Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 311

Just like the sun, Solar released flames all around it. The flames rained down like shooting stars. The power of the Heat Wave Army was born from the fire and the warriors of the sun cried out to the sky.

[There"s no way...!]

I could feel Belphegor"s hot gaze. I grinned at Belphegor. “What are you looking at? Is this the first time you saw the fire that you gave to your son?”

[The human who killed my son is you...!]

Just then, Solar rose into the sky and started to glow white. It wasn"t Solar"s usual image. The usual red energy was very white today and something was held in Solar"s hand. Wait, was this perhaps?

“Phoenix"s Egg? Why did you bring that with you?”

I didn"t know why Solar brought it, but it must"ve caused some changes in Solar. A huge heat emanated from Solar and even our allies were struggling with the change in the weather.

“Everyone, use cold magic!”

A magician shouted as he started to cast various cold magic around him. Romelana also summoned the cold of the North Pole. I couldn"t stay still and called Punghee.

“Father, did you call me?”

“Please create a cool breeze around me.”

“I understand.”

Punghee moved her hand several times and a cool breeze akin to one blown from an air conditioner blew around me. The allied army members woke up and shook their heads, but the sudden heat wave made them weary.

“A late child? You have good strength in your later years.” Park Maksun laughed while drawing a triangle with her fingers. There was a slightly strange misunderstanding, but now wasn"t the time to joke.

[Grruruk. Kill them all—!]

Belphegor shouted while pulling the pair of axes on his back. The taurus demons, including general Urobork, rushed forward from all directions. They were full of power like they were laughing at this heat wave.

“Kuock! I need support!”

“What are the magicians doing?”

“We are being pushed!”

It was a very unfavorable situation because we had to fight while paying attention to the heat Solar emitted. Fortunately, the Heat Wave Army that Solar summoned endured the attacks of the demons well. The problem was Belphegor, as expected.

[I"m going to tear you apart and kill you!]

The two axes wielded by Belphegor struck the ground. A single strike hit the ground and caused an earthquake. Subsequently, blue flames burst out from the tip of the axe, causing damage to nearby allies and inflicting damage over time. It was truly worthy of the t.i.tle of demon king.

“Storm Spear 3rd style. Typhoon!”

Kerenos fought in the front and created two typhoons that shook the battlefield. Some demons couldn"t withstand the huge torrents and disappeared. As if she didn"t want to lose to Kerenos, Park Maksun overlapped a regular triangle and inverted triangle to create a magic circle.

“Great magic, Triangular Blizzard!”

A blizzard struck the typhoon and created a huge hurricane. A cold hurricane emerged from the hexagonal magic circle in the air, cooled the battlefield, and reached Belphegor.

[You are fairly good...!] However, Belphegor laughed like he was amused and cut down the cold hurricane by wielding his double axes. Then he opened his mouth and fired jade flames in front of him. Black demonic energy swelled behind him. [Take this jade fire breath!]

Some users couldn"t endure being hit by Belphegor"s jade fire breath and were logged out. They were literally helpless. It happened when the battlefield fell into an overheated state...

[Can you hear me, humans?]


* * *

At the demon king"s castle in the ruined Parta Princ.i.p.ality...

Lucifer, the demon king of pride, slowly expanded his territory from the ruined Parta Princ.i.p.ality. Countless demons followed him to take control of the surroundings and the demonization was slowly progressing. The various demons who crossed the Ark Continent started to rampage in villages. This place was overflowing with prey for those who only waged a boring war in the Star Flow System.


Meanwhile, Lucifer sat on the broken throne and leisurely watched the outside world with a crystal ball. There was a scene where a demon tore off human limbs and it was very interesting entertainment.

“Are you just going to be so leisurely?”

Next to Lucifer was Nekron, who had abandoned the name of Louis Ca.s.sel. He had been a public enemy of the community and the world since the last incident. There was a bounty on him in the game and he had become a villain.

[What is the problem? There are still three days left until the deadline of the promise.]

“Aren"t you underestimating humans too much?”


Lucifer laughed with the face of a black lion. His appearance was very arrogant. However, he was the demon king who deserved to be proud. Nekron learned that Pandora"s followers had become demon kings and the Lucifer in front of him was the one leading those demon kings.

