Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 136

Publishedat 23rd of May 2020 02:43:37 PM
Chapter 136

Chapter 136

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The sun had set .  The gra.s.shoppers cried out in the moonlight and Metheus Village, which I had named, was busy .  Everybody was busy preparing for the festival but there wasn’t any big problem because my party was also helping .  We sat down in front of the campfire and talked .

“Wow, this is really delicious . ”

It was a rare sight to see a beauty in an elegant dress holding meat and tearing at it with both hands .  Her name was Helena .  She was the one kidnapped by Joseph .

“Kis, try this .  Ah~”

“Ah~’ Helena was tearing off meat and feeding it to KIs .  I couldn’t bear to look straight at it .  I didn’t know what was going on . What was so good about that type of guy? Tsk tsk .

“Um~ Isn’t it delicious? I don’t know who tore it for me but it is really delicious . ”

“Hohoho . ”

Helena’s laughter continued .  It was so good . . .

The first thing she did as soon as she came was to check on Kis .  I led her to Sujeong’s hospital and Kis who was lying down to recuperate . . . no , the tied-up Kis saw her and tears flowed out .  Since then, the two people hadn’t separated and remained in this state .  The young people didn’t care about their surroundings but I was going to die from being blinded by their public affection .  s.h.i.+t . I couldn’t see this . . .


[Please decide the name of the dish . ]

“Oh? Is it a specialty?”

I had seen this message before .  It was definitely in the orc village where Gorba lived .  Now I was cooking Minotaur’s various parts, including the intestines, in a unique way .  It could be quite expensive if I sold it but I came up with it for the celebration .  In fact, it might be too big for me to sell so I thought it would be better to cook and eat it .

“Tree Opening up to Meat . ”

[Is the name of the dish correct?]

The reason I gave it this name was due to the unique appearance in front of me .  The large upper bone was broken when I attacked Minotaur, separating the spine from the ribs and connecting them to look like a tree .  It was easily attached using spider webs and it looked like a tree, so I gave it this name .  Still, it looked better than I thought .  In the old days, I was so hungry that I wished there was a tree that would open up to meat .  I pressed the okay b.u.t.ton and a window opened .


[Specialty! Tree Opening up to Meat]

[The dream of a chef!

This is a dish that shows the creativity of a chef who doesn’t go where the road leads but leaves a trace where the road doesn’t lead .

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Dreams are a privilege given only to those who believe in the beauty of the future .

It is a dish filled with the purity of the chef who hasn’t forgotten his childhood innocence .

Reborn from the huge bones of Minotaur, it can be called a specialty of the village!

-Star Taste: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

-Health Recovery: 600 . Magic Power Recovery: 600 .

Efficacy: Those who eat this dish will feel their entire body becoming energized . Allows the tired people to run again and let the tired people open their eyes . Once eating, satiety can be maintained for a long time .

All stats will be increased by 10% for 30 minutes .

Maximum health will be increased by 40% .

Taurus monsters won’t attack first .

* Sun’s Blessing: Strength, defense, fire damage, and fire resistance is increased by 60% for 30 minutes .

* Wind’s Blessing: Agility, wind damage, and wind resistance is increased by 60% for 30 minutes . ]

I read the information window and felt admiration .

“Ahh . Six stars came out for the first time . ”

It was a dish rated six stars .  Solar and Punghee came flying to me as I cooked meat on the tree .  The two of them seemed well-matched due to their nature of fire and wind .

“Hehe! Master has made a delicious dis.h.!.+”

“Puung! Puuuuong!”

I smiled and stroked their heads .  “Haha .  Everyone has worked hard . ”

Solar and Punghee laughed like they were in a good mood .

[The recipe for ‘Tree Opening up to Meat’ has been registered . ]

[Now you can easily make and deliver specialty dishes at any time . ]

[As the number of specialty dishes created increases, special things will happen . ]

[The number of specialty dishes currently created: 2]

“Hrmm . The more specialty dishes that are made, the more special things that will happen . . . ”

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I didn’t know what this meant .  It wasn’t something in Prometheus’ memory .  I wasn’t sure what special thing would happen but I had to pa.s.s this on first .

“I might not be able to pa.s.s it on . ”

There weren’t any decent chefs in this village who could handle my cooking .  The recipe I gave to the orc village was simple so it didn’t matter, but this meat dish required a lot of know-how .

“Aye~! The chief made another great dis.h.!.+”

“As expected, there is no chef better than our village chief!”

“I have been watching from the beginning and it looks really delicious!”

Suddenly, the villagers flocked to the area .  They were already calling me chief .  I couldn’t help smiling .

. . . Let me see . I had to take this out first .  I took out various parts of the meat tree, including the reed tripe, and placed them on a plate .  The bones of the meat tree were simply a tool to easily cook the various parts in large quant.i.ties .  It was nothing more or less .  Once all the food was placed on plates, they were distributed to people .  Then another message came up .

[Would you like to leave the bones of the Tree Opening up to Meat here?]

