Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 120 - Earning Fate by Slaughtering Devils

Chapter 120 - Earning Fate by Slaughtering Devils


"Kill him quickly, kill him quickly!"

"He ran over there, hurry up, block him!"

"Ah~!" "Ah~!" "Ah~!"...

Listening to the blood-curdling screams coming from inside the array, the twenty thousand mortals raised their fists and cheered with joy. To the ordinary citizens, Gu Hai had already turned into their strongest hero. Each and every one was praising for Gu Hai.

Hundreds of cultivators, on the other hand, drew a cold breath of air.

"Didn"t Gu Hai just enter the Xiantian Stage just over half a year ago?"

"That"s already the two thousandth scream! All of them were killed by Gu Hai alone!?"

"Hadn"t those fiends" strength risen by like five times?"


Just by listening to the horrific screams from the array, the cultivators could already understand how tragic the battle was.

If it were not for Gu Hai, everyone still would have had no idea what was going on inside. However, that was a whole different case now. How could Gu Hai be so terrifying?

After two hours, the racket and screams coming from the inside of the Golden Chrysalis Array stopped rather abruptly, as if the entire fight had come to a stop.

On a hillside within stood a wound-laden Gu Hai. His tattered clothes and messy hair, coupled with the swirling ma.s.s of black qi from the Life Severing Saber in his hand, the savage look on his face, and the piles of bones under his feet, made him appear like a peerless devil lord.

Surrounded by human bones that littered the ground like gra.s.s, Gu Hai gazed about, a cold gleam in his eyes.

All around the hillside, the demonized disciples who were swarming at Gu Hai had come to a stop, horror clearly written on their faces.

Up until now, the fiends were united by a will as strong as a fortress. But now, it seemed they had reached a critical point. When they discovered that Gu Hai was invincible, all the disciples" mentality changed.

A half... half of the disciples had died under Gu Hai"s hand already!

Looking at the piles of bones all around them, all the ruthlessness that the demonized men had harbored in their hearts was gone. All their bloodl.u.s.t had dissipated, and all their hopes had been shattered in the blink of an eye.

"He can"t be killed, he simply can"t be killed!"

"His True Qi is simply inexhaustible, his saber aura is only getting fiercer and fiercer!"

"He cannot be stopped, we are just seeking our deaths!"...

The remaining demonized men stared at Gu Hai in wide-eyed horror.

Sometimes, morale was a mysterious thing. If one"s morale was abundant, their battle force would soar to an unimaginable level. But when their morale was weak, the fighting ability would plummet at once.

At this time, Gu Hai had already crossed the most dangerous moment. The hardest part of the battle had come to an end. Now, it was time to harvest at will.

"Run, save me!"


Over two thousand disciples dispersed in an uproar. They no longer wanted to fight, it simply would not produce any results. No, there would be a result, but the result would be their deaths!

When the ones who feared no death came to fear death, they had almost had no heart for further fighting. Even when our wills were united, we couldn"t do anything to Gu Hai, so what can we do now?

"Now, you want to run? You, devils!" Gu Hai"s eyes widened in outrage as he charged down at the disciples with a savage look on his face.


"Don"t kill me, ah~!"

"Save me... ah~!"

"No, not me, don"t come after me, ah~!"...

The disciples fled in a panic, completely terrified. At this moment, it was no longer everyone hunting the lone Gu Hai, but Gu Hai alone was hunting all the demonized men!

A series of saber qi streaked through the air, harvesting the disciples" lives just like wheat. One by one, the disciples were killed by Gu Hai, turning into piles of bones.

As more and more skeletons appeared, as more and more of the disciples were killed, fear started to pervade the air. All the demonized disciples grew increasingly terrified, they had no courage to face Gu Hai.

All they could think of was escaping! Escaping as quickly as possible!

"The exit is blocked!? No, why is it blocked?"

"Hurry, let"s go around it!"

"Not good, Gu Hai is coming, Gu Hai is here, ah~!"...

With Gu Hai hunting them down, the disciples were simply too late to bypa.s.s the blocked exit. All they could do was get killed as they ran away in all directions.

Gu Hai grew increasingly valiant as the battle progressed. It was pure killing madness. Slaughtering them was far easier than before, so long as they were surrounded by the grand array of the Song Jia Sect.

"We are finished, we have to quickly deactivate the array. How can we deactivate the array?"

"Only Chief can deactivate the array, we can"t!"

"We have to hard break it, let"s give it a shot!"


The terrified disciples anxiously attacked the Golden Chrysalis Array. Nonetheless, they were unable to break it!

