Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 143

Publishedat 2nd of June 2020 10:03:20 PM
Chapter 143

Chapter 143

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In a bustling house in the early morning . . .

This was the small apartment where Choi Jeonghyun lived with his daughter Seohui .  Seohui’s toys and dolls were scattered around and Choi Jeonghyun was having a hectic morning trying to send Seohui to a daycare center .

“Seohui, there are some vegetables left . Shouldn’t you finish it?”

“Don’t wanna! Disgusting!”

“Eat more and become stronger .  Ah~”

“Seohui is strong! I won’t eat this . ”

Choi Jeonghyun forcibly pushed the spoonful of vegetables into Seohui’s mouth .  Seohui’s cheeks puffed up as she gulped them down . The corners of Jeonghyun’s mouth rose naturally .

“Now it is time to go to the daycare center?”

“Yep! Let’s go~”

They held hands and walked to the side of the road where the children’s daycare center bus would arrive .  He could see the yellow bus coming this way .  The Sun Kids Daycare Center .  It was the name of Seohui’s daycare center .

“h.e.l.lo, Seohui’s father . ” 

“Yes, h.e.l.lo . ”

“Hi, Seohui! Have you been well?

“Yep! Fish-nim, have you been well?”

“It’s Teacher-nim, not Fish-nim .  Hoho . ” (Fish and Teacher use the same characters but reversed . So Fish is saengseon and Teacher is seonsaeng)

Seohui still had a difficult time saying ‘Teacher-nim . ’ She had been sent to kindergarten since she was 4 years old but he sometimes felt sorry since he missed the important time to teach her Hangul .  She was now five years old, almost six . From now on, she would be taught at the daycare center .  Then it would be better . . .

He always felt sorry for Seohui .  Filling her mother’s vacancy wasn’t easy .

“Daddy, bye!”

Seohui waved her hand and Jeonghyun smiled and waved back .  The bus moved away and he returned home .  Then he buried his face into the couch and started thinking .

‘I did a good job today in the battle to get Seohui ready . ’

“It is tiring to be a father .  Sigh . ”

He cleaned up the taekwondo field that had been in use the past weekend .  In fact, it was shameful to say it was ‘in use . ’ There were only four children .  The facilities were poor and the seats were in a corner, so there was no business .  At first, it went well but it had cooled off a year later .

“Sigh .  Why is it like this?”

He was lying down on the sofa and making all types of complaints when there was the ringing of a door .  

“Who is it?”

He pressed the intercom to check and saw a familiar logo .  It was the logo of Union, who had developed the popular Arkstar game .

“Ah, that’s right . I told them to come in the morning . ”

Jeonghyun had the most free time in the morning so he told them to come in the morning .  However, the panting installation technicians seemed a bit uncomfortable .

“Phew .  Have strength . It seems I’m not the only one who is having it hard . It is hard for everyone . ”

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Choi Jeonghyun opened the front door .

The moment the capsule was installed, Choi Jeonghyun connected to Arkstar .  He had already done a preliminary investigation so he was able to clear the tutorial quickly .  In fact, he used to like games so he scoured fan sites throughout the day to find information .

[Your heavenly star is Monarch of Kind Patience . ]

[Your fitness stat has increased by 2 . ]

“Hrmm . Monarch of Kind Patience . Obviously, this is a heavenly star that fits close-range cla.s.ses . Still, fitness is something that is inseparable from me . ”

The advantages were clear .  Fitness .  The st.u.r.dy body inherited from his father meant he mastered many types of martial arts—taekwondo, aikido, judo, jiu-jitsu, etc .  Of course, he wasn’t the same now as he used to be .  He had stopped exercising for a while after falling into a gambling debt .

As a child, his father actively cheered him on when Jeonghyun said he would take the road of sports but his mother had been opposed to it .  His other siblings disapproved but they supported him like their father .  Choi Jeonghyun hadn’t forgotten his grat.i.tude for that time .

“Hah .  Father is right . This type of place . . . ”

His father had definitely told him to choose the Orca Kingdom .  He didn’t say where to go after that but Jeonghyun decided to give it a try .  He sent a message to his father via Katok that he was in the Orca Kingdom but his father hadn’t replied yet . Perhaps his father was busy .