[This will become a specialty of Metheus Village and will attract many people to visit . ]

[Pa.s.sing travelers can place meat on it and cook it . ]

“Ohu . ”

As more people visited the village, the village’s economy would improve .  I could get good profits if word of mouth was decent .  I pressed the approval b.u.t.ton without any delay .  Then I went to the place where my group was gathered and sat down .

“You’ve worked hard, Father . Additionally, I’m sorry . We should’ve helped . ” Kim Sujeong spoke with an apologetic expression .  

“No . People should do what they’re good at . I enjoyed it too .  Keke .  Don’t be sorry . ”

I picked up a wooden cup as I spoke .  Barley beer was a traditional drink from Windia .  Kerenos was already drunk and snoring .  I said I would pay him back but he was still upset and gulped down the beer .  Based on his current appearance, he was weak when it came to alcohol .

“Elder . ”

“Ah, yes . Joseph . You’ve also worked hard . ”

I clinked my cup against his .  Joseph turned his head, drank all the beer, and continued speaking . “What are you going to do now?”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

“That woman . ” He pointed at Helena and Kis with his chin .  

I shook my head and brought the beer back to my mouth . “Isn’t it okay if she goes back?”

“She isn’t going back . ”

The words were so sudden that I sprayed beer on Sujeong’s face .  I apologized to her with an embarra.s.sed expression .  “Cough .  W-What did I do? I’m sorry . I accidentally . . . ”

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“Haha . . .  It’s fine . ”

“Still . . . ”

“Don’t worry, it’s really fine . ”

She rose from her seat and moved to the well .  She seemed to be trying to wash her face .  s.h.i.+t . Her expression didn’t look good . . .

I was suddenly worried about her blind date with my second son .

[Kuhahaha! This old man is so good! Kuhahahaha!]

Mudur’s laughter filled my mind . I was strangely angry .

‘Be quiet, rotten b.a.s.t.a.r.d . ’

[How funny! Funny! Kuhahaha!]

Dammit . . .

I tried to turn away from the laughter .  I took a deep breath and asked Joseph again, “Cough .  I’m sorry . What does that mean? She won’t go back?”

“It is as you heard . She’ll stay here . ”

“Hmmm . . . ”

I frowned .  If she stayed here then Aidan might come .  I heard there was tracking magic on the silver longsword .  Joseph said it could be used to track the location of this place .  Of course, it was necessary to go to the Magician’s Guild and it would take two days, but it had to be stopped .  This was a new village that was just built .  Joseph said that Aidan’s character was vicious .  I didn’t know what he would do to the village if he found out about this .  No matter the reason, we kidnapped his wife .

“Aiing .  Kis, you really . . . It tickles . ”

“Huhu .  There is no one watching anyway . ”

I turned my head and the two of them were still acting affectionately .  I rose from my seat and turned to the two people . “You guys, someone is watching . ”


Helena’s astonished voice pierced my ears .  Her voice was louder than I thought .  The villagers looked at this place for a moment . Then once nothing happened, they started talking again .  Helena calmed her surprised heart and spoke, “W-What’s going on?”

“Y-You aren’t going back?”

“Y-Yes? Why?”

“If you don’t go back then we’ll be in trouble . ”

“T-That . . . ”

Then Kis opened his mouth, “It isn’t possible! You can’t send her back!”

“Why? If she doesn’t go back then we might be attacked here . Will you be responsible?”

“T-That . . . ”

Kis bit his lip and I told him, “Don’t spit out words that you can’t take responsibility for . Helena, you will leave early tomorrow morning . ”

I said so and then turned around . Then Helena’s voice continued, “Wait a minute!”

“ . . . ?”

I turned back and saw that she was about to cry .  s.h.i.+t .  I was weak to tears . . .

“Please, don’t drive me out . I want to be with Kis . ”

Joseph saw the scene and walked over .  “Didn’t you say that the silver longsword has tracking magic? If Aidan commissions the kingdom’s Magician’s Guild then he’ll be able to track the location within two days . ”

It was a pointed remark that stabbed accurately .  However, her reply was shocking .  “T-That was a lie . It is just a common longsword . I might’ve been in danger so I had to keep a path to live open . ”

Joseph had a dumbfounded expression as he muttered, “Hah . ” 

It was the same for me .

. . . It was terrible but brilliant .  I thought she was a bold woman to think of such a thing in the midst of a crisis .  Kis had picked his girl properly but I couldn’t let her stay .


“I want to bring the people of my village here . ”


“I am from Garbage Village . Our villagers have long been persecuted by the wealthy of Fortren . Please . Please save our villagers . ”


[Save the Residents of Garbage Village!]

[Difficulty: A

Various social cla.s.ses existed in the trading city of Fortren . Among them, Garbage Village was cla.s.sified as the lowest cla.s.s .

Helena, the second wife of Aidan, a n.o.ble of Fortren, is from Garbage Village .

She wants the villagers to come and live here .

Save them and bring them here safely .

-Completion Conditions: Settlement of the Garbage Village’s residents in Metheus Village 0/1

-Rewards: Depends on the goodwill of the residents of Garbage Village . ]

d.a.m.n, things were becoming twisted .

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