Back in the past, the Golden Chrysalis Array was the pride of the Song Jia Sect. As one of the five major sects of the Nine-Five Island, it had one of the strongest arrays possible.

But today, it was nothing more than a graveyard"s wall to everyone. They were simply unable to break it.

If they couldn"t escape, they would be caught by Gu Hai for certain!

Kill, kill, kill, kill!

Gu Hai simply didn"t show any mercy. Wherever he went, piles of bones blossomed. At this moment, Gu Hai seemed to have forgotten everything. He was nothing more than a killing machine that only knew how to kill, kill, and kill!

More and more demonized disciples were being killed by the moment.

Gu Hai simply didn"t get tired. Everywhere he went, the ground was soon littered with bones!

After two hours, less than a thousand remained of the demonized disciples of Song Jia Sect, who had once numbered over five thousand.

As their number kept on decreasing, they grew increasingly terrified.

"No, don"t kill me, what should I do?"

"Chief, save me!"

"Ancestor, help!"...

The demonized men had long been scared out of their wits. No matter where they fled, they just couldn"t shake Gu Hai. They were completely at his mercy!

"This won"t do, we have to stick together, we must gather around, ah~!" some demonized men started to shriek in panic.

Perhaps, with more people standing by their side, they could muster some courage…?

The remaining disciples once again started to gather together

However, they forgot that when there were far more people than now, when their wills were united like a fortress, Gu Hai did not fear them then. So, how could the meager remaining numbers of these terrified disciples stop him now?

"Very good, it saves me the trouble of running about everywhere, hmph!" Gu Hai let out a cold snort as he charged into the ma.s.s of them.


With Gu Hai rushed into the middle of the disciples, and all the demonized men started to get butchered at once.

In a flash, the ma.s.s of swirling black qi grew in size as more and more disciples were flung into the air by Gu Hai"s saber. By the time they crashed back to the ground, they had already been reduced to bare bones.

Very soon, the piercing screams were accompanied by the crackling of bones cras.h.i.+ng to the ground. This was the death knell that tolled, again and again, accompanied by the desperate screams of the disciples.

"Don"t kill me, it was not me, I didn"t eat anyone!"

"I didn"t eat human hearts, I will no longer eat human hearts!"

"I didn"t eat human flesh, let me go, it was not me!"...

The crowd of demonized men continuously begged for mercy, accompanied by their miserable screams. Hearing these pleadings, the hundreds of cultivators outside the array had confused look on their faces.

The twenty thousand mortals had not the faintest idea of Gu Hai"s strength, but they sure did.

The crowd of cultivators had heard everything, from the beginning, when the devils hunted Gu Hai, to now, when they were desperately begging for mercy. It was a lot for them to process.

What the h.e.l.l is going on inside? How did Gu Hai do it?

The battle of Grandmaster Liunian and flood dragon Fu Xue could only attract their attention for a moment, despite the fact that their battle was getting more violent and causing greater destruction. Everyone was only worried about what was going on inside the array.

There was almost no gap between the one new scream and the next, and when a scream fell, it never rose again!

The gap only grew shorter. Very soon, the miserable screams rose just as they fell. And then… the gap started to lengthen, the number of screams was getting fewer in number. Finally, the noise inside the array had gone completely quiet all of a sudden. There were no screams whatsoever...

There is no sound?

Hundreds of cultivators approached the array closer as they strained their ears to listen very closely, yet they could not hear anything coming from inside.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on?"

"What is happening inside?"...

An anxious look took over the faces of the cultivators.

Inside the array, Gu Hai was leaning on the Life Severing Saber he had thrust into the ground, panting for breath. The entire Song Jia Sect was in a mess. Everywhere there were piles of bones littering the ground. The scene looked no different than that of a ghost city from h.e.l.l.

Under his feet, the bones had piled up to the point that they resembled a small hill.

"Oh, Song Jia Sect?" A complex look appeared on Gu Hai"s face.

Once upon a time, Gu Hai would have never thought that he would slaughter the entire Song Jia Sect some day.

At the beginning, when he was just in Houtian Stage, he was looking for immortal sects, begging them to take him in. At that time, facing a giant like Song Jia Sect, he always found it too high to reach. But today, this high and lofty peak had collapsed under his hand! All its disciples had been completely ma.s.sacred by him!

After the battle, there were hundreds of wounds all over Gu Hai"s body. The most horrific wound was on his chest, which had almost opened up his ribcage. Fortunately, he had the Life Severing Saber which was pouring strength into his body continuously, nouris.h.i.+ng his body and healing him at an astonis.h.i.+ng pace.