[The tutorial has ended . ]

[Going to the beginning village of ‘Mulan . ’]

[Welcome to the virtual reality world of Arkstar . ]

[I wish ‘Seohui’s Papa’ all the best . ]

In this world, his name was Seohui’s Papa .  If he was asked why he took this name, it was because he was Seohui’s father .  This reason was enough .  The world brightened and he heard a sound .  It felt real when he saw people of so many races .  In fact, he had felt it in the tutorial but he really thought it was a masterpiece .

“This is a level that can be called a whole new Earth . ”

He waved his fists and kicked the air .  

“Kukuk, look at that person . I guess he’s a rookie who just started . ”

“Hey, don’t you remember the old days? You did the same thing . ”

“Ah, when did I do that?”

“Don’t you remember?”

“This jerk . ”

Some people laughed at him but Choi Jeonghyun didn’t care .  In fact, he had been accustomed to such ridiculing gazes for a long time .  He wasn’t that smart and he was a gambling addict who got a divorce .

‘d.a.m.n . If only it wasn’t for gambling . ’

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Gambling made him lose many things .  A peaceful home, his job, money, peace of mind, etc .  However, he also obtained many things .  Blame, contempt, attention from the people around him, and most importantly—

“Phew . I have to pay off the debts quickly . I don’t have time for this . ”

To this day, he had been living without the help of his family .  This was Choi Jeonghyun’s last shred of pride . The only thing left was his determination to start from scratch and raise Seohui .  Of course, he only recently changed the method to a racetrack .

“Cough .  I was told that if I went to someone called Philos, I can get a quest and rent a weapon . ”

Choi Jeonghyun stepped toward the garrison’s barracks .  Suddenly, a voice was heard from behind him .

“Aren’t you Jeonghyun?”

He turned his head to see a familiar face . He was so surprised that he sucked in a breath .

“Uncle Muyeol? No, why are you here?”

“That is what I want to say . ”

Today, they headed to the place where Mulan’s guard captain was located .  It felt good to see the group growing .  Park Muyeol walked with Choi Jeonghyun and told his story .  It turned out he was also going to see Philos .

“Yes . Has Seohui grown bigger?”

"Of course . She is five years old now, she grew up a lot .  Haha . ”

“Hahaha .  She is really cute . I suddenly want to see her . ”

The last time was when she was four years old .  Seohui would cry whenever she saw Park Muyeol’s face .  It was because he looked scary . In any case, he couldn’t even hug her more than a few times back then .  He didn’t know if it would be the case now .

“I will send you a photo through Katok . ”

“Ka . . . what is that?”

Seongchan sighed from next to him .  “Grandfather, use your smartphone . Are you still only comfortable using a 2G phone?”

“Cough . I originally used this type of phone . ”

“Ah, really . ”

Park Seongchan shrugged and Park Muyeol walked proudly . Choi Jeonghyun smiled from next to them .

“You can send photos messages as well, I will teach you . ”

“Yes, yes . ”

They arrived at Philos’ barracks while smiling and chatting .  They stepped inside and saw a man in armor sitting down .  He stood up and greeted them, “Huh? Aren’t you two Tarmo and Momori?”

The two named people smiled and replied .

“h.e.l.lo, Philos . It has been a while . ”

“We’ve been discharged . We’re going to travel . I’m here to get some work . ”

“Oh~ really? That’s great, haha . I can trust you guys . I have the perfect mission for you . By the way, who is the leader here?”

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Park Muyeol stepped forward .

“It is me . ”


Philos had a perplexed look on his face .  No, Park Muyeol didn’t look that scary . Why was this person so surprised?

“Cough . Do I look so scary?”

“Ah, I’m sorry . It is just . . . are you Park Muyeol?”

Huh? How did this person know him? It was obviously the first time they met but this person obviously knew him .  Park Muyeol was bewildered and couldn’t understand the reason .

“Yes, do you know me?”

“Of course! Any soldier of Mulan would know you . I heard rumors about how you killed that werewolf in the Wolves’ Ruins with a wooden sword! You have a great presence and an appearance worthy of your reputation!”

