Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Editor: Casey

The saddest thing in the world wasn’t when your colleague badmouthed someone with you behind their back before turning around to kiss their a.s.s afterwards.

It was when they continued to kiss a.s.s after seeing you come in through the door.

And even louder at that.

The office was filled with a bunch of people furiously kissing up to Shi Qing.

“Professor Shi, I can’t believe you’ve made an idea that so many people could only think about into a reality! No, it’s more accurate to say that no one other than you could’ve done this! I’m in awe of your abilities!!”

“I agree! Actually, Professor, I’ve been dreaming of our country having this technology since elementary school, but I thought for sure it wouldn’t be possible until I was an old man… This is an incredible discovery!”

The young man stood beside Qin Yunsheng and pitied these poor fools.

Although people in their department were on the younger side with few accomplishments to their names, unlike their older colleagues…there’s a difference between stretching the truth and outright lying.

Whatever Shi Qing made might be good, but surely it wasn’t deserving of such praise.

This flattery was way too blatant.

Where did the people who said things like “so what if he’s a Marquis and his father’s a Duke” and “we aren’t living in a feudal society anymore, what can the aristocracy or even royal family do to us” go?

My esteemed colleagues who were once sane, have your brains been infected by Qin-ge too?

The young man suddenly paused.

Wait a moment, even Qin-ge didn’t praise Shi Qing like these guys were doing.

After this sudden turn of events, the young man turned to Qin Yunsheng, hoping to commiserate being the only two sane people in the room.

But all he saw was Qin Yunsheng walking away from him with perfect posture, his eyes glued to the person surrounded by fawning admirers, Shi Qing.

With slightly quirked lips, the officer quickly crossed the distance and stood naturally at the young Marquis’ side. His voice was quiet and warm, like he had already known.

“Did you finish what you’ve been working on recently?”


Shi Qing stretched from where he was previously sprawled out and idly listening to everyone singing his praises. He smoothly leaned himself against his man.

He slightly hooked his lips and strode forward to stand beside the young Marquis in a natural posture, his voice low and gentle, as if he already knew.

The two were about the same height, making the young Marquis not look too out of place like this. In fact, the close intimacy between the couple was visible to all.

The people surrounding them immediately lowered their voices, as if they were afraid of disturbing the couple if they spoke too loudly.

But Qin Yunsheng didn’t pay attention to them.

From the moment he stepped through the door, the officer’s attention was focused on Shi Qing alone.

He just smiled and slowly relaxed his muscles while standing so that the young Marquis could lean against his body more comfortably.

The young man was completely blindsided. He was hoping that the person who just came in with him, Qin Yunsheng, would ask about whatever was going on here.

However, Qin Yunsheng didn’t ask a single question. He just softly watched over Shi Qing and let his boyfriend use his body as a backrest.

The young man: “……”

He had no choice but to do it himself.

Tentatively approaching with some embarra.s.sment, he chose to whisper to one of his colleagues instead of the man himself.

“Why are you guys so happy today? Did something good happen?”

The colleague excitedly blurted out: “Professor Shi developed artificial nerves!”


The young man’s exclamation was so loud his voice cracked.

“Artificial nerves?!!!”

“Are you serious?!!!”

Shi Yiyi, who was just about to walk in, was stunned when she heard this.

Although her main objective for coming to the Inst.i.tute was to approach the k2018;Invisible Prince’, she still got in fair and square. Of course she knew what the words k2018;artificial nerves’ signified.

Shi Yiyi hurried in without a second thought. “Artificial nerves? Was someone researching them?”

Artificial nerves were an advanced technology that many people wanted to create because of their many potential applications. Whoever managed to make a breakthrough in this area would be a hero to both the country and its people.

If Shi Yiyi wanted to successfully marry the ‘Hidden Prince’, she needed accomplishments to her name. Therefore, she had been jumping between disciplines and projects like mad. She would shamelessly sidle into any research that seemed impressive on paper to build a name for herself.

If other topics looked like big tender pork chops to Shi Yiyi, then ‘artificial nerves’ would be like the entire pig farm.

