Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 134

Publishedat 20th of May 2020 04:41:08 PM
Chapter 134

Chapter 134

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Joseph’s expression didn’t change as he casually threatened her .  He was currently a paparazzi . It might be due to money but he often threatened people with incriminating photos and extorted money .  He was more proficient in intimidation than he thought and drove the current situation to the limit .

“W-What is this? Did you kidnap Kis? Don’t lie to me! He isn’t an easy guy to get caught!”

Her face was red .  For some reason, she didn’t believe it .  However, based on her shaking legs, she seemed to have experienced a lot of shock .

“It isn’t a lie . ”

Yes, it wasn’t a lie . Partially . . .

“L-Liar! Is there any evidence?”

Joseph pulled out a few photos .  It was clearly a photo of Kis’ face .  He had white bandages all over his body . It was unexpected that this photo could be used like this .

‘I took a photo because the old man suddenly asked me . I didn’t expect it to be used like this . ’

Helena was handed the photo and her legs shook once more .

“T-This . . . !”

Joseph told her the words he previously thought about, “I am telling you the truth . We currently have your lover, Kis . ”

“How can I believe you? It is just bandages . Of course, Kis’ face can’t be seen clearly but . . . I can’t believe all of your words . ”

She was a smart woman .  This was exactly what he had heard from Kis .  By the way, this information was found through torture .  It was known as the tickling torture .  Of course, the one who did the torture wasn’t him but the old man .

“Hey, how do you think I knew your name?”

“Y-You must’ve heard from somewhere since I’m Aidan’s wife!”

“Then think about how I showed up here . ”

“T-That . . . ”

“We tortured Kis and found the location . ”

“Y-You tortured him?”

Helena’s face was full of shock . Joseph sighed and continued his acting .

“Since you don’t believe it, I can only show you this . ”

In fact, he didn’t want to use this method .  Maybe it was a bit cruel to her .  Joseph pulled out a few other photos .  This time, it was the appearance of Kis bleeding .  This was manipulated through Photo Synthesis, one of his skills .  The photo was full of hideous torture tools and a bleeding Kis was staring into the air with empty eyes .

‘It is the last stage of the intimidation: Submit the evidence . ’

There were many stages to his usual method of intimidation .  The first was ‘promoting fear . ’ The first time he met her, he instilled fear using his ident.i.ty as a kidnapper .  The second was the ‘weakness attack . ’ It was easy because he knew her weakness was ‘Kis . ’ However, if this didn’t work then he would have to use the finis.h.i.+ng touch .

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Joseph handed her the composite photo .  “My boss told me to convey this to you . ”

Helena’s hands trembled after seeing the photo .

“Give me money or I will separate his flesh from his bones . ” 

The woman in front of him eventually collapsed .  Joseph shrugged .  “Was I too much?”

The night full of intimidation deepened .

The next morning .

Today was Sunday . It was the day when I promised to go hiking with my first son and the kitchen was busy early in the morning .  My daughter-in-law also decided to go so she was busy preparing lunch boxes .

"I"m sorry, Father . You are being delayed because of me . . . ”

“It’s okay, slow down . There is still a lot of time left . ”

“Phew . I’ll finish quickly . ”

My daughter-in-law’s hands became faster .  I told her I would help but she said she wanted to do it on her own . Thus, I had no chance to get involved .  Just then, the sound of the door opening was heard .

“No, this color . . . ”

Kanghyun grumbled that he didn’t like the color of his hiking suit because it looked like women’s clothing .  I could understand this part because I thought the same .  The pink hiking suit clung to his belly . I pinched his sagging belly and nagged him, “You should lose some weight . ”

“I don’t have time for that . ”

“Tsk .  Aren’t you a private otolaryngologist? Shouldn’t you close your practice when you want to close it and open it when you want to open it? If it was me, I would spare some time for exercise . ” 

Kanghyun smacked his lips together like he was embarra.s.sed . Then my daughter-in-law’s loud voice was heard from behind me, “Right? As expected, I can only rely on Father . Honey, I told you to lose some weight . ”

“That’s why I’m going to work out now . I heard I will be very tired after hiking so I won’t exercise for the time being . ”

“ . . . . . . ”

Kanghyun sat on the couch with a cough .

The lunch box was completed and my daughter-in-law took off her ap.r.o.n .

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We headed to Bukhan Mountain National Park where we always went .  It was closest to home but in fact, there were no mountains in Seoul higher than this .  It was winter so a chilly wind was blowing . As I got out of my car, I saw a familiar face in the distance .

“Eh? Isn’t that Seohui?” Kanghyun exclaimed with a surprised expression from behind me .  My daughter-in-law"s eyes widened as well .

“Oh my, really? Your younger brother takes her hiking as well?”

“Well, Jeonghyun can’t help it . There is no one to look after her . ”

“Indeed, that’s true . I hadn’t thought about that . ”

The couple exchanged words .  Meanwhile, my smile was wide enough to reach my ears .  My second grandchild, who I would never get sick of seeing, was running over .


A warm touch was felt on my knees .  Seohui was wearing warm clothes all over her body .  The white fur gloves looked adorable .  I lifted Seohui and laughed .  “Gosh~ Our Seohui has grown a lot .  Hahahaha!”

