Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 110 - Gu Han Taking a Master

Chapter 110 - Gu Han Taking a Master

After having been whipped and spurred for a long time, the team of horses had already reached their limits. Some of the horses were so exhausted that they had collapsed to the ground, leaving their riders to abandon them and run ahead on foot.

"Faster, I have a stable just ahead!" shouted Gu Hai.

"Yes, my Lord!" his men answered, following closely.

Very soon, Gu Hai and his party arrived at a stable.

The old owner of the stable stood respectfully at the entrance. Three thousand horses had long been saddled up and were ready to ride.

"Whoa!" Gu Hai and his party members pulled at their bridles, stopping their horses.

"My Lord, as per the message sent through the flying pigeon a few days back, I started readying the horses when I saw the beacon. These are our best horses! Does my Lord want to rest a bit?" the old owner reported respectfully.

"I can"t, we are in a hurry!" Gu Hai replied urgently.

Once all of the men had changed their horses, Gu Hai spurred his mount at once, galloping onward. The old stable owner who was left behind, bowed down respectfully in Gu Hai"s direction.

Along the way, Gu Hai and his men changed their horses several times. After only a few days, they finally returned to Tiger Cage Pa.s.s.

"We are here!" cried out Chen Tianshan.

With Tiger Cage Pa.s.s in sight, everyone urged their horses onwards. Once the giant gates of Tiger Cage Pa.s.s were opened, they made a beeline towards Gu Mansion.

As they rushed forward, their taut nerves slowly relaxed.

The small town was still okay!

"G.o.dfather!" As soon as Gu Qin and Gu Han received the news, they came over to welcome Gu Hai.

"Thank the heavens you are all right!" Gu Hai heaved a sigh of relief.

"G.o.dfather, it"s all thanks to Bodhisattva Lian Sheng! Without him, our townsmen would have suffered!" said Gu Qin right away.

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng?" Gu Hai"s expression changed.

He looked about, and immediately spotted Bodhisattva Lian Sheng standing not too far away. Seeing Gu Hai notice him, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng brought his hands together as he bowed down a little towards Gu Hai.

Gu Hai immediately went forward to greet Bodhisattva Lian Sheng. Along the way, Gu Qin gave him a brief report on everything. When Gu Hai arrived before Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, he had a general idea as to what went down.

"Thank you very much, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, or only the heavens how many good people of this town would have died!" Gu Hai thanked Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, extremely grateful.

"Mister Gu, didn"t I say, we will meet again very soon?" said Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, a smile on his face.

"Oh?" Gu Hai"s countenance changed at once.

"Speaking of it, I also need Mister Gu"s approval this time!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng turned serious as he continued.

A puzzled look immediately appeared on Gu Hai"s face. Nonetheless, Gu Hai still stretched his hand out, inviting Bodhisattva Lian Sheng in. "Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, please come inside, let"s talk inside my Gu Mansion!"

"Very well!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng nodded his agreement.

While Gu Hai invited Bodhisattva Lian Sheng inside, Gu Qin also lead the three thousand men back into the Gu Mansion.

The four captains followed just right behind him.

However, when Shangguan Hen saw Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, a slight frown crossed his face at once. He discretely retreated to the back, as if he didn"t want Bodhisattva Lian Sheng to notice him.

Very soon, Gu Hai and the others stepped inside the array.

By now, the number of cultivators who were keeping an eye on Gu Hai and his men had decreased by a lot. Some of them had retreated outside of the town. After all, the scene from before was quite appalling.

In a huge hall of the Gu Mansion...

Gu Hai and Bodhisattva Lian Sheng took a seat. Gu Qin and Gu Han served tea to the two men before taking seats as well.

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, I have received your help several times but have not repaid you once. So, whatever Bodhisattva Lian Sheng needs, please let me know, this lowly one would spare no effort to do it!" Gu Hai proclaimed solemnly.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng stared at Gu Hai. "Mister Gu, this poor monk has heard all your deeds, again and again, you won against all odds. You are no ordinary character!"

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, you are just being polite! Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, what can I do for you?" Gu Hai remained unmoved and kept looking at Bodhisattva Lian Sheng.

"Do you remember me saying that I sensed a familiar aura on you? Now, I have found the source of that aura. Therefore, all I can do is brazenly ask for a person from Mister Gu!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng declared, a smile on his lips.

"Ask for a person?" Gu Hai frowned his brow.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, on the other hand, simply looked at Gu Han.

"Gu Han?" Gu Hai asked, perplexed.

