Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 94: 94

Publishedat 9th of April 2020 01:05:02 PM
Chapter 94: 94

It was much more powerful than before and the electric currents flowing through my body changed the surrounding terrain .  I recently reached level 100 and my character"s limitations had gone up . This elevated all my skill abilities to the next level and this was also applied to the power of constellations that I borrowed .

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[Your rise in level means you can bear more star spirit . ]

[Raitra"s blue lightning is flowing throughout your body, not just a specific area . ]

“ . . . Good . ” Not only was there blue lightning in my legs, the electric currents also flowed through my body, just like when used by Gyeonso Dragon .  It was now possible to bear much more power .  “Go . ”

The lightning that unfolded in an instant concealed my appearance .  The frost orcs running toward me were surprised when I suddenly disappeared .  My attack started from their far right .

[You have received the apostle"s buff . ]

[All stats are increased by 20% for 30 minutes . ]

I finally received the apostle"s buff after a long time .  In retrospect, it required the constellations to use their star spirit .  Of course, Prometheus was a G.o.d instead of a constellation so it was more accurate to describe it as divinity .

“Stop him! Chwiiik . ”

“Too fast! Guruk . ”

“This way . . . ”

The frost orcs to the right started to fall like dominoes .  Some were burned by blue lightning while some were pierced in the belly .  I blew away their heads with the lightning .  This was why the correlation between attributes was so important .

“Guruk .  Keep your formation! Go forward and catch him!”

I could see a large orc in the distance commanding the soldiers .  He seemed to be the captain in charge of them .  In the long run, the game was almost over the moment the king or general was caught .

[The first apostle, "Prometheus," says to kill the guy commanding them . ]

“I know!” 

I once again used the lightning footwork to move at high speed .  I felt the pleasure that dominated my body and had a thought—did Gyeonso Dragon always live in a world like this? It was a tremendous speed .  I felt like I could do anything if I lived with this speed .

“What are you doing? Catch that . . .  Hup!”

The captain of the orcs looked fl.u.s.tered by my sudden appearance .  He swung his axe but he already wasn"t my opponent .  My aerial spin kick caused his head to burst .  Once their captain died, the frost orcs panicked .

“Chwiiik .  The captain is dead . ”

“Guruk .  The human is too strong . ”

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“How can he have such strength . . . ?!”

They stepped backward as they retreated away from me .  Then another voice was heard from the rear .  He was an old orc with gla.s.ses and a cane . He somehow looked like a great scholar .  “You uncivilized things! Prepare the poisonous needles!”

The poisonous needles? Shouting that they were going to shoot them was like advertising .  These orcs shooting the poisonous needles must be the ones Raitra and Camille had been talking about .

[The fist star, "Raitra," says to watch out for their poisonous needles . ]

[The firefly star, "Camille," says you will be paralyzed and immobile when hit . ]

“Um . I understand . ”

The poisonous needles unit of the frost orc appeared and aimed the poisonous needles at me .  It was as sophisticated as the primitive people I saw on TV . Finally, the poisonous needles were fired at me .  It was faster than I thought? No, the problem was that they were too small .  They were so small and fast that I couldn"t see all the poisonous needles despite using my super sensitivity .  I quickly dodged their attacks but ended up with a poisonous needle in my ankle .

d.a.m.n, was this the end? However, there was a reversal .

[You have been hit by the Spider"s Paralysis Poisonous Needle . ]

[Your entire body is paralyzed for 5 seconds . ]

[You have resisted . ]

“Eh?” I looked blank the moment I saw the last message .  In the meantime, other poisonous needles stabbed me all over my body but the same message popped up .

[You have resisted . ]

[You have resisted . ]

[You have resisted . ]

My head swirled .  I couldn"t think about the current situation .  What was this? I casually walked through the poisonous needles toward them .

[The fist star, "Raitra," is amazed by your toughness . ]

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[The firefly star, "Camille," is bewildered by what happened . ]

[The first apostle, "Prometheus," has burst out laughing . ]

The frost orcs were baffled by my appearance .  The same was true for the frost orc with gla.s.ses at the back .

“Chwiiik .  U-Unbelievable . . . ? How?"

I shouted to the old orc, “Give me the humans you have captured!”

“I-Is it that dragon guy?”

“That"s right!”

“If I refuse?”

“All of you will be wiped out today . ”

Once again, the blue lightning burst out and the frost orcs visibly faltered .  The frost orc wearing gla.s.ses gritted his teeth .  I looked at him and asked, “What are you going to do?”

He thought for a moment before speaking, “C-Chwik .  Let"s have a truce . ”

Deep in the village of the frost orcs, I was able to meet the rest of the group .  They had been captured here and were all tied up .  The group smiled brightly the moment they saw my face .  

