Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 50.1

Chapter 50.1

Editor: SimoB

Shi Qing was obviously ecstatic because of Tong Xinyu’s gesture of affection.

The school bully, who had always acted like he was the best, quirked his lips and smirked generously at Tong Xinyu.

He took the small, exquisitely wrapped box. As if he was still in disbelief, he asked repeatedly: “You’re not messing with me right? It’s really for me and not for Zhuo Junli?”

“It’s really for you. Why would I lie about that?”

Tong Xinyu’s eyes were shining brightly, and there was still an embarra.s.sed and shy smile on her face. When her hands were free, she fumbled with her hands nervously and mustered up the courage to say: “I made them last night with milk from my uncle, who’s a cattle farmer. It’s very creamy and 100% organic.”

Shi Qing’s mouth might say “How can a man like me eat b.u.t.ter cookies!”, but his hands betrayed his excitement as he quickly unwrapped the delicate package to reveal the tin inside.

When opened, there were bunny-shaped cookies neatly placed inside. The sweet scent of milk could be smelt even from far away.

As the school bully picked up a bunny biscuit, he seemed more and more eager to try it out: “A rabbit?”


Tong Xinyu saw his appreciation and blushed with excitement. She didn’t forget to explain: “This bunny mold is my favorite. The cookies made with it look especially cute, just like real bunnies.”

Then she squirmed again before peeking at Shi Qing covertly. She whispered: “Do you like it?”


Shi Qing replied with absolute certainty.

Tong Xinyu resisted the urge to squeal, but she couldn’t help but stomp her feet a little with joy. She tried her best to maintain a normal expression.

“I-It’s good that you like it! It’s almost time for cla.s.s, so I’ll go back first!”

The young girl, who was full of enthusiasm for her new male G.o.d, skipped back to her seat with a heart filled with happiness and tender feelings.

Zhuo Junli had been frozen stiff in his seat the entire time. He clutched the buddhist pendant around his neck.

His eyes were dark and his long eyelashes were lowered. He was deep in thought.

If it had been before, the school bully would have been the first to notice his abnormal state and then coaxed him with his ‘I cant help it, I’m like the Mother Mary’ face.

But now, Shi Qing’s attention was completely occupied by the little cookie in his hand.

He held it gingerly like it was a precious treasure he couldn’t even bear to eat. He turned it this way and that, savouring each and every detail.

It seemed like he really liked Tong Xinyu’s gift.

The rise and fall of Zhuo Junli’s chest became more p.r.o.nounced. The hand that held the buddhist pendant tightened.

The school bully didn’t notice anything wrong with him. He even carefully used a finger to gently poke at the little rabbit’s ears.

Shi Qing always acted rambunctious and unrestrained. He even felt compelled to slam doors on the way out of every room. This was the first time he was so gentle with something. As he watched, Zhuo Junli’s eyes became overcast.

If Shi Qing hadn’t started treating him differently these days, the youth wouldn’t feel like this.

But Shi Qing’s recent actions aligned perfectly with his inferences.

“Zhuo Junli, look at this rabbit.” The school bully next to him still hadn’t noticed his deskmate’s strange state. He grinned widely as he threw an arm over Zhuo Junli’s shoulders and handed over the bunny biscuit in his hand.

“Look, isn’t it cute.”

Zhuo Junli looked down at the rabbit indifferently.

The tiny thing rested on Shi Qing’s palm. It looked like it could easily be crushed.

Despite its fragility, the tiny thing was cherished like this by Shi Qing.

The words spoken by the usually gentle and amicable youth were sharper than ever before: “It’s ugly.”

“That’s too harsh.”

The school bully wasn’t affected at all. He continued poking at the bunny’s ears happily.

He praised: “I think it’s pretty. Who would’ve thought that Tong Xinyu was so good at making cookies? They look so life-like too.”

Zhuo Junli’s breathing became even more erratic. The buddhist pendant in his hand dug into his flesh.

Shi Qing could hear the System’s tense report.

[Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 88]

[Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 90]

[Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 99]

[Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 120]


The system was about to go insane.

It muttered incoherently to itself: [Why why why did it turn out like this?!!?! The animosity value was only a hundred before, ah!]

Shi Qing was unmoved. His voice remained as light and quick as ever: [It’s because he’s jealous.]

Jealous that Tong Xinyu distracted Shi Qing.

Jealous that Shi Qing liked the bunny biscuit so much.