"I wish to take Gu Han as my apprentice! For it, I need Mister Gu"s approval!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai was taken by surprise.

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, what is the meaning of this?" Gu Han suddenly cried out as well.

"Gu Han, when looking at me, do I give you a familiar feeling?" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng said as he pursed his lips into a smile.

Gu Han face was immediately lined with a deep frown. However, he didn"t refute the statement, just nodded his affirmation.

"That"s right, I have been searching for you for far too long!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng heaved a sigh.

"I don"t understand, I beg Bodhisattva Lian Sheng to explain!" Gu Han shook his head.

Gu Han and Gu Qin also looked to the Bodhisattva.

"About twelve hundred years ago, there were three monks who would chant Buddhist sutras daily. But gradually, the three realized that the way of Buddhahood of the current world had largely deviated from the Buddha in their heart, for only those who are greatly enlightened can become Buddhas. But since a Buddha is enlightened, he is detached from feelings, detached from everything in the world. Only who is uncontaminated by the mortal world can reach Buddhahood. Untainted by the world? A Buddha who is unaffected by mortal feelings, has no seven emotions, has no heart, is merciless!

“When all living beings are suffering, seeking Buddha for salvation, how can a Buddha who has no heart, who is merciless, pity the people? How can he bring salvation to common people when he sees them as ants? Is this still the Buddha that people want? If the people don"t need this Buddha, then, what"s the meaning of the existence of that Buddha?" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng spoke as furrows lined his brow.

"Oh?" A line also appeared on Gu Hai"s brow.

"So, these three monks traveled to holy lands to meet the Buddha and seek answers!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng said, recalling his past.

"Ask the Buddha?"

"Yes, ask the Buddha. But unfortunately, they didn"t get any answer whatsoever. On the contrary, they were labeled as "heretics". Two of the heretics met with an inexplicable calamity. They died and their dao was eliminated, leaving one of the monks behind to walk the ends of heaven and earth in a daze!" narrated Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, heaving a slight sigh.

"So the one who was left alive was Bodhisattva Lian Sheng?" Gu Han asked, frowning more deeply.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng nodded in affirmation as he looked at Gu Han and said, "Yes! Your Excellency, on the other hand, is the reincarnation of one of my two friends. You have one of their earth soul. Therefore, when you look at me, you find me familiar. Back then, you and me together practiced Buddhism, together we went to question the Buddha!"

Hearing this, Gu Han"s face turned stiff. He didn"t want to admit this. Turning his head, he looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai also did not rush to answer. He simply sat there in silence. The huge hall sank into complete silence.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng didn"t say anything, and waited quietly.

As for the authenticity of this matter, Gu Hai had no idea for the moment. However, if Bodhisattva Lian Sheng wanted to forcibly take Gu Han away, he was simply powerless to stop him.

After a period of silence, Gu Hai turned his head and said, looking at Gu Han, "Gu Han, what do you think?"

"G.o.dfather, I don"t know, but I still want to remain by G.o.dfather"s side!" Gu Han spoke out, a complex look on his face.

Hearing this, Gu Hai went silent for a while once more before he answered, shaking his head, "I have already stepped into the world of cultivation. The future is full of uncertainty, maybe everything will be smooth sailing, or maybe, we will face a crisis at every turn. We can"t place all our eggs in one basket. Gu Han, this is an opportunity for you. Father feels that you should take Bodhisattva Lian Sheng as your master!"

"I?" Gu Han"s eyes were filled with an unwilling look.

The nearby Gu Qin did not cut in at all.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng"s eyes flickered with grat.i.tude, looking at Gu Hai.

Gu Han stared at Gu Hai and noticed an adamant look in his eyes.

Finally, Gu Han took a long, deep breath as he said solemnly, "G.o.dfather, I will obey you!"

"Pay your respects!" Gu Hai said, taking a deep breath.

Gu Han promptly stood up and kowtowed to Bodhisattva Lian Sheng.

"Master, please accept your disciple"s three kowtows!"

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" Gu Han slammed his head down three times, extremely serious.

"Good, very good, Gu Han, continue to practice Buddhism with your master from now on. You will become a true Buddha! For taking you as my apprentice, your master doesn"t have anything good to give you, take this Subduing Devil Band first!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng exclaimed.

While speaking, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng handed an armlet out to Gu Han.

[TLN: I say armlet, but it is more like a wristband stringed together with beads, or so I think.]

Gu Han looked at Gu Hai.

"A gift given by the elders cannot be rejected. Even more so, when it"s your master! Take it!" Gu Hai nodded his a.s.sent.

