yang"s face, a hopeless look took over her face.

Even though Meng Tai had avoided her, under Wei Yang"s complete strength, Feng Ling would surely suffer from the aftereffects, and as such, she was dead for sure!

"No!" Suddenly, Li Wei shouted as he smashed fiercely into Wei Yang.

"What!? Vile b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Wei Yang hadn"t taken any precautions against Li Wei, and staggered from the blow. His palm strike was diverted to one side.

Feng Ling was saved. Wei Yang"s scheme had come to naught!


Meng Tai immediately launched a counterattack. His return palm strike landed unblocked on Wei Yang"s body.


"Ahhhh~!" The moment Wei Yang"s guard went down, he was sent flying. Under the terrifying impact, his entire body was badly disfigured.

Soon after, the twenty thousand phantoms behind him also disappeared.

BOOM! Meng Tai followed up with a backhand, landing on Li Wei"s body.


Li Wei was badly mutilated, coughing up blood as he was sent flying.

"Brother Li Wei!" Feng Ling cried out in shock.

Meng Tai was startled by Feng Ling"s att.i.tude, but without an ounce of hesitation, he grabbed the golden piece that had fallen out of Wei Yang"s hand.

In just one move, both golden pieces were now in Meng Tai"s hands!

"Hahaha, old man, now, all the black and white pieces are under my control! I am the only player! You lost! I am the winner, I am the sole winner, hahaha!" Meng Tai burst into grim laughter.

While laughing, he, once again mobilized the strength of golden pieces. The strength of all the black and white pieces, over forty thousand people, gathered towards him. A hideous look took over Meng Tai"s face as he drove his palm towards Wei Yang and Li Wei. "Die!"

"No!" Feng Ling suddenly shouted as she moved quickly, landing in front of Li Wei.

"What!?" Meng Tai"s face changed drastically. However, it was too late to withdraw his blow!

Meng Tai went all out to forcefully withdraw his strength, and the force of his palm weakened greatly. Nonetheless, the remaining strength was still far too terrifying. His palm strike struck Feng Ling with a deafening bang.

Feng Ling coughed up a mouthful of blood as she went weak and limp. That one palm of Meng Tai seemed to have crushed every bone in her body.

"No, no, no! Feng Ling, why? Why?" Meng Tai immediately rushed up to Feng Ling and picked her up in his embrace, shocked and horrified.

However, Feng Ling had already gone weak and limp already. Blood kept on flowing from her seven apertures.

"Feng Ling!" the weakened Li Wei, lying on one side, cried out miserably.

"Brother Li Wei! I am your Yue Yao!" Feng Ling suddenly said with a forlorn smile.

"No, Feng Ling. Have you gone crazy? Is it happening again? No, you aren"t Yue Yao!" Meng Tai shouted in shock and horror.

Feng Ling turned her head, gazing at Meng Tai. She was like the last radiance of the setting sun. Her face flushed red as he looked at Meng Tai. Caressing Meng Tai"s face, she gently shook her head and said with a forlorn smile, "I am not crazy. Husband, from the beginning, from the very beginning, I have been very sane, I always knew who you were."

"You are sane?" Meng Tai and Li Wei both looked at Feng Ling, flabbergasted.

"Everyone believed I was crazy, but I was not. Ke ke ke!" Feng Ling weakly continued, coughing up blood all the while.

Meng Tai quickly took out a pill and fed it to Feng Ling. But as soon as the pill entered her mouth, Feng Ling coughed up even more blood.

"No, no, no, why?" Meng Tai cried out, stunned.

"I love you! Husband, I love you. But you were too late! You returned too late!" Feng Ling, while coughing blood, said hopelessly.

"Late? What "late"?" Meng Tai started screaming as if he had gone crazy.

"The first two years in Brother Li Wei"s captivity, I still tried to resist, but he forced me to replace Yue Yao. In the third and fourth year, I could not hold on, bit by bit. I pretended to be Yue Yao before him, waiting for you, waiting for you to come back.

"But you never did.

"In the tenth year, I no longer rejected Brother Li Wei. But you were still in my heart. In the fifteenth year, I accepted Brother Li Wei, I accepted Yue Yao"s ident.i.ty. Perhaps, I couldn"t wait for you, I was Yue Yao from then on.

"After another five years, I hypnotized myself to be Yue Yao. I discovered that I was also happy. Even though Brother Li Wei sometimes took his temper out on me, he was really good to me. I slowly started liking Brother Li Wei. I was Yue Yao, I was willing to become Yue Yao. I liked being Yue Yao. I loved Brother Li Wei! I slowly began to forget you!

"But...but...why did you appear again?

"Why did you return so late?

"You were too late!

"After I had given my heart to Brother Li Wei, you finally returned!

"Why were you so late?

"Too late, too late, too late!" Feng Ling said weakly.

"Feng Ling, it doesn"t matter, I still came back, didn"t I? I still came back!" Meng Tai"s eyes turned red.

"Ke ke ke, Husband, I know you were using me, but I don"t blame you! I knew you married me because you wanted to use me. But I was happy, I don"t blame you! I also know you pushed me to Brother Li Wei, I still don"t blame you! It"s true, I never blamed you, Husband!" Feng Ling sighed. She was on her last breath.

"Feng Ling, nothing will happen to you!" Meng Tai cried out anxiously.

As he couldn"t feed her the pills, Meng Tai started to instill his True Yuan into Feng Ling"s body. However, Feng Ling"s internal organs were all messed up. She simply couldn"t be saved. Realizing this, Meng Tai"s eyes turned red.

"Husband, ke ke, I am about to die, I just have one last request, I know you won"t let Brother Li Wei go, I also won"t ask you to let him go, I just have one last request! Please!" Feng Ling could not keep her eyes open anymore.

"Tell me, tell me!" Tears began to roll down Meng Tai"s eyes as he cried out.

"After we die, please bury us together; let me be buried with Brother Li Wei, okay?" Two last drops of tears trickled down from the corner of Feng Ling"s closed eyes.

Slowly, Feng Ling stopped breathing.

Hugging Feng Ling, Meng Tai"s face turned stiff.

Feng Ling"s last request was actually to be buried with Li Wei!? Buried with Li Wei?

Feng Ling"s bleak words echoed in his mind.

"Too late! You returned too late!"

"Too late! You returned too late!"

"Too late! You returned too late!"...

Like a devil"s temptation, these words filled Meng Tai"s mind. Meng Tai kept on hugging Feng Ling. His eyes were filled with tears. His entire body had gone numb.

At the last moment, Feng Ling chose Li Wei! Too late!?...

"Feng Ling!" Li Wei called out in despair.