However, even after devouring so many demonized men, he had not achieved a breakthrough! It was not that the strength was insufficient. No, it was more like he had reached a critical point. The strength was ama.s.sed in his body, but he was unable to break through!

Gu Hai furrowed his brow as he made his way down the mountain of bones, slowly walking towards that mountain valley he had seen earlier.

Above the valley, there was a pitch black sphere hovering in the air, sucking in the black qi that was emerging from the corpses in the valley below.

"What a cruel method!" Gu Hai observed, frowning.

Immediately after saying this, Gu Hai swung his saber at that black sphere.

The Ghost Relic quivered fiercely as the saber left a cut on it.

Ke ke ke ke ke!

Immediately after, the black qi from the Life Severing Saber enveloped the Ghost Relic as billions of tiny little skulls started to devour that sphere madly. It appeared that they greatly enjoyed the strange power of this black ball.

Ke ke ke ke ke!

The Ghost Relic appeared to be struggling, even counterattacking. However, before the Life Severing Saber, it simply had no place to run. All it could do was let itself be surrounded by the black qi and get devoured.

In the next moment, a raging stream of strength surged into Gu Hai"s body.

With this surging strength, an extremely uncomfortable feeling started to rise. The True Qi continued to acc.u.mulate in his body, but he simply was unable to breakthrough. It was very, very excruciating!


Suddenly, a crackling noise came from the Ghost Relic. All the resentment it had contained had been completely devoured by the Life Severing Saber, revealing a crystal ball which suddenly turned into a pile of dust that scattered away with the wind.

Outside the array, the flood dragon"s countenance suddenly changed. "Something has happened to the Ghost Relic!"

The flood dragon gave out a deafening roar, giving rise to even more violent waves that crashed down on Grandmaster Liunian.

Inside the array...

Gu Hai felt his entire body bloated with power. It was agonizing. His face was completely red. On the scabs of some of his wounds, cracks even started to emerge one after another, blood starting to trickle down from them.

"The Life Severing Saber is also imperfect! If too much strength isn"t fully a.s.similated, it will be a burden to me!" Gu Hai face turned completely red as he stood there in agony.

Just as he was preparing to leave, he turned around, and took a look at the corpses in the valley below.

Next, he took out a few explosive coffins and buried them halfway up the mountain sides of the valley before igniting their fuses.


The two huge peaks next to valley collapsed with a loud crash, burying all the corpses in the valley immediately, instantly creating an enormous grave.

Gu Hai heaved a slight sigh of sympathy. "You are also victims of this grisly calamity. You were devoured by these devils! However, I have already helped you kill all of them! All the devils have died under my saber. I have also built a grave for you! You can now rest in peace!"

Just as Gu Hai turned around and was about to leave...

Refres.h.i.+ng breezes started to blow towards Gu Hai

Gu Hai felt that marvelous feeling again.

Gu Hai"s countenance changed as he turned back around, gazing at the giant grave.

Gu Hai could not see, but inside that giant grave stood 129,600 human souls, all kneeling down and kowtowing to Gu Hai in grat.i.tude at this moment.

"Thank you very much, Benefactor!" "Thank you very much, Benefactor!"...

Gu Hai simply could not see those human souls. However, those feelings of grat.i.tude were being transmitted to him in a steady stream.

129,600 units of karmic virtue, which was also equivalent to a cosmic unit of fate.

An entire cosmic unit of fate surged into Gu Hai"s body.

This mysterious feeling suddenly stirred up Gu Hai"s dantian.


A loud bang rang through Gu Hai"s body as a shock wave swept in all directions.

"The ninth level of the Xiantian Stage! I have broken through!?" Gu Hai cried out in surprise.

The bloated feeling from earlier had already disappeared and had converted into True Yuan inexplicably, which had helped Gu Hai achieve a breakthrough!

Gu Hai didn"t leave but looked about in shock and wonder. Although he couldn"t see anything, he could guess the reason for all of it.

"Fate? What is fate? Helping these grieving ghosts by killing those devils, helping them by burying their bodies, I have received their grat.i.tude. Every bit of grat.i.tude is a karmic virtue. I am acc.u.mulating virtue! Acc.u.mulating virtue from the next world? So, helping the dead is also a part of karmic virtue! The karmic virtue can not only be obtained from the living, but from the dead as well! Fate? Fate actually has this kind of magical effect?" Gu Hai marveled aloud.

Looking at the huge grave before him, Gu Hai bowed in return to the spirits within it!

Chapter Notes:

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