"His ability is a complete scam."

His power of "pride" was a scam-like ability where he didn"t receive any damage from targets who were afraid. Additionally, there was the "imagined reality" that made the power of pride even more fraudulent. It had the power to turn what he thought in his head into reality. However, it wasn"t possible to imagine life or death, creation or destruction. Direct destruction might not be possible, but it was possible for indirect destruction by summoning tools or something else.

In any case, it was a very fearful ability. For example, if Lucifer imagined dropping a meteorite then it was possible for a meteorite to fall from the sky. Of course, even Lucifer couldn"t circ.u.mvent the huge amount of magic power and demonic energy consumed.

[You are looking down on us demon kings too much. We have the Pandora pieces. If you"re bored, why don"t you go to the Queen of Desire in the east? I heard she is playing with the vampires recently... I don"t think it is bad to look for Pandora pieces there.]

Lucifer once again laughed loudly and the great hall shook. Nekron couldn"t respond to Lucifer. At this time, a demon ran in and fell to their knees in front of Lucifer. “Ashtar has been injured!”



Lucifer looked interested while Nekron was disbelieving. Then the demon king of greed, Ashtar, came stomping in. He shouted with a demon-like expression.

[Groan. The constellations have started to act!]

[I lost an arm. The humans have the scissors of the Executioner of Love. The constellations have started to intervene in the work of the human world.]

One was very agitated and the other was very calm—Ashtar"s two heads spoke at the same time and the great hall seemed to instantly become noisy.

[Hmm. They moved faster than I thought.]

“Didn"t I say it? Don"t look too lightly at humans.”

Lucifer glanced at Nekron and laughed.

[Yes. I admit it. It is a bit surprising that they can cut off Ashtar"s arm when he is called the G.o.d of fighting. Still, this doesn"t hinder my plans. No, I should say that it has been advanced?]

“It is advanced?”

[You just have to collect the Pandora pieces like you are doing now. Just bring me the Pandora pieces. If you don"t like the Queen of Desire, how about the demon king of gluttony? I think Beelzebub will suit you.]


Nekron frowned like his head was hurting. He couldn"t read Lucifer"s thoughts. It felt like he had met an unpredictable psychopath?

“...I am going.”

Nekron immediately turned and left the great hall.

[Where are you going?]

“I will go to Beelzebub.”

Behind him, Lucifer"s arrogant laughter was constant.

* * *

[You have entered your star cl.u.s.ter.]

There was an illusion that time around me slowed down as the noise stopped. My surroundings soon turned white and I was standing alone on white land. I slowly looked around.

“It has been a while... wait, why am I here?”

This was the "coffee house" located deep in my subconscious where I once met Prometheus. It felt just like it, but the appearance had changed a lot.

[You came. Has it changed a lot?]

I turned my head in the direction of the voice. The owner of the voice was Prometheus.

[That ugly orc broke everything and made a mess. I tried to redecorate it, but I don"t know if you like it.]

“It"s fine. I"m not living here so you should be comfortable.”

[Thank you for your understanding.]

Prometheus smiled. I asked him, “Mudur?”

[Ah, he is sleeping right now.]

Prometheus flicked his finger and a prison made of fire appeared next to him. Inside was the red-skinned Mudur who was sleeping.

[He has been sleeping and I won"t know when he will wake up again. Maybe if you die again, he will wake up and take over your body. You should be careful.]

“I will keep this in mind.”

I felt more uncomfortable when facing Mudur directly like this. I had actually turned into such an ugly guy.

[Do you want to meet the guest first?]

Prometheus once again flicked his finger. Suddenly, the background moved quickly before stopping somewhere. A huge firebird was sitting there. I could recognize who it was with one glance. “Phoenix Ignur.”

One of the four seasons constellations and the strongest constellation of the fire type—Phoenix Ignur, who was nicknamed the Summer Balance, looked down at me like a n.o.ble crane. Surprisingly, a small sun was floating by Ignur"s side. It was Solar.

“Hehe-♬ hehe-♪”

As always, Solar was laughing with a very happy face. It was like a large ripe tomato floating in the sky? In any case, it was Ignur who opened his mouth first, [...Are you the human being prophesied by Gaia?]

I walked confidently in front of Ignur. “That"s right.”