My sense of fatigue disappeared when I saw my smiling granddaughter .  Seohui was smart and followed me well, so I really liked her .  Jeonghyun’s voice was heard in front of me, “It has been a while, Father . ” 

“Yes, how are you these days?”

“I’ve been well . By the way, who picked your hiking outfits? Why are you all pink?”

“Mido picked it . ”

“Aha . ”

He quickly accepted it .  Well, Mido’s love of pink was well known .  I asked him a question, “Why did you bring Seohui here? Isn’t it hard to climb?”

“Hah . I woke up at dawn to get ready but she heard my rustling and woke up . There was no one I could leave her with so I had to bring her . ”

Seohui’s cute and cheerful voice was heard from below, “Seohui can do it!”

Everyone’s laughter erupted . I smiled and said, “Yes, yes~ Our Seohui has grown up . Right!”

“I will lead the way! Follow Seohui!”

Her majestic manner caused my smile to fully blossom .  Jeonghyun started to take things out one by one .  Looking closely, one of them was a sling for carrying babies .  I asked, “Are you going to use that? Seohui seems to have enough energy to walk . ”

“I’m sure I’ll use it soon . ”

We slowly started to climb the mountain .  I had no choice but to adjust my speed .  Seohui was climbing the mountain with vigorous steps but I was anxious that she would fall .  I watched her while slowly opening my mouth, “Jeonghyun . ”

“Yes, Father . ” 

“Don’t you want to remarry?”

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“ . . . . . . ”

“You have to think about Seohui . ”

My second son, Jeonghyun, failed in his marriage .  There were many reasons but the conclusion was that it was Jeonghyun’s fault .  This guy was barely running a Taekwondo dojo and was struggling with gambling debts .  Of course, the reason for the divorce was also because of gambling debts .  He told me, “Well, it would be nice to have a good person but I’m not in a good condition . I’m also old so it isn’t easy to meet someone . ”

I had no way to refute it because he was right .  If this d.a.m.ned guy didn’t gamble, he would’ve been in pretty good condition .

“Tsk . Just like a hangover caused by alcohol is cured by more alcohol, wounds received by people can be cured by people . ”

“Father, your a.n.a.logy is a bit strange . ” 

“I guess so . Don’t just look at appearances and pick a good person . Cars look different on the outside but they’re all the same on the inside . ”

“Ah, really . . . It isn’t like I don’t want to meet someone . ” 

I was about to angrily hit him in the back of the head when a clear voice rang out .  “Daddy—!”

It was Seohui’s voice .

“What is it?”


In the end, Seohui was carried on my back .  I didn’t know the reason .  I just wanted to carry Seohui . That’s why I smiled happily and nodded .

“Father, if you’re struggling then tell me . I can carry her . ”

“No, it’s like my ordinary exercise . ”

“Aish . Still . . . ”

“It’s fine . ” 

He didn’t know that I wore a 10kg sandbag when hiking .  Of course, today I didn’t carry a sandbag .  Instead, I was carrying my granddaughter .

“Hiyah! Hiyah!” Seohui’s bouncing could be felt against my back .  

Jeonghyun was uneasy and told Seohui, “Seohui, your grandfather might be injured if you keep doing that . So stay calm, okay?”

“Too noisy!”

"No, Seohui, speaking like this to your father . . . ”

I interrupted him, “I told you that I’m fine . ” 

“Hah . Father . . . ”

He shook his head and pressed a hand against his temple .  Looking back, I could still see Kanghyun coming up .  My daughter-in-law was pus.h.i.+ng his back from behind .  Tsk tsk .  This was why he should exercise more .  I was carrying a child on my back yet he was in a worse state .  I hoped this guy would do more exercise starting from today .

I turned to Jeonghyun again . This guy was still fine . . .

In fact, he was a pretty good guy .  He resembled myself so he did a lot of exercising and was good at sports .  Of course, just because his body was healthy didn’t mean his mind was strong .  I thought he just needed to meet a smart woman to straighten him out .  Yes, someone like Sujeong .

“You’re really not seeing any woman?”

“Ah, really! Father, stop it! My ears are going to scab over . ”

“Hey, this guy . I have a woman to introduce to you!” I kicked his a.s.s as I shouted .

Seohui giggled at my sudden movement .

Jeonghyun rubbed his a.s.s and wondered, “I-Introduce . . . ?”

“Yes, do you know Arkstar? Let’s start with that . ”

“Huh? Why that?”

“You’ll meet there . ”

“No, why there . . . ?”

“Just do it! This guy!”

Thus, Jeonghyun was kicked in the a.s.s twice more .

I sighed . “It is because my future daughter-in-law is there . Do well . Additionally, don’t gamble, you rotten guy .  Eh? What’s that? Date like the young people and go to the zoo or something .  Eh?”

Just then, a clear voice was heard behind me, “Seohui has been to the zoo!”

I smiled and asked Seohui, “Really? Was it fun?”

“Yep! It was really fun! I went with my dad and there were many people!”

“Oh, really? Did you see a lot of animals?”

However, I was forced to become serious at the words that followed .

“No! There were only horses! The horses were just running and people were shouting! Dad made money and was really happy!”

Jeonghyun started walking backwards .

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