Even more jealous that Shi Qing was complimenting Tong Xinyu.

Shi Qing had already figured it out in the past few days.

Zhuo Junli was a very open minded person. After all, his rejection value could be lowered to 85 in just two weeks, despite all the bullying from before.

He also complied with the various ways Shi Qing took advantage of him.

The reason he was like this was because he knew firsthand that Shi Qing was fiercely impatient with everyone else.

It was only towards Zhuo Junli, that his fierce appearance was just a front to disguise how much Shi Qing helped him, albeit in his own way.

Zhuo Junli was a top student who liked to a.n.a.lyze situations.

It was impossible for him not to see through Shi Qing’s intentions, but he didn’t feel disgust or a need to run away. In fact, he enjoyed it all.

Of course, his enjoyment was contingent on the fact that Shi Qing would only act that way towards him alone.

His upbringing made him cherish warmth, but the warmth had to belong only to him.

The System was panicking so much that it might self-destruct, but Shi Qing still looked like he wasn’t in a hurry.

He casually wrapped his arm around Zhuo Junli’s neck like he didn’t notice how stiff and uncooperative he was now. He brought the little rabbit before the youth’s eyes again: “Don’t you think this rabbit looks like you?”

Zhuo Junli paused slightly.

He watched the school bully poke the rabbit’s tiny ears repeatedly with a pleased look on his face: “It’s small and weak, just like you.”

Shi Qing clearly felt the youth’s body soften gradually.

That slender and beautiful neck also took the initiative to lean against him slightly. Zhuo Junli spoke in his usual warm voice: “Does it look like me?”

Whether it was his countenance or his voice, the youth now appeared to be 100% harmless. His clear eyes, that had flecks of light brown inside, looked up. He allowed Shi Qing to continue holding his neck as he tilted his head.

“Am I a rabbit to you?”

The school bully laughed. Even his eyebrows displayed his amus.e.m.e.nt.

He was proud and rampant. He obviously thought Zhuo Junli would be displeased to be compared with a rabbit.

“Do you not think so? It’s timid and wimpy like you. One good scare is enough to make you freeze.”

Those adjectives were simply humiliating for any high school boy, whose self-esteems were at an all-time high, to hear.

Zhuo Junli’s face, however, remained unchanged as he asked softly: “Do you like me like this?”

“Of course I…”

The school bully almost spilled the beans, but he managed to stop himself in time and coughed twice.

“Of course I don’t. What kind of man acts all weak and wimpy? That kind of person p.i.s.ses me off the most.”

Shi Qing looked a bit regretful after his words. He felt like he might’ve gone too far this time. He peeked at Zhuo Junli carefully.

“Ahem!” He coughed and looked serious again: “It’s actually not that bad. As long as you stop thinking about dating early and fighting with me over the girls in our cla.s.s, I can look after you.”

Zhuo Junli narrowed his eyes, but didn’t reveal his inner thoughts. He lowered his head as if he was a little lost.

The school bully next to him was anxious seeing him like this. He awkwardly tried to comfort him: “Alright alright. I actually like rabbits a lot. I mean how could anyone resist how weak and small they are? They’re also really resilient to bullying, right?”

Only then did Zhuo Junli raise his head and smile at him sweetly.

Shi Qing thumped his chest as he made a promise: “It’s like this. You’re one of my people now. If someone gives you trouble from now on, you come to me and I’ll take revenge for you!”

The youth’s smile deepened. He nodded with clear and innocent eyes: “Alright.”

[Ding! Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 100]

[Ding! Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 80]

Ding! Zhuo Junli’s animosity value: 68]

The System was going to go crazy again.

Shi Qing didn’t bother with it.

The school bully was busy sharing the small cookies with Zhuo Junli.

Maybe it was because of the promise he made earlier, but the youth actually voluntarily asked a request of Shi Qing. He wanted to try a cookie.

Despite saying he wanted some, the youth’s downcast eyes were filled with distaste as they stared at the rabbit cookies in the tin.

Even if Shi Qing liked rabbits.

There was only one rabbit he could like.

The school bully didn’t notice this and very generously shared one with him.


Zhuo Junli bit the rabbit’s head off.


Zhuo Junli tore into the rabbit’s lower body.


The entire rabbit cookie went into his mouth. He looked down expressionlessly as he chewed on it.

He made sure to grind his teeth extra hard with each bite.

“Isn’t it delicious?”

