Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 371

[Kang Jaeseong?]

I immediately recognized the owner of the voice and focused on the words floating in the air.

-Haha, you recognize me. That"s right. It is me, Kang Jaeseong. I am contacting you through the supercomputer at headquarters right now.

[Headquarters? Are you back in reality? You are out of Neptune"s body? What happened to Neptune?]

-There isn"t enough time to tell you everything. In short, Neptune isn"t dead, but he is currently asleep. Before I left, I used my divine power to save the three G.o.ddesses. Then I injected the remaining power into the fork spoon that you gave me. The body is asleep.

[I see.]

I nodded as I realized why the three G.o.ddesses had suddenly appeared and why Clymene and Deucalion were holding my fork spoon. Additionally, I learned the ident.i.ty of the alien energy in my fork spoon. My curiosity was resolved like a tangled thread was loosened. My expression cleared up and I asked the voice, [By the way, you are back at headquarters and contacted me. This must mean that you want to ask me something or you"ve found a way?]

-You are wise. That"s right. I would like to ask a favor of you.

[I"m listening. Just tell me.]

Kang Jaeseong continued speaking and I frowned after I heard everything.

[This isn"t a small favor. You want me to stop Jupiter. Are you crazy right now? I can"t stop him by myself. I might have divinity now, but I still need the help of others.]

-You are correct, but you don"t necessarily have to win. If you buy some time, then I will be able to use the master key to get back Gaia, who was hacked. Then this war will come to an end.

I thought about it for a moment before nodding.

[Okay. I will listen to you.]

-Thank you, Elder! Then I will prepare to take back Gaia, who was hacked. Before that, do you have the skill called Magic Power Germination? I checked and saw that you have it.

[You saw correctly. I have that skill. Why are you asking?]

-I"ll tell you later. It is just right. Can you call Elder Park Muyeol over?

[Muyeol? I understand. Please wait a minute.]

I immediately sent a whisper to Park Muyeol who was fighting fiercely. Park Muyeol flew to this place with a suspicious look. In the distance, the fight between Lucifer and the group was reaching the climax and various sounds of destruction were heard. “Why are you calling me? I was busy fighting.”

-Elder Park Muyeol, do you hear me?

“Eh? What is this?”

-Fortunately, you can hear me. I am Dr Kang Jaeseong. I am currently in touch with you using the supercomputer at Union headquarters. Please lend your wooden sword to Elder Choi Chuntaek for a while.

“What? My wooden sword?” Park Muyeol"s brow furrowed.

Kang Jaeseong calmed him down and started to carefully explain when the wooden sword was needed. After hearing the explanation, Park Muyeol sighed deeply and threw the wooden sword at me.

“Take it and don"t break it.”

[I don"t know if I can succeed, but I will try my best.]

The moment I finished speaking, I flew at high speed toward the floating castle where Lee Geonmyeong was located.

* * *

Choi Chuntaek disappeared from view and Park Muyeol returned to the battlefield where his party was fighting. It was just as Park Maksun was pouring out five-coloured meteorites from the sky toward Lucifer. She frowned and made a complaint.

“Where are you running off to in this important situation?”

“Even if this granny talks... Sigh, don"t speak. I went to Chuntaek.”

“Chuntaek orabeoni? Why did you go there?”

“We were doing something like an operational meeting to end this war.”

“What are you talking about? Did you eat something bad? Additionally, where did you throw away the wooden sword you were holding? Are there any soldiers on the battlefield who don"t even carry weapons?”

Park Maksun noticed that the white wooden sword that was always in Park Muyeol"s hand was not there, and she questioned it with a puzzled expression. In front of her, colorful meteorites continued to fall toward Lucifer, creating explosions. Park Muyeol looked around slowly and took a deep breath. “My sword is the last way to end the war. I lent it to Chuntaek.”

“d.a.m.n. You obviously have dementia. Your nonsense has increased. How is a tree branch the last method? Tsk tsk.”

Park Muyeol"s vein on his forehead bulged while Park Maksun laughed and manipulated the magic circle to pour out other magic. The roar from the sky gave off a terrifying air. Park Maksun once again extended two fingers to Lucifer and unleashed a series of magic bombardments.

“How are you going to fight without a weapon?”

After hearing this question, Park Muyeol pulled a white thunderbolt out of his inventory. It was originally the thunderbolt sword issued by Lee Geonmyeong to Ashtar, but Park Muyeol killed Ashtar and stole it as loot.

“Keuk.” The moment Park Muyeol grabbed the handle of the sword, pain stabbed all over his body and he looked at his right hand with a frown. His skin was peeling off like he had been burned and blood was flowing.

“I wanted to use this instead of the wooden sword, but I can"t use it?” Park Muyeol had an expression of dismay as he smiled bitterly. Then a familiar voice was heard.

