Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 116 - Attack the Song Jia Sect Again

Chapter 116 - Attack the Song Jia Sect Again

Onboard the flying s.h.i.+p…

Gu Hai gave a rundown of everything in detail to Grandmaster Liunian. While Grandmaster Liunian"s brow was deeply furrowed as he listened.

Suddenly, cracking sounds suddenly rose from the region where the three thousand statues were placed.

"Huh?" The duo promptly turned their heads to look, only to see one of the statues quaking. The gray stone-like hue of the statue was slowly fading away.

"Shangguan Hen?" Gu Hai"s eyebrows twitched.

A stream of black qi suddenly emerged from the statue, before it abruptly shook and came back to life.

Shangguan Hen took a long, deep breath. He had actually recovered on his own!

"Shangguan Hen, are you alright?" Gu Hai asked him, surprised.

"My Lord, I am alright now! Where are we?" Shangguan Hen nodded his acknowledgment.

"We have already left the Clear River Sect! By the way, this is Grandmaster Liunian!" Gu Hai waved at the nearby Grandmaster Liunian.

"Greetings, Grandmaster Liunian!"

Grandmaster Liunian, on the other hand, stared at Shangguan Hen, frowning as he asked, "How did you break the curse? Why can you break it?"

Shangguan Hen just frowned, and remained silent.

The nearby Gu Hai, on the other hand, simply asked, "Shangguan Hen, can you remove their curses?"

Shangguan Hen shook his head and said, a bitter smile on his lips, "My Lord, I was able to free myself because of some special reasons. I am unable to help them with my current strength!"

"Very well! Thank the heavens you have recovered! Now, look after them, you can"t let anything happen to them!" Gu Hai ordered, a serious look on his face.

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguan Hen promptly replied.

Curiosity was all over Grandmaster Liunian"s face, but since Gu Hai didn"t pursue Shangguan Hen"s reason, he had no choice but to endure.

The flying s.h.i.+p flew at its top speed. In just two hours it had reached the Gu Mansion!

At this moment, many cultivators were fighting all around the Gu Mansion.

"You idiots, why are stopping us? That Hundred Years Longevity Peach is just placed there, if you don"t want it, don"t stop me!"

"f.u.c.k off, if I let you take and eat that Hundred Years Longevity Peach, then, what about this father"s spirit stone? I have loaned out a high-grade spirit stone. If I let you eat that peach, then, what the h.e.l.l am I going to get back?"

"I will give you two high-grade spirit stone, f.u.c.k off now!"

"Don"t even think about it, you want to eat the Hundred Years Longevity Peach for just two high-grade spirit stones, are you dreaming?"...

The scene below was totally chaotic!

"They are fighting among themselves!" Grandmaster Liunian stated as another frown crept up on his face.

"A conflict must have occurred between the guys who loaned me their spirit stones and those who haven"t. It"s a dispute of interests, as it has always been!" Gu Hai snorted knowingly.

Sighing, Gu Hai jumped down from the boat, landing next to the Hundred Years Longevity Peach.

"Who is it?"

"Gu Hai?" The crowd was surprised.

But in the next moment, Gu Hai stretched his hand out, covering the jade box which had the Hundred Years Longevity Peach. And with a flip of his hand, the box was taken inside his storage s.p.a.ce.

"Gu Hai, what are you doing?" many cultivators roared out angrily.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for lending me your spirit stones. Very soon, someone will come out, please take out your IOUs for them, they will repay your spirit stones!" Gu Hai shouted at the top of his voice.

"We will be repaid?" Many cultivators" eyes shone brightly.

And then the enormous flying s.h.i.+p slowly landed within the cloudy array.

"That"s an Ascendant Hall flying s.h.i.+p!"

"Fortunately, we didn"t act recklessly!"

"Ascendant Hall people have entered the Gu Mansion!?"...

Many people rejoiced.

Not long after, a crowd of Gu Mansion managers placed tables just outside Gu Mansion once more, and began handing spirit stones out to the crowd of cultivators.

"There you go, two high-grade spirit stones with interest for the one you loaned us.. Please sign here!" the old manager said as he handed out two high-grade spirit stones.