Shi Qing was also eating them.

Tong Xinyu really was skilled with her hands. The little cookies she made were tasty, chewy and b.u.t.tery.

He was quite fond of them. After eating one, he reached out to take another.

Then his hand met Zhuo Junli’s.

The youth timidly lifted his eyes. His beautiful face was filled with innocence, but his slender fingers forced their way between Shi Qing and the tin of cookies.

He asked quietly, as if he was very worried that Shi Qing wouldn’t agree: “I like it a lot. Can you share some with me?”

The school bully furrowed his eyebrows in confusion: “I thought you didn’t like dairy?”

Their school was famous for its generosity. There was often free milk available during lunchtime. Zhuo Junli’s family wasn’t well off, so this should’ve been an unexpected boon for him.

But the youth didn’t seem to like it. His face scrunched up each time he forced himself to drink it.

Zhuo Junli didn’t expect Shi Qing to know this about him. His mood became slightly better.

But he still said with conviction: “Maybe it’s because of the quality of the milk used, but I really like eating these cookies.”

“Alright, I’ll share some with you.”

The school bully was always generous with Zhuo Junli. His mouth complained about how troublesome it was, but his hands offered him half.

However, even with half, Zhuo Junli wasn’t satisfied in the least.

More specifically, he couldn’t stand the fact that Shi Qing, who was only nice to him, would eat half of the cookies given by Tong Xinyu.

The youth spoke softly, like a pitiful little boy: “After I finish these, can I have some of yours?”

Shi Qing waved his hand generously: “Sure, eat all you want.”

Lu Tao saw what was going on from far away. He ran over when Shi Qing was divvying up the cookies.

“Go away go away! Do you have Heimdall’s eyes or something?! Can’t you see that I don’t have many left already?!!”

The school bully batted him away impatiently, holding onto the rest of the cookies like an animal protecting its food.

It was apparent how much he liked the taste and the bunny shape.

Lu Tao pouted. He felt this was really unfair: “You shared half with Zhuo Junli, so why can’t you give me a few as well? They smell so good.”

“Don’t compare yourself to Zhuo Junli!

As soon as he said that, the school bully realised it didn’t come out right. He tried to cover it up: “Zhuo Junli doesn’t have money to buy cookies! You don’t either?!”

Then he realized he was kicking Zhuo Junli where it hurts. His expression grew more and more uncomfortable.

He wanted to apologize, but when did Shi Qing ever apologize to someone?

After a few seconds of being awkward, Shi Qing slapped the youth on the shoulder: “Um, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know.”

Zhuo Junli wasn’t angry at all. He even smiled at Shi Qing good-naturedly.

Then he turned to Lu Tao: “If Lu Tao wants some, I’ll share with you.”

Before Lu Tao could react, Zhuo Junli gave him most of his share.

Lu Tao was really touched as he held the cookies: “d.a.m.n you’re such a nice guy. But if you give me this much, do you have enough for yourself?”

“It’s okay.” Zhuo Junli still acted like a mild-mannered pushover: “I’ll just eat Shi Qing’s.”

Lu Tao took the cookies and left happily.

Since cla.s.s was about to start, the school bully gathered his materials. He had recently asked Zhuo Junli lots of questions in order to keep Tong Xinyu away from him, and so some of that top student energy rubbed off on him.

He glanced over the cla.s.s schedule before scrambling to find his textbooks and papers.

When he finished, he put his hand in the cookie tin, only to come up empty.

The school bully: “En?”

He lowered his head and pulled the tin out of his desk.

Sure enough, there were only a few crumbs left.

Beside him, Zhuo Junli was slowly wiping his mouth with a tissue.

“You ate it all?” Shi Qing was appalled: “But there were so many.”


The adoring way Shi Qing looked at that rabbit cookie flashed through Zhuo Junli’s mind. He ground his teeth: “I couldn’t help myself.”

“Then I’ll find Tong Xinyu later and ask her to make some more later.”

“There’s no need for that.” The youth stiffened and tried his best to keep his face natural: “We’re all busy studying right now. It would be inconsiderate to ask her for more.”

“Hey, this can’t be that time consuming. Fine, don’t girls like cute dresses or something? I’ll trade her some for cookies.” The school bully waved his hand generously: “If you like them, I’ll get an entire tin for you every day. You’re one of my people after all.”

Zhuo Junli: “……..”

He felt like the scent of milk had invaded his lungs.