“Cough . Well, thank you . ”

“I can’t believe it . You beat a werewolf with a wooden sword .  Ahh . This is an honor . ”

Philos grasped Park Muyeol’s hand with both his hands and shook them up and down .  How nice was this? It didn’t feel too bad . Unlike Chuntaek, he enjoyed this popularity .

“No, Uncle . Did you come out of the training camp?” Choi Jeonghyun asked from next to him with a puzzled expression .

Park Muyeol nodded . “Yes, it gives a weapon . ”

“Oh my G.o.d . I heard this method was completely inefficient . It is better to rent a weapon here . ”

“Eh? This place gives weapons as well?”

“Yes . ”

“That f.u.c.ker . ”

Philos coughed dryly at the sudden rude remark .

“Still, if you were discharged from the army then you must’ve received many bonus points . It isn’t bad to spend some time there . ”

“Cough . Really?”

In any case, he had earned bonus stats .  There were many strange events but Park Muyeol was able to meet these people due to it . He could only regard it as a good thing .

“Cough . It is a long story . Let me give you a mission . ”

We listened to Philos’ story .

[The requirements for the quest ‘Destroy the Dungeon!’ have been met . ]

The skull of the dungeon boss, Lava Skull, was broken .  Their group had been a.s.signed to one of the three dungeons that suddenly appeared to the north of Mulan .  Based on what they heard, it was a dungeon created by a recent volcanic eruption .  Choi Jeonghyun discovered through a preliminary investigation that it was quite popular .  There was even a video .

‘The battle between the black wolf and the giant bull was really the best . ’

There was still a lot of disagreement about the ident.i.ty of the black wolf .  Currently, the A . S . L community only knew this person was called ‘Dark Wolf . ’ Choi Jeonghyun could make a fortune if he became such a star player but he was currently the father of a child who had to worry about his livelihood .

Using his healthy body, he intended to be a mercenary who fought monsters . He could earn money if he earned good rewards and acquired good items to be sold .  He heard that a really expensive item could be sold for the price of an apartment .  If he could hit the jackpot then he wouldn’t have to worry about living for a while .  By the way . . .

“Too weak . Isn’t that right, Seongchan?” 

“Yes, this doesn’t even warm up my body . ”

“I should’ve asked for a stronger dungeon . ”

“I like that these guys don’t have any hair . ”

“Heh . They can’t beat my two daggers . ”

“This is just chewing gum for our Mukjeba Brothers . Isn’t that right, Jekyll?” 

“When did we get that name? It is childish . Isn’t that right, Baroque?”

“ . . . Baroque is a good brother . ”

As he looked at the scene in front of him, Jeonghyun thought he should get rid of the idea of being a mercenary .  He didn’t have the confidence to survive among them .  His level might be low but he was still level 12 .  Jeonghyun was confident in his bare-handed combat so he chose a cla.s.s called a fighter, but he was like a newbie in front of them .  No matter how much his skills have rusted, he hadn’t expected there to be such a big difference .

‘Hah . Somehow, I got on the bus . Well, it isn’t bad . ’

At this time, Park Muyeol walked toward him .

“Jeonghyun, take this . ”

“Huh? Why are you giving this to me?”

Park Muyeol was currently holding a pair of gauntlets and some products from clearing the dungeon .  Jeonghyun might need the gauntlets but there was no reason to receive the various gems or monster materials .  Moreover, he took a bus .  Park Muyeol was silent for a moment .  “I heard you’ve been having a hard time these days . You’re having trouble raising Seohui . ”

“No, that . . . ”

“Just take it . We all need weapons and armor . ”

Choi Jeonghyun looked at Park Muyeol’s full hands and felt a lump in his chest .

“ . . . It is bitter . Still, life is worth living . ”

He had this thought, ‘It is hard enough to die . It is difficult to live . ’

It was only for a moment but he had bad thoughts during the tough times .  Now he thought it was good to be alive .  He wondered if things would become the opposite with these people .  He thought it could be more difficult to die than to live .

“Kuek . ”

Choi Jeonghyun rubbed his sore nose and walked toward them .  One of the party members smiled and waved at him .  It was so bright that it almost brought tears to Jeonghyun’s eyes .

“Hey, Brother! Let’s go quickly! Haha . ”

Everyone had their own haven .  Maybe they would be his new haven .  Well, just wait and he would see .

“I’m coming~”

He felt renewed .

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