"Good, very good, there are really two! Hahaha!"...

Outside the Gu Mansion, peals of laughter and cries of joy rang out endlessly. At the sight of the lenders receiving their spirit stones plus interest, the people who had not loaned out their spirit stones had eyes filled with envy and regret. They could not help but think, Had I known this, I would have loaned some out. Double the return in just a few days!...

One after another, they turned their gazes to Gu Mansion, hoping for Gu Hai to borrow from them once more.

Inside the Gu Mansion, Gu Hai was standing in the Soaring Heaven PaG.o.da, overseeing the servants who were running about Gu Mansion burying the spirit stones.

"My Lord, I am done here!"

"My Lord, I am also done here!"

"My Lord, I am also finished here!"...

The voices of the servants rose from here and there inside the array.

"Rise!" Gu Hai shouted aloud as he stretched out his hand and grabbed a spirit stone from the nearby weiqi board in his fingers.

Promptly swirling clouds of mist rose everywhere around them.

"Gu Qin, can you feel it?" Gu Hai looked at Gu Qin.

At this moment, Gu Qi was holding a spirit stone in the shape of weiqi piece.

"G.o.dfather, is this 28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array? I can feel it, I can feel its tremendous power. I can manipulate it!" answered Gu Qin, his eyes wide open in surprise.

"Good, Grandmaster Liunian and I will be leaving very soon, you have to hold the house. If you have any problems, you can ask Shangguan Hen!" Gu Hai told him patiently.

"Yes!" Gu Qin answered promptly.

"Shangguan Hen, during the time I am not here, these statues are under your care!" said Gu Hai, looking at Shangguan Hen seriously.

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguan bowed respectfully.

Having explained everything, Gu Hai raised his head, looking at the hovering flying s.h.i.+p above them.

He stamped his foot on the ground, making a huge jump up to the flying s.h.i.+p.

Grandmaster Liunian, on the other hand, was deeply enthralled by the array of clouds before him.

"Throne Master Gu, you sure arranged a very powerful array!" Grandmaster Liunian marveled.

"Grandmaster, we should leave, we need to save the Hall Lord as soon as possible. We also have to find Li Qinghe and save my subordinates!" Gu Hai solemnly proposed.

Grandmaster Liunian nodded his affirmation.

With a wave of his hand, the flying s.h.i.+p headed towards the Song Jia Sect at top speed.

In but four hours, the flying s.h.i.+p arrived outside the Song Jia Sect.

"This is the Song Jia Sect!" Gu Hai"s eyebrows twitched at the sight before him.

The Song Jia Sect before him was already far different than the Song Jia Sect he had seen more than half a month ago.

All the tall mountains and steep ridges in the surroundings were no longer there. Instead, there was a vast sea stretching far and wide.

All the mountain valleys were flooded with water!

"This! Fu Xue must have dug up a few rivers to draw water here!" Gu Hai stated with surprise.

"No, it"s not the river but the sea. The terrain is low here. The sea is also not far away. Fu Xue must have dug a ca.n.a.l to flood this place with seawater!" Grandmaster Liunian stated, a furrow on his brow.

"Seawater? Why?" asked Gu Hai, puzzled.

"He is a flood dragon, after all. A flood dragon is strong in the water. Last time, your array managed to pin him down, but this time, it will not work. As long as there is water, he can raise the winds and waves, so it flooded this place with seawater. This sea is its power, its weapon. It can raise tsunamis and attack with them with a swing of its tail, how long do you think your array could hold on then?" Grandmaster Liunian explained. There was a deep furrow on his brow.

"Grandmaster, can you still capture him?" Gu Hai looked to Grandmaster Liunian.

"I am not sure. If there was no ocean here, I could take him down. But now, I don"t know as to what extent its strength has increased!" Grandmaster Liunian replied grimly.

"Oh? It seems Song Shengping and Li Qinghe have yet to return!" Gu Hai suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Grandmaster Liunian followed Gu Hai"s gaze and saw Song Jia Sect"s Golden Chrysalis Array surrounded by water. And the huge mountain valley at its entrance was sealed, apparently, to prevent water from flooding in. Inside the valley, there were about twenty thousand mortals tied up. They were wailing in panic.