Gu Han nodded and carefully took the gift.

"This Subduing Devil Band comes with a small s.p.a.ce, which can be used to store stuff," said Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, cracking a smile.

"Yes, Master!" Gu Han nodded.

"Thank you very much, Mister Gu, for helping me. Since I have taken Gu Han as an apprentice, I must take leave. I don"t have time, I can also sense the reincarnation of my other friend in the west! His aura is appearing and disappearing now and then, I must leave with Gu Han immediately!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng said thankfully with another look at Gu Hai.

"Can I trouble you to wait for half a day! Gu Han is leaving, let me help him pack his luggage, and then talk to him a bit!" said Gu Hai in a serious manner.

"Very well!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng nodded his acknowledgment.

Gu Qin rushed here and there, gathering many supplies for Gu Han and organizing them.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, was having a talk with Gu Han alone.

"G.o.dfather, why did you ask me to become his apprentice, I...!" asked Gu Han, frowning.

But Gu Hai stretched his hand out, cutting Gu Han off. He shook his head, pointing at pen and ink to one side.

Gu Han"s expression changed as he nodded.

"Gu Han, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng is very benevolent. I have met many people who had said the same thing. More importantly, he had helped me several times. He must be really benevolent! You must learn properly from Bodhisattva Lian Sheng all the way, you must not act poorly and give him the cold-shoulder!" said Gu Hai.

At the same time, he started to write on a piece of paper---

I have not met Bodhisattva Lian Sheng many times. I also cannot see through him. Whether he is good or bad, you have to see to it yourself. However, if he truly accepts you as his apprentice, you must give your best in learning from him so that you can be stronger. I can"t have the same disaster like with your mother repeated in my Gu Mansion!

"Yes! G.o.dfather, don"t you worry, I will properly learn from the master!" Gu Han nodded solemnly.

"I have asked your brother to prepare things for you, when you leave, take them with you. They can make your life a bit more comfortable, at the very least!" said Gu Hai.

While speaking, he once again started writing---

Remember, everyone is pursuing something, I don"t believe there is a person who desires nothing, I can"t either believe it totally or totally disbelieve it! You must think twice before anything!

"Yes, thank you father, I will remember everything!" Gu Han nodded in a serious manner.

BAM! Suddenly, the gates were pushed open.

"G.o.dfather, Second Brother, I have prepared everything for Second Brother!" Gu Qin entered the room.

"Gu Han, you must be careful on this road. We will meet you in the Divine Continent later!" said Gu Hai, while writing on the paper at the same time...

I don"t have an inkling of an idea how to practice Buddhism. However, I have six words for you, perhaps they will be useful to you, or perhaps they will be utterly useless. Remember them! You can try to understand their mysteries by yourself.

Om mani padme hum!---

[TLN: Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ (Sanskrit: ॐ मणिपद्मे हूँ) is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly a.s.sociated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara.

The first word Om is a sacred syllable found in Indian religions. The word Mani means "jewel" or "bead", Padme is the "lotus flower" (the Buddhist sacred flower), and Hum represents the spirit of enlightenment.]

Having finished writing, Gu Hai threw that piece of paper into the brazier.

Om mani padme hum?

Gu Han"s eyes flashed with a confused look. Nonetheless, he nodded in a serious manner and said, "Yes!"

When the piece of paper had been burned completely, Gu Hai and his sons walked out of the room.

The courtyard outside the room was already filled with supplies. Bodhisattva Lian Sheng was waiting on one side.

Gu Han stretched his hand out and whisked all the things into the storage s.p.a.ce of Subduing Devil Band.

"Mister Gu, I will be taking Gu Han with me!" Bodhisattva Lian Sheng burst into laughter as he watched.

Gu Hai nodded his acknowledgment.

"Second Brother, take care of yourself!" Gu Han was a bit reluctant to part.

Gu Han nodded to Gu Qin before he turned around and kowtowed to Gu Hai. Only when he had knocked his head three times did he stood up.

"Let"s go!" With a wave of Bodhisattva Lian Sheng"s hand, he and Gu Han soared into the sky. In the blink of an eye, they were already at the horizon.

As they gazed into the distance, watching Bodhisattva Lian Sheng"s and Gu Han"s silhouettes getting smaller and smaller, Gu Qin asked with a frown, "G.o.dfather, why did you not ask Bodhisattva Lian Sheng for his help with the Clear River Sect"s problem?"

"There are some people you can owe, and there are some you cannot!" replied Gu Hai, shaking his head.

Chapter Notes:

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