She had to get involved in such a golden opportunity.

Shi Yiyi strode in confidently.


Qin Yunsheng never took his eyes off of his little boyfriend.

So he was the first to notice the way Shi Qing straightened up once he saw Shi Yiyi come sauntering in.

As soon as he heard Shi Yiyi’s eager question, the young Marquis also seemed to become excited.

The person who responded with short one-word replies to praise before actually stood up voluntarily now. As he raised his chin slightly, Shi Qing’s comely features practically screamed, “I’m so awesome” in capital letters.

His voice was also arrogant and haughty. “That person would be me.”

Shi Yiyi: “…You?”

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Shi Qing…

Alright she really didn’t believe Shi Qing.

How could a guy like Shi Qing, who dedicated his life to fooling around and having fun, who shamelessly watched movies like a young master while at work, who even sent other people to buy his food…

How could he develop artificial nerves???

Haha, very funny. Why don’t you just say that the sun rose from the west? At least that would be an easier thing to convince people of.

The young Marquis, however, didn’t mind his cousin’s att.i.tude at all. He snorted proudly and defiantly. “You’re just too jealous to acknowledge my talent.”

Shi Yiyi was infuriated by Shi Qing’s look of contempt.

What gave Shi Qing the right to look at her like that?

Because he was the Duke’s son? Because he was born the heir to both the t.i.tle and the family fortune?

She was also related to the duke! She also grew up in his household! How was she inferior to Shi Qing in any way? How was it fair for the Duke to leave everything to Shi Qing?

“Me, jealous of you?? You have talents?? Can a guy like you have talents?? There are so many people in our department, you can ask any of them if they think you’re talented!”

Shi Yiyi was very confident in her words.

She stood back with folded arms and even a bit of pride as she waited for Shi Qing to be humiliated by a roomful of silence.

She knew that, even if Shi Qing had developed a chip for drones before, the way he had acted in the office recently had upset a lot of people.

She also overheard that young man quietly badmouthing Shi Qing before.

The entire department would definitely stand on her side!


The colleague standing closest to her looked at Shi Yiyi somewhat hesitantly, “Yiyi, you shouldn’t say it like that. Professor Shi is actually very capable.”

After he spoke, it was like a dam broke in the room as everyone started chiming in.

“Yeah Yiyi, Professor Shi is very talented. Just look at the artificial nerve he developed! That’s something even many of our seniors couldn’t do.”

“Professor Shi actually made it so he’s a genius! I still feel like I’m dreaming right now… I feel so lightheaded… Ow! Why did you pinch me?!”

The colleague who pinched him silently withdrew his hand: “To help you see if you’re dreaming.”

Shi Yiyi: “???”

Now it was her turn to question if she was dreaming.

Did all these people get replaced by aliens or something? Why are they saying the exact opposite of what they said before??

She was already p.i.s.sed off, but Shi Qing just had to wiggle his eyebrows provocatively at her at that moment. That d.a.m.ned handsome face of his even had a faint smile on it.

“As you can see, cousin, they like me and think that I’m very talented.”

The young Marquis added, “But that’s only to be expected. I am, after all, good looking as well. Even my boyfriend likes me a lot.”

Shi Qing then tilted his head and proudly nuzzled the officer’s firm pecs through his clothes.

He looked like an evil fox demon who just seduced his next victim.

Shi Yiyi: “……”

She was so p.i.s.sed off that her nose prosthesis was in danger of falling.

Wasn’t her cousin an easy target that fell for her schemes before?! Did he evolve or something?!?

Shi Yiyi grit her teeth. She already exposed her true self last time, so there was no harm in doing it again. She looked around coldly.

“Do you really think Shi Qing is what he says he is? Did you all forget so quickly how he was snacking and playing games on his computer while the rest of us worked hard?!!”

How could you forget something like that?

But just because you couldn’t forget didn’t mean you couldn’t forgive, ah.

Colleague 1: “Yiyi, calm down first. Professor Shi wasn’t playing games on his computer, he was a.n.a.lyzing data!”