"Great Immortal, please let us go, please let us go!"

"Devils, devils, you human eating devils!"

"Spare us, please, spare us!"...

The ordinary people were crying out in shock and horror, because on another side there were a score or so demonized disciples drinking wine and eating hearts and livers.

"Hahaha, who cursed me just now? It"s you, Your Father is going to eat you, hahaha!" a somewhat drunk demonized man proclaimed as he laughed and pointed at the citizen who was cursing him.

Hearing this, a terrified look immediately took over that man"s face.

Suddenly, a group of snakes stretched out, tearing open that man"s chest before they started eating that man"s heart and liver.

"Ah~!" The man let out a horrible shriek.

"No, please, no!" the citizens in the valley immediately cried out in horror and panic.

The demonized humans were devouring citizens" hearts and livers, leisurely and unhurried. There was no sense of urgency, not the slightest bit. Obviously, Song Shengping had yet to return.

"So gruesome, it"s like demons and devils are having a fest! Eating humans, hmph!" Grandmaster Liunian"s eyes went wide with anger.

"Grandmaster, restrain your anger!" Gu Hai abruptly stopped Grandmaster Liunian.

"Huh?" A frowning Grandmaster Liunian looked at Gu Hai.

"Let me resolve these twenty demonized men. And then, Grandmaster, you can congeal some mist, make them believe that I have come again with my three thousand subordinates. Don"t reveal your ident.i.ty. Let"s draw Fu Xue out first!" proposed Gu Hai calmly.

Grandmaster Liunian nodded in agreement. "I will send you a short distance ahead then!"

As Gu Hai nodded, a gentle power enveloped him, sending him to a faraway mountain valley. Grandmaster Liunian, on the other hand, flipped his hand, storing the flying s.h.i.+p away before condensing a huge cloud of mist, covering a small hilltop still rising above the ocean.

"Who was cursing me just now? Was it you?" that intoxicated demonized man said with a grim laugh.

"It wasn"t me, it wasn"t me!" the prisoner denied desperately..

"It was you!" The snakes on the disciple"s head lunged out, rus.h.i.+ng towards that man to bite.

"Ahhhhhhhh, help me!" the man screamed in panic.

"No one can save you, hahaha!"

The moment his peals of laughter reverberated, Gu Hai came down from the sky, sending a punch at that demonized man"s head.


That demonized man"s head was blasted into pieces, blood and greyish matter flew everywhere. The scene was too ghastly to look at.

"What?" The disciple"s faces twisted in shock.

In the next moment, Gu Hai unsheathed the long sword hanging on the dead disciple"s waist before turning his cold gaze on the remaining nineteen disciples.

"Gu...Gu Hai!?" The speaker"s eyes widened in sudden fear.

Without further ado, Gu Hai swung the long sword towards another intoxicated demonized man. As the longsword was swung, a huge streak of sword qi charged straight at that man, smas.h.i.+ng through that demonized disciple"s head in the blink of an eye.

Only at this time did the group of disciples react.

"Gu Hai is here, Gu Hai is here, inform the Ancestor!"

"Gu Hai is here, maybe those three thousand criminals are also here?"

"No, no, no, don"t kill me!"

The better part of the eighteen demonized men turned tail and ran towards the sect. The remaining five or six attacked Gu Hai.

At this moment, Gu Hai was already at the eighth level of the Xiantian Stage, and he was an external strength cultivator. He had explosive strength comparable to a Golden Core cultivator. Even if he wasn"t using the bone saber, the demonized men weren"t his opponents.


After just one clash with Gu Hai, a man and his weapon were smashed apart by Gu Hai. The remaining disciples had no choice but to flee in terror.

"Help, Gu Hai, help!" All the chained citizens in the valley were crying out for rescue.

Not all of the twenty thousand prisoners were mortals, there were some cultivators as well. There were many cultivators who had come to Nine-Five Island to try their luck, to the extent that many cities had cultivators in them.

A cultivator"s heart and liver were even more delicious, so how could the demonized men let them go? If they could capture them, then naturally, they would grab them all!

Chapter Notes:

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