[I"ll help you. I inherited half of the power of my father, Jupiter. If you and I combine our strengths, then we can definitely hold the sword and fight.]

Hercules approached with a pale face. His big body was now halved in size due to his diminished star spirit and divine power.

“You don"t look good. Is it okay?”

[...It can"t be helped. My father is on the wrong path. As his son, how can I turn away? If I push my strength to the limit, then I"ll fall asleep temporarily, but I can"t avoid this responsibility. I am willing to bear it.]

“If you are determined, then I can"t stop you.

[Good. Then let"s start.]

Hercules merged with Park Muyeol"s body and there was a dazzling burst of light.

* * *

Meanwhile, I flew quickly while leaving a star trail. Then my eyes widened and I looked back when I heard the sound of thunder.

[Park Muyeol? Hercules? No. They"re joining forces. If they do this in their current state, the price that Hercules has to bear should be quite high...]

Hercules became one with Park Muyeol and a pure white sword let out a cry. The air it gave off was so amazing that I focused Super Sensitivity on my eyes to take a closer look. I felt the familiar energy of the sword and soon regained my senses.

[A sword made from Jupiter"s thunderbolt. Why is that in his hands? In any case, it seems that things are going well since he is fine after holding it. There is no need to worry.]

I could roughly guess that the sword was the reason why Park Muyeol and Hercules joined forces. As expected, the two people"s combined form flashed white and they popped forward like a bullet to start the onslaught on Lucifer. The combined power of Hercules and Park Muyeol, along with the white thunderbolt sword, drove Lucifer back. Lucifer"s expression was naturally bad.

I nodded with satisfaction and tried to fly forward again. Then suddenly, thousands of winged demons and demonic beasts surrounded me and blocked my way. This was already the fifth time.

[d.a.m.n guys. They are appearing endlessly.]

The road to the floating castle where Lee Geonmyeong was located was very far. Unsurprisingly, the demons didn"t just watch. This time, there were a few generals and commanders mixed in. It would probably take quite a bit of time to reach him. I immediately used Yeouicho to sweep away the enemies.

Suddenly, a huge black hole appeared in the middle of the demons. The black hole sucked in the surrounding demons in a fearsome manner. It didn"t matter if they were general or commander level. It didn"t discriminate and sucked in all of them. It was in an instant and I couldn"t hide my surprise.


[Chunza, it is you. You"ve become very strong since the last time I"ve seen you. Huhu.]

“Ahem, am I better than Punghee?”

The girl with short black hair rubbed her nose and raised her shoulders proudly. She looked like a child who wanted to be praised and smiled without knowing it. I immediately stroked her hair.

[Thank you for the help. I guess I will keep needing your help. How many times can you use the technique you just used?]

“Ah, this? It is a new forbidden spell I"ve learned, but it is quite useful, right? I"m not sure how many times I can use it? The amount of energy consumed is higher than I thought! Still, the moon has risen now. I can use it as long as the night lasts. My magic power is almost limitless when the moon is up!”

[Can you move it while using it?]

“Um, I"ve never done it, but I"ll try! It should be possible!”

[Then let"s go right now. The floating castle over there is the destination. You just have to take me there. After that, you just need to stop the demons from flying into the floating castle.]

“It is simple!”

Chunza clapped and a blood-colored magic circle floated between her hands before disappearing. She reached out her hand and the terrifying black hole reappeared. Chuna slowly moved her hand and pushed it forward. Fortunately, the black hole moved a certain distance from Chunza.

“Go! I"ll break open the road!”

Chunza was covered with a black light and the demons who blocked the way were helplessly sucked into the black hole. There was no better vacuum cleaner. I followed her using the starlight trail. The tens of thousands of demons couldn"t even get close to us. They hesitated for a moment before starting to chase us. Tens of thousands of demons chased in a group from behind and I triggered Yeouicho.

“Grow, Yeouicho.” 

Yeouicho stretched out horizontally, becoming a wave of terrifying clouds that struck the demons. The demons couldn"t withstand the sudden cloud disaster and fell to the ground. However, there were strong beings even among the demons. Some demon generals rushed out with vigor. It was just that they were already seriously injured. The star pieces floating around me automatically moved and killed them. The demons were cleared up in an instant and then an empty area appeared in front of the floating castle.

[Please take care of this place.]

“Understood! I"ll never let anyone in!”

I nodded and slowly descended to the floating castle. I suddenly thought of something. I took an item out of the inventory and threw it at Chunza. Chunza c.o.c.ked her head as she received the white wooden sword and I added an explanation, [I don"t know what will happen, so it is better to leave this with you. Once I call you later, you must come to me straight away. Understood?]


Only then did I fly into the floating castle with a satisfied expression.