Colleague 2: “Even if he was playing on his computer, he still managed to make artificial nerves! That’s something the rest of us couldn’t do in a lifetime, so doesn’t it further prove that he’s a talented genius?”

Colleague 3: “So what if he snacks? There’s no rule saying we can’t eat them in the office. After working so hard, it’s understandable that Professor Shi needs the extra boost of energy.”

After spewing out complete bulls.h.i.t, the three people looked at one another and nodded like they completely believed in their words.

To them, arrogance and laziness were not necessarily deal breakers.

A salty fish with the traits above that couldn’t accomplish anything would be treated with disdain.

But a big big bigshot with those traits would be treated like a religious idol.

Might makes right.

Shi Yiyi: “……”

She couldn’t believe that not one person in the room understood!

She immediately turned to the young man she remembered badmouthing Shi Qing before.

But the guy who complained in private about “how can an admirable guy like Qin-ge get with Professor Shi” was now dreamily looking at Shi Qing’s computer screen.

He was mumbling under his breath.

“Qin-ge! You have such a good eye for people!”

Shi Yiyi: “…”

She looked at Qin Yunsheng again. The officer has always remained uninvolved in matters related to research. He was now silently gazing at the young Marquis with overflowing tenderness in his slightly downcast eyes.

Shi Yiyi began to suspect that she was the one who had gone mad.

It was either that or the whole world had!

She laughed ominously as she backed up to the door and slammed it on her way out.

“Just you all wait! Shi Qing’s true character will be exposed sooner or later!!”

Shi Yiyi’s arrival and departure went unremarked.

Because everyone was busy kissing a.s.s.

“Professor Shi, if you announce that you’ve successfully made artificial nerves, you’ll definitely win an award!”

“Yes, and it would be the talk of the nation!”

“Professor Shi, may I see the prototype? Please, Professor Shi, I would die for a look!”

Shi Qing was like the moon being held up by the stars, but he had none of his earlier enthusiasm when dealing with Shi Yiyi.

He asked, “If I make an announcement, will there be reporters willing to do an interview?”

“Not just that!” someone immediately replied, “Since this is such a huge discovery, maybe the royal family channel’s reporters will come too!”

Shi Qing looked thoughtful as he turned to ask his boyfriend behind him, “Do you think so too?”

Qin Yunsheng had protected many people so he knew quite a bit. Seeing the pretty eyes of his little boyfriend shining so brightly, he nodded immediately and affirmed, “Yes.”

Even if they didn’t, one of his army buddies who went to work at a TV station after retirement owed him a favour.

Shi Qing’s eyes brightened even more after receiving an affirmative answer.

He turned around with an uncharacteristically joyful expression and started typing rapidly on his laptop.

The others didn’t know what he was doing. They wanted to take a peek, but that wouldn’t be polite.

Shi Qing stopped typing after a while and made a few clicks with his mouse.

Then everyone heard the office printer start up.

The machine soon spat out a stack of pages.

Everyone craned their necks to see what was written.

Was it a new research idea?

A description of the development process?

The results?

The young Marquis then picked up the stack and handed them out page by page to everyone present except for Qin Yunsheng.

His lips curled up, smiling at least eight times nicer than usual. He said tenderly, “Everyone take one. Just say what’s on the page when you’re being interviewed.”

Everyone: Huh?

They looked down blankly at the paper in their hands.

There were only a few lines written in crisp black and white on it.

‘Professor Shi is kind and good-tempered. He is a serious and hard-working man who foregoes both sleep and food for the sake of his research. Even during his breaks, he is often seen holding a book. We all admire him greatly.’

‘He shows respect for his profession and is friendly towards his colleagues. He is considerate to his loved ones, but has extremely strict requirements for himself. He has never been selfish or lax; a true role model that we aspire to imitate. In the face of praise, he accepts it graciously, remaining humble and even a bit shy.’

P.S.: If the media asks what Professor Shi’s favorite saying is, the answer is as follows

— A wealthy, strong and democratic nation will naturally be harmonious.

— By being respectful of the law and remaining patriotic, our society will remain honest and friendly.