“Phew, I barely lived . Thank you for saving me . ”

“Brother, you saved my life . ”

“Buroder is truly strong . I believed in you .  Hohoho . ”

“Coo~ ♡ . ”

“Kwal . ”

Kim Sujeong, Gyeonso Dragon, Drain, Cer, and Pono . I smiled the moment I saw they were all safe .  However, where was that thing? I turned my head toward the frost orcs wearing gla.s.ses standing behind me .  His name was Sven . He was the chieftain and shaman of the frost orcs .  "Have you ever seen a pot?"

“Pot? Chwiik .  What is that . . . ?”

“If you let it go, it floats in the air . Haven"t you seen it? It might contain my food . ”

“Oh, that thing is in my room . It is a strange thing so I"ve been examining it .  Grruk .  Was that yours?”

“Yes, it is important to me . ”

“Oh, I wanted to look at it a bit more but it can"t be helped . Follow me . ”

Sven walked to his residence while pus.h.i.+ng up his gla.s.ses . I followed him while the group decided to wait where they were .  A short time later, I was able to reach Sven"s residence .  However, it was a bit different from what I had expected .  What was all this?

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[The first apostle, "Prometheus," is frowning at the paper-filled room . ]

[The fist star, "Raitra," is bewildered by the room . ]

[The firefly star, "Camille," is looking around the room with curious eyes . ]

“It is the first time a human has come to my place . Know the honor .  Chwiik . ”

“What are these papers?”

“A sign of my distress . ”

“A sign of your distress?”

I looked closer and the papers contained strange formulas .  I looked around the room when I found one familiar thing .  This . . . ?

“This is the telescope I saw before?”

“Human, your eyes are pretty good . It isn"t a telescope . It is the eyes of the frost orc and my life"s work . How many experiments did I conduct to make it? Kulalala!”

Sven laughed wickedly .  This guy made it . Did this mean he made those poisonous needles as well?

I asked Sven, “Are you an inventor?”

“Inventor? What is that?”

Indeed, this guy didn"t know about inventors .

“People who make things among humans are called inventors . They are great people . ”

“Chwik .  Inventor . I like it . Yes, I can be called an inventor . It is all based on my magic . I also created the pipes that fired the poisonous needle at your companions . ”

. . . It really was made by him .

[The first apostle, "Prometheus," is interested in Sven"s inventions . ]

[The fist star, "Raitra," isn"t happy about it . ]

[The firefly star, "Camille," is looking at him with strange eyes . ]

To Prometheus and Camille, Sven"s inventions were mysterious .  Even I was curious about his inventions .  Then what was wrong with Raitra? Tsk .

Sven wondered, “Is this the pot you"re looking for?”

Sven went inside a bit more and showed me a familiar object . It was indeed the floating pot I was looking for .

“Yes, that"s right . By the way, you didn"t do anything strange to the pot, right?”

“Grruk .  I tried to but I couldn"t . It was because you broke in . ”

“I see . ”

“Can I ask one more thing?”


“The material of the pot . What the h.e.l.l is it made of? I"ve never seen anything like it here in the North Pole . I am asking you as an inventor . I can"t resist asking .  Chwiik . ”

I touched my beard at his words .  What was it made of? Zalmergus seemed to have told me but I couldn"t remember .  What was it?

[The first apostle, "Prometheus," is telling you it is the floating stone . ]

Ah, that"s right . That was it .  “It is called the floating stone . ”

“Ohh, floating stone! I see . Where can I get it?”

“I don"t know . I got it from a friend . ”

“Gruruk .  I see . . . ” Sven"s shoulders sagged .  Was this so disappointing?

“Cough . In any case, thank you . I"m going back to my group now . ”

“Chwik .  I underst . . .  Huh? Aaaack! You can"t eat that!”

Suddenly, Sven"s head turned .  I looked at where he was shouting and saw a familiar person eating one of Sven"s inventions .

“Nyam ~♡”


Pono was happily eating one of Sven"s parts .  The emperor penguin had a habit of storing the s.h.i.+ny things they collected in their belly and it seemed like Pono was doing it instinctively .  By the way, since when had he been following behind me . . . ?

Sven"s anger erupted .

“Grruk .  He dared to eat the materials that will give birth to my life"s masterpiece!”

He released pressure like he was going to kill Pono and I restrained him .

“Wait . Pono, give it back . ” 


I was now familiar with Pono"s name for me .  I went down to eye level with Pono and spoke to him, “Can you vomit up what you just ate?

“Coo! Coo coo!”

d.a.m.n, he didn"t want to . Then it couldn"t be helped .  Emperor penguins usually didn"t vomit up what they ate .  The only moment when emperor penguins spat out what they ate was to barter or exchange it for something s.h.i.+nier .  I searched my inventory to find something s.h.i.+ny .  d.a.m.n, what should I give . . . ?

“Do you want to exchange with this?” The thing I took out was the Freezer Taurus" Horns that I acquired a few days ago .  I thought Pono would love it .  Above all, I didn"t need it .


“Che . You don"t like it . This little boy is very picky . Then what about this?”

Pono shook his head when he saw what I had taken out this time . He didn"t like this either .  However, the reaction came from Sven who was watching from behind .  “Wait . ”

“Where did that orcram come from?”

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